Delta Chronicles ch.4

Story by Joe 2-0 on SoFurry

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After about a half an hour, The Night Stalker UH-60 Blackhawk descended, its semi-rigid rotors making no noise what so ever. The Team climbed into the helicopter as the door gunner moved his M-134 out of the way of the five Deltas'. Joe cradled his Barrett as he waited for the hello to reach Fallujah. During Operation Enduring Freedom, the air force had dropped firebombs on the city, and they had left permanent marks. As the pilot maneuvered his craft into a hover Jack stood and let loose the ropes bound under the doors. With the door gunner hanging precariously out the door holding the minigun out of the way on its mounts, the Delta team slid down the ropes and crouched, shouldering their weapons as the helicopter went into a holding pattern around the city, relying on its outboard fuel to power its flight. Jack ordered the team to holster their weapons for now and bring out their knives. Behind enemy lines, stealth was your lifeline. Clarice scaled the wall with ever apparent ease, and JJ had little trouble. Joe, Jack, and Dylan, were an entirely different story. Jack just jumped off the ledge and landed with a highly practiced stance on the ground. Dylan followed suit, although his landing wasn't as graceful, it got the job done, and Joe couldn't jump because of the weight of the .50 BMG rounds weighing him down. He deployed a rope, and scaled the wall landing in utter silence. JJ took point, with Clarice bringing up the rear of the team. JJ spotted an Insurgent and crept up behind him. When the insurgent was within his grasp he grabbed the Insurgent and plunged his knife into his neck severing the carotid artery. Blood spilt everywhere due to the pumping of the heart. Every spurt of blood from the Insurgents neck was slowing, the heart running out of blood to pump. JJ laid the cougar on the ground silently, almost remorsefully, as to keep silent. Then Joe saw it, an Insurgent standing over a boy, maybe 12, 14. He pulled out both Glocks, and set the selector on the slide to 3 round burst. He lined up the insurgent and fired. Six ragged holes appeared in the Insurgents back. The Tango fell onto his side, as Joe ran over to the boy to make sure the boy was all right. An explosion sent Joe up and into the wall behind the boy, slamming him up against the limestone. "RPG!" Jack yelled too late, as another explosion rocked the area around the Delta's. Out of the blue, an RPK opened up fire at the team, forcing them behind cover. Dylan popped up and fired his MK1S at the unseen enemy, and the fire continued. An Insurgent came around the corner, and was dispatched by a .45 to the face. Joe came to and heard the RPK firing, and crept around cover, looking for the still unseen enemy. He finally found the Insurgent in the city's bell tower. He waited until an RPG rocket exploded, and fired, still concealing his position. The Blackhawk came around, having heard the shots and an Insurgent with an RPG fired upwards at it, the back blast lighting him and several nearby Insurgents on fire. The door minigunner opened up, warming up the minigun for about 30 seconds before he was able to fire. Blood poured from the Insurgents open wounds as the Blackhawk passed over and over again strafing the Insurgents with the Minigun. Jack signaled the team to move forward and scout the area. "Hawk, this is Fallen Angel, what's on the thermal scanner?"

"This is hawk, We have a thermal reading inside the mosque, the cold is screwing with the scanner though, so it could be fire, Tango's, the Rangers, anything pretty much." The Blackhawk pilot replied.

"Thanks' Hawk, over and out."Jack said and cut radio contact.

Jack looked back and saw the boy that Joe had saved was following them."Joe, tell the kid to hold back here, out of harm's way." Joe hung back and spoke to the boy in Iraqi. Jack and the rest of Alpha team moved into positions around the Mosque. Jack then signaled for Clarice to deploy a Flash-bang grenade through a window. A loud POP was heard and then Jack kicked the door in. He leveled his SM-8 at the nearest Iraqi and dispatched him with a double tap to the chest. JJ, Joe, Dylan, and Clarice followed suit clearing the immediate area of hostiles. They moved further into the Mosque killing any Iraqi they saw, whether they were human or fur. JJ found a Hostile Insurgent and shoved his knife five times below the sternum. Then the stench hit them, a stench of burning bodies. There were four Insurgents one had a video camera and another stood by a small fire with a bloody machete in his hand. In front of him was an Army Ranger, on his knees with a burlap sack over his head. The Hostile with the machete swung downward, severing the Rangers head with one blow. He shoved the Decapitated body into the fire and looked directly at Jack and dropped his Machete and picked up a captured M4A1 carbine, leveling it at Jack. BOOM, the noise could be heard across the city as the Insurgents body part's settled after being hit with a .50 BMG sniper round. Jack fired two shots at one of the three remaining Insurgents killing him instantly. The other two pulled up M4 carbines and leveled them at the remaining Rangers. Jack fired killing one insurgent, RATATATATAT, and the other Insurgent fell, dead. Jack looked behind him, and saw Joe with two Glock 18C's.

"What, Glock's rule?" Joe said.

"Fallen Angel, this is the Hawk, Get out of the Mosque now, there's a T-62 approaching."

Before Jack could move, the T-62's Main gun fired blowing a, convenient, Tank sized hole in the Mosques wall. JJ ran out of the hole and five explosions were heard. JJ came strolling back in, reloading the MK1S that he cradled.

"Problem solved!" he said happily.

"OK, now here's a real problem, The Army has two Apache's circling the Mosque awaiting the termination order to destroy the Mosque so it can't be used again."

"The back exit?" the boy that Joe had saved said in perfect English, pointing to the hole in the wall. They undid the Rangers bindings and fled out of the hole, as two Hellfire missiles streaked from each Apache, exploding on contact with the Mosque, and killing any Insurgents left inside. A CH-48 Chinook helicopter lowered itself to the ground to accept the Rangers, both human and fur, and a sixteen year old American boy who had mysteriously been caught up in the fighting. As soon as the Chinook had left, the Night Stalker Blackhawk arrived to pick up its exhausted passengers. Another cliffhanger for ShadowDemon.