The Bullies' Bitch

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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James breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the sound of the school bell ringing, signalling the end of gym class.

"Finally." The young, 18 year old rabbit thought to himself. He wasn't a huge fan of gym class. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was on the chubby side, or that he was unfit or anything. He was just bad at sports and the gym teacher had him and the other students playing football most of the time, which was by far the sport he did the worst at. He could hear his teacher, a big, intimidating looking lion, shout out across the gym from the sidelines.

"All right you guys, gym's over, hit the showers!" The students started to leave the gym, heading to the locker room to change into their regular school clothes. James was about to do the same when his teacher stopped him.

"Ah, James, I want you to see me in my office for a moment."

"Huh?" James looked up at him, confused, "Um, okay." the young lapine followed his teacher out of the gym, wondering what he could possibly want him for. He hadn't done anything wrong, nothing he could think of anyway. He took a seat in front of the older male's desk as the teacher closed the door after them and took his own seat.

"Um, am I in trouble?" James asked.

"No, not at all, I just wanted to talk to you about how you've been doing in class recently." The lion explained. James gulped at that, this wasn't going to be good. His teacher continued;

"You've... been doing poorly, to say the least. You need to get yourself in gear, James."

"Yes, Sir." James nodded.

"I know some of the students don't think much of gym class, but regardless of what they think, gym is a very important class for you and everyone else." James nodded. He had heard similar speeches from his other teachers and could predict what he was about to say. He predicted that his teacher would go on to talk about the importance of his class, how it benefits students and how poorly he would do in later life if he didn't start trying harder. And James was right; the lion kept talking, talking about how important gym class was and how James needed to do better. The rabbit just zoned out, pretending to listen while saying "Yes, Sir" every few moments. Eventually the lion ended his lecture and clapped his hands together for emphasis, making the student jump in surprise slightly.

"Do you understand?" The teacher asked.

"Um... yes?" James answered. He hadn't really been listening to a word he had been saying, but James was willing to say just about anything to get out of there and carry on with his day.

"Good! Now go on and get yourself changed, you don't want to be late for your next class."

"Ah, sure, okay." James said. The two stood up and the teacher lead the younger rabbit out of his office.

"Now I have some business in the teacher's lounge to take care of. Get changed and hurry to your next class."

"Yes, Sir." James nodded. He approached his locker as the teacher left and pulled out his gym bag, fishing out his regular school clothes and placing them on the bench nearby. James was the only one left in the locker room and he assumed the rest of the students had already left for their next classes.

He was about to pull of his gym clothes when he noticed someone's school bag on one of the benches nearby.

"Huh, someone must've forgotten it." He shrugged, "They'll probably be back for it soon." the chubby rabbit pulled off his shirt, revealing his white-furred belly. He had only just kicked off his shoes and socks when he heard someone approaching from down the hall. He assumed it was his teacher returning from the teacher's lounge until the wolf and tiger entered the room. He looked up and immediately recognised them, they shared a few classes together. The wolf was Kale. A big guy, the same age as James and covered in white and silver fur. He was a lot taller than the rabbit, chubbier too. The tiger was Kale's friend, Ash. Ash was known for being a pretty tough lion. He had a stocky build and, much like the rabbit and wolf, was on the chubby side. He was covered in golden-yellow fur with patches of white across his face and neck. James regarded them for a moment before returning to the task at hand, feeling slightly self conscious now that they were there. Kale and Ash were pretty well known for being bullies and they had made fun of James more than a few times in the past.

"There it is." Kale said, walking over to the bag on the bench, "I knew I left it here." he picked his bag up and turned to his friend, "Okay, we can go now." the two were about to head off when the tiger noticed the smaller rabbit and stopped.

"Hey, that's James isn't it?" He asked. James looked up at the sound of his name being mentioned.

"Yeah." Kale nodded, turning to address the rabbit, "What're you still doing here?"

"Uh, well, the teacher wanted to talk to me after class." James explained, "I, ah, was just about to get changed and head to class." Kale nodded and grinned.

"Ah, okay, I getcha." He said, "Hey, Ash... how about we help the little rabbit get out of those shorts of his?" James looked at the two bigger, stronger males, confused. Ash looked at his friend and grinned.

"Heh, I think that's a good idea!" With that, the tiger approached the rabbit who shrunk back slightly. James suddenly found himself being seized by Ash's strong hands. The tiger spun him around, gripping the rabbit's arms in his hands and holding him in place.

"H-hey! Let go!" James grunted, struggling in vain against the stronger male.

"Be quiet and relax, rabbit." Kale smirked, approaching the rabbit with a mischievous grin on his face.

"W-what are you going to do?" James asked, dreading the answer.

"Well, like I said, we just want to help you out of those shorts." Kale chuckled. With that, he hooked his fingers into the elastic of the rabbit's shorts and started to tug them down. James kicked out, grunting and struggling against the two stronger males as the wolf slid his shorts down his legs. The rabbit's struggling was in vain however and soon Kale had pulled both his shorts and underwear down to his ankles, leaving the defenceless lapine completely naked, the cool air of the locker room making him shiver slightly. He blushed and tired to break free from Ash's grip as his only clothing was torn from him.

"No! Hey! Let me go!" He grunted. But the tiger kept him held in place, his strong hands gripping the rabbit's arms. James heard the wolf laugh.

"Quit struggling, he's not going to let you go any time soon." Kale smirked. James continued to struggle for a few more moments before eventually giving up, embarrassed, his cheeks turning a bright red underneath his fur as his two bullies looked at his naked body. Kale looked down the rabbit's chubby, white-furred body, his eyes eventually resting on his crotch.

"Heh, hey, Ash, look at how small bunny boy is down there!" Kale laughed. Ash chuckled and looked over the rabbit's shoulder, grinning as he caught sight of James's diminutive sheath and balls.

"Damn, I don't think I've ever seen anyone that small before!" He laughed. James looked away, avoiding eye contact with the wolf in front of him as they laughed at him.

"I bet you're a virgin." Kale smirked, "There's no way you could satisfy anyone with a cock that small." James blushed and shook his head, trying to ignore the taunts and jeers coming from his bullies.

"So how big are you down there?" Ash asked, "Like... three inches?" James remained silent which got a disapproving growl from the wolf.

"Hey, he asked you a question! How big!" Kale asked.

"I... I don't know." James answered truthfully. He had never measured himself down there before.

"You don't know huh?" Kale smirked, an idea forming in his mind, "Hey, how about we find out?" James wondered what the wolf meant when, suddenly, the bigger male took a step forward and reached down to grope at the rabbit's sheath and balls. James gasped out in surprise as he felt the wolf's warm hand on his crotch.

"W-what are you doing?" He gasped. Kale gave his balls a quicke squeeze which had the rabbit squirming, trying desperately to break free of Ash's grip.

"I just want to see what size your little cock is when it's all hard." Kale smirked, "Come on, rabbit, get that little pencil dick all good and hard for us." James blushed deeply and shook his head.

"N-no, please let me go!" He begged as the wolf molested him, groping at his balls and squeezing them softly.

"Heh, no chance!" Ash chuckled, "Now do as Kale says and get your cock hard for us!" Despite the situation he was in and despite his best efforts to prevent it, James soon found his cock slowly hardening from his sheath. The red tip of his shaft quickly became visible, making Kale smirk as he looked down at it.

"Heh, yeah, you like that?" The wolf grinned, "Bet my hand feels real nice on your pathetic-" he squeezed at his captive's balls to emphasise the word, "-little cock!"

"Stop!" James gasped, struggling against the two stronger males, but to no avail. He felt his cock hardening from his sheath and tried to will it down, but the attention Kale was giving him proved too much and soon his member was at full mast at four inches.

"Ha, that's it?" Kale laughed, "Damn, you really do have a small cock!" the wolf reached down and gripped the rabbit's shaft in his hand, getting a surprised gasp from the smaller male.

"P...Please let me go!" James begged.

"Let you go?" Kale chuckled, "You want us to let you go? But look how much you're enjoying it!"the wolf mocked him, squeezing James's hard shaft in his hand.

"Yeah, I mean, look at how hard you are!" Ash smirked.

"Hey, Ash, you think we should show our little bunny boy here what a real cock looks like?" The two bullies looked at each other, grinning evilly. The tiger nodded.

"Go for it!" He chuckled.

"All right. Bet you're looking forward to seeing what a real man's dick looks like, huh?" He looked at James who remained silent. He wanted to try struggling again but he knew it was no use, Ash was far too strong for him. Kale started undressing, kicking off his shoes and socks first before working at his belt and zip. His pants were around his ankles within a few seconds, revealing his already hardening cock. James watched as Kale gripped his hardening shaft in his hand and stroked it slowly.

"Not even hard yet and I'm already bigger than you." He smirked. The wolf kept stroking at his cock, a big grin on his face as he hardened to full mast.

"Well? How do you like it, bunny boy? So much bigger than your tiny cock, eh?" Kale taunted. James ignored him, refusing to look down at the wolf's cock. Kale took a step forward, placing a hand on the rabbit's head and forcing him to look down at it, "Hey, I'm talking to you! Look at it, bunny boy!" James did as he was ordered to, not that he had much of a choice. Kale's cock was big, definitely a lot bigger than James's. He looked to be around eight inches, and pretty thick too. James blushed, embarrassed and humiliated. Kale was right, his cock was so much bigger.

"Hey, Ash, why don't you show him yours?" Kale grinned, "I bet our friend here'll love to see how big you are!"

"Heh, sure." The tiger chuckled, finally releasing his grip on James's arms. The rabbit took a couple steps away from the bullies before looking at the door out of the locker room.

"Don't try it." Kale growled. Their eyes met and for a split second James considered bolting for the exit... but there was no way he would make it. James had seen Kale and Ash running in gym before, they were a lot faster than him. His best bet was to just stay there and hope for the best. Ash stepped in front of him, kicking his shoes and socks off before working at his pants like Kale did before. James watched as he stripped himself of his pants, the tiger's hand immediately going to his hardening cock and groping at it, coaxing it out of his thick sheath.

"You like it?" Ash grinned, his cock slowly hardening until it was completely hard at nine inches, "See, this is what real cocks look like." the two bigger males presented their big, throbbing lengths proudly, putting James's four-inch cock to shame.

"Hey, bunny boy... Kneel down." Kale ordered.

"Huh?" James looked at him, confused.

"You heard me! Get down on your knees!" The wolf growled at the smaller male. Ash looked at him, wondering what his friend was planning.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"You'll see." Kale smirked as James knelt down as he was told to. Kale stepped forward, gripping the base of his shaft in his hand.

"Take a good look at it. So much bigger than yours, isn't it?" He asked. James remained silent and Kale raised his voice, "Isn't it?!"

"Y-yes!" James said, "Your... Your cock's so much bigger than mine."

"Good boy." Kale grinned. He gripped his cock and slapped it against James's face, getting a surprised squeak from the rabbit.

"Ah!" James let out a gasp as he felt Kale's foot prodding at his small cock.

"Man, look at it, it's so damn small! You know, with a cock like that there's no way you'd be able to pleasure anyone. The only thing you'd be good for is taking it, because you're just a little bitch." Kale kept slapping his hard cock against the rabbit's face as he spoke, "The only thing you're good for is sucking cock and taking it in the ass! And that's what you're going to do now; you're going to suck my cock!" James looked up at him in shock, letting out another squeak as he felt the wolf's cock hit his face again.

"You heard me! Open your mouth and suck my cock you little bitch!" Kale ordered, his deep voice dominant and demanding. Ash chuckled.

"Well, you heard him! Better do as he says!" The tiger smirked. James hesitated, looking down at the huge, throbbing wolf cock.

"I... I can't! You can't make me-" James gasped when he felt Kale's hand grip the back of his head and push him into the wolf's crotch.

"You're not leaving until you've sucked my cock." He growled, "And after you're done, you can suck Ash's too." James looked up at the tiger who smirked down at him.

"Well, what're you waiting for? Open up already!" Kale ordered. James hesitated. He wanted to struggle, to make a break for the door, but there was no way the two stronger males would let him to his feet, let alone to the exit. He whimpered slightly and gave in, letting the wolf rub his throbbing cock against his face. He opened his mouth nervously and let out a muffled grunt as Kale shoved the tip of his member inside him.

"Use your tongue." The wolf ordered. James did as he was told and started licking over the aching cock head, groaning around the shaft as the taste of Kale's cock filled his mouth. He felt the warm pre-cum dripping from Kale's tip and onto his tongue. Kale let out a soft grunt as he felt James start to suck on it.

"Ohh, that's it, suck on it good you little bitch!" He shoved another inch inside the rabbit's mouth, listening to the muffled moans he was making, Ash stood nearby, a hand on his hard, throbbing cock, watching as Kale forced his cock deep down the weaker male's throat.

"How is he?" He asked.

"Mmm, he's a good little cock sucker!" Kale grunted. He placed both hands on James's head and pushed his member deeper inside him, letting out soft moans as the warmth of the rabbit's mouth enveloped his cock.

"Mrrrrph!" James moaned out around the wolf's hard, thick cock as he felt it filling his mouth

"Oh, yeah, that's it, keep sucking on my cock! Mm, like that!" Kale grunted, forcing several more inches of hot, throbbing wolf cock down James's throat. He thrust deep inside him, gasping out as he shoved the final inch of his length inside him. James had to force back his gag reflex as he felt the huge member pushed down his throat.

"Damn, the bitch's got a good mouth!" Kale grunted as he felt the rabbit suck long and hard on his cock, "You like the taste? I bet you do, I bet you love sucking on a real cock, eh?"

"Mmph!" James groaned.

"Heh, I'll take that as a yes!" Kale grinned, "Yeah, that's it, give my cock a good sucking you little slut!" the wolf started pumping his huge cock in and out of James's mouth, grunting out in pleasure as he felt his bitch suck on it. Ash took a step forward, holding the base of his cock in his hand, and started rubbing it against the fur of James's cheek, smearing it in the pre-cum which was now dripping freely from his cock head.

"Man, I can't wait for my turn." The tiger grinned, "I'm gonna make you suck my cock good." James whimpered around Kale's cock as he felt the tiger's warm cock rubbing against his face.

"I think I'm gonna make myself a bit more comfortable." Kale said, pulling of the shirt he was still wearing and revealing his chubby, silver-furred belly. Ash decided to do the same, stripping his shirt off and leaving himself completely naked. Now free of his last article of clothing, Kale turned his attention back to James. He gripped his head firmly and started working his cock in and out of his mouth, faster and harder, enjoying the blowjob he was getting from the rabbit. He listened to the muffled moans and groans he was getting from him. Every time he thrust forward, James would let out a loud "Mmmrph!" around his shaft. Kale's cock was so big, James was having a hard time trying to take the whole thing down his throat, but he managed. He didn't have much choice. The wolf was holding his head in place and there was no way he was going to break free. He kept hoping that the teacher would return and stop this, but it didn't look like he was going to return any time soon.

Kale started face-fucking his bitch, grunting and moaning as the rabbit suckled on his throbbing cock.

"Ohh, yeah, that's it you little bitch, suck my cock good!" Kale groaned out, losing himself in his thrusts and the pleasure of the blowjob James was forced to give him, "Mmm, you like that? You like having my big cock down your throat?"

"Mrrph!" James whimpered.

"Yeah, moan you little bitch!" Kale grunted, thrusting his cock down James's throat. Kale's breathing started to intensify, his thrusts getting faster and harder. He could feel his climax building up quickly. James let out a soft moan as he felt Kale's cock freely dripping pre-cum inside his mouth. Kale tensed up and clenched his teeth, gripping the back of James's head tight before moaning out loudly and thrusting deep down the rabbit's throat, his cock twitching and pulsing before shooting several hot loads of warm wolf cum inside him.

"Mmmmph!" James moaned out as his mouth was suddenly filled with the stuff. Kale humped into James's face, grunting as he came inside James, making him swallow his warm cum as he did. He slowly slid his cock from the rabbit's mouth before shooting several more loads across his face, covering his fur in the stuff. James gasped, his mouth now free of the wolf's cock.

"Heh, you're really good at sucking cock, bunny boy." Kale smirked James collapsed onto all fours, coughing slightly as Kale's cum dripped from his mouth and onto the floor.

"Well, I guess it's my turn now!" Ash said, taking up position in front of James and gripping the base of his cock. He slapped it against James's nose, "You can stay in that position though. I think you look good like that, how 'bout you,Kale?" The wolf circled the rabbit, getting a good look at the chubby lapine's ass.

"Yeah, I think this position's good." He smirked, placing his hand firmly on James's plump ass and getting a surprised gasp from him, "I think this position's real good!" Kale started stroking James's rump, squeezing and groping at it before running a finger down the middle.

"Ah!" James gasped as he felt the wolf's finger running across his tight hole, "W-what are you doing?"

"I'm just having some fun with your cute little ass." Kale smirked, pressing a finger against James's asshole and getting another gasp from him, "Mm, so tight!"

"Ah! S-stop!" James moaned as he felt the wolf's finger penetrating his ass. Kale pushed it deep inside him but then stopped. He slowly slid his finger out of the rabbit's ass.

"You know, I don't think I want to loosen you up too much," James could hear the wolf positioning himself behind him.

"W-what are you going to do?"

"I just want to have some fun with your tight little ass." Kale smirked, pressing his still hard and cum-covered cock head against James's hole. He heard James gasp out.

"Wait! No, please, you can't! Not that!" The rabbit begged, gasping out as he felt the warm head of Kale's length pushing up against his taint. Kale placed his hands firmly on James's ass and pushed forward, pushing the first inch of his huge cock inside his tight passage. James let out a sudden cry as he felt himself stretched around the wolf's member. He clenched his fists and tensed up, trying to ignore the pain of having such a big cock forced into him.

"N-no, please, stop!" James gasped, "I-it's too big!"

"Heh, damn right it's big, bitch!" Kale grunted, "And your going to take all of it!" he forced another two inches of hot, throbbing wolf cock inside James's ass, forcing out a loud moan from the bitch as he did so. Ash took advantage of the rabbit's moaning and shoved his cock inside his mouth, muffling his gasps and moans.

"All right, get sucking, bitch." Ash ordered, shivering in pleasure as he pushed his cock inside the rabbit's warm mouth. He started to force his cock deep down James's throat, enjoying the sucking that James was involuntarily giving him. The two bullies forced their cocks deeper inside their bitch, getting loud yet muffled moans from him as. Kale let out a moan, enjoying the warmth and tightness of James's ass.

"Mmm, you've got a real nice, tight ass, bunny boy!" The wolf grunted. He kept pushing his cock deep inside James until his entire cock rested inside him. He took a second to enjoy the feeling of James's passage clenching down around his shaft before he started to pump in and out of him.

"Nnghh!" James groaned in dismay as he started to feel Kale work his cock out of his ass before slamming it deep inside him, filling him with his entire cock. Meanwhile Ash was starting to hump into the rabbit's face, gasping and moaning in pleasure as James sucked on his cock.

"Ohh, that's nice! Keep sucking on it, just like that!" The tiger breathed. He started to work his cock fast and hard, in and out of James's mouth, face-fucking him ruthlessly, his cock freely dripping pre-cum onto the rabbit's tongue which he had no choice but to swallow.

The tiger kept face-fucking his bitch, increasing his speed steadily as James's mouth slowly pushed him towards his climax. James let out a sudden squeak around his shaft as he felt Kale lean forward and reach around, gripping his small cock in his hand and squeezing it.

"Heh, well look at that, your little cock's still all hard!" He laughed, "What, do you like being used like a bitch like this, huh?" James shook his head as best he could with Ash's cock in his mouth and let out a moan around the throbbing length as he did. Kale chuckled in response and started fucking his ass harder, still playing with James's diminutive length as he did. He listened to the muffled groans and moans of the rabbit as he fucked him hard and rough, working his huge cock in and out of his tight, chubby passage. He grunted as he felt his load building up and tried to will it back down, he wanted to enjoy his bitch's ass as long as possible. Kale looked up at Ash who was furiously working his cock into James's mouth.

"Ngh! I'm getting close!" Ash gasped, pumping his cock into James harder until, finally, he felt his climax approaching fast. He gripped the rabbit's head tight and thrust his cock deep down his throat, his length throbbing and twitching before blowing several hot loads of thick tiger cum inside him.

"Mrrrph!" James let out a muffled cry as his mouth was suddenly filled with the warm stuff. The tiger made him swallow it, keeping his cock thrust inside him as he came load after load of his seed inside him until his orgasm slowly subsided. He stayed inside James for a moment, gasping for breath before slowly sliding his cock from the rabbit's mouth with a sigh.

"Man, the bitch's got one hell of a mouth!" Ash gasped as his cock slowly softened back into his sheath.

Now that James's mouth was free of the tiger's cock, Kale suddenly got an idea. He quickly pulled his cock out of the rabbit's ass before grabbing and pulling him over to the nearby benches. He forced the smaller male onto them so that he was lying on his back. Kale then took James's legs and lifted them up before shoving his cock deep inside his ass once again, forcing out a loud cry from the rabbit as the wolf fucked continued to fuck him. James kept letting out submissive gasps and moans as the wolf raped his tight, virgin ass. James's own cock was slapping against his chubby belly, covering it in the pre-cum that was now dripping from his head. Kale took James's length in his hand, gripping it hard and stroking it.

"You ready to cum for me you little bitch?" He growled, "I wanna see how much that pathetic dick of yours can cum!" James just let out a loud moan in reply as the wolf's cock slammed up against his g-spot, making his own cock shoot another rope of pre-cum across his belly. Kale leaned forward and gripped James's sides tight, fucking his ass fast and hard, his whole body clenching up as he found it increasingly hard to keep himself from blowing his load. He heard James's breathing get heavier and saw him clench his teeth. The wolf grinned to himself; he knew his bitch wasn't far from cumming. His hand immediately returned to the rabbit's cock. He started groping at it, squeezing it tight and stroking it, pushing James closer and closer to his orgasm until he finally came.

"Ohhh!" James cried out, bucking his hips upwards as his cock throbbed, shooting several hot loads of his cum across his chubby belly, covering him in the stuff. He gasped as he felt some of his cum land on his face as the wolf continued to stroke his small cock until the rabbit shot the last rope of cum across his body. Kale took his hand away from the rabbit's cock and placed it on his side, holding him in place firmly as he continued to fuck him, a large grin on his face.

"Heh, that was a lot of cum for such a small cock!" He laughed, "How'd it feel? Did you like cumming for me while I fucked your ass?" James just shook his head, "Still denying it, huh? Well, whatever, it doesn't matter." Kale shoved his cock deep inside his ass, ruthlessly fucking his tight ass, his orgasm quickly building up. He couldn't hold it back any longer, with a loud, uncontrollable cry of pleasure, Kale tensed his body up, his cock shooting rope after rope of thick wolf cum inside James's tight passage. He kept fucking him as he came, moaning out as he filled the smaller, weaker male with his seed. As he felt his climax subsiding, he pulled out, gripping his cock tight and stroking it as he shot several more ropes of cum across James's body, covering the white fur of his belly with his cum.

Kale took a step back once he had exhausted himself and looked down at the cum-covered rabbit. James just lay there, embarrassed and humiliated. It was even more humiliating that the wolf had made him cum for him. The thought of him doing that... it was as if by making him cum, Kale was cementing James's role as his little bitch.

"Look at the slut, all covered in our cum." Kale chuckled. James looked up at them.

"A...Are you going to leave me alone now?" He asked.

"Sure. For now." Kale shrugged, "But, you know, I think I'm going to have to fuck that ass of yours again sometime." the wolf smirked, looking down at the rabbit.

"Oh, and don't tell anyone about this." Ash warned, "We're gonna be a lot more rough next time if you do." James looked at the bigger, stronger tiger and nodded slowly. He didn't want to anger the stronger male.

"C'mon, let's go." Kale said, grabbing his clothes, "We should leave our little slut here to clean himself up."

"Yeah, you're right." Ash chuckled. James watched as the two bullies got dressed, pulling their clothes on hastily. Before they left, the wolf walked over to him and reached down, giving the rabbit's balls a quick, teasing squeeze.

"We'll see you later, bunny boy." He said. James watched as the two bullies left and then looked down at his cum-covered fur. He was going to need a shower before leaving... He wondered what to do next as he stood up and approached the showers. There wasn't much he could do. He didn't want to anger the two by telling anyone about what happened. He thought about it as he stood under the showers, cleaning himself of the cum that covered his entire body and eventually came to a conclusion.

He couldn't tell anyone. There was no way he was going to risk angering the two stronger males. As he towelled off he decided that the only thing he could do was to just not tell anyone and deal with whatever Kale and Ash would do in the future...