Rudys Journey

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#1 of Rudys journey

Rudy's' journey by Raven Fox a story requested by a friend: A young human male is sent to another planet after Earth is taken over by an alien race. (Authors note: My friend requested a long story not being broken down in chapters and I am still writing it. I am breaking this story down to multiple chapters for this website. RAVEN FOX)

An unknown place on the conquered planet Earth.

Rudy an eighteen year old human male stood in line with the remains of the Army unit against a wall. He ran a hand thru his cropped raven black hair blinking his blue eyes. One of the humanoids pacing the line of humans swung at him in the abdominal area making him yell in pain.

The humanoid who struck him earned a kick from the one behind him causing him to fall on his face, "Watch yourself, this batch is going to be first choice of the traitors who helped us. They are going to the home world with the ones they chose." Said the one who kicked and kicked the striker again causing him to fall again.

A minute later, a group of humans walked in looking at the military men. Rudy watched as a few of his comrades spat at the group. He flinched as the spatters were shot dead causing him to close his eyes. The male human wasn't a violent person, he did his share of rough sports and hunting and fishing. Rudy didn't want to join the uniform services yet. He wanted to go thru college so he can get in to either the Air force or Naval academy to become a pilot. But the dreams were smashed six months ago for the human when an alien race started attacks on the Earth and the president of the United States reinstated the draft. Rudy ended up being drafted a few months ago and captured a few days ago during the attempted retaking of the state Washington.

A rough hand grabbed the young humans' head causing him to open his eyes. An older human male is looking at him grinning, "I'll take this one because I love them young." He said in an odd tone stroking Rudy's' face, "Plus raven hair with blue eyes, a rare combination which I find sexy."

Rudy felt his skin crawl looking at the guy with brown hair who must have been in his fifties. He had a few gay friends while growing up and he knew a few gay guys in his unit. The guy who wants him is not a member of the group who called themselves the gay community; he is a member of the sickos known as child molesters.

"Hey baby raper; you're not one of us. You're a sick pervert who likes to have sex with little boys." Said a gay friend of Rudy who treated him as an older brother and didn't do any moves to him because Rudy is asexual. He was killed by another shoot.

The ones who were chosen were marched to a waiting ship after getting a couple injections. Rudy saw a bunch of human females marched onto the ship to a different section. He noted that the captives were wearing only two piece bikinis. The male human look at the Speedo he's wearing and looked at the dark interior of the space he's going to.

Rudy sighed after the door close at his cell looking at the dim light laminating the cell. He held his head feeling his eyes water because he saw one of his best friends getting killed because he stood up for him. The human thought of the gay community as another group of people. Rudy didn't give a dam of what they did in the bedroom because it was none of his business. He was friends with some lesbians to and was friends with a bi-sexual female till he was drafted. The male human chuckled to himself remembering the female telling him that she had the hots for his older sister. Rudy felt the ship shuddered as it took off.

A day later he was thinking when the ship shuddered as it was attacked. The beings have enemies, a very high tech race of canine morphs. Unknown to the beings, the canine morphs can track ships in hyper-space with a type of fighter that can chase a ship in hyper-space.

Minutes earlier, a fighter on patrol.

Eseck, a male anthro wolf moved his advanced fighter after it achieved orbit to his patrol area. The male canine cracked his neck to stretch his muscles in his neck. He started to watch the display screen with his very light blue eyes.

A minute later, an alarm sounded with an icon heading to his area. The onboard computer identified the contact as a Wrick transport. Eseck bared his teeth in his helmet remembering that the hated race conquered the planet Earth six months ago with the planet falling into their rule a little over a week ago. The wolf touch the icon on the screen and double tap the icon with a message saying: Wish to intercept? He clicked yes feeling the fighter streaking to intercept the transport. The fighters' computer sent an encrypted message to command to let them know why a patrol fighter suddenly went to hyper-space.

The wolf watched as the transport appeared in front of his fighter in the hyper-space tunnel with swirling blue colors. Eseck grinned baring his teeth as his thumb hovered over the cannon switch, then his thumb pressed on the cannon switch. He watch as the plasma bolts struck the transport causing the hyper-space tunnel to collapse as the faster than light engines were damaged. The wolf expertly maneuvered his fighter as the two vehicles exited hyper-space keeping his guns at the transports' engines disabling them. He grinned as the transport entered his planets atmosphere and had the scanners calculate where the transport is going to crash at. Eseck called on the com channel, "Base, enemy transport is going to impact at the large clearing North of the town of York, about five miles north of the town."

"Patrol 56998, follow enemy transport and advise of any deviations. We're alerting the military unit stationed there." Came the reply from his base.

Eseck watched as the transport entered the atmosphere knowing that he will get an added bonus to his next paycheck, "Got you bastards, that's for Earth. I really liked that planet and so does my sister who happens to have a male human mate from that planet."

Inside the doomed transport.

Rudy grabbed the bars to his cell when the transport came under attack. The human male was going to the enemy planet was put in prison cells during certain hours of the day before the sleep cycle. He felt weapons impact on the hull of the transport knowing that they were under attack. Rudy felt the temperature increase feeling his body starting to sweat and beads running on his naked skinny body. He really hated the thong that he's forced to wear at the moment, "It would be a lot better if I can wear a normal pair of underwear instead of this dam strip of fabric riding the crack of my ass." Rudy thought to himself rearranging the troublesome thong. The human male thought of his friends at a different level. He knew that his friends in question were at different sections of the ship.

Outside of the transport a canine fighter.

The wolf watched as the enemy transport impacted on the ground and slide tearing up a couple miles of clearing and broke apart when it entered the forest. Eseck watched the rear section skidded a half mile more coming resting near a river, "Base this is patrol 56998, transport is down and broke in two sections. Front part is in the clearing with the aft section half a mile in the forest by the river. Military units are a half a mile away from the wreckage; I'll stay orbiting till area is secure." He said in the com unit and heard the reply.

Inside the transport, minutes later.

Rudy woke up yelling looking at his right arm which was bent at the middle of his forearm with pink white colored bone ends sticking out. He felt a numbness seeing a silver flow exiting the wound completely covering it. The human male went to move his left hand, but his left arm went limp as it was paralyzed. All what Rudy can do is watch as his right arm went straight and the silver flow went back in the wound, but the wound was gone as if it never existed.

"Nanites, those bastards put them inside you when you're unconscious. They stop suicide attempts, I tried cutting my wrists open, but they sealed up the wounds. Stand back; I am popping this door open." Said a human female with dark brown hair and large breasts from the outside holding a piece of wreckage.

Inside his cell, Rudy still couldn't move his arms. He watched as the human female wearing a skimpy two piece bikini somehow popped the door opened. The human male regained movement of his arms when the door opened and he followed the human female, "We better be alert, who ever shot down this transport will be here soon."

The human female nodded as they went down the passageway to find away off this doomed ship hearing voices getting closer from behind. She told Rudy that she use to be a flat chested nerdy female and how she was altered telling her name is Tifa. A few minutes later and talking to each other, the human female let out a sigh when sounds got louder behind them. She urged Rudy that they're almost out, but they ended up at a place with lots of wreckage in the passageway, "Get out, they're close, save yourself."

The human male snapped a salute sighing, and crawled underneath the wreckage. Rudy cursed whoever wanted a female with big breasts because he didn't like leaving people to save himself. After he squeezed thru, he looked back at the female who helped him out and now he's abandoning her due to her large breasts keeping her from squeezing under the wreckage in the hall. The human male saw something that boggled his mind.

The female known as Tifa saw eight tall muscled male athro wolves running up to her. A strange sensation went thru her as one walked up to her.

"Earthling female slaves, they captured the best looking ones to ship back to their home world. I get disgusted every time we rescue a transport load of them, their will is broken and we half to help rebuild their humanity." Said the commander to Eseck with a bit of a growl in his voice.

Eseck never saw a human female in person, this specimen reminds him of the females of his kind by her build. He looked at her hazel colored eyes saw a look of fright, "Be calm lady, we're here to rescue you."

Tifa went 100% human female furry, a few minutes before showing affection to a male morph was her dream due to the human female furry feelings. She straightens out her outfit and hugged the male wolf that spoke to her, "Who are you? I was kidnapped from Earth to become someone's sex slave." The human female rested her head on the muscular chest of the male wolf, "I am cold, I need something to cover me and someone to tell me that I am safe from those bastards that messed up my planet."

The commander felt sorry for the Earthling female hugging the fighter pilot. The wolf turned to the unit, "Someone hand me a blanket and escort this female outside to the medical frigate. A wolf walked up handing the commander a blanket.

The human female covered herself up and looked at Eseck, "Can you escort me off this ship?" Then she remembered Rudy, "Oh, there's a scared male who crawled under this wreckage to escape. I am sorry; we thought we were being chased by prison guards."

"It's ok, we'll find him and he will not be harmed." The commander replied taking out a device, "Unit 6, go up one level go forward to the next set of steps and back to this level. Remember, he will be scared and try to elude you." He sighed at the looks of excitement of the squad because a male wolf morph likes to track down a runaway.

Eseck walked the female off the ship; right now the guilt of shooting down the transport left his mind because he saved this female from a life of slavery. The wolf escorted the female to a medical ship parked nearby. He growled at the group of personal who operated the transport being escorted to a prison shuttle.

"Flight Lt. Eseck, another Earthling female, we found almost one hundred on this slave ship." The guard at the medical ship replied giving Tifa a kind look and spat at the wrecked ship, "Take her in and we'll check her over. I hope our government will intervene on Earths' behalf soon, maybe this shipment will do something soon."

"Kill them all, they killed my family and I am all by myself now." Replied Tifa holding on to the wolf for protection as she was escorted in the medical ship.

Minutes later Eseck is sitting near the bed Tifa is sleeping in. He programmed his fighter to return to base with his portable computer. The wolf sent a detailed report of the cargo of the transport and how part of the cargo wouldn't let him out of her sight. His commanding officer gave him a day's leave and will be at the hospital in a day to take a more detailed report.

Back at the transport, time when the wolves caught Tifa.

Rudy watched as Tifa walked away with a wolf wearing a different type of uniform, "Imprinting, she fell in love with that wolf. I better make myself scarce because I don't want to fall in love with a wolf." He thought to himself to find a way to get out of this ship.

Minutes later, the human male found himself at a different section of the ship. He found an unconscious body on the floor, "Good, I am stealing your underwear, have fun wearing a thong." Rudy said and went to work removing the clothing off the unconscious crewmember.

A few minutes later, the two wolves tracking Rudy came across the unconscious male crewmember wearing a bikini thong. Their laughter woke up the guard who ended up cuffed to a structure. He ended being teased when a squad took him in custody.

"We better double check any crewmembers we run across so we won't ending up hurting that Earthling male." Replied one of the wolves.

"I already let the rest of the unit know what he did. Wricks don't have young male crewmembers on their transports. So we got to keep our eyes peeled for a crewmember who's' uniform is fitting loose." The wolf grinned and he said to his partner with a tone of amusement, "He's clever in changing his clothing because he was described as having a skinny thin build."

Ahead in the passage.

The human male finished doing adjustments to the uniform he stolen and continued looking for a way out of this ship. Rudy noticed that the air seem fresher and started to feel a breeze. Excitement made his heart beat faster as the orange glow of the emergency lighting changed to a different tone as he came to the area where the ship broke in half.

The two wolves following him noticed the change in the air, "We better hurry, he's going to get away from us." They saw him looking at the outside, "Hey wait, we want to talk to you."

Rudy saw the two wolves running up to him. He grinned at them snapping a salute, "Close, but no cigar, you almost had me. Better luck next time in catching me." The human male dove off the ship into the river that was forty five feet under him.

The wolves saw him surfaced and saw the Earthling male grin at them and swam away down the river, "Don't worry, I had my camera recording. We better report this, maybe a squad will get him." Said one of the wolves.

The other nodded and reported the escape to the commander. A minute later they turned around and started walking to the other part of the ship, "Dam Wricks, I hope we get a chance to teach them a painful lesson." Said one of the wolves.

A quarter mile downstream.

Rudy got to the shore coughing the water out of his lungs looking at the wrecked ship in the distance. He watched as a squad of wolves walking to his place sniffing the air, "Dam, I better find a place to hide or they will catch me." The human male muttered to himself and being bold, he crept back to the camp the wolves set up near the wrecked starship.

Walking along the river shore, Lei a female black wolf with black head hair stopped and noticed footprints coming out of the river. The lupine placed her nose on the ground following the scent to where it leads. She followed as it went different directions and she stopped following it. Lei grinned to her squad, "He's trying to pull one on us, he's heading back to the camp." The wolf got her com unit, "Base, this is squad 8, he's backtracking back to the camp. I think he might try stowing away on one of our transports. Better increase the guards to the transports."

"Base reads your transmission squad 8, make you way back to camp and keep an eye out for him. I am advising the commander of your suggestion Lei." Replied the voice from base.

Hours later, Lei did a hand signal to her squad and watched as the wolves spread out watching everywhere, "Other than our sharp sense of smell, we have very sharp eyesight human. I hope I catch you because you're making this very fun for me and my men. Six hours and I still haven't caught you." The wolf thought with amusement and followed her men back to the camp. Unknown to her in the bushes, a human male wearing the uniform of a Wrick crewmember followed the wolf back to camp.

Tifas' hospital room.

Tifa woke up and saw an older male wolf talking to her friend Eseck. She watched with eyes half shut as the wolves talked to each other.

"He dove forty feet in to the river rather than surrender to a squad?" Asked Eseck to his commanding officer.

The commanding officer was about to speck when a female voice replied, "He is military and had been trained in evading capture from the enemy. I was told by Rudy that he spent two days of interrogation by those bastards that conquered our planet. Imagine his point of view, he and his squad was captured, then spent two days of who knows what by the enemy. Then forced on a transport to go to an alien planet, then the transport he's on gets shot down and crashes on an unknown planet." Tifa does an apologetic look to the wolves, "One thing that's a big shock to him is...Beings like you have never been seen by humans and he might be afraid of you guys."

"I understand that you humans never seen people like us before. We prefer the term morphs, just don't call us werewolves." Said the commanding officer with a slight grin. He didn't want to do a full grin or he might scare the human female showing his teeth.

The human female spent some time telling the wolves of what she has been thru by her change from a flat chest female to a busty female. She did some telling of her brief acquaintance with Rudy before she was trapped by the wreckage in the passageway causing Rudy to squeeze under the debris. Tifa did some cursing of her new breasts because with her old breasts, she could of squeeze under the debris. Unknown to her, the commanding officer had a micro recorder going recording this conversation. He's going to give a copy to intelligence and another to the government.

Crash site, canine military camp.

"Ok, they have foxes to at this camp." Mused Rudy as he watched the vulpines going about their routine. He saw a good size vehicle take off while he was in the river. The vehicle in question has medical markings on it. The human male waited till the sun set and the sky grew darker. Rudy waited, then he slinked around the temporary structures. The current plan he had is to steal a uniform and stowaway on a transport to a town, "Then decide what to do next." The human male thought to himself watching a couple of female foxes go inside a structure.

"That's it, the trap is set." Replied Sally putting a bundle on a shelf. The vixen looked at the entrance and at her friend Riku.

"So, what's the trap for?" Asked Riku with puzzlement on her features.

The other fox looked around again grinning, "A human male that was on this transport eluded Lei and her squad of trackers. She's a little peeved at the moment and doesn't want a blemish on her perfect record." Answered Sally with a chuckle as the vixens left the shelter. They turned a corner and looked around the corner waiting.

Rudy snuck in the structure looking at his surroundings taking in the place. He saw shelves with boxes and different size cans. A cloth bag that looked like a gym bag caught the males' attention. Rudy opened the bag seeing the uniform that the foxes wear. He grinned taking off his Wrick uniform down to bare skin.

Sally looked thru a window and saw a human male take off the clothing he's wearing. She watched as the human male remove the ugly yellow color undershirt exposing his skinny trimmed body. The vixen felt wetness in her pants when the male turned toward her and her friend, "Riku you nympho, are you fingering yourself?" Sally whispered to her friend seeing one of the vixens' hands down playing with herself. She looked at the lightly muscled hairless body with a large penis and she put a hand down in her underwear and started to finger her vulva.

The human male put on a white T-shirt. Rudy put on a pair of underwear noticing that it was too tight in the ass plus the hole for a tail with a type of button for the waistband. He put on the shirt and put on the pants feeling the same tightness in the ass. Thinking to himself, the human male looked at the ugly yellow undershirt ripping it up and started making footwear. This delay will cost him.

"UH, yesss, that is the best looking ass I've ever seen, that skinny build, no wonder our females take one as a mate once in a while. Riku, you better have a recording of this or I'll slap you." Sally said moaning to herself. She heard her best friend moan.

"Yes I got it, got it all. Better call Lei right now." Answered Riku holding a small camera. She heard her friend do a radio call.

Rudy finished tying on the footwear he made. The human male stood up and adjusted the uniform and took another look at the bag for anything more useful. He took out a piece of paper and read it. LOOK BEHIND YOU. Rudy looked at the door sighing putting up his hands.

At the doorway are four wolves and the two vixens that he saw carrying the bag. The vixens were looking at him and the female wolf had a grin on her muzzle, "Come with us, you were a fun chase human." Said the female wolf.

The human male walked outside and the four wolves stayed at all four points surrounding him, "Not taking any chances of me making a break for it." Rudy thought to himself following the wolves to a temporary structure.

Lei grinned to herself knowing that her perfect tracking record is intact. She keyed her com device, "Commander, I have him custody."

"Affirmative, bring him to me. I wish to have a word with him. He almost put a blemish on your perfect record; I am looking forward in meeting him." Said the reply.

The wolf clicked off her com unit and looked behind her at the human male following her. She was told that he's part of the Earths' military and she saw him looking back at her with a grin, "I better have extra guards posted on him, he's looking for a weakness to exploit, I would." Lei thought to herself as she passed the guards at the command post.

The commander Dirk watched as his best tracker walked in with three other wolves with a human male wearing one of their uniforms. He saw that it's the uniform issued to the foxes in his command and it was a size to small for the human male. The wolf noticed that he is a little taller than the tallest fox and his body is thicker really stretching the shirt at his chest, "So, you're military, my squads really had a fun time in getting you. Let's start with the questioning of how things are at Earth. You see, the beings who conquered your world are enemies of ours which explains the transport you were on getting shot down. For the pass six months we've been waiting for permission from the galaxy of planets to start a campaign in taking the planet Earth from our enemies. I must admit, you Earthlings put a good fight for them to take five and half months to take over your planet."

"Not all of it, there's some places in the middle of the United States still fighting them. There are a few areas in Wyoming, Idaho and Utah that have a crazy with firearm to put a cap in one of them. As long there's a patriot with a firearm or weapon, their stay on my planet will be uncomfortable." Rudy said in an even tone earning a few grins. He saw a look of amusement from the wolf that caught him.

The commander nodded looking at the human male who almost eluded his best tracker. He finally decided what to do with him after having a talk with Rudy.

Tifa's hospital room.

Eseck looked at the night sky admiring the very large moon Genesis rising. To any casual observer, the view will have them engrossed for hours. He sighed and looked back at the sleeping form on the bed watching her sleep. The wolf turned back to the outside view looking at the smaller moon Exodus behind the larger one. Eseck ended up being engrossed in the view as the room ended being lit by the silver glow.

"Can I stand next to you Eseck?" Asked Tifa standing by the bed. She was relieved by his nod. The human female stood next to him looking at the view, "It's beautiful, I bet it looks neat from a spaceship."

The wolf nodded and looked at the human female seeing how the silver glow of the moon gave her skin a lovely glow, "How are you feeling, do you need something to help you sleep?"

"I really don't want to take any drugs at the moment after I been thru in the last few weeks. Just need the other thing to put me asleep." She said dropping the night gown exposing her athletic body and firm large breasts.

He just stared at the naked Earthling standing in front of him. Eseck just stayed mute as Tifa untied the shirt he's wearing and stroked his muscular chest, "Are you sure?"

She grabbed the bulge on his pants, "Yes my alpha, I think they did something to make me fall in love with a male with authority and you fly fighters. One other thing, I was a member of the furry community at my home and I am really curious. Do you male wolves have a knot on your penis?"

Eseck is gently pushed to the wall and felt the human female remove his pants. He gasped as he ended up getting his first session of oral sex causing him breathe thru his teeth. Then the wolf felt Tifa massage his ass and seconds later she gently massage his large testicles, "Dam, I think I am in love." Eseck thought to himself as the human female moved him to the bed making him lay down while she's still giving him oral sex. He looked at her when she stopped and sat on his abdomen looking at him. The wolf liked the looks of her body other than lacking a pelt. Eseck saw her get up a little giving him a view of her vulva with no hair on it. He heard of human females have fine hair at the area, but he heard of some Earthling females shaving that area, "Better ask her to grow the hair at that area." The wolf thought to himself as his unsheathed penis slide inside Tifa. Eseck felt her running her fingers on his chest and felt her kiss his muzzle.

Tifa did felt a little pain when she forced the wolfs' large unsheathed penis inside her, but the pain passed after a second. She felt great and better now that her curiosity was satisfied and now the she's making love with this lovely male wolf, "Maybe I'll sleep better when this is over." Tifa thought to herself as she kissed Esecks' muzzle.

End of chapter one