A Golden Light on Cold Grey Stone

Story by Torvac on SoFurry

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A golden light on cold grey stone,

Reflected off two dragons, prone.

A silver and a red they were,

And in the morning light one stirred.

A loud yawn broke the peaceful silence,

Sharp teeth reflecting light like diamonds.

Azure blues opened and cast their gaze down,

A warm smile split the silver's muzzle, all 'round.

Warm memories flooded the silver's mind,

Of how the red was loving, and oh so kind.

A personality she had so fallen for,

A warmth in her chest, so difficult to ignore.

She thought back, to days gone by,

Of events they faced, side by side.

The birth of a small ness, black and red,

Oh, how much tears of joy he'd had shed.

Of simple things, like hugs and cuddles,

Of warm embraces, together huddled.

Of warmth and care, shared so close,

A moment where-in only true love shows.

A few weeks passed, low and behold,

Not one, but two eggs, her belly hold.

The nippers hatched and grew like weeds,

Growing big and strong with incredible speeds.

Another little one soon came to be,

Welcomed to the world with eager glee.

Winter came, painting the world in white,

To see the littles play was quite a sight.

She came back to the now by a gentle shift,

But the red still slept, in his dreams adrift.

I love you dear, my glorious red,

She leant down, and softly said.

A soft lick across his cheek she gave,

Before she rested her head back into place.

As sleep swept over her, with dreams overcome,

Her smile remained, still lingered some.

Deep affection shown by light from the sun,

When two hearts.. become one.

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! This was a poem I whipped up for a close friend, and he told me to post it, so here it is.

I'd never really written a poem before, so I'm sure there are plenty of mistakes in there, so please overlook them for this noob. ^^