Will-OtheFirefox Prolodge

Story by WillOtheFireFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Will-OtheFirefox

The Prologue to Will-Othe FireFox, learn about how his family is betrayed, brother kidnapped, parents killed and a new ally

Will-O was outside with his father. he is 16 and his powers were just coming in and his father was training him. Sarah and Jay were also outside but they were playing, the two twins having fun at the houses playset. Their house was a two story hut with cut out windows. Sarah was inside cooking dinner for everyone.

"Like this Dad?" Will was trying to make a fireball like how his father had a shadow ball and Zak nodded

"Yes son now you just focus it and you can hone it" Zak smiled happily as he coached Will-O as Will had a small fireball for a few seconds. Zak was watching "You just focus and keep practicing, are you still doing that stunt stuff?"

"My Parkour, yes dad, I use the trees just in the back of our house" Will-O explained then did a standing backflip as Zak smiled proudly

"Great job my boy" Zak patted his back "We do more tomorrow" he started walking to the house that is when Sarah called everybody inside to eat

Zak and Susan sat at the ends of the table and Will-O, Jay and Sarah sat on the too sides. They were eating Ravioli in a Garlic pasta sauce as it was pasta day. It was also the kids favorite meal. Then there was a knock at the door. Zak went to answer and it was Zak's best friend and co worker at a factory for mattresses Jacob Wolf.

"Zak my brother, how are you" Jacob being a big wolf picked him up and hugged him

"Jacob, came to join us for dinner?" Zak asked, being squeezed

"If your inviting, i'll join" Jacob walked in and sat by Will-O and Susan got him a plate.

"Hey Uncle Jacob" Jay and Sarah spoke in unison as Jacob playfully waves to them. After about a half hour, everyone was done eating Will-O was playing some video games in the living room with his siblings as Susan watched. Jacob and Zak were in the kitchen

"So how about all those lay offs?" Jacob asked

"I know, we got lucky today" Zak replied, their work had to release 25% of their workers due to the economy

"Hope it gets better, but bro, thanks for the dinner, I should get going" Jacob hugged Zak and left.

A few hours go by and the kids were in bed.Zak and Susan were watching a movie about a group of friends reuniting when there was a knock at the door. Zak gets up to get it but before he could, the door is busted down by Marcus Wolf, the noise stuns Susan and wakes Will-O up, upstairs. Zak fights with Marcus, the two cut each others fur but Zak was able to cut an artery in his neck and Marcus bleeds out, before Zak could catch his breath, he is picked up from behind by Jacob and he breaks Zak's neck and bites his head clean off from his shoulder. Susan runs for the stairs but is pounced on by Joseph Wolf who starts tearing her apart with his claws. Will-O saw Joseph from the top of the spiral staircase and goes to his siblings room. He told Jay and Sarah to hide and they do. Will-O leaves the room and gets attacked by Jacob as Jacob claws at face, one claw catching his perfectly timed closed eyelid slicing through and just missing the eye. Will-O falls tot eh ground and Jay runs out to his fallen brother but is grabbed by Jacob

"You are coming with me" Jacob said and knocked Jay out with a punch. Jacob and his pack walk out with Jay's body and Sarah comes out and shakes Will-O who groans. Sarah runs downstairs and finds her parents before running back to Will-O and helped him up

"Mommy...Daddy" Sarah hugged onto Will-O and Will-O walked her out of the house

"We got to go sis, I will get Jay back and avenge mom and dad" He ran into the woods.

A few hours later, Will-O finds a cave and sits in it "Sis, I need to rest, we can stay here tonight" Sarah curled up under one of his arms. A little bit after getting into that cave a gigantic red dragon with blue underbelly came in. It was his home, and he spotted Will-O and Sarah sleeping. What he noticed was Will-O's eyes and he knows about some healing berries and went deeper into the cave by an underspring. he keeps there and can make a jam. He heals Will-O but can't do anything about the nasty scar over his right eye and Will-O wakes up

He sees the Dragon and says the first thing on his mind "If you plan to eat me, just let my sister going" Will wanted to give up as Sarah was still asleep.

"I don't plan to eat you, you had a nasty wound, but I fixed it, by the way, I'm Jasper" Jasper said, easily towering Will-O

"I'm Will-O, this is Sarah, nice to meet you and thanks for healing my eye" Will-O sat there as Jasper lays by him. The two talk to get to know each other.

This is the Prologue, I know long but hey has to be, I may in the next couple days post the first area, the fire fields as you find out how Will-O, Sarah and if he joins them Jasper go on their quest. Comment on your opinions and how I can change my way

All Character (c) WillOtheFireFox