Rules of Economics-Chapter 3

Story by padfootsm on SoFurry

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#4 of Rules of Economics

Submission still in Adult. I want to be polite and warn everyone, this is going to be a tease for awhile. Expect it, brace for it, and be ready for it. ^^

The protagonist awakens to a new place and meets his Sponsor. Also, a young man learns he has little experience with women and has to adapt to the way things are in this new world.

Chapter 3

Brian woke, blinking in darkness, then shutting his eyes again. He reached out and felt the blanket over his body and a pillow behind his head. He was on a bed, in a bedroom, probably back at home. He silently groaned. It had all been a dream. He knew it was too good to be true. All that book learning and he had dreamed something creative and fantastic and very science-fiction-y. It had been such a wonderful dream though. He would have to remember it so he could look back on it one day. Any minute now, his alarm would go off or his mother would come in and check on him.

He waited. There was no sound of familiar floorboards creaking as his mother came to get him so he would get up and get ready for bed. Maybe his parents were at work and it wasn't morning, but afternoon or evening. He cracked an eye open again and looked for a window shade drawn with some light creeping through the corners. As he scanned the bedroom, he realized it didn't fit.

The walls were too far from the bed. There was a window and it did seem to have a shade covering it, but it was higher up and much bigger than the window in his room. There was only a little hint of red leaking through the corners of the window, suggesting rising or setting sun. The sheets were comfortable and the blanket on top felt heavy and warm. The air outside of the blankets felt cold. He breathed out experimentally and watched his breath form a cloud. He corrected himself mentally. It was very cold outside of the blankets.

Without going further into his observations, he concluded that the room wasn't his and it didn't belong to his parents. He wasn't in his home. Since he had never stayed at anyone else's home and the season had been fall, he was either kidnapped or...he wasn't on Earth. He was on Tor and it hadn't been a dream at all. He searched his memory and remembered the bench and falling asleep. His sponsor must've arrived while he was asleep. He looked around the room; his eyes adjusted to the dark, but didn't see any other beds or sleeping figures. He was alone in the bedroom.

He began to sit up, the blankets falling off his body. The cold air on bare skin quickly had him scurrying back under the covers. He apparently wasn't wearing anything either. The bed was a bit big, but it wasn't high off the floor. He obviously wasn't sleeping in one of their beds, but one made for someone of his general size. That made sense, Brian rationalized, since they had a sponsorship program in place. He looked around for his clothing and spotted it on a chair near the door. Brian's eyes darted to the door, forgetting momentarily about the clothing. The door was huge. If he had to guess, it was as big as the largest door in the...the...his mind searched for an appropriate term to describe the place he had come from and figured that 'Arrival Center' seemed best. It was so big that it just seemed out of place in his mind. As his eyes drifted to the top of the door, he realized that the ceiling was not as close as his mind had originally assumed. If he were to take a guess, he would say that the door was way over 50 ft. high. Maybe twenty or thirty feet more, give or take. His heart slowed down as he remembered that this was a world of giants. This was going to be the standard and he had to adjust to it.

Brian slid his body out of the covers and felt goose bumps in the cold air. He slid to the edge of the bed and let his feet dangle. He slid off and found that the floor was a little further down than his bed at home, but not much. The bed was about chest high. As his feet touched the floor, he felt a strange surge of warmth spread over his toes and down each foot. The air, which he could have sworn had been near freezing before, started to warm quickly. He marveled at their control over the elements. Curious, he put his head to the floor. He heard a humming sound but felt no vibrations.

As he stood back up, the window cover lifted and sunlight began to fill the room. It felt pure in some fashion that he couldn't describe. The light revealed a room that didn't seem too unusual. Aside from the bed, there was a wardrobe on one wall (it looked so far away) that was proportional to him. In contrast to that, the door and window were both huge. On one wall was a painting or a piece of art that looked like a bunch of grey angles, jutting out of the frame at odd places. He looked up at the ceiling and saw that there was no ceiling fan, just a single vent in the ceiling. The walls were all painted a shade of white. It felt...neutral. Like anyone could stay here and not feel out of sorts.

He shook his head of all these thoughts. Figuring things out was fun, but right now he needed to get his clothing on. It took him a good minute of walking to get to the chair. As he pulled on his pants, he felt and heard something stirring behind the door. There was a thumping sound that came towards him from one corner of the room and moved past him. There was a loud rumble, like a moan or...a yawn? The sounds quieted. Brian realized his whole body was tense and he had stayed motionless from the first hint of movement. He grabbed his shirt and put it on just as the sound started again. This time, the repetitive sound of 'whoomp, whoomp, whoomp' stopped right in front of his door.

"Brian, honey," a female's voice spoke. It was right against the door and it sounded...soft, like velvet, and musical. It resonated across the door and through him, but it didn't have the depth that the eagle's voice had. "Are you awake?" It sounded sweet and genuine.

He took a small breath, not sure how sensitive his sponsor's hearing was. "I'm awake," he called loudly.

"Oh good," the voice smoothly purred. "I was told you're a modest guy, so I'm going to open the door just a crack. When you're ready, you can come downstairs and join me in the kitchen. I'm going to start making some breakfast for us. Take your time getting ready and we can meet for the first time." The voice was so warm, he thought. Like coming home should be.

"Uh," Brian stammered. "I'm...I'm ready now. I'd like to meet you." He needed to know who and what she was. He felt a slight throb in his groin at the thought that it could be a wolfess on the other side, standing there nude with heavy breasts swaying. Then again, it could be anything on the other side of that door, but he could still hope. The doorknob turned and it was pushed carefully open. Brian took a deep breath and looked up to see...

A paw held the other side of the doorknob and a head near the ceiling of the door frame peeked in. The face was not canine. It also wasn't feline. The ears were shorter and rounded and the muzzle was shorter with a black nose. The eyes were a soft blue with dark circles around them. Her fur was brown, but she had a head of luxuriously thick dirty blond hair that ran down to her shoulders. Near her neck, he saw a tuft of a lighter brown fur stand out. Her lips pulled into a smile when she spotted him, her eyes crinkling a little at the corners. Then the door opened fully and she stepped into the room, leaning over slightly to bring her face closer to him.

She wore some kind of a white bathrobe that ran from her shoulders to her very large paws. Brian noticed that she was broad of shoulder and build. In fact, beneath that bathrobe, there seemed to be a lot of curves that he couldn't define yet, but some big hints were there. There were rolling hills and valleys around her chest, belly, hips, and backside.

"Nice to meet you, Brian. I'm Janza and I'll be your sponsor."

"You're...a...bear?" Brian's mouth felt very dry, so he swallowed.

"That's right," Janza nodded, her eyes sparkling in delight. "My species is Ursine."

There was a pause in their conversation, Brian feeling slightly overwhelmed at the sight of his sponsor and Janza didn't seem to mind in the slightest bit. There was just so much of her. "Would you like to come downstairs," her voice inquired politely. "I was going to start breakfast and try a few different dishes so you can start to figure out what you like to eat.

She wasn't a wolfess, but Brian felt that it was silly to be disappointed by that. Besides, she seemed very nice. "What time do you normally eat breakfast," he asked.

Janza stood up straight for the first time since entering the room, overwhelming Brian a little more. As she stood, he felt a slight sense of vertigo at how quickly she seemingly grew taller. Then he watched as part of her body rippled under her bathrobe. There was no doubt that his wish for heavy breasts had come true. "I eat breakfast when I'm hungry, honey," she answered. "I don't think I really have a set time. We don't have to eat now if you don't want to...?" Her voice trailed off as her baby blue eyes looked down at him with slight concern and warmth. She had beautiful eyes, Brian realized.

"Uh," he suavely managed to reply. He gathered his wits to give a better answer, "I guess...I'm somewhat hungry. I'm just used to having to eat at a set time."

"That seems a little silly," she said with mirth. "What if you're not hungry at that time?" Her voice wasn't young, he realized. It was more mature and warm.

"I don't know. I've never really thought about it."

"Well, Brian," she paused to place her hands on her hips, which were wide for her build, or felt that way from his size and viewpoint. "In my home, you can eat whenever you want. You can come and go as you please. There is no schedule here that you have to follow if you don't want to. While you're here with me...we can do whatever you want. I'm here to take care of you, honey."

Brian's world suddenly grew. He hadn't changed size and neither had the room, but he felt like suddenly it was all open to him. In that moment, he felt freedom and it tasted very sweet. He looked up at Janza and politely asked, "Do I walk to the kitchen?"

She smiled again, "I can carry you down if you prefer?"

"I think...I think I'd like to try that."

Janza bent over smoothly and offered her paws to him. The fingers extended out gently, not grabbing him, but offering themselves to him. His brain noted that each digit had a claw at the end, but his eyes were firmly locked elsewhere. Janza's bent form had opened the front of her bathrobe to a view that caused Brian's body to react on its own. He quickly pushed those thoughts away, thinking himself rude. He really hoped she hadn't noticed the way he had momentarily stared into the depths of that tremendous cleavage. He took a breath and stepped into her hands. They wrapped themselves close around him like a warm blanket.

"Is that too tight, hun?"

Brian wiggled a little, just to make sure. "No, this is perfect..." Her wrapped hands made a basket and her paw pads felt smooth against his body.

Janza stood up and Brian felt the world move very quickly as he was lifted up. The sensation left him feeling slightly woozy, but it passed. "Now," she began, her voice much closer, but just as quiet. "Where should we put you, hm?"

Brian looked up into the bear's eyes, confused. She was holding him straight out from her body, arms locked. Her smile spread open into a very toothy grin, each molar probably around a quarter of the size of his body. Brian suddenly didn't feel very safe in this 'basket' of his, but the idea of falling seventy-something feet appealed less.

"What...umm...where...were you thinking...?"

"Since you seem to like them so much, I thought we could get you better acquainted." Before he could even inquire as to who 'them' was, let alone protest, Janza moved her paws directly into the 'V' shape of her bathrobe. Brian's world went from seeing the bear's full figure to suddenly a deep and dark view of two very large hills placed side-by-side. Her paws pressed him directly between them, but didn't just let him fall into them. "Get yourself adjusted in there, honey," she instructed him. "Things are going to start moving and shaking." She held a single finger against his front so he didn't just sink down into the warm darkness. Brian almost wanted to.

All logic felt like it was going out the door and emotions and hormones were taking charge. Brian steeled himself, remembering the introduction video. This was how the people of Tor were, he reminded himself. They were open about their bodies. She had noticed him staring as she had bent over and probably appreciated it or thought it best to get him acclimated to her body. That had to be it. He slowly turned himself about until he could stare out the front of her bathrobe, right where each side of it met in the fold-over 'V' spot. One hand rested on one of her breasts, just the top, while his feet splayed themselves out to ensure he didn't move too much. His other hand reached out to the front of the bathrobe and grabbed some of the loose cloth.

"I...I think I'm stable."

"Good job, sweetie." Her finger left his body. "Feels like you're snug in there, but I'll walk slowly, just in case." She took a step and Brian hung on for dear life, while trying to hide the erection he had in his pants at the same time. Janza walked slowly out of his room.

To say that there had been a lot of 'adjusting' on the short walk was an understatement. At first, Brian felt far too embarrassed about the situation, but Janza's calmness and even openness about it made him acclimate. Well, acclimate a little bit. The stairs were particularly challenging, but together they had made it downstairs. While there were huge steps built into the stairway, there were also smaller steps built on the inside of the steps, next to the wall. This home had obviously been built with sponsorship in mind. The stairs came into an entranceway with two arches, both leading into separate rooms. There was a door that looked like it went outside, but Brian knew he couldn't be sure here. It wasn't made of wood or anything like it, but it did have a window on it that filtered in sunlight.

They moved under the first arch and into the kitchen. It seemed to be made to Janza's size for the most part. There were cabinets and drawers on the walls, a sink, and a few handles here and there that didn't look like they opened anything, but he guessed they must have some purpose like switches. In the middle was an island that had a surface like smooth rock. It was grey and had some kind of grain to it, but it looked like stone. Perhaps they had some form of granite here? Two stools sat in front of the island, obviously for eating, but they were both her size. Janza reached into her bosom, scooped him out, and set him on the kitchen counter top. She then stepped onto the other side of the island and quickly got to work.

To Brian, it was like watching a master at work. His mother could cook, but she was always clumsy about it, pausing to check the recipes on her tablet constantly. In fact, she carried the silly thing with her wherever she went in the kitchen instead of just sitting it down and reading from it. Janza was...well, if his mother was a cook, Janza was a chef of the highest order. She moved around the kitchen, pulling bowls out and boxes, setting them in different places. The boxes had writing on them that were in a language that Brian didn't even recognize as familiar. At first, it looked like chaos, but as she began to mix and pour different ingredients, it quickly became apparent that everything was in a place for a reason. She didn't pull out any recipe cards or pause to check anything; she went about her business with smooth transitions. His sponsor was a master of her domain and she moved with a strange grace for one so large. In a matter of minutes, she had three different pots and pans simmering or bubbling on a surface Brian had to assume was the stove. As she worked, she chatted with him casually.

"So Brian, honey, since I'm going to be your sponsor, the first thing I want to do is test our voice levels so we know how to communicate with each other safely." Her paws went to work whisking something that looked like it had the consistency of pudding and the color of mud.

"Okay," Brian agreed, her thoughts two steps ahead of his. "How do we do that?" She said something, but it was so inaudible that Brian only knew that she had spoken. "What...?"

"Like this," she clarified, her voice soft and quiet. Brian felt a shiver run down his spine at the way she had said it. "That was me whispering, then talking quietly." She turned and pulled on one of the handles, which opened up a door. She slid two bowls of the muddy-looking food into it, then shut it. Oven, he thought. The handles opened hidden compartments. He filed that information away. She turned back to him, "I know I'm moving around and there is some distance between us, but I have to make sure what you can and can't hear." She paused in her cooking process, "I'm going to talk loudly in a moment, hun, so keep your hands near your ears so you can cover them if you need to, alright?"

He nodded and prepared himself to cover his ears. She tilted her head up and...and...howled? Roared? Whatever it was, Brian did have to cover his ears, but only because he was surprised by how loud she had suddenly gotten. He uncovered his ears hesitantly and she stopped. Her head came back down and her eyes looked at him concerned, "Was that too much, Brian?"

"Well," he shouted back. "My ears are ringing a little bit, but I don't think that was too bad."

Janza gave a small nod and a soft smile, and then started cleaning things off the counter. "It's your turn now," she said in her normal voice. "Why don't you start off quiet and see if I can hear you?"

She bent over to put some of the cooking ingredients away in one of the lower cabinets. As she did so, the bottom of her robe pulled upwards and Brian got his first look at her lower body. "Whoah," he murmured. He had guessed at her body from the curvature the bathrobe had shown him, but seeing was truly believing. Her legs were thick, but her thighs were thicker. And hinted just at the very cusp of the robe's trailing edge were two half moons held apart by what looked like baby blue and white undergarments. He couldn't see all of her rump, but he knew that even this hint proved that she had a very ample butt. In fact, he suspected that everything about her was rather prodigious. She had a very large bosom that he had experienced firsthand, and the rest of her he had now seen or noticed the telltale signs in the stretched bathrobe at key locations. Yet he didn't think of her as chubby or overweight. She was wide, but in a way that fit her overall body type. She was also very soft too, which he had felt.

She stood up and turned around, "Did you say anything yet, Brian, honey?"

Brian cleared his throat and spoke louder, "Yeah, guess you didn't hear it."

"I suppose not," she replied with a gentle smile. She was 'soft' in more than just body though. She was soft in personality, in a way that you felt like you could just embrace her whole being in your arms and feel right at home. He wondered if this was how all sponsors were. "Why not try again, a little louder?"

"Okay," he agreed. He tried to adjust as best he could, "Can you hear me now?"

"I know you're saying something," she replied. "But it just sounds squeaky to me, sorry." She used her hip to bump a cabinet close. The counter top was getting cleared up in a hurry.

"How about now," he asked in a normal voice.

"Oh, yes," she practically cheered. Her paws had come up to her sides and she gave him a big grin. "I can hear you, but it is somewhat quiet. I don't want you to have to shout all the time though."

Her exuberance was contagious and he felt himself smiling back, not sure if she could see it or not, "Well then... What do we try next?"

"Breakfast, actually." She began to move the dishes off of the cooking surface and place them in front of him. The containers were all bigger than he was, which was slightly intimidating. "We're going to try these and see if you like them. Just take it slow, like one bite and pause, sweetie. I don't want you to get ill. If it doesn't feel right, you won't hurt my feelings if you don't finish it, okay?"

He nodded as she pulled out the bowls out and set them down. "Uh, am I going to eat any of this?" He waved his hand at the huge dishes arranged before him.

"Oh dear," Janza exclaimed, her eyes going wide for the first time since he had met her. "I've just been going off and cooking and you've been standing there this whole time? I can be so scatterbrained sometimes! I'm so very, very sorry, Brian. Let me get out the furniture for you. That was just so stupid of me..."

Before she could continue to berate herself, Brian felt himself loudly interrupting her, "It wasn't a problem at all. I got to see you in action."

"That's very kind of you," she said as she reached up and pulled open one of the higher cabinets. She gently pulled out a box and brought it to the counter. "I was just so excited to meet you that I rushed off to pick you up without thoroughly preparing." The box looked suspiciously like a shoebox that was made for someone of her size to Brian. She lifted the top off and delicately pulled out a chair. When she set it down in front of him, Brian couldn't help himself. He began to carefully think.

The bed was made close to his size and there were stairs going up to the second floor small enough for him. They were probably pretty steep to compensate for the difference, he rationalized. He had to admit that he didn't look forward to the climb to the top of Mt. Second Floor anytime. Nonetheless, all the things close to his size made him think that he wasn't Janza's first. She must've sponsored other people like him, since she had all this prepared. That begged another question...

He looked up at her as she finished setting up a small dining table for one with a chair. There was even a bowl, though it looked to be about the size of a crock pot from home to him. Still, her big fingers probably wouldn't be able to handle something his size without breaking it. There were even utensils of a sort, but just like the bowl, they were larger than he was used to.

"Janza," he hesitated. "Have you ever seen a human before?"

She had closed the box up and was about to move it off the countertop, but she paused at his question. "A what, dear?"

"A human," he repeated. "Someone like me?"

She moved the box off the island counter and put it off to the side before turning back to face him and dusting off her bathrobe, "I can't say that I have. You're very different from anything I've seen before."

He couldn't help himself, he pushed on, "Then have you sponsored others like me? I mean, in terms of size?"

She tilted her head slightly to the right, causing her hair to shift and obscure half her face, "Of course I have, dear. I'm a professional sponsor. This is what I do. But..." Her voice trailed off into silence. When she spoke, he could feel the tremble in her quiet voice, "Do you mean that you want to spend time with someone closer to your own size?"

Suddenly, Brian felt like his logic had somehow led him onto a very dangerous path. "I was just curious. That's all."

Her lower lip trembled a little, "I know I'm...I'm rather large compared to you, Brian. I would..." She cleared her throat and brushed away the hair from the side of her muzzle, "I would understand if you wanted someone smaller. You would probably be more comfortable with one of the mice on our planet, since they're only around fifteen feet tall."

Brian decided to take a step and see if he could find solid footing, "Janza. I'm completely comfortable around you." It was a partial lie, but a well-intended one. He was still in awe of her size and her femininity. "I was asking because of all the furniture. It's close to my size and I thought maybe there might be other species, here."

She took a slow breath and nodded, then reached a paw to rub one eye. He wasn't sure, but Brian thought he saw something glisten there. " sure you're comfortable around me? I know...well, I'm not young or considered very pretty..."

Something very deep inside Brian wished he could grow to Janza's size and hold her tightly against him and tell her that wasn't true. "That's ridiculous," he protested. "How could anyone not find you beautiful?"

She gave a small sniffle, "That's very kind of you, honey. It really is. But I know I'm not attractive. And I would totally understand if you wanted to stay somewhere..."

Brian cut her off, "There is nowhere else I'd rather be, Janza!" He wasn't sure if he meant the house or with her, but he did know that his declaration was based solely on the fact that he hadn't seen much of the world yet, which meant it wasn't a lie yet. So he was speaking the truth, in a manner.

"Really," her voice quivered.

"Yes," he calmed down. "Really."

Before he could stop her, she had leaned down and placed the tip of her muzzle against his body. Her puckered lips pulled him between them and held him. There was a wet sound and he was released back onto the counter. More than just the sound, he realized his clothing was somewhat wet too. Except...she had just kissed him. It hadn't been a graceful action, but it had been meaningful, because she now stood up and smiled again. "You're too sweet..." Even her voice was normal again.

Brian took a deep breath and wondered if all close encounters with women were this harrowing. "You know," he began, his heartbeat slowing back to normal. "That food does smell really good. I'd love to try some."

The meal was more than good. It was fantastic. He had no idea what half of the stuff was, but he could compare it to a few different meals from home, just better.

After Brian's suggestion for food, Janza had scooped up a single spoonful of one dish and had him try just a little bit. She hovered over him as he picked up the comically large spoon and dug into the goop. The first bite was a Rube Goldberg machine of tastes. It was so many flavors that led to another and it was all ridiculously delicious. It started with the taste of eggs, but it was light and fluffy and had just a hint of butter. Then it went into something crunchy before ending at a sharp liquid that oozed out onto his taste buds. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he wanted to tear into it, but he contained himself as suggested and waited to see if his stomach acted out.

As he waited, he found another question that he wanted to ask. Rather than just blurt it out, he examined it from a few different angles to ensure he didn't put himself in another quagmire. Satisfied it was safe, he tested the waters, "Janza, may I ask you something?"

"Of course, sweetie," she replied.

"How do you know what I can and can't eat?"

She reached out with one paw to waft the smell of the dishes up to her nose, "Immigration Services tested your body's byproducts to figure out what kind of things your body might accept or reject. Also, I know you're an omnivore. So they gave me a report of things I should avoid with cooking for you."

"So why can't I dig in," he almost pouted. His stomach was gurgling at the memory of that first bite. It was so very good.

Her lips burst into a rich laugh, "Because we make mistakes too. For all our technology and science...well, let's just say we're not perfect. And don't ask me how they even test for what your body would be able to process, because, honestly, it's all beyond me." She placed a paw to her chest and shrugs in a 'what can you do' motion. "That being said, how do you feel, Brian?" She leaned in close, concerned.

"Um," he paused and considered. "I feel fine?"

"Excellent," she exclaimed loudly. "Let's dig in." She immediately grabbed the rest of the dish and began to shovel it into her mouth. Brian wasn't ashamed to admit he was doing the exact same thing. He felt like he'd been stranded on a deserted island his entire life for months with only saltine crackers to eat, but now he was at a world-famous buffet.

He finished and looked longingly at his bowl, "That was...outstanding."

Janza beamed with pride, "If there's one thing I know how to do, it's how to make a delicious dish. Are you ready for the next one?"

"I think I'm going to need a moment from just THAT one," he moaned. It hadn't really been that much food, but he had probably ate it too quickly.

The next three dishes were just as good as the first. One tasted like pancakes, syrup, and something potato-y. The other two reminded him of a breakfast burrito, meat and salsa tastes with cheese and something else. He wasn't quite sure how she did it, but he got the feeling he was going to gain weight if he kept eating like this. She just seemed so happy to see him finish all of his food though. After he was done, she began to put away the dishes, but kept out the furniture in his size.

" there any way we can go for a walk, Janza," he inquired, feeling like he needed to move around or else he might fall asleep from a sudden carbohydrate intake overdose.

"Of course, honey. I may have to change though. Would you mind waiting while I go get into something more fitting for outside? Oh! Even better, would you like to help me pick something out? I would love to get your opinion."

She said it so matter-of-factly that Brian didn't even register it when he responded, "Of course, that sounds like a good idea."

He paused. Had he just agreed to help a woman pick out an outfit? He had zero fashion sense and no idea what it would entail or how long it would take. But his eyes drifted up to Janza's baby blues and then down her body. His body decided for him that it didn't matter what he knew or didn't know.

Her paws reached down and she cupped them for him, creating the perfect seat. He stepped into her hands without any hesitation.

The trip upstairs was much easier than the one downstairs. Then again, Brian felt a little more at ease being carried in Janza's cleavage. She didn't talk as they walked aside from making little noises, sometimes almost cooing as things shifted. While going up the stairs, she put a paw under her bosom to hold things. This time, while resting in his spot, Brian noticed that the air in her cleavage was warm and humid, while the air outside of it was cool, but not cold. He felt embarrassed to say that the idea of her 'bare' body near his earlier had distracted him from noticing such things. Her body had to generate a lot of heat, he thought, ergo why it had been so cold when he had woken up. It just made sense.

Once upstairs, Brian noticed the door to his bedroom and two other doors, both slightly ajar, but not enough to see into them. They were walking towards the further door when he spoke up, "Janza, what's in there?"

"Oh, that's the bathroom, honey." She paused, a few steps past it, "I'll show you later, unless you need to use it now? The house has a toilet in your size, so you won't have to ask me every time you need to relieve yourself." She motioned a paw towards the door and half-turned back towards it.

Realizing she was waiting for a reply to her question, "I'm fine for now, but that is a relief to hear."

She smiled, "I just want you to know you're taken care of, sweetie." Brian felt very taken care at that moment, but he didn't say that. Her paw pushed open her door and Brian was carried into a woman's room.

The room was elegant and simple. The walls were a textured tan while the floor was the same light color as the one in his room. It had felt like smooth tile, he recalled. There was a massive canopy bed in the middle of the room, complete with white drapes that were tied back to the posts. The bed itself had multiple pillows sprawled out on it in various places and had a thick white comforter on it. Or maybe it was cream, he could never tell. The whole frame looked like it was made of gnarled tree branches that curved around each other, growing upwards towards the ceiling. In fact, it looked like the bed was designed to give the appearance of growing right through the floor and was still branching out. Most noticeable of all was the way the mattress had a large round depression in the middle of it. Obviously Janza slept there, curled up, with the blanket and pillows around her.

Aside from the bed, there was a large chair in the far corner of the room that had a giant-sized nightstand next to it. The chair looked a little out of place as it was a dark black, but it did look voluminous in its padding. The last thing in the room he could see was an extra wall, but free-standing. A changing screen, he concluded. It sectioned off a quarter of the room with space in the back to walk in and out of it. The screen had obvious folds in it, where some sort of hinge held it together, as Brian could see small cracks between panels. The panels themselves were a smoky white with wood, or what he could only assume to be wood, borders on it. Behind the changing screen was a light of some sort, brightening that corner of the room up.

"So Brian," Janza began as she reached into her bathrobe to lift him out. "We've covered how to talk, a few things to eat, but I don't know too much about you yet and you don't know too much about me." She set him down on a large pillow on the bed that sank only a little under his weight. He was near the edge of the bed, closest to the changing screen. Janza stood up and began to untie the single white rope that held the bathrobe closed over her body. "Why don't we get to know each other better," she suggested lusciously. Or maybe that was the way he wanted to hear her say it.

Brian took a deep breath and carefully cleared his mind. "I would love to get to know my lovely sponsor better." He sat down on the pillow and crossed his legs, settling in.

Janza turned away from him and walked towards the space behind the screen. As she did so, she began to slide her arms out of her bathrobe. Then just before she stepped behind the screen entirely, she let the white robe flutter off her shoulders to the ground. He caught a glimpse of her undergarments. They were bright blue with white lacey frills around the edges. He wasn't sure how to define them, due to the way her backside seemed to flow out of them and around them. He found himself holding his breath, his mind replaying that half-second of bare back. "Stupid," he whispered quietly, so she wouldn't hear. "This is how their culture is."

"Did you say something, dear?" The voice floated over the screen.

"Just wondering how we start," Brian called back, covering his self-admonishment.

There were vague shadows that moved along the screen, "Well, I know a little bit about you from the sponsorship paperwork, Brian. You're 16, right?"

"Yes, I am." He stopped himself from adding any side notes about turning seventeen soon. That would just seem desperate on his part to appear older.

"That's wonderful, dear. I'm so glad you're of mature age. That takes a lot of stress off of me."

Brian's mind processed that, "Mature age? You mean 16 is...considered an adult here?"

Janza's head popped around the side of the screen, "Of course. Isn't it on your world?" She looked at him with curiosity, but a hint of something else too.

"Definitely," Brian lied glibly. "I just wanted to make sure that was true of Tor as well."

She smiled at him, "It seems our cultures are quite similar." Her head disappeared back behind the screen.

He had lied to her. Why had he lied to her? He hadn't panicked or even tried to explain things. It had come out so easily. Brian bit his lower lip as he considered his deception. He knew why he had lied, but he didn't want to correct the mistake. He wanted to be seen as an adult here, not a child. Not because of any privileges being an adult might possibly bring him, but because he wanted to be considered...what? A potential mate? His brain reeled at the depth of his own feelings and confusion. He wanted the women of this world to flirt with him. He wanted to be seen as someone they could flirt with. Not a child, but an adult. He wanted to try and have sex with...He looked up at the screen. Her body shape was outlined in shadows on the screen in all its glory. Her voluptuous breasts swung as she worked something on to her legs that he couldn't see. They did sag, but that was a natural byproduct of gravity on masses that large. And he could even see very perky nipple-shapes in the shadows. Suddenly, his intellectual mind felt very confused while his body knew exactly what it wanted. He wanted to try and have sex with Janza, his sponsor. And here he was, only on Day 2 of his life on Tor. He wondered what was wrong with him and for once, his mind came up completely blank.

Her voice spoke and he zoned back in on the here and now and not the probably-not-going-to-happen.

"I'm sorry," he called out. "Can you repeat that?"

"Of course, sweetie," she replied while bending over behind the screen. His mouth went dry seeing the curves and size of it. To him, it was like seeing the outline of a sloping hillside. "I know your age, but you don't know mine. I'm 36. I hope I'm not too old for you?" The last part was said as a question, but the intent was so distorted that Brian had to take a moment to sort through the soup of hormones in his body.

"I think we'll be fine together, Janza."

The shadow stood up fully, "It's your turn now."

"My turn," he repeated, confused. "My turn to what?"

"To ask me a question, silly!"

"Oh," he decided not to point out that he had asked a question by confirming the age of adulthood on this world. He didn't want her thinking too hard about his inquiry. "What do you do when you're not a sponsor?"

There were a few moments of rustling from the other side before she replied, "I do a lot of odd jobs here and there. During the summer, I work down at the beach at a beach bar. I've also worked as a wet nurse and a teacher when the need arises in the community. Sometimes I instruct some of the new sponsors on how to act and deal with new arrivals. We always have to be careful with our guests and that takes work. During the winter months, though, I generally don't work at all. It's just too cold, so I sleep a lot or travel."

Brian's mind was trying to work itself past the image of Janza breastfeeding and for some reason, it was stuck there. Then a thought crept in and stopped all of his thoughts of sexual relations with her in an instant. She could breastfeed him, he realized. To her, he was like a child, if not a toy. He wasn't a mate. His mind drifted back to the video he had watched at the Immigration Center. It had said that size didn't matter, but that most likely meant for those who had maybe 20-30 feet difference. Not 60 or 70 feet. There was no way he could ever pleasure her, not like an equal. He wasn't even sure she would be able to pleasure him.

With that thought finished, suddenly his logical side began to reassert itself. That didn't mean that he couldn't eventually find someone here who might find him attractive. After all, Janza had said that the mouse-types were closer to his size.

Janza stepped out from behind the screen, "Ta-Dah! What do you think? And that counts as my question."

She was wearing a top that Brian knew had a name. He just couldn't think of it. The top was a strip of clothing. Just a single turquoise strip with little white stars that went around her entire bust without any straps that went over her bare shoulders. That was the first thing he noticed. The second was that Janza had somehow managed to fit both breasts almost entirely into this decorated piece of cloth. Almost, because there was a slight curve of breast popping out of the top on both sides. The fabric was stretched enough that he could just make out the darker spots of her areola. He was fairly certain that fashion on this world used technology unheard of on Earth, because the entire thing was not snapping or ripping. It was somehow holding that massive bosom up enough that it created the perfect 'waterfall' effect on her breasts. They hung downwards, but they didn't sag or look unnatural.

He forced himself to look away. His eyes moved downwards. She wore a pair of pure white pants that hung loosely around her large legs. She was facing him, so he couldn't see her backside yet, though he wasn't sure he was ready for that overload of visual stimulus just yet. Her belly hung over all sides of the waistband, but not too much. It was obvious the pants were pulled tight at the waist, which would've caused a greater 'muffin top' effect. Instead, she looked very natural in these. She wore a pair of sandals on her large paws as well, that looked like they were made of interwoven pieces of something like bamboo.

His eyes traveled up cautiously and found that aside from that top piece and those pants, she only had a wide-brimmed hat on. "You look magnificent," he answered sincerely. "You also look like you're ready for a day on the beach."

She nodded, baby blue eyes twinkling with excitement, "Of course I am, Brian, dear. I told you I work down at the beach. It's only a short walk away from here." She paused and looked down, "Though maybe I should wear something a little less revealing..." Her voice trailed off.

"No," Brian protested before he could think about what he was saying. He silently cursed himself. Control yourself, he thought.

"So you think I should wear something more revealing," she asked innocently.

He took a slow breath, "I think what you have on just accents your figure so well. It's really quite nice."

She nodded sagely, "It IS nice. But it's the first outfit I put on. You really should see another before we go with this one. Plus, I think 'quite nice' is good, but not good enough! Give me a minute while I try on another one." She turned and stepped back behind the screen, giving him a view of her backside once more, but this time he saw a cute little fluffy tail sticking out of the white pants. As she disappeared back into a shadow, she called out, "Your turn to ask a question!"

Brian closed his eyes and carefully reviewed his options on what to ask. It also helped to block out the distracting outline of his sponsor taking things off. A few questions began to form, but he examined them carefully before asking. Finally, he settled on a good one for getting to know someone, on his world or any other. "Hey Janza, what do you like to do for fun?" He cracked an eye open.

"Good question," her voice floated over the screen. "I like to take long walks on the beach during the warmer months, go into the city and go shopping occasionally, and read a good book in the evenings. I also really enjoy eating new and delicious foods, which had led to my passion for cooking. You've experienced that one firsthand though."

"Anything else," Brian pressed. He didn't know why, but he felt like there had to be more to this woman than just walks and cooking.

There was a pause, as though she was considering how to reply, then she said, "My passion is being a sponsor, Brian. I get to meet new people, learn all about them, help them learn about me too, and try new things together. I used to be a little more rambunctious when I was younger, going out dancing all the time and being a little more wild, but I've settled down a bit since then."

He noticed there was no sorrow in her mention of age or 'settling down'. She seemed to even relish the fact that she wasn't as wild anymore.

"If I may turn the question around, Brian, dear, what do you enjoy doing for fun?" Her shadow seemed to be slipping something around her upper half, pulling her hanging bosom upwards.

"Me," Brian repeated, a bit startled. "I..." His voice trailed off. What DID he enjoy doing for fun? The question hung in the air, like a slow-moving moth that you watch quietly as it flapped its delicate wings around you in tiny patterns.

Janza must've sensed his hesitation, "Something the matter, Brian?"

This was about getting to know one another and Brian decided that close-to-complete honesty was the way to go. "Yes and no," he explained. "There really isn't too much in my life I would call 'fun', Janza. Remember when I said I was used to eating at a set time?"

There was an 'Mmm-hmm' from the bear.

"I grew up in a very structured life with very strict parents. They sorta controlled everything I did. They expected me to always be doing something productive for my future. I was a student back home, still learning to be an adult, but my parents didn't really let me figure out what was fun. Instead, they dictated that everything would be for the sole purpose of some unknown future they envisioned for me..."

"That is allowed on your world," Janza interjected questioningly.

"Sadly, yes. I couldn't really get control of my life despite being of a 'mature' age until I was able to move out of their home."

The bear stepped out of the screen, but Brian's eyes weren't on her. His eyes were down on pillow he was sitting on. He saw her paws in the corner of his eyes, slowly walking towards him.

"Why couldn't you get out then, sweetie?" Her voice was full of concern and sadness.

"It takes money to get your own place. I didn't have a lot of it. It was going to take some time for me to be free." It was only a half-lie, which wasn't too bad. He looked up at her and found her blue eyes very near his. She had leaned down next to the bed until her head was level with him.

"Brian, I promise you that while you're me, we will have tons of fun together. No one should have to live that kind of life. The future will be there for you when you're ready for it. Until then, you need to have fun now and then in order to know yourself. And I'm going to help you discover yourself, every little bit that you've never had a chance to know." She said it all softly, her warm breath blowing over those luscious lips and onto his body. He felt goose bumps on his arms start to rise.

"So tell me, my dear Brian, what would you like to do for fun with me," she asked.

The hormones rose up again, surging past his logical thoughts and Brian did everything he could to not ask her to take him right there and then. Because it was stupid. The whole kind of 'taking' him she could do was to carry him places. He cracked a small smile and requested, "Could you stand up so I can see what you're wearing this time?"

She nodded quickly and unfolded herself. She had been kneeling next to her bed and it required some shifting of her legs to stand again. This time she was sporting a pair of shorts that looked remarkably similar to denim. They had been torn off near the top of her thighs. White strings hung out around the legs, showing plenty of leg. In fact, the shorts almost were a bikini in how close they were cut to her groin, Brian thought. His eyes traveled upwards, past her shapely thighs and shorts to see her midriff once again exposed. Her waist didn't bulge out of the shorts, but seemed to meet them in a soft embrace at the beltline. Her top was colored like the sky with white shapes spiraling over it like clouds. It was a shirt, but only covered one shoulder, leaving the other exposed. It left a lot of neck exposed, but this one didn't show as much cleavage as the last. She spun halfway around and shook her backside at him while she asked, "What do you think? Do I still got it or what?"

Brian could only dumbly nod as that tiny fluffy tail shook itself at him along with a lot of rump. It stretched out on either side of him like some kind of Eden. The shorts hugged her backside like it was made out of latex or something, showing the full curve of each cheek and even creating a nice valley between the two. And it all jiggled with little ripples in perfect harmony on each side.

"I...uh, yes," he managed to get out despite his very dry mouth. "Janza, I don't think you ever lost it."

She swung her head around, keeping her expansive butt right in his face. She gave a delighted smile, cutely closed her eyes, and tilted her head, "You're so sweet to say that. I don't work out that often, but somehow, my backside doesn't want to quit on me just yet!" Her paw came down on her right cheek and it moved like Jell-o, wiggling this way and that. "Give it a try and see," she urged him, sliding her hips backwards a little bit so her butt sat on the edge of the bed.

Brian shook his head, "I don't think...I don't think it will do much. I mean, I'm so small and there's just so much of it..." So much that he could get swallowed in there, he thought. He might even die happy.

"So what? Come on, honey, go ahead and try it." She was a little more insistent this time.

"Janza, I don't feel comfortable doing that," Brian finally confessed. And by comfortable, he meant he was having trouble hiding his erection and didn't think standing was a good idea right now, let alone actually smacking her butt. He really just wanted to jump onto it and start dry-humping her, but the visual of him doing that was so absurd that he couldn't even allow it play itself out any further. Besides that, if he upset her? She could just sit on him and his entire body would be crushed instantly. That much weight pressing down on him left no chance for survival. So he politely sat there, "But thank you for offering."

She gave a momentary frown and then stood up, "We'll have to work on that, I guess. It seems we have a lot we have to work on." Her voice was thoughtful, but quickly recovered into its smooth warmth again, "It's decided though! This outfit is perfect to go out in. Are you ready to go out and about for a little bit, Brian?" She extended her paw to him, placing it on the pillow gently.

Brian climbed into it, suddenly very confused. Had his refusal offended her in some way? He knew they were open about their bodies on Tor, but knowing and seeing were two very different things. Maybe smacking her butt was just her way of showing off her body to him. It was all just so very confusing. Women were confusing enough, but this world was a whole new level of uncertainty.

Janza lifted him to her clothed shoulder instead of settling him in her cleavage. There was a loose thread there that hung off in a loop, like a seatbelt. Seeing nothing else to grab onto, Brian settled his legs through the loop as his sponsor asked, "Ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he affirmed, his thoughts awhirl with questions, suspicions, and a whole lot of sexual tension, real or imaginary.