Over the River and Through the Woods...

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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#5 of Quick Kinks

David stretched and yawned quietly as he slowly began to wake up. He instinctively kept his movements to a minimum so as not to disturb the slumber of the beautiful dragoness snoring softly in his arms.

He took a moment to admire her as his eyes began to refocus. Her golden scales shone like the very sun whose early morning rays from their bedroom window they now reflected. The human smiled and tenderly ran his fingers through her ivory hair.

She mumbled something incoherent in her sleep and snuggled herself closer to him in subconscious response to his touch. David sighed with contentment as he felt the delicate curves of her angelic body pressed against him through the thin fabric of her silken nightgown.

(Shock by Fear Factory)

He leaned sideways and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of her muzzle, hoping to awaken her in an affectionate manner. However, he was a bit surprised when she parted her lips and pressed herself against his naked body. She also eased her tongue out to lap at his own questing appendage. Her eyes remained closed and she still appeared to be asleep so he delved a bit further, pressing his mouth more firmly against her muzzle and rubbing the front of his body against her.

But David gasped softly as she suddenly rolled atop him, murring into the heated kiss she still held. She hadn't yet opened her eyes or given any sign that she was awake and he was getting a tad worried... but the way she was erotically grinding her luscious form against him coupled with their molten lip-lock caused a second base instinct to rise from his subconscious and completely overshadow his sense of concern. He looked down between their bodies and saw with mixed horror and amusement that he was already hard as a rock.

Celia seemed to automatically sense his already prominent arousal and reached down with her paw to caress him. David's apprehension was almost completely gone now, overwhelmed by his rapidly increasing need to bury himself deep within his beautiful wife. His hips arched off the bed as he pushed his length into her hand, an action to which she responded by slowly pumping her paw up and down his cock.

(Crushing Belial by Shadow's Fall)

Now he was running on autopilot... much the same as she was, and he reached up with both of his hands to palm her firm, supple breasts. The dragoness whined softly, obviously greatly enjoying the thin fabric of her nightgown rubbing against her rapidly hardening nipples. She suddenly sat up and swung her legs over his hips, straddling him and rubbing the moist lips of her sex hungrily against his throbbing member.

David moaned softly as her natural lubricants made her pussy slide against his cock with unparalleled smoothness. She kept up her sensuous movements while lowering her upper body onto his chest, once again taking his lips in a fiery kiss. David kissed her back, no longer concerned if she was asleep or awake... he just wanted to fuck her... badly.

She didn't keep him waiting very long as she disengaged from his lips to pull her nightgown over her head. Even though he'd been perfectly able to see through the thin fabric he still ogled her as all barriers between him and his wife's perfect breasts were removed. He had one of her nipples in his mouth almost instantly, suckling fervently. Celia groaned loudly, head leaning back and one of her hands moving to the back of his head to hold him against her bosom. David massaged her respective breast with one hand and reached between their bodies to rub the head of his raging erection against her sex with the other.

The dragoness arched her back in an obvious display of pleasured anticipation, grinding her hips into his length. With yet another shift in her position she sat up straight and impaled herself onto his throbbing member. Her husband released a groan of his own, thrusting himself upwards as she hilted him within her warmth. His hands roamed over her womanly hips, kneading at her scales and encouraging the vigorous movements that soon followed.

((Funeral Hymn by Exodus)

A spike of pleasure shot through his body as Celia began to ride him, thrusting her hips down onto him over and over. Her face was the very picture of pleasure; muzzle wide open and panting, eyes squeezed shut, forehead furrowed in concentration. She would occasionally moan incoherently; sometimes it was his name, others it was a vehement declaration of love. David gasped and moaned softly each time her warm depths enveloped him and started thrusting upwards as she would come down, making their hips hit together solidly.

Celia's pert breasts bounced slightly with her movements and her lover reached up to cup and caress them, gently tweaking her nipples with his fingers. She groaned loudly at this, covering his hands with her own to encourage him. David marveled at her; even though she was asleep she still went at him just as she always did when she was awake. It certainly didn't FEEL any different either; her silky walls massaged his length as vigorously as they always had and the waves of bliss that washed over him with every thrust he made up into her were as prominent as ever.

His hands on her breasts now moved up to wrap around her neck and draw her down for a deep kiss. His wife's moans entered his mouth, her tongue running against his as she continued to drive her hips downward into his thrusts. He was starting to feel the buildup of a powerful climax; there was just something about her being asleep and still fucking him that he just found incredibly arousing.

He started to thrust up into her harder and faster, his back arching off the bed with each plunge he gave into her body. In response to his increased vigor the dragoness sat up straight once again, slamming herself down onto him with equal power and desire. Through the fog of euphoria that enveloped him David noticed her tail thrashing wildly behind her, the way it did when she was about to cum. If he'd been in possession of a tail, he would've been doing the same thing... his pleasure was swiftly spiraling out of his control as he felt his seed begin to rise and his balls begin to tingle. His wife's frantic moans started to raise in pitch and frequency, her body arching and moving into his with feral passion.

Just as David was sure he couldn't take any more... Celia's eyes slowly opened. Her thrusts immediately ceased as she was forced to disbelievingly take in the situation in which she now found herself; completely naked, teetering on the very brink of climax... and impaled upon her dear husband who was looking up at her with a mildly amused expression.

David grinned slyly, holding her gaze for several heady seconds before giving an extra hard shove up into her, driving his cock as deep as he could.

The dragoness's eyes closed tight once again. This time she retained her consciousness, but her mental coherence suffered greatly due to the waves of pleasure that flowed through her as David's length so deep within her molten core finally set off her orgasm. Her treasure convulsed and rippled around his manhood, juices spilling out of her and covering her husband's crotch. Her muzzle opened in a squeal of delight, body arching and spasming in ecstasy.

"FUCK!" David yelled as her pussy clamped down on his cock. The increased stimulation in addition to the simple fact that he was causing his wife such pleasure catapulted him over the edge as well. His body gave a mighty lurch as he blasted his load into her welcoming depths, which massaged his length almost hungrily for the milky tide of his semen. He shivered and writhed beneath her, completely at the mercy of the hot bolts of pleasure shooting through his veins with each pulse of seed he released.

The lovers shuddered and convulsed through their orgasms for thirty blissful seconds before they began to relax; Celia fell forwards atop her husband gasping for breath while David's body sagged back onto the bed from its previously bowed position.

"Good... morning....... Celia." he managed between gulps of air. The dragoness weakly raised her head up to look at him, her face a dazed mixture of pleasured fulfillment and complete confusion.

"W-what happened...?" she gasped, totally at a loss but still greatly enjoying the feel of her husband's cock filling her sex and his seed filling her womb.

(Iconoclasm by Exodus)

"I kissed you..." David replied with a chuckle, reaching out with a trembling hand to caress the side of her elegant muzzle. Despite the ambiguity of his response she still nuzzled lovingly back at his hand.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she queried with raised eyebrows.

David spent the next ten minutes chronicling the events that had occurred... in excruciating detail. Celia just stared at him, half in disbelief and half in diluted arousal; just the way he talked about such things made her horny! When he'd finished he looked at her expectantly and was assuaged with a kiss from his wife.

(Stain of Mind by Slayer)

"You must have been dreaming about me because your transition from a slumbering dragoness to a dominant cock-hungry mistress was so seamless." He offered with a playful smile as they separated.

"Cock-hungry?!" she exclaimed with indignation, but David could clearly see a teasing twinkle in her gorgeous blue eyes. "Well yeah, I guess you're right. And I always dream about you, my love. But I must say that this was by far the best wet dream I've ever had." The dragoness finished, licking his cheek affectionately. Her husband turned his head sideways and ran his tongue against hers, drawing it into his mouth and sucking on it softly. Celia murred and deepened the impromptu kiss, arms encircling his back and hugging him to her.

"Mmmm... so what do you want to do today, my dear?" she inquired as they broke apart several minutes. "It's a beautiful Saturday morning with perfect spring weather; the world is our playground."

"Let me think about that for a minute, love." He answered, nibbling her neck playfully. She nodded and lay back down across his chest, just enjoying the feeling of him still inside her, his smooth skin pressed against her scales... and the delightful intimacy of just lying in bed with him. She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and sighing happily as he caressed her muzzle.

"I know, why don't we take a picnic out to the country." He offered a few minutes later. "We haven't done that in a long time."

"That sounds wonderful, my love. I know this delightful little lake out in the forest; we'll have to hike a while to get there... but it's totally private." She said, the last few words spoken in a sensuous murr. David stared at her for a few moments before smiling at her.

‘"You are the naughtiest dragoness I've ever met..." he mused aloud.

"Yes, I suppose I am. But you're not so tame yourself, David." She giggled, raising her hips upward and slowly puling herself off his cock. She almost whined as the wonderful filling sensation left her, a generous amount of his seed leaving her as well and dripping down onto his crotch.

"And that's why we compliment each other so well." The human finished, stretching himself out once again as he shook off the afterglow.

The dragoness smiled and gave a nod, rising from their bed along with her husband so she could go get dressed. She yelped softly as David gave her bare rump a playful swat. He smiled at the scowl she gave him and turned to walk room the room. But he didn't get far; tripping over Celia's tail which had inconspicuously placed itself right in front of him and falling flat on his face.

"I'll meet you at the car in fifteen minutes, love..." she chided as though nothing had happened, grinning smugly back at her indignant husband as she disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed.

(Madhouse by Athrax)

"How much farther, dear?" David queried as he followed his wife through the forest outside their small hometown, carrying a simple picnic basket.

"About five more minutes." The dragoness stated simply. The human nodded from behind her and continued to traipse along. His eyes, when not cemented on the beautiful dragoness in front of him, wandered aimlessly through the trees and shrubs through which they walked. His songs of various birds fell upon his ears, seeming to soothe him from the inside out. Both he and Celia were nature lovers, so they both thoroughly enjoyed any opportunity to get out in the wilderness and just revel in its majesty.

"Okay, here we are." Came Celia's almost melodious voice a few minutes later, snapping David out of his musings. His eyes widened as they fell upon possibly the most gorgeous natural scene he'd ever witnessed.

Apple trees that were just starting to blossom speckled the clearing, dwarfed by the large cottonwoods that towered above them. Countless varieties of wild flowers dotted the grassy terrain. All surrounding a stunning crystal blue lake; the seeds from the cottonwood trees drifting down on a gentle breeze like snow... the sunlight reflecting off them and giving the entire area a kind of hypnotizing glow.

"T-this is... unbelievable..." he stuttered, walking up beside her absentmindedly. "How did you find this place?"

"I used to come here as a child; it isn't much for the other three seasons... but springtime turns this lake into an oasis." Celia replied, her tail snaking itself around his waist to pull him against her. David smiled and draped his arm around her shoulder, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"It's almost as beautiful as you. But there's one problem..."

"Oh really? What might that be, my dear husband...?"

"This place is just so perfect I can't decide where to set up the blanket." He lamented sarcastically, earning a giggle from the dragoness.

(Gematria by Slipknot)

"Even so, that's not the greatest of obstacles." She murred, turning from him to gaze around the clearing. "How about in the middle of those three apple trees over there..." she offered, pointing to a small cluster of trees on the other side of the lake. They were arranged in a triangular configuration that almost made them look like an altar, small blossoms fluttering down under the gentle caress of the breeze like a pink veil around a little grassy hill in the center.

"That looks like a lovely spot, come on..." said David, clasping hands with his lovely wife as they both strolled around the lake's perimeter to where their little haven was to be.

David set the basket he'd been carrying down, reached inside and pulled out a blanket which he then spread out on the ground at their feet. Celia immediately sprawled herself out on it and patted the space beside her while looking up at him expectantly.

He grinned and sat down next to her, chuckling as she immediately nuzzled herself against his side.

"What did you bring for us today, my love?" she asked, her tone bordering on that of a giddy school girl.

"Well let's see here... I've got... grapes... some sliced ham... two bananas... FOR EATING." He added hastily as he noticed Celia's eyes light up mischeviously. "And two sandwiches; tuna for you and egg salad for me." He finished.

"Mmmm... you know just what I like." The dragoness purred happily as he laid out their food one item at a time to form a rather appetizing meal.

"I should." He replied. "Wow, it's such a nice day out. I think I'll take my shirt off." He quipped, pulling the simple white t-shirt over his head. Celia raised her eyeridges in skepticism, but she could never stop her eyes wandering his muscular upper body whenever presented with an opportunity.

"Sexy." Celia murred, totally aware of the suggestive undertones of his simple action. Even though both of them knew perfectly well that they were going to have sex at some point that afternoon, they still loved to tease each other unmercifully.

Celia grabbed the tuna sandwich, reclined herself against her husband's side and took a bite.

(She-Wolf by Megadeth)

For several hours the lovers basked in each other's company and the natural beauty surrounding them. Working slowly and leisurely through their provisions they watched the various finches and sparrows hop about in the trees above and around them. David's arm encircled his wife's back while she idly traced her fingers through his chest hair. Because of the way the trees were arranged around them they were always in the shade, a boon to the already very relaxing afternoon they were having.

"Hey love, can I have the last grape?" David's voice flowed out over the clearing, directed at the dragoness at his side who had presently plucked all but one of the grapes from the small vine he'd brought. She looked at him cheekily for a moment before she plucked the last fruit from its stem and dropped it into her own mouth... her eyes never leaving his.

"Hey!" he began to protest, but stopped as she slowly crawled up his body and kissed him deeply. Her tongue gently pried his lips open and David felt her roll the grape from her mouth to his in the midst of their kiss.

"Mmmmyes... yes you may." Celia purred as she pulled away from his lips.

"Why thank you, honey." He replied, chewing the grape up and swallowing it with a satisfied gulp. Celia pecked him on the cheek and lay her head on his chest, curling herself against his side and gazing up at him lovingly.

David smiled and ran his hand through her silky white hair like he was so fond of doing.

"Hey, look..." he whispered, tapping her shoulder urgently. A small buzzing noise reached her ears, and she looked up from her reclined position.

A small hummingbird was darting around in the trees above them, flitting from blossom to blossom. After several minutes of feeding on the flowers the tiny bird fluttered down and stopped no more than a few feet above the human and dragoness. For nearly thirty seconds it hovered above them, emitting its high-pitched inquisitive chirps before shooting off into the forest once again.

"Ohhh that was just too cute!" Celia exclaimed.

"I know. I'm just as much of a bird lover as you are, and hummingbirds are some of my favorites." Answered David, continuing to stroke her hair.

Later that evening...

"Hand me one of those bananas, won't you dear." Said Celia, fixing her husband with her best puppy dog eyes. He grinned and reached into the basket, pulling out what she'd requested. "Thank you." Murmured the dragoness, taking the fruit from him and sitting up.

She carefully removed the peel and raised the tip to her mouth. But rather than eating it, as David had no doubt expected, she slowly ran her tongue along the length of the fruit, swirling it around the end deliberately. She held his gaze and gently eased the banana into her mouth. But instead of biting into it she began to work it in and out, in and out; her eyes closing as she murred deeply.

David watched her with wide eyes and gulped audibly, seeing her putting on this temptuous display making his loins stir and his pulse begin to quicken. He'd planned to inconspicuously broach the subject of sex soon. However, she was not only beating him to it... but AT it as well.

At long last she took a bite and giggled as she saw David wince visibly. She quickly finished her dual-purpouse snack and leaned up to kiss him, the tip of her tail beginning to twitch.

"You know... people say that nature can act as a potent aphrodisiac." Chided the dragoness upon their separation several moments later.

"T-that was one of the sexiest things... I've ever seen." The now panting human said, reaching up to pull her head down for another kiss.

Celia murred happily, deepening the kiss and pressing herself against him. She eased her tongue into his mouth and entwined it with his, both their eyes sliding closed.

His hands began to roam her body and massaged her back and shoulders, eventually making their way to her chest and cupping her breasts through the blue shirt she was wearing which contrasted perfectly with her golden scales.

"Mmm. I think I'm starting to feel nature's effects..." he whispered from beneath her. It was true; all too easy it was for the dragoness to feel the bulge in the crotch of his shorts as he pressed himself up into her.

"Good." Celia answered, thoroughly surprising her lover by reaching a paw down into his pants and boxers to caress him more directly.

(Bastards of Bodom by Children of Bodom)

The human groaned softly as she tenderly stroked his rapidly hardening length, soft pleasure beginning to flow over him. Her hand and arm began to move in a continuous downward movement, taking his pants and undergarments with them. After pulling them down and off his legs she resumed her gentle fondling of his cock, further occupying his senses by running her tongue up his bare chest to lightly kiss at his nipples, making him moan and his skin erupt in goosebumps.

David just lay there and shivered under her practiced stimulation for several minutes before he suddenly rolled her over so that he was atop her... and able to reciprocate.

He immediately leaned forward and took her mouth in an ardent kiss, which she returned without a second thought. The flames of lust had already been ignited within them... and it never took long it to become a raging firestorm of passion. Her arms encircled his neck and her hands cradled the back of his head, pulling him even further into the already exceedingly passionate kiss. Her tail was now thrashing about rather wildly beside them as she groaned erotically against his lips.

He moved to pull her shirt over her head, breaking the kiss only long enough for it to be removed before pressing his lips to her muzzle once more. Now his hands moved downward slightly to begin to undo her lacy bra. Her own hands covered his to help him, deftly undoing the front clasp and freeing her gorgeous breasts.

Now bare from the waist up she moved her hands down to pull her denim shorts down and off, revealing the thin black thong she was wearing underneath.

"Mmmpah! You know just how to get me worked up, love" Celia churred as she pulled away from their savage kiss with a gasp.

"As do you." David responded, suddenly catching sight of her risqué undergarments. "Say... were you preparing for this?" he inquired, looking sideways at her with a teasing expression despite being fully aware of the answer.

"Mmmmmaybe..." answered the dragoness, batting her eyes innocently and giving him her sweetest smile.

"Cheeky dragoness..." David chuckled, gently palming one of her breasts and leaning forward to suck lovingly on her nipple. His wife moaned deeply and once again cupped his head in her paws, holding him against her as he suckled. "Gods, I've always loved your breasts." He remarked when he finally pulled away. The dragoness grinned sexily up at him and pressed them together appetizingly.

"Then why don't you pleasure yourself with them..." she said in a sensual near-whisper, making her husband's eyes widen slightly. "That's right, you know what I'm talking about. Slide yourself up here..."

David could only smile and do as she bid. He shifted his position so that he was straddling her stomach; his now fully erect and throbbing cock resting just below the her ample bosom.

(Blooddrunk by Children of Bodom)

The dragoness placed a paw on his bottom to draw him up a bit further and surrounded his shaft with her soft breasts. David sighed with pleasure as he felt his cock squeezed so wonderfully, thrusting gently upwards so that the head protruded just below her neck. Celia smiled as she watched his pleasured expression, moving her head down and giving his tip a lick.

"Ohhh Celia..." came the groan from above her as he started to slowly thrust his length in between her luscious breasts, gasping with each stroke because she would lap at the head of his manhood on the upstroke, adding to his pleasure.

She pressed her breasts tightly together around his thrusting length, giving him extra friction and a bit more resistance.

David was beginning to moan constantly and started to thrust more urgently. Celia also began moving her body in slight opposition, sliding herself down as he would come up and allowing her to take more of him into her mouth with each stroke.

"You love this... don't you? You love the way I squeeze you while you thrust... love the way I suckle your cock as you slide in between my delicious breasts..." she murred to him. She was fully aware of how much erotic language set him off, and it gave her a rise to speak it as well.

"Oh god yesss!" David gasped as his pleasure increased twofold. His hands rested on hers to encourage her to squeeze him more. She smiled and pressed her breasts more firmly around him, delighting in his pleasured groan that followed. Her tail twitched and writhed with her growing arousal; she was so in love with him that just the act of pleasuring him made her pussy grow moist and warm.

David's hips jerked and twitched as he continued to stroke his cock through her breasts, his pleasure increased even more as his balls slid against her scales with his movements.

For ten minutes Celia worked to pleasure her groaning and panting husband until David began to feel the pressure in his loins build to near unbearable levels. Celia once more called upon her draconian abilities and blew a stream of superheated air over his thrusting length, moaning slightly as it also washed over her sensitive nipples.

"C-Celia! I'm gonna cum!" he gasped, earning a sweet murr from the dragoness beneath him. Being in full knowledge of his succeptabality to her sexual dialogue, she chose her next words carefully.

"Mmmmyes David... give it to me. All over my breasts and muzzle..." she purred in as sultry a tone as she could manage. She guided him to pull his length from her bosom and immediately began to paw him off rapidly, licking her lips tantalizingly.

Her husband's body became rigid for a few moments before erupting into convulsions as he came. Hot cum erupted from his cock, covering her breasts at the behedst of his wife's hand working up and down his member at a feverish pace.

As his climax continued she angled his cock upwards so that the spurts of his seed covered her muzzle, opening her mouth to catch the rest of it. David continued to groan with bliss as he came, his essence vacating him in tremendous amounts until, finally, he began to wind down.

Celia opened her brilliant blue eyes and smiled, licking his cum from the corners of her mouth and emitting a rather audible gulp. She then cupped her breasts in her hands and brought each in turn within reach of her serpentine tongue, slurping up his seed. She also licked over her stiff nipples slowly, making sure he saw.

(Warhead by Otep)

"Mmm... delicious." She purred, smiling as her husband gave a tired nod.

"That... was... fantastic." He managed between pants, falling forward as gently as he could manage to lie across his wife's chest.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, my darling." She said in a loving tone, caressing his head with her paws. "But now I think we need to clean up; would you like to go for a swim?"

"Just... just give me a minute, love." David murmured, his breathing still quite shallow from his intense climax. Celia nodded, perfectly content to just lay there with him for as long as it took him to recover.

Five minutes passed while David got his breath back, Celia holding him against her and stroking his back tenderly.

"Alright, love. Taking a dip are we?" he queried when he was finally able to speak in unbroken sentences, standing up and stretching.

"Yes, I believe we were." Came her eager reply as she rose from her prostrate position and sashayed over towards the lake.

Just seeing her move was incredible. She swayed her hips teasingly as she walked, her tail swishing from side to side.

Upon reaching the shore she began to wade into the shallow water up to her ankles. Then she bent over and took one side of her lace panties in each hand. She glanced over her shoulder at him with a sly look on her face as she slowly pulled them down her long legs, raising her tail over her back to give him a nice view of the pink lips of her sex.

Stepping out of them she tossed the last dreg of clothing onto their blanket as an afterthought, walked out until she was waist deep and dove under the water. Her head popped up in the middle of the lake about fifteen seconds later and she made a beckoning motion with her hand for him to join her.

(Electric Crown by Testament)

Her husband chuckled to himself and nearly ran in after her. Swimming a fair distance offshore he resurfaced only to find her nowhere to be seen. He looked around to try and see any ripples or disturbance in the water but to no avail.

But several seconds later he gasped as he felt something grab his foot, finding himself submerged soon afterwards.

The surface broke several seconds later; Celia had her muzzle locked against his lips as his arms massaged her back and shoulders. She purred into the kiss as she licked at his lips, to which he responded by opening his mouth and easing his tongue out to dance with hers.

Still kissing him deeply the dragoness began to make small stroke of the water with her feet, slowly maneuvering them back towards the shallows. David seemed to sense her intentions and assisted her by giving a few kicks of his own, never once opening his eyes o breaking their lip-lock. Her hands became entangled in his hair as she continued to drink deep of the requited love he exuded, her feet eventually touching the lake's sandy bottom.

(You're Dead by Megadeth)

David broke the passionate kiss when they once more stood up to their midriffs in the clear water, his eyes opening to see the beautiful sapphire hues of his beloved staring back at him.

"Mmm... this is nice." He murmured to her, reaching up to caress her cheek. Her eyes slid closed as she nuzzled her face into his hand, making little murrs of contentment.

"Yes it is. Immersed in cool refreshing water, surrounded by such natural beauty, totally naked, pressed close to the man I love..." she murmured dreamily, giving his face a lick. Her lover turned his head to the sire, catching her tongue and sucking on it gently.

Celia emitted a soft yelp as she suddenly felt one of his strong hands cupping her pubic mound, two of his fingers sliding along the length of her swollen lips.

"Ohhhhh David." she moaned as she overcame her surprise, grinding her hips into his questing fingers.

"I bet you're waiting for your turn, aren't you?" he queried facetiously, punctuating his inquiry by sliding one of his fingers inside her warm vagina.

"Yessssss..." Celia hissed. It was true; just the act of pleasuring him had gotten her quite aroused... and being in such close proximity to him with nothing but her dignity separating them wasn't helping.

"Mmmm, I think I need to repay you somehow for pleasuring me so expertly..."

"I did that because I enjoy doing it. I'm not saying you have to repay me... but it WOULD be greatly appreciated."

The human gave her a loving smirk and leaned in to nibble her neck, his wife arching softly against him and gripping his head gently to hold him to her. She leaned her head back and groaned with desire as he continued to intimately caress her velvety insides.

"No, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't reciprocate. And you're not the only one who enjoys pleasuring their lover..." he murmured sensually against her scales, his hot breath and erotic words making her shiver.

The dragoness mustered all her willpower, pushing him off of her and back into the water.

As David got back up and shook the water from his face the first thing he noticed was the absence of Celia's presence anywhere in his immediate vicinity.

He saw her sprawled out on their picnic blanket and smiled, walking from the lake and over to her.

She was eyeing him with her sexiest expression, drooped eyelids and a sly grin. She flicked her wet hair out of her face and caressed her breasts with a paw. Her wet scales sparkled with the orange evening light, shining like the goddess that her husband most certainly saw her as. She spread her legs but moved her tail around to cover her sex, holding his gaze as she brought the tip of it to her muzzle and sucked on it teasingly while wiggling a finger in a ‘come hither' fashion.

When David finally reached the blanked he knelt down at her feet.

"I'm ready, beloved." She purred, moving her tail to the side and exposing herself fully to him.

"I'm going to try something different today, my love." Her husband whispered, once again pressing a finger between her heated lips. Celia whined softly, her body drawing into a gentle arch as small waves of pleasure and anticipation began to overwhelm her.

"W-what's that, dear?" she managed.

"I'm going to see how long I can keep you on edge." He said as he slowly started to pump his finger in and out of her.

"Ohhhhh... that sounds... mmmm... interesting..." his wife murred.

"But you have to promise not to move; we can't have you bringing yourself off now can we. And in turn... I promise to give you the most amazing... earth-shattering... spine-tingling... mind-blowing orgasm you've ever experienced." David said in the sexiest voice he could muster, his head moving closer and closer to her tantalizingly tingling treasure with each successive adjective until his tongue gently grazed her hypersensitive clitoris.

Celia had been shivering slightly due to his enticing proposition as well as the way he proposed it, but she quite literally screamed with pleasure as he ever so gently licked her swollen pearl. It was a tall pledge indeed; over the course of their marriage he HAD given her some incredible climaxes. And now he wanted to put them all to shame; needless to say it wasn't the easiest offer to refuse.

‘Alright D-David... you're on." Said the dragoness when she'd recovered from her shock, smiling as she reached a hand down to spread herself open for him.

David chuckled at her before dipping his head back down and dragging his tongue from the bottom of her sex right to the top. He flicked her clit briefly before suddenly delving his tongue deep inside her, searching out her long-memorized g-spot.

Celia gasped and moaned at her husband's practiced stimulation, her hands finding their way to the back of his head as he began to eat her out. He lapped over every inch of her insides, tickling sensitive areas before finding her most sacred of spots and lashing his tongue against it mercilessly.

A yell of exaltation from above him fell on his ears and made him smile into her swollen folds. He redoubled his efforts and closed his mouth around her entire sex to suck powerfully on it. He was trying to usher her to the brink as quickly as he could so that he could keep her there for as long as possible, and he employed every method known to him on his quest to accomplish this. He began to rub he engorged clitoris vigorously with a thumb while he turned his head to the side and suckled at her labia.

The dragoness was in limbo; experiencing a taste of heaven due to the unbelievable pleasure she was being assailed with, but also skirting hell because she knew in the back of her mind where the remainder of her coherent thought lurked that it would be a torturous eternity before she was allowed the release she was beginning to desperately crave.

(Nymphetamine Fix by Cradle of Filth)

And it was all made that much more intense as the hand that was rubbing her clit began to move lower, ghosting over her sensitive scales. Her eyes widened and she groaned his name as he began rubbing her tailhole with a single finger.

While continuing his oral worship of her pussy he gently eased the finger into her tight anus, her inner muscles un-clenching to allow him entry into her most forbidden orifice. With all the love and pleasure he was heaping on her, Celia suddenly found herself coming upon her peak.

"Oh... oh GOD David... I'm... I'm r-right theeeeeere...!" the dragoness whined, somehow managing to get the words out.

Her lover suddenly ceased his ministrations but didn't remove his tongue from her sex, or his finger from her ass. He held himself there for several moments, looking up at her panting face with an amused expression.

Just as she was about to voice an inquiry as to why he'd stopped, he started up again... but at a much slower and sensual pace. He gave her long, deep and slow licks, while easing his finger a bit deeper into her tailhole.

For the better half of an hour he kept her teetering on the brink; forcing the dragoness to call upon every last dreg of restraint she possessed to resist reaching down and rubbing herself raw. She'd never felt so many sensations at once, so much pleasure knotted up inside her... needing to be released. She wasn't even able to moan; too overwhelmed with bliss were her senses to even consider the possibility of vocalization. She couldn't move, her muscles had locked up almost as if under the sheer weight of her lust. She didn't know how much longer she was going to be able to handle this kind of stress without passing out... which wasn't what she wanted. She could feel it; when she finally went... it was going to be epic.

However, as much as she knew the eventual sensations would increase if she drew it out... she was no longer able to ignore what her body demanded.

"D-D-David!" she managed to gasp. "P-please... I b-beg of you! Please let me c-cum... I NEED TO CUUUUUUUM..!!!" she nearly sobbed, somehow compelling her hand to weakly caress his head in desperate entreaty.

(Sun Doesn't Rise by Mushroomhead)

Her husband lifted his head from between her trembling thighs and regarded her.

"Do you really want it?"

"Y-yes! More than I need air! She whined petulantly, gazing at him with pleading eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked rhetorically. He knew how much angst he was causing her, but he wanted to get her as worked up as he could in order to give her the unreal orgasm he'd promised her.

"Yes David! GIVE IT TO ME!!!" She screamed.

He sat up briefly to kiss her softly, pulling away and looking at her. She nearly gasped when she saw the aquiescence in his eyes, only able to watch him as he knelt back down between her legs.

David took one last moment to savor her precarious perch upon the precipice of pleasure before pushing his tongue as far into her as he could, pressing it against her g-spot. He also shoved his index finger into her tailhole, working it all the way up to the third knuckle.

It wasn't immediate; Celia remained still for several seconds more before she began to shiver violently. Then her body arched into a nearly perfect C, head leaning back, eyes squeezing shut and muzzle opening wide.

"Oh... oh my f-FUCKIIIIIIING GAAAAAAAAAAWD!!!!!!!" she roared as she came, tears streaming from her eyes.

Her pussy exploded, her juices blasting out with such force that David was nearly knocked on his back. But he perservered; pumping his finger in and out of her ass while he furiously rubbed her throbbing clit with his other hand, lapping up her delicious nectar.

Celia felt like she was going to die; never before had she felt such pleasure, such overwhelming bliss. Her body spasmed and convulsed as she gripped his head and tried to push him further into her contracting sex, screaming with rapture all the while.

Her climax lasted for a full minute, during which time she did indeed experience the most amazing... earth-shattering... spine-tingling... mind-blowing orgasm she'd ever experienced; ushered through it from start to finish by her beloved husband.

When her body finally began to loosen its grip on her she slumped to the ground, utterly sapped.

David removed his extremities from her body and crawled up to lie beside her.

"So... how was that?" he ventured sarcastically.

"Y-You actually... expect me t-to use... WORDS to describe it?" the dragoness gasped, weakly reaching out and hugging his naked form to hers.

"Heh, that good huh?"

"It was everything you... said it would be." She murred, sill trying to get her breathing back to a semblance of normal.

David just lie there with her for a good ten minutes while his wife recovered, looking up at the evening sky.

"My, my... we were out here for quite a while, weren't we?" he said with a small yawn. "We should probably get back home and go to sleep."

"Why don't we just sleep out here?" came her reply, making him look at her quizzically. "Think about it; the car is parked in a safe place, we've got a blanket... and each other." She purred, nuzzling his neck lovingly.

David mulled over her words before he gave a shrug.

"That actually sounds like a wonderful idea, love." The human murmured, rising to his feet and extending his hand to help her do the same. Once they were both off the blanket he lifted it up so that they could lie on the cool grass beneath. He then draped it over them and snuggled against her side.

"I love you, David." Whispered Celia. "So much..." she finished, nuzzling herself close to him and resting her head under his chin.

"And I love you, Celia." David responded softly as the afterglow began to lull them to sleep. "Beyond measure..."