There is a Lioness in my House! (corrected)

Story by TheLionWriter on SoFurry

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First I have to confess that I had stuck with The Outer Rim series. I wrote 21 pages but I have no time (and zest) to continue.About this story: This is just a random story again. I saw a movie last night about Kevin Richardson and his lions, and I got the idea to write this story. I hadn't had much time or space so I just stole... I mean borrowed... my work-mate's tablet and wrote it down in my lunch time (cheesy pasta, tomato sauce).

Hint: Never, never ever write something more than a Facebook status with a tablet. It was like a torturing! That touch-keyboard felt terrible! :(

I know there is some sentence without proper meaning... sorry for this... and grammar/spelling errors as well but please forgive me. If you have more time than me, please correct them and send a PM, I will make the necessary steps and put your name into the story (like: Spell-check: yourname, thank you buddy!)Warning

There is a scene with blood. Not too much just a few (not serious) wounds from a lioness. If you like absolute clean stories don't read this.Spell-check and Corrections: ThePurringLion, thank you buddy!

There is a Lioness in my House!

The lioness was churching in the thicket and her yellow eyes were flashing among the dark shadows. She just caught the sight of a deer not too far from her and she was really hungry by now. As she tensed her muscles and put her legs in the perfect angle to shoot out like a lightning bolt, she broke a branch from the fern behind her and the deer picked up its head for the noise. The nostrils of the animal had expanded, sniffed for the enemy. The wind had changed quickly and the presence of the lioness had been revealed, the deer jumped and ran away. It was the sixth time on that day when she had failed the hunting.

I was watching her from the nearest hill with a spyglass in my hands. I had done it many times before because I liked her. Her flank was slim, her legs were muscled and her eyes were like shining gems. Of course I knew that she would have eaten me long time ago if I would have given the chance but I couldn't help myself. I just liked her too much.

"Poor girl." I sighed. "You must be hungry." I told myself as I put back the spyglass into my bag. I saw the balk on her face. 'Maybe I should bring some meat next time' I thought but my father's voice told me the opposite 'Never feed a wild animal. Let the nature keep the worthy ones and kill the others.' he said one day. He was right in many things so there was no point to argue with this.

The next day I was on the hill again but I brought my breakfast with me. Bread, an entire fried chicken, some fruit and a flask of wine. I was in upwind, what meant that I was in cover, it was safe to eat. I thought that, but as it turned out I was wrong.

First, as I torn the bread apart, I smelled a strange odour carried by the light wind: musk. I was confused for a second then every single hair stood up on my back. I knew what was that scent... it was the lioness I used to watch from the distance. I stood up slowly, my hand found the dagger on my belt and as I pulled out I turned into the direction.

I saw nothing but thicket, trees, rocks among them. Then I saw the two flashing eyes just a short jump away from my little camp. 'What should I do now? I can't defeat her with a single dagger.' I thought and I wasn't sure about my chances. She was the most important part of my life; could I kill her in the moment of need? I kept visiting her since four years. I was on that hill every single day, watching her laying in the shadows, grooming her fur, hunting or just wandering around her territory.

As she found out that I knew she was there, she stepped out from the thicket slowly. Her head was hanging down, her whiskers were bending back and her ears were flattened. She pulled her lips from her teeth and I saw in her eyes, she will not miss that prey, she was ready to kill.

"Easy, girl." I said in reassuring tone. "I'm your friend, not your food." I made a slow step backward but she kept her pace. In an unexpected moment my feet stuck on a rock and I fell to my buttocks.

She was above me as soon as I touched the ground, but my reflexes were working properly so I put the knife on her neck in instant. She froze because of that sharp, pointy thing hit her throat, it was a threat that she could understand. Her fangs were just an inch away from my face so she could rip off my head within a blink. It was a standoff. My thoughts were racing in my head as I was thinking about the solutions.

Her angry and hungry eyes caught mine and couldn't release. I saw nothing but the intent of killing, the wish of calming her lust for blood and meat. I was more than uneasy when I realized there were no good solutions. It could only end with the death of me or her... or both of us.

I released her shoulder with my left hand because the dagger was more than enough to make her keep the distance. I was about the give her 'the final stab' and I made myself ready when I touched my breakfast. It was the fried chicken and I had got an idea.

I slowly grabbed it and as I put it closer to her, she made a few sniffs into the air. I saw her facial expression had changed from 'I will kill you' to 'what is that tasty smell?' in an instant. Her ears stood up, her whiskers swung forward so I lowered the dagger a little bit, ready to kill her if she would have changed her mind, but she caught my bait already: her eyes were on the chicken not on me. I throw that cat-bait a few meters away and she jumped off from me finally.

I was free, not wasting my time, I run away like a lightning-bolt.


I was uneasy on that night. I had almost been devoured by my lovely big cat. But her odour, her fur under my touch, her eyes only a few inches from my face was more than fantastic. I didn't know if I should have run away from my feelings or I should keep them feed well. She was deadly, but beautifully at the same time. She was the forbidden fruit.

'I will bring her meat!' I had made my decision and drove away the resentful voice of my father.

I was up by the first light of the sun. The large portion of the meat was already prepared for her. I just grabbed it and put it in my bag. My plan was simple: I will put it on a rock near her territory and wait for her.

As I said it was a simple plan... and stupid also. She had a huge territory and her movement was chaotic. There wasn't any schema; there wasn't any regularity about which day she is where. So I was waiting in the hide of a rock and my dagger was in my hand ready for anything.

The sun rose up and went down without a stop and the dusk caught me in the same spot where I had started the morning. I didn't see a single whisker of her what made my mood abject. I knew that she could be hungry. That chicken was just a short snack, nothing more.

"Where are you?" I asked from the rising darkness.

She came just after the last light of the day. She sniffed around the meat-pile, sent me a suspicious look and started to eat. That was all I wanted so I went home.


The days had passed just like the weeks and months. Like a leaf in the wind it had flew away without a single warning. I kept visiting my dear lioness and brought her food every day. I knew that I must not fall overboard; I had to keep her flank slim.

That day, yet another in the line, while I opened my bag and placed the meat onto the rock what I called feeding-rock I felt a nip on my back. My heart skipped a beat and I sweated all over my shirt because I knew that the lioness surprised me from behind.

Fortunately she was not in the mood of eating me alive. She rubbed her jowl to me and went to the meat directly. I jumped back a few steps and froze. 'She welcomed me!' I realized what just happened. Probably she understood that I was not her food but I was who brought food every day. So she may have accepted me as a part of her pack or something like this. I thought I will wait for her finishing the meal and give my idea a try.

She just finished the grooming and gave a last lick to her pads when she had noticed that I was still there standing with a beating heart and shaking ankles. She rose up, stretched her muscles and walked to me happily. I saw no sign of threat, her whiskers were bent forward, ears stood up and her tail was fluttering playfully. She rubbed her jowl to my stomach then continued the motion with her whole body. Her tail slapped my chin. I just realized how big she was. Her head were in the level of my chest. As she took a small circle and came back to me for another welcome-touch, I braced myself and caressed her neck and back as she passed in front of me. It was the moment of the joy. I was working hard for this moment in the last few months! But the moment had passed also; she walked away and lost in the woods.

I stood still for a few moments because she intoxicated me. I felt myself drunken and I knew that was the beginning of something new... something big... something important.

The first step was hard and I took a deep breath before I went home.


The days had passed again but not in the ticket of the waiting. She was playful, kind and even a little mischievous. She was able to act like a little cub: hunting for grass hoppers, poking little lizards with her paw and chewing on my forearm while purring ceaselessly. She became my best friend and I was the happiest man on Earth.

After a long day we spent with playing, chasing hogs, swimming in the river, I had noticed that a huge storm was coming. It was the beginning of the rainy season. I didn't want to leave her in the forest so I coaxed her into my home.

First I was worrying about 'bring a big cat into my house' but she behaved well. She sniffed around every corner and stuff then jumped into my bed.

"You just ousted me from my bed!" I laughed loudly. She just flicked her ear once than curled up into a huge fur-ball.

I was not tired so I made some food for myself, undressed from the dirty cloths and have a quick shower in my bathroom. My guest was fast asleep when I had finished then I realized, I hadn't had any room for sleeping.

"Would you mind..." I started but she answered only with loud sigh. "Ok girl. Sleep tight!" I went back to my living room and sat down to my small couch.

The storm raged wildly, I could only sleep shallow. I woke up with every thunderbolt and rumble. Around midnight I felt something tickles my toe then that thing came up through my shin, gone to my hips and stopped on my stomach. I hadn't had any idea what could be. 'Maybe an insolent fly.' I thought and opened my eyes.

My heart skipped a beat because there wasn't any fly but something bigger. It was the lioness and waking up to a staring lioness is what you won't stand without a weak cry.

"Holy whiskers!" I even jumped a little. "I hope you are not hungry." I told her but she did nothing dangerous just looking miserable. A quick rumble shook the windows and she crouched, flattened her ears and bent her tail down. She was afraid. When nothing had attacked us she stepped closer to me and poked my toe with her nose. It was like she asking 'will you save me from the storm?' I reached her head and patted.

"Don't worry. Come with me." I stood up and led her back to my bed. "I can't believe that you, the killer, the great predator are afraid of the storm." I said as I laid down onto the soft pillows and blanket. She jumped up and laid next to me. She was still worrying, her ears were flattened and her whiskers bent backward. She looked around in every second when lightning had lit up the room. I patted her paws next by me and she seemed a little reassured.


By the morning she appropriated me as a cushion. Her both hind paws were on my legs, one of her fore paw was on my chest and I could feel her snuffle on my neck.

"Morning girl." I said with a yawn. She purred up a short like 'Just give me five more minutes.' So I didn't move just admired the view: I was lying with a big cat. 'She is the largest girl who has slept with me in a bed...' I though and swallowed a laugh. '...and the most beautiful.' I had added.

I wore only trousers and nothing more because despite the storm it wasn't cold in the house. As I stood up, after she woke up and started to groom her fur, I fell to my knees. Her hind legs had numbed mine.

"Fantastic!" I sighed. I had to wait five minutes before I could stand up again but my trousers got dirty. I was with a big cat so I thought I didn't even need to be dressed up. I jumped out from my pants and placed onto the 'need to be washed' pile near my bathroom. It wasn't a little one I could tell.

"Hey girl!" I started but I changed my mind. "I can't call you girl. You need a name." I was thinking and scratched my chin. "Samantha... no it's not good for you. Nancy? No!" I was playing with the names. "You need something special, an exotic name." But I had had no idea until... "Aarya?" I figured out. "It will do." I smiled at her.

After I had my breakfast I brought some meat for her. Unfortunately my chest was soaking with the fluids of her food because I picked up a huge portion. She jumped out from my bed and came to me for a good-morning-touch but she stooped as she smelled the liquids on my body. She gave me a tentative lick on my stomach. Her tongue was rough, it scratched my light skin. I thought she can distinguish my skin from her food and won't eat me, so I let her lick up every single drop. It was a little unpleasant after three licks on the same spot, it started to ache and my skin went red.

I just stood there and let her groom me, she went through my upper body and on my arms but I was not prepared when she reached my groin. I jumped back when I felt that groping tongue on my maleness. She tilt her head and her ears were on me, like she would have asked 'what is the problem?'.

"Your tongue and my precious parts are not compatible." I told her but she was obdurate. She took a step closer and licked it again. I don't have to say that I was rock hard by then. She caught my tip and I felt like an electric shock went through my body. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure. I got a strange idea. I stepped to the table where the meat was and I dripped some meat-fluid onto my cock. My heart was racing because I wasn't sure about what I was doing. 'What if she will go mad and kill me... or worse, bite my penis off?' I thought and almost chocked as I held back my breath.

She licked my rod again, I forced myself to stand still and let her do what she wanted. After the third lick on my tip she went to the base of the meat-lollipop. She lapped up every drop then she had done something that I wouldn't have imagined: She opened her jaws and devoured my entire length. For a brief moment I had almost fainted. I was expecting a quick bite and penetrating pain but instead of that it was only warmness and a moist environment. I forced my heart to slow down a bit and I stared at Aarya as she held my penis within her deadly muzzle.

"I don't know what is in your mind, but I hope you won't do any harm on me." I told her between gasps.

Just as if she would have understood my thoughts she started to move her tongue under my dick. Then she spat out, sniffed around and took back. She was playing, it was obvious. Unfortunately, after the third second of the tongue playing, it started to ache.

"Stop it!" I cried in pain after the fifth second and stepped back. She followed me, held still my penis in the trap of her teeth. She tightened her grip on the base of my cock so I froze in motion.

"Please don't hurt me! I fed you and protected you from the storm!" I said her but she was not about to hurt me. Her expressions told me, she was cheerful. It was just a game to her... a new, exciting game... with my dick in her mouth.

She swallowed back some saliva as she was waiting for my reactions and it was good. She did it again and again till I felt the culminating pleasure. Of course she moved her tongue for a few times but it wasn't like her licks, just slight movement. I thought I could push it in a little further so I moved my hip forward and she loosened her grip, curved her tongue around my length. That was the moment when I came.

As I cried up in pleasure I may had surprised her, she shut her jaws tight on my cock. Then I cried up again but in pain because she started to suck and lap up every drop came from it and the pain had washed away the pleasure.

"Stop!" I cried and stepped back again. She released me and I grabbed my penis in instant. It was bleeding from many wounds. At the base there were little teeth marks from her incisors, at the tip there were sore spots because of her sandpaper tongue. I collapsed to my knees in exhaustion and shock. My hands were trembling and my heart almost jumped out from my chest.

"I'm an idiot! I could have been killed or mutilated!" I whispered to myself while Aarya rubbed her head to my cheek and purred loudly. Her body language had told me that she felt sorry; she didn't want to hurt me during this strange game.

"It was my fault Aarya. Don't worry." I caressed her head while she sniffed my limp cock and took a tentative lick with the tip of her tongue. Then she looked up at me and gave me another rub.


The next day I became sure about I was an idiot, I let a lioness... and I couldn't highlight more: a lioness, to give me a blowjob. I was lucky I survived with just a few sore spots and little wounds. After all, my genitals were still intact and functioning properly. I was a lucky bastard indeed!

She spent every time with me on that week except when she went for a short run into the forest, or did her private business among the thickets near my house. I was happy with this. I lived too much without another being around me. She gave me something I missed soo much.

"Come on Aarya, get in! That cloud is not promising light-rain." I warned her but she just laid still on my doorstep, looked at me solemn. I just waved in resignation. 'She will change her mind when the rain had arrived.' I thought and went back into the kitchen.

I had just finished my diner: cheesy pasta with tomato sauce, when the first drops of rain began to knock on the windows. That was the sign for Aarya, she trotted inside and hid in my bedroom. I had noticed that she acted strange in the previous few days. She was testy, self-contained and she ate more then she used to.

"What is the problem?" I followed her after I shut tight the front door. She snarled at me so I went out. I knew that she was not in the mood for company.


After three days I realized what her problem was. She was in heat. I didn't know what I should have done with it because there were no male lions nearby so she was not able to mate and get pregnant. I was not an alpha-male for her; I was just a co-pack, like a brother or something like this. I let her live in my house, I fed her, playing with her but I was not strong enough to be a potential mate. She kept distance from me and drove me away if I was too close.

That night was the third night when she was not sleeping in my bed with me. She curled up in the living room, behind the couch. I felt myself like an outcast, I felt myself alone again. I couldn't sleep; I just turned from one side to another all night.

With the first light of morning I felt whiskers sweeping around my knees. I opened my eyes and was not surprised by the sight of Aarya. She sniffed and licked my thighs under the blanket.

"I thought you are angry with me." I laughed. Maybe her heat had passed away and she was normal again. She picked up her head, threw my blanket into the other side of the room as she shook herself then she laid next to me. I caressed her flank and belly, she purred loudly.

"I'm glad that you are yourself again." I give a kiss to her nose what she returned with rub her jowls to my cheek.

As I caressed her head she grabbed my hand and took my index finger into her mouth. I knew she won't hurt me but her claws on my forearm were sharp. She started to suck my finger and pulled my entire arm closer to her face. It was funny that she acted like a nursling, eyes closed, intensely.

"My little cat!" I laughed. She switched to my thumb and continued; purring so loud I almost had become deaf. Her tongue was rough but my fingers had more resistant skin than on my private parts. It wasn't a problem.

Soon her sucking motions had weakened and her purring had stalled once or twice. Then she fell asleep with my finger in her mouth.

"I missed you." I was touched as I slowly caressed her ruff, then the dream had oppressed me too.


It was late afternoon when I had been awakened by a poke on my neck. I dismissed the invading nose and whiskers then sat up.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked between two yawns because she kept poking me on my face and neck. Then she laid next to me and looked up. I saw entreaty in her eyes.

"I don't understand." I reached her ruff, caressed. She purred and lifted her bottom a little bit. Then like a slap from nowhere I understood. She was still in heat and she wanted to mate with me. With me!

"Are you sure about this?" I asked as if she could have answered my question with clear words. She did but with her body language. She poked me on face again, licked my neck and ear, then laid down again.

I was naked and had a hard member between my legs. I didn't know much about feline anatomy, just what I had been discovered with Aarya so I wasn't sure about if this interspecies relation would be good to her or not...

"All right. I'll give it a try." I accepted her offer because I saw her need. She was ill and I had the cure for her illness.

I knelt behind her while kept caressing her back near the root of her tail. I lifted her a little bit with my other hand. It wasn't hard because she helped me. I placed my throbbing member to her opening and with a deep breath I pushed a little forward.

It was like a leap of faith, I knew that she clawed the males away sometimes; I saw her mating for several times with male lions. I would not survive that kind of rejection. I slowly trust my hips forward and let her pussy expand to my thickness. She purred encouragingly so I kept penetrating her hole.

When I was half way in I realized that basically humans needs air for living and I didn't breath for at least five minutes. The view and the feeling were so astonishing that I forgot to breath. Her vagina was tight, but inviting with the little muscle rings inside. She was warm and slippery everything what I needed.

As I trusted more meat into her canal she looked back suddenly and I froze in motion. 'Did I done something wrong? Did I hurt her somehow? Will she claw me to death because of this?' I was thinking furiously. But her expressions were telling me that she was just taken aback. I couldn't tell why. Maybe my length or thickness was unusual for her. She pushed her buttocks to me and my penis had disappeared in that perfect pussy. I let out a sigh and I came almost then and there.

I forced myself to calm down a little because I didn't want a rush. I was about to prolong this as much as I can. I moved my hip backward then forward, my thrusts were gentle and slow. She closed her eyes and bared her throat as she threw up her head. She enjoyed the event; it was out of the question. I was in heaven too.

Around the seventh thrust I felt something strange down there. Her liquids started to flow like a river; her purr became louder and changed to growling. But the most interesting was the felling that she gave me as soon as her ears bent backward and her lips pulled from her teeth. Her vagina muscles became furious snakes coiling up inside her.

It was too much for me and I erupted like a volcano with a roar of a lion. She roared with me then after the third spurt she jumped up and out from my bed, rolled from side to side on the ground. I just panted without the intent of move. She milked me empty like I would have done with a cow.

"I love you." I confessed and collapsed back to the pillows. She jumped next to me after a minute of grooming. She put her head onto my chest and we fell asleep together.

She was my mate and I was hers.
