Honor assassin chapter one

Story by Vexdracoon on SoFurry

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#1 of Honor assasin

thoughts in italics am actually pretty pleased with this an comments welcome

in a center a room filled with copper and brass and old fashion looking electronics sits a politician a corgi anthro working quietly and quickly glancing up every so often to look hungrily at the money sitting in a brief case not far off before turning back to his work. Above him a Black snake wearing a copper colored jacket and pants hides with green eyes cold and unfeeling one knife in a hand however the knife is hollow and filled with toxins to hide the snakes venom that is also in the blade , the snakes name is Terumi.Falling for a brief moment Terumi slashes the man across the back the toxins flooding the Corgis veins and before he can scream or see who killed him he dies to the venom. Terumi quickly returns to the sealing before entering a vent and about half way though the escape he hears screaming "THE MAYOR IS DEAD" .

Once outside Terumi heads to his contractor to get his money "My money". he says his voice revealing his age of sixteen years old "Of course here you go" a Warthog says handing him his money and a necklace with a small stone. Walking away Terumi heads toward the alleyways taking winding paths and going places were even the local kingpins fear to tread a place whispered in the slums like it was made of gold the Honor Killers his home. Terumi with a breath moves a pice of metal and enters a small hole in a wall and soon the hole opens into a large main hall field with thieves orphans and assassins drinking eating and laughing like a big family. A smile lights Terumis face "Am home everyone" he calls happily "WELCOME BACK" the whole guild yells. Just then a small Dragon of about five years runs to him "Did you bring me any thing" She asks eyes wide and innocent "Of course" Terumi states handing her the necklace much to her excitement and then who leaves to go talk to the guild master.

"Terumi" an old sounding voice said echoing in the chamber were Terumi bowed on one knee to his master "yes sir" Terumi asked then in a flurry of feathers the master appeared in his chair an old red tailed hawk with greying feathers who still radiated power "did you succeed in cutting another vine of corruption from this world" Terumi nods "You may stand". Says his master putting his hand on the boy's shoulder "Terumi dear boy go join your brothers and sisters in food and drink you have worked much to hard lately" Terumi yellow eye wavered from the calm respect to that of a son looking to his father for advice but only for moment. Terumi nods and leaves the chamber quietly thinking to himself. _ Master is worrying about me to much besides I have reason for working so hard_ he thinks walking past the main hall. Terumi walked along the roofs of building many bright gold in color with steel pipes and black smoke coming from them that he had to walk around. As he came opun the market district he stopped crouching as he searched for someone. It took him a bit but he found her a over all tall thing. Good Rose is still alive he thinks. Rose's bright red feathers contrasted heavily with the gold around her black marking around her eyes that made there blue color stand out to Terumi who had never left this city this exotic Avain was a thing that he loved and longed to talk to but also knew that she had a mark on her head from the local government for refusing to conform and any contact with him would only make things worse. And with perfect timing police came running into the square.