Surviving Solitude Part 3

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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We approached the small boat we found earlier that was most likely used by the intruder. I wonder why he was going down stream, probably running from a horde. Grant lifted the boat into the water, then looked to us.

"Alright," said the lion with a puff, "all aboard the piece of crap." It wasn't the most impressive looking boat, but still looks like it could do it's job.

"We should do an inventory check first." I said, "Just to make sure we didn't forget anything."

We each had our melee weapons or bow. Grant had a pair of brass knuckles; Nate with a steel bat; I with my bow and arrows. Shortly after, we boarded the small boat, and began our way to what was the city of Leham. When we arrived, we examined the area for any of the undead. The streets were empty, except for one street, which had two of them. The buildings were tall and made of brick; pretty much a slum. Walking around a bit, evading as many zombies as we could, until we found a small clinic. Outside were few cars, paint peeling and foliage everywhere. The windows were dirty and trash was strewn here and there across the parking lot. The lion walked ahead of us, then stopped by the dusty, glass doors of the entrance.

He juggled the doors a bit, then said, "it's locked, we should look for a back door before busting this." We crept around back to a metal door this time. Also, this door was already open.

"Careful guys, don't make too much noise either." Said Nate, readying his bat. I held fast on my bow, ready to swing at any walker or runner we encounter. The door creaked open, exposing the darkness to the dim light. Nightfall was approaching, and it would be getting dangerous here, but the urgency with Daniel's leg is a thing we must come here for. Grant turned on his electric lantern, and we followed closely. The darkness of the lobby grew and intensified. To make matters worse, we saw a zombie child. It was, or used to be, a little cocker spaniel pup. Now, it's brown ears are mangled and shedding lots of fur. A lip was ripped off and her clothes were tattered. Despite how close we were, she paid no attention to us, for they are drawn by sound. I noticed Nate had reached over and tried to grab a medical kit, but failed to reach it because it was slightly out of reach. I knew this was risky, for shattered glass lay around us. Lucky on how we didn't step on any of it, but now that we notice, it's hard to move a muscle. Sweat began to form as my eyes shifted between the medikit, the child, and the floor. The bead went down my neck, and through the middle of my chest until it pooled on my belly button. My pulse was mutilating my skin like a drum, beating so hard I could have a heart attack. With a fatal reach of desperateness, Nate reached once more time. However, when he had a grip on the handle, he had also taken a step on the wrong step. The crack of the glass was worse than a fire of a gun, unleashing hell. In a split second, the pup disappeared out of sight, and we were running out the door with no intentions of wanting to have it in our sight.

* * *

"What are you doing?" Asked Daniel, his voice filled with a soothing tone. I was trying to cuddle with him, but then again I was also trying to seduce him.

"Just want to sleep with you." I said with a bit of a whine as I encircled my arms around him, bringing us closer together. He smelled like flowers, since he always picks them to "freshen" the house. The grey wolf did like to keep things organized and neat, a perfectionist if you will. That perfectly describes him, mhm, a perfect wolf. My fingers twirled his silky fur on his neck. I'd often think, what it would be like to have sex with a guy. Yes we both are virgins, the only ones here at that, but to loose it to him would mean the world to me. The only problem, is that he is most likely straight. As I thought, he rubbed my hand a bit, stroking it back and forth with loving care.

"I'm thirsty." Whispered the wolf next to me.

"I'll go get you some water." I said, which pained me to have to get up after being so comfy.

"No." He said, grabbing my underwear. I felt like dying with joy right now. The way he grabbed it exposed my crack a bit, but enough to not be disgusting. I laid back down next to him, both eyes gazing into one another. "I'm thirsty for your water." My mouth was on overflow, he wanted to kiss me! I rolled on top of him, feeling his hard member. This sensational touch from wolf and husky almost made me climax on the spot. Just as I opened my muzzle to moan, my sly friend pulled me into his. The kiss was accompanied by a gentle thrust of the hips, like a symphony of our bodies merging into one. I couldn't hold back, but I was afraid I might hurt him. However, a little devil on my shoulder said why stop? It was good as it was now. Our passionate kissing, his hands rubbing my back. If it continued, I might do something irreversible. Yet the moment was just too good to stop. My head wavered both options, and decided to just leave it with Daniel. His paw gently touched the top of my head, and began to lightly push down to his package. A package I couldn't wait to tear the wrapping off of. I made my way down with little kisses, his back arching each time one was planted.

"Wait." I said. Why did I say that!

"What?" He asked with heavy breathing.

"I think we should wait before it goes out of control." No! It was so good! Why was I saying all these things!

"But I like you out of control." He said quietly. This was too cute. His thin voice was bliss to my ears. How he does every little thing has always been adorable.

"Ok Grant."

"What did you say?" He asked with ears perked. Oh crap, what did I just say? Yes I have a crush on Grant too, but that's just because of his masculinity and how bold he is on everything.

"What?" I asked, hoping he didn't catch the name.

His legs drew into his arms, which held them close to his chest. We was curled up into a little ball. A little ball of furry cuteness.

"You said Grant, didn't you?" We stayed silent for a while, not saying everything. I regretted everything I said with Daniel, and I could've avoided this if I had just left him alone to sleep. No said my heart, I had to go and lay with him and end up here all awkward.

I left the room shortly after to fix us supper, since it was already dark out, and we haven't eaten since noon. Two bowls of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for Daniel and I. Once at the room, I saw him on the farther end of the bed, curled up and sideways. His tail was tucked in. I placed the tray of delicious food on the floor, and went over to him.

"Food's ready." I said, getting no response but having my feet stared at. "Look, I don't see why you are so upset with me accidentally calling you Grant. I just am worried for them at this hour. That's all." I lied. His head burrowed deeper into his arms, which got me upset myself.

"Sorry." That was all he said. I went to retrieve our food, and offered some to him. The wolf sat himself up to take the cold food. With a sandwich in one hand, he dipped an end into the red liquid, and took a bite. The soft mush sound made my ear flick. The way he ate was so cute, I immediately stopped being mad at him.

When he took a bite, I asked, "Can I have a bite?" Daniel nodded and handed the bread and cheese combo over to me. That wasn't the piece I wanted. I wanted what was in his mouth. Grasping his chin, I pulled him closer. The grey wolf revealed the treasure, which my tongue swiftly snatched. Then, it lingered in search of another prize. His tongue. That night, we ate and made out until we passed out in each other's arms.

* * *

Banging, screaming. That was all I could see, hear, feel, and think of. Grant paced back and forth, while Aiden sat on a box, his foot tapping with nervousness. They had overran us into a small room of an apartment complex. At least we were on the ground floor, and had the things for Daniel. The front door was useless, and the windows were asking to go through the front door.

"We can't do anything here, we'll die if we don't get out and Daniel might if we don't make it to him." I said, neither moving apart from their current panics.

"It's all about Daniel, isn't it?" Said the lion. I felt uneasy with his question. He got up and eyed the both of us with an angry expression. "It was him who got us here and it was him who ruined everything!"

Furious and afraid, I got up in protest, "His accident could've happened to any of us!" I felt overwhelmed, with the zombies banging and the yelling between us. It was too much. I sat down wearily with a hand on my horn. "Just don't take your frustration out on any of us." We were silent once more.

"How about, we..." Aiden paused, "never mind." He looked down at his shoes, his head hung low close to his hands.

"No, go on." I said, both Grant and I looking up at him.

He licked his dry lips, before speaking once more, "I thought that two of us could go into the bedroom, lock the door, and wait. Then the other person opens the front door, and distracts the zombies while the other two go out of a window or something."

"No," Stated Grant, "that is completely out of the question!" The lion looked at him with malice.

Wanting to defend the only family I have, I said,"Well what other proposition do we have? I see you not coming up with anything else?" Grant looked as if to speak, but shrank back with defeat. Seldom is it to see him like so, which pains me inside when he does.

"Nate, Aiden." Said the sad lion after a while.

"Yeah?" We said in unison. Don't you dare tell us to go into a room.

"I'll be the bait, you guys go out and help the others back at home." Just as he was speaking, he was corralling us into a room. Then, he picked up the medikit and threw it at us. He pulled over a chair, since the door opened outwards from what was the remnants of a bedroom. In a blink of an eye, something happened that would tear us apart. The front door busted open to the mercy of endear savages. With a gasp I drew in air. The last breath I had seeing my cousin, for Aiden did what any hero would've done. Sacrifice. He threw Grant in, so he dove forward, and shut the door. The last thing I saw of him, was the child from the clinic, biting into his strong, brown shoulder. However, that was not the last of him, for I heard his cries and screams that sang terror in our ears. The gurgling, the shuffling, the struggling. It continued even after we got out of a window. Continuing even in my thoughts, overriding every memory of him with his dying voice.