Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 6: Time to love

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#6 of Season of the Black Rose Series

Phew! in time for the holiday season!

Springtide of the Black Rose

Chapter 6

Time to Love

By Rhyne Hentzel

The sunlight shined through the Loft bedroom's interior window, casting its rays across the room towards Rociel's hammock, as she lied next to Siria in peaceful slumber. The heat of the light grazed her normally lax ears, reacting to the faint temperature change before rolling out of her bed to fall on the floor on her backside. An audible "Ouch" was heard but not from the Hyena herself, accidentally landing on one of her Crab drones embedded with one of ABEL's descendants.

Rociel moved on her side to release the active robotic explorer from the prison of her hindquarters then looked at him with glare, "Who turned you on #2" she asked the AI. The Robot looked back at her with his visual sensors, "Your sister did! Bow chicka wow wow!" he crudely humored, monopolizing the opportunity to aggravate her. She looked at him with a disdainful glint in her, grabbing her then pitching him the down the staircase as punishment, "Fucker..." she muttered, her eyes half-open.

The Crossbreed yawned, standing up and walking towards a Mirror in the corner of the bedroom, posing in the buff in front of it. Rociel always enjoyed her own reflection, exercising her self-esteem, letting her hands wander across her body's contours, squeezing her feminine attributes to test the firmness of them, "I am a beautiful, confident, erotic, independent young woman..." she said to herself. Her eyes soon looked downward between her thighs, frowning somewhat at her own unique 'anatomy', "This is what makes me confident, this is what makes me erotic! I have something that other women want and this is what empowers me as a woman... though everyone thinks I am a freak for it" She continued, a little disappointed in herself for some reason.

Her mother popped from the first floor, accidentally climbing up into Rociel's bedroom without forewarning, witnessing the self-loathing reflection in the mirror. Jacklyn awkwardly paused for a minute once she reached the top step, realizing what was going on for a brief moment, "I guess its my turn today to give everyone the freaking 'talk'... Let me guess, you are feeling self-conscious about your 'inheritance'?" she said, judging by the way her daughter was looking at herself before taking a seat on the carpet. Rociel sat down on the floor with her to show her respect with a sense of doubt in her heart, "Mom... why does everyone look at me strange when they see my clitoris?" she asked, figuring to seize the opportunity for this conversation.

Jacklyn sighed, contemplating how to explain it properly, "Ehh... It's kind of hard to tell you, for girls it's a mix of jealousy and curiousity while on the hand for guys, they can feel either threatened or turned on by it. You're not the only crossbreed to ask this question in the history of questions, we're the lucky ones to be honest. We got the knowledge of what's it like from a man's perspective and any guy who you pin is gonna be lucky." She explained, slightly uncomfortable that she was stuck with two sexually curious teenagers at home. Rociel smiled, feeling slightly better about her 'femininity', "Thanks mom..." she said, wrapping her arms around the Elder Crossbreed's shoulders. Her mother took a deep breath, relieved she didn't have to explain anything further, "It's alright RoRo...You're doing fine Siria, besides I'm not expecting any grandkids out of you anyway!" she replied, obviously teasing her daughter for her own entertainment.

The hairs on the back of Rociel's neck stood up, irritated by her Mother's sarcastic wit, before slamming mother down on the floor in a Lock as they started wrestling with one another. It was always one of Rociel's goals to beat her mother in wrestling, ever since she was little despite the outcome of Jacklyn always coming out victorious. Siria woke up for a brief moment from her sleep to see the two fighting but immediately fell back asleep due to her anti-hallucinogenic medication wearing off.

While the pair of hyenas were busy spending quality time with one another, Celestine was downstairs reading a book she grabbed from the bookshelf adjacent to their family computer. She idly flipped through the pages of "Bonobos: The Psychology of the Peaceful Primate", "I wonder what Erika's up to?" she pondered, smiling at herself with a feminine pride. The rabbit tugged and tweaked at her ears, "I hope they took my advice...Love-Hate relationships are always fun to see work out!" she said.

Miles away in Akira's home, Kenashi awoke with his head on Erika's lap who was passed out from last night. He looked up before sitting himself, fortunately free from his bindings, "Finally, freedom!" he thought, eyeing the door until he felt her hand on his shoulder. She yawned, waking up "Where do you think you're going? We have to talk..." the young vixen stated, scowling at him from behind.

Ken's ears pinned down against his head, thinking of a way to escape from the situation, "Err... I got to think fast or she'll probably beat my ass like... Bingo!" he thought with an idea popping up shortly after. He immediately turned around, lunging himself at Erika, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace, "I am sorry for being such a bastard to you baby!" he proudly said. She was utterly flabberghasted, her face turned bright red beneath her fur, "Wait, What the fuck is going?" she said breathtakenly.

Erika pushed him off then retreated against the backboard of her bed, "Okay what have you done to real Kenashi, and where is he?" she said, finding this display of affection out of the ordinary. Ken looked at her, sticking his tongue out in a playful manner, "I'm right here you beautiful bitch!" he teased, swaying his bushy tail from side to side. She stared at him confused, "Umm...well, apology accepted I guess... Why are you being all nice to me of sudden when you've abused me and treated me like shit?" she questioned, trying to figure out his motive.

Ken devilishly grinned at her, "Oh a little flower told me a few things in the middle of the night..." he answered, remembering Celestine talking his ear off after Erika fell asleep. The Vixen flared her nostrils at him, knowing whom he was referring to "She really told you all that stuff!... I guess I can't be mad at her for being honest." She said, Recalling Cell told her about her own mental condition. He giggled slightly, "Yeah, she actually put me to sleep just by talking, and hugged me... Granted, possibly the only chance I'd ever get to touch her naked without Rociel beating my ass!" he said.

Erika gazed at him confused before slipping from away from his arms, "Oh yeah... she told she was about to gut your pathetic ass at school. I guess she took your pride along with your cojones..." She said, snapping at him. Ken glared beadily at his companion, "Whatever you say 'O'!" he jeered, recalling Celestine mentioned Erika's favorite 'dark' novel centered on a Parisian fashion photographer. The vixen's face brightened crimson underneath her fur, "I bet your don't even know what that story is even about dumbass!" she hissed, her cheeks flush as her heart began beating faster.

The Umber Fox grinned, taking a shot in the dark, "Let me guess, it's all about that kinky leather stuff with chains, whips, and rope?" He said. Erika seemed dejected in her expression, "... Well, yeah... but the only time we ever had sex is just for you fuck with my head! You never bothered to ask what I like..." she replied, disappointed in her prior experiences with Kenashi. He sighed, mentally battered from the latter of his week, "Sure, I'd like to try it. Might as well since I got my ass handed to me by a Chic with a nasty temper and dragged me out in the middle of woods to shoot a Buck in the back of the head then force me to eat its heart out..." he stated, bluntly summarizing his entire week.

Erika deadpanned at him in surprise, "You really... that's kind of Badass! Did you keep the pelt? I want to see it!" she said, her imagination envisioning her 'boyfriend' ripping a Deer's heart out of its chest like a wild savage. Ken looked back at her queerly, "Uhh no, Rociel took it but she gave me the meat. I got it stashed back at my place..." he replied, his brain slowly conjuring the idea to bring her back animal hides. She whined, disheartened by the fact he neglected to get her anything, "At least your got something decent...." She stated.

Kenashi turned his head away for a brief moment, "Anyway... I'm not mad that you slept with Cell. It was kind of fun to watch you two go at it! To be honest, I've been messing around with someone I am not really 'spose to..." he confessed, partially nervous about how the violet vixen would react. She smiled at him but quickly frowned at him, raising her brow "Thanks, she's really cute! But what do you mean by 'someone you're not supposed to'?" she asked, her mind secretly fearing the answer. The teenaged Vulpine cringed, "Iramei's little sister Daiko... She is kind of blackmailing me and I can't think of a way out of it without her canning me in the process." He admitted, somewhat ashamed that he told her in the first place.

Erika's ears perked up and her nostrils flared before placing both her palms against her face, "Kenny, you fucking dumbass! Do you know why she's even doing online school in the first place? She got kicked out from public for jilling off bathroom!" she jeered, shocked that he was stupid enough to do something like that in the first place. Ken's ears pinned back against his head, "I didn't know she had problems, I thought it was just hormones and her going through puberty." He replied. The vixen pinched her nasal passage, clenching her eyes shut, "Let me handle this... I'll think of something. Call me next time when you're babysitting her. " she said, figuring this would require an intervention on her part

Ken bowed in gratitude, "Well it looks like you're not that much of a bitch after all!" he teased, giggling as he showed his teeth at her. Erika slapped him across the side of the face, "Shut up! I'm not your pet... just yet. You have to get me a collar first!" she said, hinting towards the idea of shopping. He smiled, "Let's hit the mall. I am kind of stiff from being tied up all night." He said, pulling out his phone to call a cab.

Ten minutes passed, Kenashi and Erika waited outside on the sidewalk for the Taxi until it pulled up to the curb, opening the back door for them. They set off for the Tokay Mall plaza, a complex of stores built to cater to the influx of lower-to-middle class residents and low-cost regional corporate offices. It was part of the City's "Build Up! Not out!" program in order to receive a federal grant for land conservation.

Once they arrived at the mall, Erika was quick to grab her companion by the hand, leading him to a store she remember hearing about several months ago. They arrived at a shop affectionately named "The Scene", a boutique that specialized in selling 'leather' products including cuffs, floggers and a wide of garments. The two walked through the front door with the clerk greeting them eagerly since it was a rather slow day before the vixen started perusing the shop's wares on her own.

Ken wandered off towards the collection of floggers in the corner of the shop, noticing all the varieties that were available, trying to figure out which one to get until he noticed someone very familiar next to him. An elderly striped hyena that visited his home recently who was quick to notice the Fox as he tried to slip away, "Ken where do you think you are going?" Rhyne said while reading a book on Japanese Rope 'Art'. He froze with fear, "Umm... nowhere, Sir. My girlfriend kind of dragged me here... She's into this kind of stuff and I don't know what to get." He said, feeling it would be unwise to lie a 'Shrink'.

The Good doctor closed the book and placed it back on the shelf, turning his attention to Kenashi "Oh! Well, let me help you then!...and please don't call me 'sir', you're not my employee!" Rhyne cheered brightly, happy to share his interests. Ken was slightly apprehensive while he looked over, "Alright... Umm, which one of these should I buy or are they all the same?" he said, picking up one with a rather thick handle with several heavy straps attached to it. The Waterwolf tugged on his lower lip, "Now I'd advise against that one, but I am bias towards floggers with a high sting and very little thud. I don't like leaving bruises and latigo is known for that." He explained.

Ken hastily returned it to the shelf before grabbing another one made with leather Bootlace, "Umm, how about this one?" he asked. Rhyne grinned and cooed, "Ooo! Now that's perfect but a little excessive for a novice, excellent regardless! Bootlace has really no thud to it though with the lightest strike, it stings like hell!" he said, stretching his arms out in the air for a second to combat his own stiffness. "Now, the basics of using such an implement is pretty simple, "If its nice and fat, its safe to whack; if its thin and sinewy, avoid continually" which sums up any parts of the body that has fat tissue like the buttocks, lower and upper back to the sides of the spine along with the shoulders and thighs. Steer away from any parts that aren't composed fat or strong hard bones." he continued, explaining the basics of how to use a flogger safely. The adolescent vulpine looked around the shelves, "I'll guess I take this one. Can you help me find a collar?" he asked, figuring that the Doctor was rather skilled in the field of the bedroom arts.

Rhyne sighed, "I can't exactly help you there but I have someone who could. Kaina, Heel!" he commanded before a 5'6 tall Ashen-furred French loppe came from the next isle over, wrapping her arms around her 'Master'. Kaina hung onto her spouse, "Yes Rhyne? What do you need?" she questioned in an oddly positive tone, wiggling her tail. The Waterwolf shook his head from side to side, "I said, "Heel" not "Hug", though I don't mind hugging. Moving on, help Mr. O here find a collar for his significant other." He dictated with a sense of authority in his voice.

Kaina unlatched from Rhyne then guided Ken to the side of the boutique's interior, "A quick question before we pick out a collar for your girlfriend, how long have you two begin together?" She asked to help determine the type of collar to choose. He took a minute to think about it, "Well, I popped her cherry when she was eight and she's 13 with her birthday is Feburary so that would make five or six years?" he said, uncertain about the time he's known 'Erika'. The Loppe giggled, "Aww that's cute, somewhat disturbing but still adorable! At least you two lasted longer than most marriages... are you planning to marry her?" she commented, recalling reading a news statistic on how couples divorced after a few years of marriage. He blushed, scratching the back of his head, "Well, I don't know if I'd want to actually put a ring on her finger or just live with each other." He explained, unsure what to do in terms of his future.

The Loppe detested the idea of marriage, "My advice, Marriage is Bullhock! Look at me, I'm happy with my partners and we've been together for 20 years." she replied, sharing her experience of romance with him. Ken hummed at the thought, "But there's something I really don't get, why do you let him get away with flirting with my mom?" he questioned, his curiosity peaking. She beamed at him, a glint in her eye suggested something was amiss, "Your mom is a special, we like her." She explained, feeling butterflies in her stomach.

Kaina spotted a black Leather collar with a brass D-ring hanging up on the racks that looked rather discreet but functional for its purpose. She tried grabbing at but was unfortunately too short to reach it, "Ken, you can grab that collar for me on the third row. I can't exactly grab it!" she asked, standing up on the tips of her toes. Kenashi easily pulled it off the hanger, analyzing it for brief moment, feeling the thickness of the double layer collar, stretching it out to test the durability, "This one feels nice..." he said. The charcoal gray-furred rabbit glanced at it, "Well, go find your girlfriend and put it on her! oh and don't forget to make sure you can fit two fingers between the collar and her neck!" she cheered before finding her own companion in the next isle over.

Erika was browsing through the selection of leather garments, namely the skirts and dresses, letting her imagination run loose about all the scenarios she could summon forth in her mind. Kenashi found her in the midst of her fantasies, quietly sneaking up on her from behind before quickly wrapping the collar around her neck, placing his index and middle finger against her throat to ensure it wasn't too snug. She yelped in surprise, as she started panting, feeling the fox's breath on the back of her head before she felt him nibbling on the back of her jawbone.

"What do you think you're doing dumbass! Everyone can see us!" The vixen faintly said with her heart racing from the shock. Ken grinned, finally starting to unravel the inner workings of the other side of the coin, "I think that's what you're after...." he teased, gently blowing across her right cheek. Her chest pounded harder and harder, "... Let's get what we want then go, I'm already staining and I think Cell stole my panties." She said, now realizing that her underwear was missing from her Sunday attire.

They were quick to gather up what the store had to offer, heading to the clerk "Debit or credit?" he asked like the countless hundreds of times in the past. Ken started to pull out his wallet but Rhyne stopped him, "I'll pay for it, Ken. Don't fret about it" he said, placing down his debit card on the counter. The umber-furred fox watched the Hyena pay for the 300$ expense, "Umm thanks Dr. Hentzel... I'll guess I'll see you around." He said, somewhat relieved that his mother didn't have to find out about his 'unorthodox' purchase.

Kenashi and Erika walked out the door with their spoils sealed away in black bags, only for them to run into an unlikely couple minutes after near the Electronics outlet. It was Iramei and Zoya out on their expense paid shopping spree courteous of Rociel's generous 'donation'. The violet-furred vixen looked at the pairing of a Jagpanther and a normally foul-tempered Siberian husky as they seemed to be attuned together, emitting a foul miasma around them.

Erika couldn't resist to snark at the bizarre nature of two walking side by side, "Is it me or did hell just freeze the fuck over with 92% chance of a blizzard? When did this happen?" she jeered, disconcerted by how well the pair went together. Zoya had her usual depressive façade as she glared, "Shut up! At least he isn't a rapist bastard... speaking of which, why are you two here anyway?" she snidely replied, wrapping her arms around Iramei's. The vixen sighed at the canine's immaturity, "Turns out I like rape when it's him and I am slut for him..." she hissed with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Ken was too distracted to pay attention to the girls' conversation. His eyes deadlocked with Ira's in a steadfast focused on each other to see who would win, gritting their teeth to see who would falter. Kenashi grinned and giggled, thinking of something to throw him off, "I fucked your grandma!" he said, accidentally confessing to something he actually did.

Iramei blinked in disbelief, "Wait what?" he questioned, doubting his associate's sincerity. Zoya looked at the two in their visual fight, "He's not lying, I saw him follow your Nana into a Motel room on the Redwood highway. Several times in fact." She said, hoping her potential boyfriend would start a fight. The Panther deadpanned in fury, his eyes filled with a mixture of disgust and rage, "You... are fucking dead! I'll tear your heart out!" he stated, something inside him snapped.

Ken tossed his shopping back to Erika before darting off towards the empty street, "Eri, meet me at my place!" he shouted as he fled. Iramei was quick to pursue as he followed him across the street but was immediately hit by a car, landing on the hood the vehicle with a prompt slam. He cringed in pain, hearing an audible snap around his hipbone, "Fuu...!" he screamed in agony.

The car door opened, the driver, Rhyne Hentzel rushed to the Jaguar's aid, "Are you okay kid?" he said in a panic, quickly placing his hand on the Jaguar's hip. The time soon began rewind, the crack in his hip slowly undoing itself with the Hyena's influence, "It hurts!" Ira shouted in pain. The pain soon faded away, replaced with a new vigor, "Get up boy, you're alright!" the waterwolf said, picking the feline up on his feet.

Iramei stood up, baffled about how he was even standing without feeling any discomfort, "What the fuck?" he mumbled under his breath. Rhyne patted him on the shoulder, "Now look twice before crossing the street, I'd hate to see you get thrown under a Bus!" he said before hastily climbing back into the SUV and driving away. The Jaguar stood flabbergasted, before reaching the conclusion that Ken was hiding something, resuming his pursuit after him.

Erika quietly observed the entire event unfold, performing the arithmetic in her mind, "Was he? Can't be!" she thought. Zoya watched carefully as well, "That old man driving reminded me of that psycho hyena bitch from last night." She said, unknowingly noting the resemblance between Rociel and her father. The vixen bit on her lower lip, trying to figure what kind of kinetic ability was at work before her very eyes, " Biokinesis? Vita?... the healing process was too quick!" she debated in her mind.

Zoya turned her head towards her cohort, "So should I keep him or not? He's good in the bedroom and that tongue of his..." she said, coming to short stop in her sentence. Erika planted her palm firmly against her forehead, covering her eyes, "Zoya, you failed the test! I've told you that we don't talk about boys with other girls, it's a Jynx on you everytime you talk about them. My advice, stick with one boyfriend and don't go fucking mine unless I am there, please?" she dictated, aggravated that her future schoolmate easily forgot a discussion they had ages ago. The husky rolled her eyes, "Fine!... fussy bitch..." she said, watching her friend depart after calling a taxi.

Back at the Hentzel home, Rociel was still locked in the throes of her struggle to claim at least one victory over mother. She was pinned to the floor by her profoundly stronger progenitor, "Ready to give up Kiddo? I can still whomp your ass even if I am pregnant!..." Jacklyn bragged though letting her mind slip out a secret she wasn't meant reveal. The adolescent hyena's ears perk, quickly slipping out from her Mom's grasp before rising up from the ground, "Mother, are you messing with me again?" she questioned.

Jacklyn rolled over on her back, lifting up her tanktop, "Listen for yourself." She said. Rociel placed her ears above her mother's womb, hearing tiny miniscule heart beating loudly, "When this happen?" she questioned, having gifted both her mothers a set of Ultrasonic Sterilizers, a spermicidal device utilized to destroy the nucleus of the male gamete as a contraceptive measure. The 38-year old hyena laughed at her daughter's curiousity, "Guess your little sound gizmos don't work that well or I might have let my guard down. Aww well, no harm, no foul!" she happily replied, somewhat eager to have another child.

Rociel's mother sat upright, cuddling her daughter in her arms, "The thing is, I just learned about it this morning..." she said, recollect how her during her visit with Hadei and how she managed to hear the fetal drum. The technopathic teenager was partially excited about this news, "I hope its another Esper!... Cell doesn't do anything exciting." She said, maintaining her cover-up of her little sister's Psychokinetic ability. Jacklyn cringed at the concept, "Oh god, I don't need another kid who tamper with shit with their minds. Its bad enough you created an Algorithm to predict stock market trends and an automated program to do all the trading for you. That isn't super fair!" she replied, not entirely enthralled by the idea.

Rociel huffed, remembering what her father told her in regards to power, "Dad said, and I quote "Power is a fickle creature, it hasn't any loyalties and changes hands within the blink of an eye. Use it wisely and you can do great things for yourself and others, even if you don't mean to do it for them.". Which means as long as don't go around playing superhero or committing war crimes, I'm fine as wine on the Rhine..." she retorted, pausing a for minute, realizing she said her father's favorite saying. Jacklyn giggled, finding it comical that her daughter remembered every exact word," You know... when I was kid, there was all these heroes and role models that'd you see on TV and in the news. Now there isn't anyone to look up to..." she said, sighing with nostalgia.

Rociel glanced at her mother, a little confused by her statement, " You are one of my Heroes though, but what do you mean by all that stuff?" she asked, curious to the why of her words. Jacklyn hugged her daughter closely, "Thanks RoRo! I mean, look at how fucking bleak and gray this world is, it's barely changed from when your dad and I were dicking around in our college years; In fact, it's got even duller, nothing exciting has happened except for those Anarcho-hippies but all they've done is kick out the warlords in Africa and build communes. We need some fucking Badasses in this world!" she said, evidently with her emotions flaring up. The young crossbreed looked away then turned her head back towards her mother, "What about the Bloody Joker?" she questioned.

Jacklyn bursted out into laughter, occasionally snorting in her chatter, "What? You mean that Nutjob comedian who can't figure out which side of the coin he's on? I swear, He's like the most ridiculous attention whore on the planet, one minute he's in bringing food and guns to tribals in Africa then he's in the states blowing a hole in the US Mint in Denver and steals an entire vanload of silver but goes back to pay for a Collector's coin set at the Gift shop." She said, her face beaming in glee. Rociel giggled in tune while scowling on the inside "I am not a fucking attention nor am I in the slightest bit funny in the way! I am the world's baddest motherfucker around!" she thought, irritated by the fact her mother was unknowingly bashing her 'criminal' persona. The ridicule didn't stop there, not even for a second " Yeah, He's just an overinflated rock star, especially when he plays that guitar of his then all those teenagers either take to the streets or start fucking each other's brains out in one huge orgy. The only way he is an Anarchist is cause he is likely banging all of his followers, Free-love and all that stuff" the Pregnant Hyena jeered until her stomach started growling with a craving for grilled meats.

Rociel's gut resonated with her mother's, though it was roughly around noon, around lunchtime, "Do you want me to cook or you? Cause I am in the mood for the chocolate I have in the Free-" she said before hearing the sound of a distinct crunching downstairs, recognizing the pattern. Celestine was laying on the couch, snacking one of her Eldest's Imported Hawaiian Chocolate bars that costed roughly 50$ a bar with shipping included. The sound of her sister's footsteps came stamping down the staircase, signaling a force of nature was about to descend upon the rabbit.

Celestine hastily tried to climb over the back of the couch, aimed for the door in her escape, but tripped in the process. Rociel came down to the first floor with her pillow in her fist, "You little fucking thief! Get your ass over here!" she scorned, before initiating her pounce. The Rabbit rolled on her back to see her sister in a mid-air lunge then making contact with her head.

Rociel grabbed her little sister by her hair, started pound away at her with the unusually lumpy cushion, "How many fucking times have I told you hands off my chocolate!" she said. Cell balled up in defensive posture, somewhat unphased by her sibling's aggression, accustomed to the thrashing that she herself could easily throw back. The Hyena stopped pummeling on the bunny then walked away, "Next time, I'm caning your ass!" she threatened.

Cell, in her spite, protruded her tongue out and made it obvious that she was doing behind her sister's back. Rociel looked over her shoulder, infuriated by the rabbit's cockiness, "That's it! I'm getting my 'Sting-ray'!" she said, quickly heading up into their bedroom. Jacklyn watched her daughter grab a thin round black rod that was no less than 3/16's of an inch made from an Experimental Carbon Nano-polymer designed for pliant forms of body-armor. Rociel's mother stopped her for a brief moment, standing in front of the staircase, "Roro, I know this is between you and Cell. I won't get involved unless you draw blood, but if you do. I won't hesitate to use that cane on your backside!" she forewarned.

Rociel nodded her head in compliance, fully understanding the consequences of her actions before climbing down the spiral staircase. Celestine was hiding in the kitchen behind the Island counter, watching the steps for her wrathful sibling. The Hyena started paralleling the rabbit's movements until she sprinted for the couch with the crossbreed in hot pursuit.

Celestine tried climbing over the back the sofa but her foot slipped, leaving her backside exposed to whatever onslaught that her eldest hold. Rociel seized her by the hair, grabbing onto her dark lavender locks, pressing her elbow into the lapine's back to pin her against the furniture. She raised her hand in the air with the carbon black rod, swinging it down on her little sister's cheeks while it flexed in mid-strike.

Cell buried her face into the couch's upholstery, hiding her expression of physical gratification in the pleather fabric, counting every stinging blow against her flesh. Her sister was too blinded by her fury to not realize what treachery her sibling had planned, flicking her wrist, snapping the polymer rod against the lapine's backside. Jacklyn came down the stairs, sitting down on a step halfway during her descent to monitor what her daughters were doing, her grin like an omen of what was to come.

Rociel noticed her mother's fiendish smile, wondering what it was all about, "Okay, why the hell are you smiling when Cell's in pain?" she questioned. Jacklyn chattered devilishly, her chuckling echoing through the cathedral style ceiling that had a large triangular window that illuminated the room, "Ever hear the saying "A glutton for punishment"?" she stated. The adolescent crossbreed paused for a minute, allowing her brain to process the information presented to her.

The young hyena deadpanned once she discovered her sister tricked her into catering to her masochistic delights, slowly turning her head towards the bunny, "Oh... my... you sick twisted freak! How dare you use me to get off! That's atrocious!" she said, horrified by the consequence of her actions. Celestine stood upright with a lascivious beam, her cheeks were rosy as her hindquarters, "Gehehe! Why'd you stop? I was having so much fun!" she cheered, intently getting underneath her eldest's skin. Jacklyn was humbled by the fact she didn't have to intervene in her own punishment, "I love my job as a parent sometimes. Never a dull moment." She thought to herself, letting her daughter face her own demise.

Flustered, Rociel was thoroughly repulsed by her sister's deception to the point she was eager to dispose of the disciplinary implement, "Here! happy birthday!" she said, hastily handing the rod to her mother due to the stigma her mind was quick to associate with it. The technopath's mother laughed at the entire scenario, shaking her head from side to side at the sheer ridiculousness, "Well... Thank you." She said, trying to remember where she put the bleach to sterilize the unorthodox gift. Her attention was now focused on Celestine, "You, you owe your sister 50$ for her chocolates and don't ever do that again. Understand me?" she said, glaring the bunny down with a fierce glint in her eyes.

Cell's ears pinned back against her head, her chest that once was filled with excitement now turned to guilt, ashamed of what she did, "Yes Ma'am..." she said, acknowledging her half-mother's authority. Jacklyn stood up, heading to the master bedroom door to stash the Polymer rod away before she sat down on the living room, " Come here, we're gonna have another talk about 'psychology' cause I think its time to start explaining this stuff." She said. The rabbit sat next to the elder hyena, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment while her sister leaned over the couch, interested in hearing in the conversation.

Jacklyn noticed she had the full attention of both her daughters, her ears perked up in contentment, "Alright, now you two both understand you inherited a trait from your father that causes you to not act in ways that are socially acceptable. Now you two don't realize that there is a whole neuro-physiological thing to it that causes you to seek out some form of mental stimulation whether its from like the herbal supplements we use to give two when you were younger or from other things like videogames, or pain. This is cause of the hormones your body releases which tend to help quiet that need because you don't produce enough of those hormones naturally or something crazy like that." She said, recalling the explanation Rhyne told her a long time ago after they settled in together. She scratched the back of her head, sifting through all her memories, "...If I remember, it has something to do with you producing too much of something called Cortisol which is what makes you alert when you wake up, and why you two aren't exactly the best morning people. It's why your older sister has nasty temper is because her 'fight-or-flight' reflex is always kind of on the alert, which her brain often choose the Fight option because of how her brain easily flips into a manic bezerk-like state. Now on the flip side of this, you guys and your dad lack a hormone called Oxytocin which is the hormone made when you hug someone, shoot guns or when you have an orgasm, along with eating certain foods or kissing which are activities that lower cortisol levels." She stated, captivating her audience who was intrigued by the scientific explanation of their own neuro-biology. Rociel was stunned by her mother's capacity for such knowledge, "well, I can attest to the firearms parts!" she said, hoping to aide her progenitor's speech.

The elder hyena continued her lengthy statement, "Anyhow, you two are prone to certain behaviors inherited from us due to our how our brains are wired and our intelligence, like say getting involved in sadomasochism or polyamory. To sum it up, you inherit your paraphilias and sexuality from your predecessors through genetics, a good example would be how like you two are bi or might be Bi because your dad is Bi while me and Kaina are the same way. At this point, its kind of complicated to explain all the phenotypes but you get the idea, your 'preferences' are through the activation and deactivation of certain gene sequences that are like the config options to a computer subroutine." She said, with both adolescents shocked by the comprehensive extent their mother went through to explain everything. Rociel was impressed yet baffled, "Okay... How do you know all that stuff when you can't even figure out how to configure our internet modem?" she questioned, recalling her parent's eternal struggle with various household technologies. Jacklyn scowled and hissed at her hindrance, "I read it in one of my magazines and watch your tongue! Just because I don't have the extensive education like your dad does, doesn't mean I can't kick your ass when it comes smarts! I even took apart one of the little robot crab thingies one day to see how they tick!" she replied, offended by the fact they assumed she was the less intelligent than her spouses.

Rociel didn't seem to concern at this point, deciding to exit out of the conversation, heading upstairs into her room to check on Siria if she was still asleep. Jacklyn was slightly ticked, but her anger soon dissipated once she remember she was carrying, "Oh by the way Cell, I'm pregnant!" she cheered, smiling with motherly joy. The rabbit's ears perked back up, excited by the thought of new sibling, "I hope it's a boy!" she said, uninterested in having another Esper in the family.

Jacklyn sighed in relief that the lapine didn't wish for another psychic sibling, "I really hope myself it's a boy too!" she said. A thought happened upon Cell's mind that she didn't hesitate to blurt out, "...Though I'd wonder it be like if he was Beastial?" she pondered aloud. The Hyena immediately whimpered while her ears pinned back in fear, recalling all the times she had to mind Beastials at the ESP's facilities as an OASIS agent, "Gah! Please don't jynx me to that fate! Take it back!" she hastily replied, her wallet aching from the sheer destruction a Beastial can do.

Beastials are individuals who are psychokinetically on par with Espers, individuals who can manipulate certain objects with their minds. They, on the other hand, do not manifest this energy mentally but rather physically by somehow converting the energy into bodily mass through an unknown process. One issue with most Bestials was the fact they cannot control the transformation process or when they are in their agitated state where an alternate persona of themselves, named their "Instinct" takes over during this time.

This "Instinct" ,while in their unaltered, state tends to act as a voice, often interjecting its own thoughts into daily situations though often takes over when a physical need arises or given the proper stimuli. This was the reason why many Beastials themselves lived in the Esper Sanctuary program's Facilities is because of the inherent danger to the public and property they presented. Some ESP Researchers may believe that they hold the Key to Energy-Mass conversion, a theory centered on the concept of transforming energy into matter and vice versa.

Celestine giggled at her mother's dismay, "Uhh... umm, I think it'd be kind of hard to have normal kid especially since you are an Advent." She said, considering her sister's abundant PK energy. Jacklyn laughed, complimented by the notion, "Advents are just a superstition amongst those ESP Eggheads and the forcecasts of mad Psypers who got too little of their meds. What makes you think I'm one?" she questioned her daughter's train of thought. The rabbit tugged on her ears, coyly smirking at the Hyena, "Erm...you and sissy are stronger than a lot of people! I kind of think my mom is one too cause... she has that 'problem' with her breasts." She said, carefully evading to any hint of her botanokinesis.

Contemplation was apparent on Jacklyn's face, considering the potential validity of this claim, "You honestly think that there are these 'Exceptional People' in the world and you believe that me and Kaina are because of our physical attributes? How is over-productive mammary glands even useful in terms of..." she said before being interrupted. Celestine was gleaming at the elder crossbreed with glare that called her a hypocrite, "... Mom told me that she started making milk when she turned 15 and didn't stop but normally that's cause of a tumor in the pit gland but she told me the Doctors she saw said she was perfectly healthy. A cherry plus an apple doesn't make a chapple!" she said, pointing out the absence of evidence to suggest anything else. The deep brown haired mother tugged on her lower lip, determining it would be worthwhile to ask around, "Alright Alright! I get your point, next time we go in for your dad's check-up, I'll ask about Advents when I have the chance." She answered.

Celestine didn't hesitate to bring up the age old question, "...and Why won't you tell us what dad can do? It's not fair that me and sissy don't know!" she whined, tugging on her ears in her anxiety. Jacklyn desired to tell the truth as she grit her teeth due to her irritation, "I can't tell because Roro will try to figure how your father can do it then all hell will break loose" she explained to the best of her ability. The rabbit huffed and fumed at the answer, her curiousity burning brightly with frustration, "What? Can he make copies of himself using it?" she randomly said, accidentally implying something.

Jacklyn's ears perked while her cheeks ran flush, embarrassed by the accusation that the rabbit absentmindly made in her tirade. Cell noticed the look on her half-mother's face, her thoughts running wild with her vivid imagination at the helm, "Damnit brain, why you make me think of this stuff!" she said, slamming her head against the back of the couch repeatedly. The hyena stopped her daughter from her self-destructive behavior, "Cell, don't do that and make a deal with me that you won't ask anymore. I don't want to you to think of me or your mom badly because of what we do with your father in private or what he does for us." She explained while her heart rapidly beating from the tension.

Celestine was in an utter mental panic, attempting to expunge the vile thought from her mental scenery, "Yes Ma'am. I know nothing, I know nothing!...." she said, feigning ignorance to the topic. Jacklyn exhaled slowly, relieved that she didn't have to engage in the subject any further, "Good, now go take a walk and relax because you've been cooped up inside too long!" she said, dismissing the lapine adolescent that quickly ran to the door, slipping on her tabi boots before heading outside in her underwear. The elder Hyena looked up to the ceiling and bowed on all fours on the couch, "Thank you for the strength to keep my secrets safe." she prayed, calming down from the brief conflict then rolling over on her back.

While the Hentzel cottage nestled away in the forested hills was riled with news and excitement, Kenashi dashed through the streets of the city until he reached the entrance of the complex to his home. He buzzed the gate, panting for breath as the video feed showed a dark-haired alabaster furred Loppe playing with a tablet computer, "Hey Felix, let me in dude or I'm telling Nina your single again." He said, threatening to sick his best friend's mother on him. Felix was quick to push the button and terminate the link, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up at the mention of Ms. Vanheim.

Kenashi rushed to the stairs, climbing up to the second level then noticed Iramei was crouched, hiding until he was ready to pounced. He lunged himself at the fox, tackling him to the ground, "I want some fucking answers now! You've been hiding shit from me and I need to know what the hell is going on?!?" he demanded, his mind puzzled by recent events. The vulpine adolescent tried pushing the jagpanther off of him but couldn't cause the difference in their weight, "Ira, get off of me and I'll tell you but there's a catch...." He replied.

Iramei released his comrade from his clutches before he leaned against the concrete wall, "What's the catch?" he asked, desperate for the truth. Ken looked around, gesturing for him to follow, heading several doors down to his home. They quietly slipped into the living while Hadei must have been asleep in her bedroom, silently closing the door to remain clandestine.

The Panther quickly made himself comfortable on the sofa, stretching out with a yawn while he occupied the entire space, "So it's something that's so fucking secret that you have to tell me in private. What? Is Akira dumping your sorry ass for her new girlfriend?" he said, teasing him about earlier this morning. Ken scowled at him, his right eyebrow twitching in discontent, "No, and I am cool with her messing around with girls, especially when they're cute little bunnies!" he answered, aware that Erika might have been listening in from his bedroom. She had the door carefully cracked open, eavesdropping on the two "Maybe he isn't such a bastard after all..." she thought.

Kenashi sat in his mother's favorite armchair adjacent to the couch, "The thing is, if I tell you, you can't tell anyone else or I am going to have your memory erased." He said, providing an ultimatum. Ira laughed, mocking the idea of his memories at the mercy of another, "Ha! Alright, I'll play ball here. I won't tell anyone, but explain to me how you'd go about doing that?" he sneered. The umber fox's patience was wearing thinner and thinner by the moment, "Caesar will if I tell him you going to blab about Espers." He answered.

"You mean that TV show where the kids have psychic powers like pyrokinesis and all that nonsense?" Ira said, fallen prey to one of the ESP's numerous efforts to create a safety net to discredit anyone that made the claim of the Program's existence or its beneficiaries. Ken sighed, "Espers are real, all those TV shows and movies are just to desensitize everyone if they ever had to let it out of the bag." He explained, expecting him to overreact. Iramei simply shrugged, content with the answer, "Okay, makes sense. It explains how Akira knocked you out by touching you and how that Radio turned on without the plug in a socket." He said, assuming Erika was the cause for it.

Ken opened his mouth about to speak, but held his breath, pulling out his Smartphone to turn it off, "The radio I think was actually Rociel... I don't know. She can manipulate technology and stuff..." He said. Iramei was clueless to who he was referring to, "Who the hell is Rociel?" he asked since she neglected to tell him her name. "The tall bitchy masculine psycho hyena girl with a bad attitude." The Fox replied, trying to give an accurate description of who she was.

A brief vibrating sound was buzzing from Ira's left pocket, pulling out his cell phone to see it was an unknown number but answered it regardless, "Hello? Who is this?" he asked. He handed the call over to Ken, "It's for you." He said, pondering who he provided his number to recently. Kenashi looked at his phone as it turned to video call, showing Rociel's face, "I am not bitchy!... I just have anger issues..." she shouted in contempt.

Ken was quick to turn the phone towards the sofa to avoid the confrontation while Rociel noticed who the front camera was aimed at, "Well hello there blondie! I hope you had fun last night with me and Zoya. I'll send you a little momento, sweetheart!" she said. The call ended as file popped up in his messages, the fox started prying through his inbox to see what she sent him. The Panther launched himself from his lounging, attempting to prevent him from violating the Hyena's privacy.

Kenashi, in his envy, kept the phone from his cohort the best he could until he had devious idea, "If you want to see it so badly, Go fetch!" he said before pitching it out the front door onto the Grass. Iramei was too slow to stop him, noticing an antique Wakizashi that was lying in the kitchen, freshly oiled. He grabbed it then chucked it onto the complex's artificial turf, condemming it to the same fate as his cell phone.

The vulpine's ears immediately perked, realizing the panther chucked out a priceless heirloom handed through generations of his mother's family. Erika ran from the bedroom to see what was going on, noticing what the panther threw, "You idiots, that sword is priceless!" she scolded as she pushed both of them out the door to retrieve it. Ira's brain soon caught up with him on the matter, "Get that back or else you are going to be in debt for the rest of your life!" it commanded, as he and Ken set out to find it.

Twenty minutes later, Iramei managed to recover his cell phone that was still intact though partially damp from the mildew. Kenashi was still searching until he saw it shine in a bush with the mid-day sun guiding him, "Hey Ira, I found it!" he cheered, fishing it out from the brambles. The handle had unfortunately cracked upon impact due to the age of the timber and the poor quality used to in the first place. The panther sighed in relief, as they went back up to the O residence to assess the damage he had caused to the artifact.

Once the two boys stepped into the door, they were met with prompt collective smack across their cheeks, "You dumbasses, especially you Kenny! We don't want to lose the rest of Shiro's Treasure or we'd never hear the end of it!" Erika said, infuriated by their stupidity. They all sat down after the violet vixen nearly tore their ears off, starting to examine the Wakizashi. Iramei was unfamiliar with the blade's history but the name "Shiro" sounded familiar, "What do you mean the "Rest of it" and why is it so important? it's just looks like any of those Gaijin blades you see on the internet." He said, commenting on the heirloom's appearance.

"This is part of set that was passed down throughout family since the Edo period: Ken's family has the little blade while my family has the Daito, the big blade and there used to be a Tanto but it was lost at sea during World War II. If we lost them, our relatives would crucify us!" Erika explained, the back of her mind dreading the possibility of losing it to the annuals of time. Kenashi popped the rivets on the hilt, removing the chunks of rotted cherry wood to reveal the blade's tang that had the name "Kajiya" imprinted in the blade in Kanji. Iramei's eyes widened, sitting upright to look at the lettering that was followed by a peculiar V-shaped that had C and an O on it.

Erika was quick to notice his immediate fascination, "Hey what's wrong?" she asked then noticed the surname on the tang as well. "No way in hell it belongs to you! Just because your last name is on the tang doesn't mean its your stupid "Heaven's Blades" you told me about." She hissed, positioning herself in case he'd tried stealing the sword blade and run . The hairs on the back of Ira's neck were riled up in the air, an hint of anger could be seen in his eyes, "Of course it doesn't but the coat of arms on it does..." he said, pointing out the unique mark.

Suddenly, someone started knocking on the front door. Iramei peeked out the window but couldn't tell who it was so he opened the door. It was Zoya who seemed bothered for some reason, "You, come with me. Your little sister is in a panic 'cause you left her alone all night. Let's go make her feel better with the spoils of our victory." She said, carrying the backpack that had all the products they purchased from the shopping center, namely a set of laptops and tablet PCs accompanied by a selection of videogames and controllers. Ira made haste to make sure his little sister Daiko was safe, grabbing the husky by the hand as they headed to his home.

Kenashi exhaled deeply once he left, "Phew, should we tell him that there is no way in hell he is getting these back? Especially since these were a 'gift' from a "Golden-haired blacksmith"." he questioned, remembering the family legend behind the blades. Erika's attention was focused on her companion, "The less he knows about Shiro's Treasure, the better. Not all the graves in our family cemetery filled with our ancestors and relatives." She said, recalling all the unnamed headstones that occupied the Yamizaki Family's necropolis. The umber fox shuddered at the thought, "Yeah, but hey if we lose them, we'll always be blacksheeps together!" he said, smiling at the vixen.

"Idiot!" Erika said, glancing away for a minute as she looked out the window, staring at the sky. Kenashi sensed a strangely positive glowing aura in the air with his mother coming out from her bedroom in the buff, heading into the kitchen adjacent. She appeared to be particularly happy, turning her head, "So what's been going on with you two all morning, I see Erika's awake and not grabbing you by the throat." She said with a spring in her step.

Ken was alluded to why his mother was so cheerful, "Umm... We spent the morning talking about feelings and learned a lot about each other." He said, describing it the best he could. Hadei came into the living with a cup of tea, "So would you mind if asked you a question in regards to your feelings?" she replied before taking a sip. He eyed at her, his curious mind begging to know, "About what Mom?" he asked.

Hadei set her cup down on the coffee table, "How would you feel if I started dating? One thing lead to another last night and I found out some people I might like, might like me back." She explained, smiling at herself in pride. Ken understood exactly she was talking about, his mind weighing the cons and pros, "If she starts dating them, I can have the place to myself to whatever the hell I feel like! ... but she'll want to move in with them once they start getting serious, though I could have Akira move in with me. Ahh fuck it!" he thought, coming to his decision. He smiled and giggled, hugging his mother then peered straight into her eyes, "Go for it!" he said.

She returned the gesture in kind, "Aww! Thanks Keke, I knew you'd support me." Hadei praised before heading off to get dressed. Erika was impressed by boyfriend's oddly mature choice, "That's was really sweet of you, Ken!" she cheered, unknowing of his ulterior motives. Kenashi stared at the young vixen with a devious grin, "Well I look at this way, if I end up having a little brother. Celestine would be too busy babysitting to spend time with you!" he teased, pulling at her heartstrings.

Erika scowled at him with a fierce glare "You son of ... !" she said before being interrupted. Hadei poked her head out of her bedroom, "Choose your next words carefully!" she shouted, anticipating the next syllable in the phrase. Ken snickered at the violet vixen's inability to say it as she struggled to utter it, "Oh fuck you!" she said instead.

Back at the Hentzel Home, Rhyne stepped through the front door into the kitchen with Kaina in tow, slipping off his walking shoes then setting them on a rack next to the door. She followed suit, taking off her slippers, setting down their shopping bags then stretching her arms in the air. Jacklyn walked up to the weary pair, briefly kissing them both, obviously in pleasant mood.

The crossbreed entwined her arms around the 'man of the house', embracing him as she squeezed her arms tightly, "Welcome home, I have some good news for you two!" she cheered. Rhyne hugged her back, kissing her to return her greeting, "Oh what gospel is that might I ask?" he pryed, eager to hear what she had to say. Jacklyn wriggled her hips, beaming with motherly pride, "I'm pregnant!..." she announced.