Preparing for War (Chapter13, Book9)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#13 of Twilight of the Gods Book9

Sorry I've been so busy. I'm re-reading through book 8 (and then what I have of 9 so far) so I can start tying up loose ends. :D

Chapter -13- Preparing for War

Flight home...

Conner walked up the plane aisle and sat down besides his uncle. "You guys okay to be flying again?"

James shrugged. "I doubt anyone will want to hijack this plane. It was a little weird to have so many people ask to take selfies with us in the airport."

Evan shifted his weight in his seat. "You may never get used to hero worship. It takes a certain kind of personality to love that sort of attention. As long as you stay humble, that's the important part."

Rachel smiled a bit then looked down, quietly.

Conner looked back up at his sister, several rows up, then back towards Rachel, Karla, Evan and James. "Everything okay?"

Rachel cleared her throat. "Everything is fine."

Karla sighed. "No, it's not. I messed up. Now Rachel feels awkward. I didn't think it would create so much drama, but I didn't realize Rachel was not in a very good emotional place at the time."

"What?" Conner blinked at them. "What's going on?"

James leaned towards Conner and, quietly, said, "They had sex."

Rachel put her hands on her fiancé's forearm. "I told you we kissed."

James turned to Rachel and quietly told her, "I could hear everything through the vent. Every word. I didn't want you to feel judged so I just nodded and held you afterwards. I'm not upset. You're been through a lot. If anything, Karla helped you get over that mental barrier so you could let me hold you again without you freaking out."

Karla sighed. "I hate when sex turns into drama. I just wanted to feed and be done. I didn't want to create friction in the team. I'm sorry."

Conner leaned across James and Rachel and whispered to Karla. "This I between you and Rachel. However, if you ever try to have sex with Tamae, with or without Tamamo present, I will be highly_offended. So stay away from my girl, Karla. You got that? So help me God, I will flip shit if you try with _my girl."

Evan, by the window, leaned over Karla, directing his quiet voice towards Conner. "Hey, she feels bad. Let's not turn this into a thing, okay? Furthermore, let's not bring this up here, now, in public. That goes for everyone."

Karla sighed in frustration. "I'll move up front. I don't need this crap. It meant nothing. You heard James: Rachel needed it to get over this thing _you_did to her, Conner. She didn't ask for those memories."

"Better yet," Conner said, "I'll send Carmen back here to hang out. You come up front with me."

"I really don't want to hear your lecture right now," Karla said with an eye-roll.

"Conner," said Evan, taking up the role of 'team adult.'

Conner folded his arms. "I'm not taking no for an answer. You and me, Karla, we need to work out our differences. If we gotta talk it out, then fine. We talk it out. But you and I are going up front together. Right now. They've been looking to the both of us to be united on our decisions. It's time we get on the same page. C'mon."

Karla tensed up. "I'm really not ready for a confrontation."

Rachel turned to the succubus and quietly said, "With all due respect, I know him from my time as Tamamo. This is his way of trying to smooth things over. This is going to be a long flight if you guys don't work out your differences."

Karla frowned. "It's already been a long flight."

Rachel continued. "Just remember, he's fifteen and Tamamo is his first relationship, so he's fiercely loyal to her."

The succubus grimaced. "Christ what a mess. How much longer is this flight?"

Conner glanced at his smartwatch. "Two more hours. I need to work things out with you before we land. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. It's important we get this water under the bridge as soon as possible. I don't want everyone back in San Francisco to lose sleep thinking we don't have our heads in the game. And you're lucky Uncle Jaye isn't as territorial as I am."

"This needs to end now," Evan told them. "We can't have poison in the water. Conner, if you really want to smooth things out without pointing fingers and blaming, that's good. Karla, give him a chance. If he acts out of line, walk away and we'll deal with it when we land."

"This is between me and Rachel," said Karla. "Not me and Conner."

"Don't involve me," Rachel murmured softly.

James held his hands up, keeping Conner separate from Rachel and Karla in the row of five seats. "Look, everyone, just relax. For the awkwardness I felt listening to it happen, I was actually relieved to hear Rachel come back out of her shell. In the end, it was healing for her. And I literally mean healing. Have you guys seen the stab mark on her thigh? No, but I have. After that night with Karla, it looks as though it's night-and-day better. Take it from someone who knows how long it takes to heal a knife wound. Joe Pendleton's son stuck me with a dagger in my lower back and punctured a lung at the beginning of August. Ethiopia doesn't have the medical technology I received. Yet, after one day, her leg looks better than my back looks after a month-and-a-half."

Karla frowned. "I never meant to make this situation turn sour, but," she turned to Rachel and said, "I really am glad you're feeling better."

James added, "So long as it doesn't happen often, I won't be upset." He turned to Rachel and added, "No guys, though. That has to be a stipulation."

Rachel narrowed her gaze at James. "I don't need some 'free pass' to sleep with women, Jaye."

"Look, I'm sorry. It's not like that," he assured his fiancée. "I'm telling you I love you unconditionally. I know it happened, and it doesn't change how I feel about you. I'm disappointed, but that doesn't mean I love you any less. You're the woman I'm going to marry. I don't care if you want to be called 'Dawn,' or 'Rachel' or 'Tamamo.' I love you for who you are. And so what if you've changed who you are. The heart wants what the heart wants, and I want you. So, all I'm saying is, as much as it would be difficult for me to handle, I'm saying I forgive your needs, just so long as I'm the only man in your life. I want to be your husband, not your lover."

Rachel grew silent. She stared at him, taking a moment to process everything he said.

Karla gave Rachel a nudge on the hip, pushing Rachel towards James.

Rachel opened her arms and wrapped them around her fiancé. "I love you," she whispered. "If anything, sleeping with Karla helped me realize I don't_want anyone else. What's the point of having sex if you can't feel happy about it afterwards? I didn't get that with her, but I do feel that way _every time I'm with you."

Evan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the situation becoming less tense.

Karla smiled a bit. She stood up and nodded to Conner. "Let's go switch seats with your sister. Do you think Kuda will be okay in his crate down in the hold?"

"I'm sure he will be," Conner said. Parker stood up and backed out into the aisle.

"Keep'em in line, Evan." Karla wiggled herself past Rachel and James.

"I will. Thank you guys for ending things smoothly. I'm proud of you guys."

"Heh." Karla walked down the aisle and approached Carmen. "Hey, can you go back there and sit with James and Rachel? They need..."

Carmen cut in. "Did she tell James?"

"I ... what?" Karla blinked. "You knew?"

"Duh. It was obvious the moment I saw Rachel acting out of character."


Carmen arched her brows, adding, "I know you used to have a relationship with Kalen, too." Carmen stood up. "I'll bet you haven't forgotten what it's like when he pushes his fang in your palm, huh? Just remember, that's mine now. If you've gotta feed him in a life-or-death situation, you give him blood from the wrist only." Carmen shoved her hand into Karla's and shook it firmly. "Don't worry, I'm cool with you. I hear your succubus-healing thing has evolved, and you've got this Marvin Gaye thing going on."

Karla smirked. "Yeah, I guess I do give out the 'sexual healing' touch."

"That's great. So find someone else who needs to be healed and keep the drama out of the team, please. I know you used to sleep with my mother. I don't even care. Just don't go confusing any more Parkers' or their lovers, okay? We're a strong family. We're close to bringing Rachel into our Family Tree. I know how serpents get excited around forbidden fruit, so just stay out of our tree. Feel free to visit the rest of the 'Garden' though." Carmen stepped around Karla and walked up the aisle.

Karla sighed and shook her head. She dropped down into the still-warm seat. Conner sat down beside her. The succubus folded her arms beneath her bust. "So, apparently your sister thinks I'm the devil, and the Parker family is akin to Adam and Eve."

Conner frowned.

"That's some theatrical crap."

Conner shrugged, wanting to protect his sister first and foremost. "Well, with all due respect, Karla, the drama between the serpent having a three-way with Adam and Eve caused Cain and Abel, one born of the devil and one born of man. The devil's son slew the son of man. If it wasn't for Seth, we'd all be children of the devil."

Karla glared at Conner. "Are you serious with that shit, babe? Look, I won't sleep with anyone else on the team that causes drama. They have to have a strict drama-free policy for me to be interested. Where do you Parker kids get it anyhow? Sinopa? Because let me tell you, Jonathan was strictly business all the time. I hardly ever saw that man smile. And he certainly wasn't involved with any drama, ever."

"Are we going to go tit-for-tat for the next two hours, Karla?"

She grew silent and frowned. "No."

"Then let's talk about a game plan. We've got the Nehushtan now. James held it in his hands and nothing happened to him. No freaky dream-state, no weirdness. So we've got the tools, we've got the talent; let's talk about what happens next?"

Karla nodded and folded her hands on her lap. "Okay. That works for me." She paused then asked, "Was that a Ghostbusters quote?"

"Never seen it."

"What have you seen?"

"James Bond movies."

"You're Parker'ing your ass in front of the Holo when we get home and you're catching up on..."

"Okay great," he interjected. Conner looked back over his shoulder at his family then turned to Karla again. "I'm sorry if I put on a show back there. I didn't mean to be theatrical. I have a temper. So let me ask you, respectfully, not to seduce Tamae. Tamamo and I have been very close. And she plans on staying in Tamae, as 'Tammy' until Tamae is old and grey. So ... please. Don't."

"Did you know your girlfriend had sex with my father?"

Conner remained silent.

"You think I'd wanna hit that? That'd be weird. Rachel never slept with my daddy. Sure she remembers that an incubus can be fun in bed. But that was just a memory belonging to Tamamo. You don't have to worry, I'm not interested in sleeping with my father's lovers. And since my father is probably dead, you don't have to worry about Tamamo sleeping with him ever again, either."

Conner continued to stay quiet.

Karla winced and looked away. "Okay, so ... that was blunt and disrespectful. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up something awkward, but at least now you know I have no intentions with Tamamo."

"Okay, well, don't try with Tamae, either."

"Tamae has Tamamo inside of her. And I have no intentions with Tamamo, no matter what face she wears." Karla took Conner's hand and met his gaze. "I promise I will not sleep with her, with you, with James, or with your sister. I promise I will not sleep with Rachel anymore. I won't fool around with Kalen. I won't sleep with Evan. I won't sleep with Rufus anymore. I won't fool around with Natalia ever again. I won't sleep with your mother ever again. I won't sleep with Sekhmet. I won't sleep with James' folks if we ever find them. I won't sleep with Rue's folks if he finds them. I won't sleep with Wilfred. Okay? I won't sleep with Fox, or Vincent. I won't sleep with Aris-fucking-Falcon. I won't sleep with that dipship, Joe Pendleton or his kid. You've got my word."

Conner gave her hand a gentle squeeze then released it. "So what makes you think Reno won't cause any drama?"

Karla eyed him. A smirk crept across her face. "You noticed I didn't mention his name huh?"

"Yeah, I noticed." Conner returned the smirk.

Karla folded her arms. "Maybe I forgot to mention his name."

"I doubt it."

She shook her head and looked down, trying not to laugh at the utter ridiculousness of their conversation. "Because last time I fooled around with Reno, he acted like it never happened afterwards. So, let's talk about that game plan."

"Good idea." Conner crossed his arms, mirroring the way she sat. "Tamamo and Sekhmet saw what it's like during the invasion so they're best equipped to lead the way. Sinopa should stay with Natalia and raise an army to fight against Falcon. We can't send all our players in to one battle, because if we lose them all, we can't finish the fight."

The succubus eyed his posture, wondering what Tamamo saw in the boy. "Does she call you 'Senpai' in the sack?"


"I'm getting you a shirt that says, 'Kawaii in the streets; Senpai in the sheets.'"

"Focus, Karla."

"Okay, fine. So who do we send to the Celestial Realm?"

Conner rubbed his chin. "Tamamo, Sekhmet, you, Reno, and Kalen. You guys should take at least one or two more people. Ask Evan, ask James. But no couples. Carmen can't go because of Kalen. I can't go because of Tamamo. That way we avoid a situation. I think Natalia should talk to other vampires or anyone else we can find to raise an army to take to the other side."

"What about werewolves?"

"Maybe. But I think we'll need them to fight against Falcon's people."

Karla nodded firmly. "I agree with that. And I agree no couples in the Celestial Realm. I'll talk to Kalen and Natalia when we land. One more thing."

"No jokes, please."

"I can keep my jokes clean, Conner. And I wasn't going to tell you a joke anyhow. It was about our next move."

Conner eyed her then asked, "Yeah?"

"Talk to Tamamo. Have her meet us at the airport."

"Sure, what's on your mind, Karla?"

"She can repress memories. She's very practiced at it. Have her remove certain things from Rachel. Specifically, Rachel needs to forget what it's like to have sex with you, with Konoe-tenno or whatever that Chinese Emperor's name was. Also, she needs to forget everything that happened before the Dark Ages. And while we're at it, make her forget what it's like to sleep with Azazel, Sinopa's parents, and anything else that makes Rachel question herself. She needs her identity back."

"I'll text Tamamo right now and ask her to do it when Rachel is ready. Thanks for being understanding Karla. I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier."

"I'm sorry I caused problems."

"How's the hip where you were shot?"

Karla grinned. "Getting better by the day. They told you, huh? I didn't want you to worry."

"I'm glad it wasn't worse."

"Yeah ... me too, kiddo." She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. "We need to start training again when we get back. Strict training."

"Agreed." Conner paused then asked, "So what's your 'clean' joke?"

Karla smirked, keeping her eyes closed. "Oh, you wanna hear a clean joke, huh? I took a bath with Bubbles."


She continued right over top of his reply. "Now you wanna hear a dirty joke? Bubbles was the girl next door."



Sunday, September 26, 2049 - nightfall Empty Dinner Theater, Chicago, Illinois ...

Kalen Kincade lowered to one knee and tilted his head forward in respect, keeping his eyes up. "Lord Myrell."

Jarth Myrell was a charismatic man. He had pale white skin akin to alabaster, and vibrant bluish-green eyes and a striking smile. He dressed in a soft felt black blazer with glossy black trim over a white shirt that had ruffles at the bottom of the collar.

"The new moon, Kalen. The sky is dark; some would say it's almost foreboding. Mm, I actually enjoy the new moon. The stars seem to stand out a little brighter during this phase."

Kalen glanced back at the North American leader of the vampires, and the silly ruffles on the man's shirt. Kincade thought it was akin to an animal having a tuft of chest-fur; the look was out of place for the modern times.

Jarth smiled and gestured for Kalen to stand. "How is Natalia? I'm delighted to hear she has awoken!"

"Yes, Lord Myrell. She is recently awaken. She sends her well wishes."

"When not in the presence of the vampiric court, you may call me Jarth. And I can appreciate why Natalia is not here. We had a relationship, albeit briefly, a number of years after Niall passed into oblivion, but before she began having feelings for Methos."

"Methos has died," Kalen said. "It is why Natalia is awake."

Jarth tilted his head. "I don't follow, Kalen. Why would she wake up for his death?"

"Methos was leading a group of supernatural humans to..." Kalen paused with a frown. "It is convoluted and awkward to explain, so please be patient and know I mean no disrespect by sounding so ... gauche."

"Go on."

"Aris Sokolov is proven to be the man at fault for the earthquake of 2025. He is working with a deity that managed to attack everyone in the Celestial Realm. While not powerful enough to kill the other gods, this deity managed to lock the others away in a short time, catching most by surprise. I know this sounds like something out of a comic-turned-cinema, however Methos was leading a battle on both fronts. We now assume that Methos was murdered in an attempt to stop our resistance. Natalia has taken his place."

Jarth frowned. He began pacing in front of the stage. "There were rumors, about fifty years ago, that Natalia hired someone not of our blood, and tasked this girl to find a mirror that was said to be a myth. A mirror that would allow the user access to the gates of Heaven. Is that the realm you speak of?"

"Please forgive my bluntness, Jarth, but the lore of the 'Mirror of the Gods' is true. I've become a believer in the old texts since last we met.

Jarth smiled. "I remember you in 1908, Kalen. You were always quiet, but you didn't strike me as the type of man to believe in any religion."

"I've become privy to knowledge that has proven otherwise. It was humbling. The oldest texts suggest that supernaturals were born out of necessity to protect a treaty, which Earth has with Heaven."

"Yes," said Jarth. "It was said the supernaturals are protectors of Heaven, here to protect Earth - like angels."

"It was slightly wrong," Kalen said. "Or perhaps slightly misunderstood."

"I'm listening."

"The job of supernatural humans are to protect Earth from the Celestial Realm."

Jarth narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows in confusion. "How do you know that?" A single crease marred his otherwise perfect forehead.

Kalen blinked. "With all due respect my liege, how can I not?"

Jarth folded his arms and sat down on the edge of the stage at the front of the dinner theater. "Only a handful of Esoteric Council leaders are privileged to that knowledge. You are not such a person, and Natalia never wished to take Niall's place, so she was never imparted with that information."

"So you know the truth?"

Jarth cut his gaze to the left and frowned.

"It makes sense," said Kalen. "You are the leader of the vampire community in North America."

"Kalen, I am a public speaker. The illusion of leadership is never placed solely in one person at any one time. Do you think the President of the United States makes all the calls and decisions that come from the US Goverment? No. He is influenced by others. Congress, senators, voters, businessmen with money and clout, his own advisors ... I am like the president and I can be 'impeached' in a matter of speaking. I only have respect from my immediate peers. I only have influence over younger vampires. However, you are correct that I know the 'truth,' however it is a closely guarded secret. Who else knows?"

"Everyone who looks to Natalia for leadership has known of this truth since before she awoke."

"What do you need from me, Kalen?"

Kincade remained blunt. "We need help. Natalia needs your assistance."

Jarth slid off the edge of the stage and began pacing again. "Kalen, do you know why society has been pushed towards science and away from religion since the industrial age?"

"Are you saying it was orchestrated?"

The elder vampire didn't appear a day over thirty. He turned to Kalen and nodded firmly. "The Esoteric Council has worked hard to influence the rest of society to accept modern science as its new religion, because it lessens the power the deities have. We have worked to strip their power by guiding humanity to lose faith in organized religions. There are still billions of faithful worshippers in the world, but science is the accepted truth to many, many people, now. Science is often correct and can be proven on paper, and it helps people to forget about religion as it was once understood." Jarth turned to Kalen and asked, "You said she needs help. What sort of help does Natalia require?"

Kalen folded his hands, leaning back in the restaurant chair. He crossed one leg over the other and adjusted the lay of his jacket. "She requires warriors to travel to the Celestial Realm en-masse. An invading force has closed the so-called 'gates of Heaven,' Jarth."

"Do you have information on why they've attacked?'

Kalen nodded. "The deity, under whom these attackers are loyal, has a vested interest in Aris Sokolov's success. Sokolov is behind the attack in 2023, which thinned out the Esoteric Community."

Jarth ran his hands up through his styled brown hair. "I always chose not to believe the rumors that a single man could be to blame for killing a hundred thousand people. Would Sokolov_know_ he's working with a deity?"

"I do not know. Jarth, the only way to stop Aris Sokolov and kill him is to break ties with whoever is helping him in the Celestial Realm. This can only be achieved by doing what supernaturals were designed to do - fight deities."

"Let's say I were to suspend my disbelief for a moment - there are not enough left alive to fight anyone, let alone gods, Kalen."

"The deities are not our enemies. Just the invading force that managed to catch the Celestial Community off guard. For every pantheon we release, we will grow our numbers against these invaders. The end result makes Sokolov vulnerable."

Jarth began pacing again. He folded his hands behind himself, walking in front of the theater stage. "Let's say for a moment that I believe you..."

"Lord Myrell, I implore your help. Natalia craves your indulgence - we cannot hope to be successful without your aid. And for that, we require you to look beyond the ridiculousness of..."

"Kalen, please! Do not show desperation. It is not becoming of you. I've always respected you for your stanch resoluteness. Just hear me out."

Kalen nodded in silence.

Jarth moved to the table where Kalen sat. He slid into an adjacent chair. Myrell smiled and folded his hands, placing them on the table. "I will speak to some of the families. Only a handful of vampire houses remain. Not many of our kind have survived, as I'm sure you're aware. Even if every last one of us were to volunteer for this ... this army you seek, it would not be enough. You need boots on the ground, yes?"

"We do. Numbers will win this war. It may very well become a battle of attrition."

Jarth nodded. "I could seek out vampire warriors, like yourself. Those of our kind who would make a difference. But even if every last 'house champion' agreed to help, there would be less than ten for your cause. And at what cost, Kalen? Our remaining vampire houses would be unprotected from hunters and in-fighting."

"Then we are at a loss unless we can free as many trapped deities as possible."

Jarth shook his head. He reached across the table and placed his hands atop of Kalen's own. "I have an idea, but you will not like it. Natalia will be disgusted by such a notion. However, I'm afraid it may be in your best interest."

"I'm listening."

Jarth drew his hands back and folded them on the table. "Human hunters."

Kalen blinked. "Excuse me? You would even consider allowing humanity to learn the truth of the Celestial Realm? Humans could never stand up against such an invading army."

"How do you perceive humans, Kalen?"

"They are weak and in need of our protection."

Jarth placed his hands flat on the polished surface. "Kalen, they were. For thousands of years, they were incapable of stopping something like an asteroid or comet from wiping out this planet. For thousands of years, humans spread diseases and fought wars in the name of resources, religion and revenge. Supernaturals have been an important part of the circle of life for a long, long time. But it's no longer the case. Humans can land a satellite on a comet and deliver ordinance that would destroy it before it strikes the surface of this planet. Humanity recovered after the quake of 2025. They have Gortex and can create ice to stave off bitter cold and intense heat, respectively. They have become an awesome force, able to protect themselves at any cost. It was a side effect of fighting the Celestial Realm with science, concocted by the EC. Consider it, Kalen - humanity lived in an age of darkness for thousands upon thousands of years until the Industrial Age, yet men are no smarter now than they were when I was a child."

Kalen frowned. He nodded in understanding. "Falcon may or may not be protected by a god, but his war against our kind was done with technology and strategy. So I'm inclined to agree, humans are deserving of respect. But you're suggesting I reach out to ... humans?"

"Only the hunters. People who already believe in the unbelievable. People who train to fight the undefeatable. There is a rich family known to very few people. Only a handful are left alive. The Parker family is..."

Kalen smiled.

Jarth tilted his head. "You already know the Parker family?"

"The surviving family members were involved against Aris Falcon before I was drawn into this war. They are at the front lines. Have you heard of the twins of Jonathan? Their names are Topaz and Fox."

"I've heard of Jonathan. He was bold by spending three years changing the face of athletic sports. So Fox and Topaz are the names of Jonathan's twins?"

Kalen nodded. "Yes. Topaz and Fox are the children of Jonathan and a Shinto demigod named Sinopa. The twins were captured by Aris Sokolov. Sinopa Parker and her grandchildren are at the core of this attack to kill Aris Sokolov. The grandchildren have full control over the remaining resources of the Parker family."

Jarth folded his hands and leaned back in his seat. "Then you can arm your army, once you amass them. Take Natalia to negotiate peaceful détente with the highest controlling faction over the hunter community. Ask the Parker family step up to the plate - they can afford to finance and weaponize your soldiers."

Kalen pursed his lips. He studied Jarth's expression then sighed. "Once upon a time, the Vatican was the unofficial leading body for hunters. They do not have the same control. Many hunters have broken off into hunting families, who do not answer to the Vatican."

Jarth shrugged with a smile. "If the Vatican put out a call to all hunters, the shockwave of information would spread throughout all hunting circles in a brief time. The Vatican is nowhere near as rich as they once were, and they cannot afford to fund a war the likes of that, which you are proposing. This is why you need the Vatican's blessing, but the Parker family's money."

Kalen appeared uncomfortable. "Pure faith, like that wielded by the Pope, has the power to repel our kind, Jarth. With so many worshippers putting their faith in the living Pope, it is devout churchmen like the pontiff who can direct that power against someone they deem as 'damned.' I cannot protect Mistress Natalia from such a power."

"Show a united front, Kalen. Approach the Vatican with a unified congregation comprised of Natalia, the Shinto demigod you mentioned, the man who controls lightning, the Parker family members, and anyone else you can manage."

Kalen licked his lips. "This is unheard of."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Kalen. But please, do not show them your desperation. Show them united confidence. Explain that you are extending an invitation to fight the good fight. Tell them you require anyone who has descended from the crusaders, and sound a call to arms. But do yourself a favor, Kalen."


"Do not take the hunters to fight Aris Sokolov. They will find kinship with the mercenaries who work for Sokolov - the men who had one mission in 2023 - supernatural genocide. You will need an Esoteric-only attack force to fight against Sokolov."

"I understand. Mm..."

Jarth tilted his head. "Yes?"

"I was just thinking ... we could appeal to the human hunters on curiosity alone. What human wouldn't wish to see Heaven with his or her own eyes?"

"I imagine it will disappoint. The human imagination is _always_greater than reality."

"You think so?"

Jarth nodded firmly. "Even the effulgence of Heaven will never compare to human expectation."

"I ... suppose not."

"I wish you luck, Kalen. I have to consider the survival of our kind - a handful of vampires will not be effective. The houses are old, as only the oldest members have survived the attack in 2023. These are the ones who hold the greatest malice towards the other houses of our kind. They would not work together. It's our burden of blood - the right to immortal self-hatred. Leave them to their nests to brood in private."

Kalen nodded and stood up. "I appreciate your time, Jarth."

"Would you deliver a message to Natalia for me?"

"It would be my honor."

Jarth smiled, offering Kalen a glance of stark white fangs. "Tell her I miss her company. When all of this ... drama has reached its conclusion, I would like to see her again."

"You have my word, I will tell her. Thank you for your suggestion involving the hunters. I assure you, I will take your advice seriously. But I leave it up to Natalia to act on your suggestion."

"I wish you luck, Kalen. You are a fine warrior. One of the legendary Four Horsemen of the Esoteric Council. It is a shame you've outlived all your fellow warriors."

Kalen turned for the exit door on the left of the stage. He took a deep breath and sighed. "As you said, earlier, our blood is cursed to immortality and in-fighting. Hate between the houses put aside, our kind is cursed to watch our friends and biological family members die. Ethan, Michael and Nathan were the sort of warriors that could have made a difference."

Jarth stood up from the dinner table and walked Kalen to the exit. "Have you considered the possibility that Sokolov and his mystery god waited until the Four Horsemen were no longer a threat? Nathanial Carrington died in 2023. These attacks against the EC took place in 2023. Coincidence?"

Kalen frowned. "Your information is partially incorrect, Jarth."


Kalen reached for the handle of the exit door. "Nathanial died in the attacks of 2023, not before."

"Yet the attacks began when he was too old to protect himself, correct?"

Kalen nodded. "You have a point. Nathanial was too old to stand up against them. And he was alone when they attacked. However, Sokolov's people presumed he was the last of the Horsemen. I've kept my head down for a very long time." Kalen paused. A wan smile tugged at the corner of the vampire's lips. "I disliked being called a 'Horseman.' It was never something one aspires to."

"You should be proud, Kalen. The mere mention of the Four Horsemen of the Esoteric Council brought fear to people like Sokolov's deity. It's undoubtedly why he or she waited so long to guide Sokolov's attack. They knew they could never succeed until the Horsemen were no more. Go and lead the charge, Kalen. Let this 'god' hear the _new_Horsemen are coming for them. Fear is a powerful weapon."

Kalen cracked a genuine smile. "Quite so." He left through the exit door adjacent to the stage. Kalen walked through the back parking lot behind the dinner theater and withdrew his cellphone, calling Natalia immediately.

"My child, how was your conversation with Jarth Myrell?"

"Mistress, he is a devious leader. He wishes for you to know he misses you."

Natalia scoffed. "I expected no less. Will he appeal to the survivors of our kind for help? Did you tell him I beseech his aid?"

"He said there are less than enough vampires left to help. There are possibly less than ten who would be combat worthy. Jarth says he has to consider preserving the existence of our kind. Instead, he suggested we begin a 'peaceful détente' with the Vatican, and appeal to them to call on all the human hunters across the globe. He suggested we have the Parker family finance and weaponize those who volunteer."

Natalia grew silent from her end.

"It's clever. It would take hunters off the street so that vampires can thrive. Depending on how many answer the call to fight, many would die, seriously culling their numbers. Jarth gave us a feasible answer to having 'boots on the ground' at the expense of downsizing the numbers of those who hunt vampires. What are your thoughts?"

Natalia sighed. "It is both brilliant and dangerous. I do not expect the humans to turn on us once they see the legitimacy of the war waiting in the Celestial Realm. However, there is no hierarchy or structure of respect amongst modern hunters. It is akin to fighting a trained army with villagers armed with pitchforks and torches."

"Yes, Mistress, but what they lack in structure, they make up for in motivation. What motivates the hearts of men to fight? Survival. These alpha-mentality humans fight for personal glory, and some inane need to kill anything that is unlike themselves."

"Do you think we could use the aid of humans?"

Kalen switched his phone to his other ear. "Hunters, the faithful and the faithless alike, want only one thing - to fight what they perceive is 'evil.' Such is dependent on what they consider a threat. We pit them against the Celestial invaders, while the rest of us seek to release the deities allegedly confined throughout the realm. We seek out all war gods first and foremost, to aid our soldiers."

"You are wise to the ways of human warriors, Kalen. Did Jarth have a suggestion for how best to speak with the Vatican on such an issue?"

Kalen opened the door to his Buick and slid into the driver seat. "He suggested we show a unified front when we appeal to the Vatican. Karla, Reno, Sinopa - all of us. We should show the Vatican that we are all working together out of concern. But how will we convince them?"

Natalia took a moment to ponder then said, "There is a man named Trajen. He is an ally, and can project realistic illusions. I will seek him out; perhaps we can use him to show the Vatican their worst fears - Hell on Earth. We will convince them, worry not. Return home, my child. I wish for you to attend to Laura's training. I will seek out Trajen."

"I am on my way, Mistress." Kalen put the Buick in gear and pulled out of the parking lot.



Monday, September 27, 2049 - midday

San Francisco...

"Mr. Nevada. Our paths cross again." Trajen buttoned his dress blazer and folded his hands. "How goes your transition?"

Reno stood in the doorway, staring at the well-dressed black gentleman on the doorstep in front of the Parker Mansion.

"Or should I call you Agent Carrington? Mm, aren't you going to invite me in, Mr. Nevada? Or are you going to shave first?"

Reno backed up and gestured for Trajen to step inside. "Yeah I really need to shave. I'm getting a bit scruffy. I'd ask how you knew my name was legally changed, but that's your thing, right? Information?"

Trajen smiled. "My 'thing' is projecting a false sense of reality on those around me. My passion is information about reality, and the perception thereof."

Reno stared at the man for a moment and shut the front door. He walked with Trajen through the lobby. "So, wait, you could be naked right now, but I might perceive you're wearing that tailored Armani suit?"

Trajen laughed. "I know the truth, Mr. Nevada. It is October. I could make it feel like a summer day for you, but I know the truth. And, in knowing such, it would be far too cold and drafty to walk outside undressed. I cannot directly trick my own mind in such a way. However, yes, I _could_conceivably cause you to perceive that I am dressed differently if necessary."

Reno rubbed his forehead. "So what's the plan? We bring you into this war so you can make all the bad guys think we all have insanely powerful abilities?"

"Mm, no. It is unclear whether or not my ability to perceivably warp reality would work the same in the Celestial Realm. So that is not an option."


"Although I would think it's likely such would work." Trajen smiled. "It has been my experience that demigods _do_see my illusions. Think of it as reverse telepathy."

"This is a dumb question but," Reno walked to a staircase and placed his hand on the banister. They ascended the carpeted steps together. "Could you make the whole world think it's, I dunno, snowing or something?"

Trajen lifted his brows. "In theory, but not as I am now."


"Do you know what an ability cube is, Mr. Nevada?"

"How do you mean?" Reno stopped before the last step.

"Your friend, the succubus, has active powers unknown to the rest of her kind. It's not normal for a succubus to teleport, or levitate persons with telekinesis. She is impressive with both abilities. But those powers were gifted to her."

"That's where the glowing pink lettering under her palms come from?"

"Yes, it is a side effect of an ability cube's use. Whoever invented them did this as a signature, and to separate the difference between those with gifted powers, and those using technology."

"But, let me guess," Reno said with a sigh, "No one knows much about those things anymore, right?"

Trajen flashed a knowing smile and said, "More of those cubes exist. Different cubes have different abilities. Now, the average cube does not last long. A few months at most."

"Go on, Trajen. I'm listening - could you theoretically push your power over everyone at once, all over the globe?""

"With an amplification cube, I could 'theoretically' project my ability onto everyone at once."

Reno stroked his facial hair, where a beard was starting to come in. He wore a week's worth of stubble. "I'd have you project an image making people believe that Nathanial Carrington, the real Nathanial Carrington, was still alive. Then I'd have you create an image of the old man fighting Falcon's people."

Trajen responded with genuine laughter. "You have an active imagination, Inspector. Perhaps I would craft an illusion to make you believe that you are the old man. Then, with his confidence, you would be effective with his gift."

They reached the top of the staircase. "You don't need to do that. I _am_Nathanial, now. I just need to get better with these powers. Am I really related to the real Carrington?"

"Yes, Mr. Nevada. You're really related to the Reaper, the leader of the Four Horsemen of the Esoteric Council. Did you truly believe he gave_you his power? No, Inspector. That power awakened within you when you manifested, which occurred the moment you were struck by lightning on the rooftop of that abysmal nightclub, The Pages Lost. But that is _not your only ability."

Reno reached for a doorknob leading to an office then paused. He looked back at Trajen expectantly. "You want to elaborate on that?"

"The gypsy girl - do you remember her?"


Trajen reached into his pocket and withdrew a dollar coin. "She awakened an ability in you. Do you remember? This is also an ability that Nathanial possessed - the ability to see what is imprinted on an object by perceiving the object's history within your mind."

"What?" Reno folded his arms and leaned against the office door, facing Trajen. "Yeah, I know what you're talking about. But it went away. The first time I saw Falcon was when I touched a spot on the ground in Golden Gate Park. He sent this asshat, Rick Peterson, hoping the guy would attack some gypsies. Rick couldn't finish the job. So Falcon rounded up these gypsies, himself. He killed them for some sort of map that could only be read when all three of them were together."

"Yes, and you were assigned to that case. And the girl gave you the gift of sight. You touched the ground where they died and were laid out. You saw Falcon standing over them. Correct?"

Reno appeared uncomfortable. "I don't know how you get your information, man, but it's weird - am always wondering what you're not telling me."

Trajen smiled. He handed the dollar coin to Reno. "One day you'll access that ability again, when it's time for you to manifest properly. When you do, hold that coin in your hand and you'll know the truth."

"About what?"

"Everything, Mr. Nevada. Just ... trust me. I haven't led you astray yet, have I?"

"Look, you seem to know a lot of things, Trajen." Reno put the coin in his wallet. He rubbed his fingers against his facial scruff again. "I know you always want some sort of price met, or you want to have a favor owed. What would it cost to ask you something?"

"That depends what you ask, Mr. Nevada."

"I want to know about Nichole Parker, my fiancée."

Trajen smiled again. "Just this once, I'll give you a freebee, Inspector. There are three Nichole Parkers. One, you saw on Wilfred Greg's autopsy table twenty-five years ago."

"Okay, wait, was she a clone of the original, right? Or were all three of them made at the same time, and I had a relationship with the one who wasn't crazy...?"

Trajen chuckled. "To be truthful, I am not sure. Both are feasible possibilities. I dislike not knowing something. You have an excellent question. However, that's not the answer you care about. You want to know about the two remaining versions of Nichole."

"So she's still alive?"

"Rick Peterson murdered your Nichole. However, Aris has a vested curiosity in her because she never manifested an ability but she had all the genetic markers. He wanted to know why_she didn't manifest. I _know Aris. He managed to bring your brother back from the dead. Rest assured your fiancée is in stasis. It's even possible you shared a room with her when you were cryogenically frozen."

"So I just have to find her, down there, and thaw her out!"

Trajen folded his hands. "If you revive her, she might require resuscitation. Also, it's unknown if her wound was stabilized, or if Aris simply put her into cryogenic stasis right after her death."

"How ... how do you know she died?"

"Topaz Parker found Rick Peterson dead, a punishment for stabbing Jon Parker's sister. I do not know much more than that in regards to Nichole Parker. And, unfortunately, my informant passed away a few years ago. I do not know where Aris is, now. I was never really interested in Nichole's fate. I'm sorry, Inspector. I only wanted the names of those in stasis, not their life story."

"So what is it you wanted information on, regarding Aris Falcon?"

Trajen smiled. "I collected information on what he found beneath the Atlantic."

"What did he find?"

Trajen tilted his head somewhat. "Have you spoken to Carmen Nevada? Your brother's daughter was my only other informant in New Atlantis. And she does not require a price for information." He nodded towards the door upon which Reno leaned.

Nevada smirked and opened the office door. "Natalia, Kalen and Tamamo-no-Mae are waiting for you."

Trajen stepped through the door then paused. He looked back at Reno as if confused. "Aren't you part of this meeting?"

"No, why would I be? Natalia is leading this war."

"You're not involved in the decision making, Mr. Nevada?"

"No, why would I be?" Reno repeated.

Trajen rubbed his chin for a moment. "Nathanial Carrington was the leader of the Four Horsemen."

"I'm not him," Reno said with a shrug.

"You are, now, Inspector. Get used to it." Trajen walked across the office and shook hands with Natalia, Kalen, and then bowed to Tamamo.

Reno shut the office door and headed back downstairs. He made his way down the hallway to the first floor gym. He opened the door and saw Conner, Carmen and James Parker working out. Rachel was reading on a tablet in the far corner, sitting in a hot tub.

Evan Balmoral approached Reno from the right. "Hey! Came to hang out with the grunts?"

Reno grinned. "Wilfred is asleep, Sinopa is meditating, and everyone else is in a meeting, upstairs." He shook Evan's hand then crossed the gym and sat down on a weight bench near James, who was on a bar, alternating between chin ups and pull ups. "Hey, Jim."

"Hey, Reno."

"So did you have any plans to head to New York and find your folks?"

"Yeah, but I want to see what's going on before I head out to the District Coast on a personal thing. Just knowing they're alive has really been big for me."

"I can imagine." Reno rested his forearms across his knees and leaned forward a bit. "I'll go with you, man. I kind of need your stepdad's help with some things."

"Yeah, I appreciate that. But I don't think you have to worry about investigating anything for USPRI right now. We have to survive fighting what Conner's girl calls the 'invading creatures' first. Not sure if I'm looking forward to that."

"Y'know, it occurred to me that I haven't asked - how'd it go with that stick?"

"The Nehushtan ... I've held it once, and nothing happened. Since then, I've completely avoided it. Anyway, head downstairs to the big room. You know where the storage spaces are, right? Next to the fancy training area?"

"Yeah," said Reno.

"Karla is down there, hiding out in her storage thing with Kuda. It's starting to smell like an animal down there, because foxes apparently stink. Karla doesn't notice it, but you will. Just follow the fox scent. You can't miss it. We will catch up soon. Karla was looking for you. So, yeah."

Reno offered a wry grin. "Thanks, kiddo. I'll go find her."

Nevada made his way out to the main hallway of the first floor. He headed to the back, found the door to the stairs and took them down to the sub-level of the mansion.

The walls changed in coloration due to the materials used to construct the lower level. The taste of the air became different as he descended deeper into the bunker-like section.

There was a section where the staircase split into two. One led to the car garage, the other led back beneath the mansion. Reno headed for the latter. He opened a door at the bottom of the staircase.

The first room was like a large, open hub. Workout equipment ran along the far wall. Training mats covered the floor. There were pillars. Some of the support columns had decorative colors.

In a far corner, there were rolling doors for storage. One of them was up.

Reno approached the door across the large room. He stepped into the deep storage room, with furnishings and crates and totes stacked to the ceiling. "Karla?" He sniffed at the air then grimaced at the scent of an animal. "Christ, it smells like one of your handbags in here. Just a giant handbag armpit."

Kuda hopped up on a stack of boxes and glared at Reno. The two eyed one another. Reno sniffed again. "Oh God, it's you. So that's why her purses sometimes smell weird - it's where you hide out. God foxes stink."

Kuda sneezed in disdain and turned away from Reno. He laid down, presenting his rump towards Nevada, then the little animal huffed with indignation.

Nevada blinked, quirked his brows, and walked between stacks of boxes, headed towards the back of the storage place.

Sitting on a sofa near the back, Karla had her feet up on an ottoman. It appeared as though she'd cleared out a small section for herself to relax, which included a mini-fridge, a table, and her sofa.

She looked up at Reno and smiled. "Hey, Top Cop. How's it going?" She blinked as Reno stepped beneath one of the lights hanging from the ceiling. "Jesus, Reno. You haven't shaved in days."

"Nope. And you haven't sprayed your demon-layer with Lysol in about as long."

"Touché, babe. If you're going to go for the lumber-sexual look, you'll need an axe and some flannel, babe."

"Lumber ... sexual, huh?"

"Yup. And you'll need to learn how to build your own furniture, you'll need to learn how to sniff out the secret location of wild berries, and you'll have to grow your beard a bit longer, so you can use it as a blanket in the winter."

"Jesus. Sorry, Karla. My beard isn't long enough. But once it completely covers my neck, maybe I can use it like a dowsing rod."

Karla smiled. "Good, babe. You've got all the makings of a legend."

"As long as my legend ends with a happy ending, I don't care."

She laughed softly and patted a spot on the sofa besides her. "According to Nostradamus, men and women will switch roles in the future. Then Rapunzel will be rewritten as a guy with his beard out the window, waiting to be saved."

"I was thinking of shaving," he murmured, rubbing the scruffy hair on his chin and cheeks. Reno joined her on the sofa and leaned back against the comfortable cushions.

"Manpunzel, Manpunzel, let down your flowing beard," Karla chanted.

"So are you ever going to Lysol this place? It smells like a giant version of Kuda's little orange ass."

Karla dropped her head back on the backrest and giggled. "God the mental image, Top Cop. Don't hate on my little foxy man. He's the cleverest of all foxes."

Reno smirked. "Oh, is he now?"

The succubus nodded firmly. "He's so foxy, I'm going to start calling him 'Sir-Vix-A-Lot."

Reno opened his mouth to reply but couldn't think of anything to say, except, "Huh?"

Karla shrugged. "Look at him. See him up on that box at the end of the walkway? He's a babe amongst kanko spirit messengers."

"What're you talking about? Sir-Vix-A-Lot? What does that even mean?"

"Kuda likes ... big ... tails and he cannot lie," she said in with a poetry cadence, "Them other foxes can't deny. When a vix walks in with an itty-bitty waist, and that orange-thing in yo' face, you get sprung!"

"Oh my Christ," Reno grumbled, realizing that she was _rapping_a song parody. "Seriously?

Karla grinned. "Don't hate the player," she said, gesturing to the tiny fox sitting up on the boxes at the far end of the storage space. "Hate the game."

"Are you drunk?"

"Yes, very."

Reno frowned. "Are you depressed?"

"Not right now." She grinned "Besides, you're here to keep my company, Top Cop. What's going on upstairs?"

"They're going to figure out how to get a small army, even if it means the Parker family has to bribe people into helping us." Reno shifted his weight and faced Karla directly. "You wanna tell me what's wrong, kiddo?"

"Kiddo," Karla scoffed. "Nathan used to call me that."

"Fine, I won't say it anymore."

She reached for Reno's hand. "No, no. I like it. It's okay, really."

"So what's wrong?"

She shrugged a bit. "I'm lonely. I miss my husband. I miss my children. But, most of all, I miss physical connection. I'm a fucking succubus. I have needs. You remember when we first met? I got you drunk and went down on you? That was a connection, Reno. I don't have someone I can connect with - not anymore, you know?"

"I understand, Karla. I haven't had Nichole in my life. I finally see her, and it turns out she's some sort of goddamn clone. A fake, who remembers just enough to be a bitch, but can't seem to recall all the good times. And worst of all? She's not even _my_Nichole. Mine was killed by one of Falcon's goons."

"Aw, Reno honey."

"And to make matters worse? I can't even kill the guy who murdered her. I'm told that Topaz Parker apparently saw the guy's body. So I can't even get proper goddamn revenge."

Karla gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's lonely being on top, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. But I promise you, Karla, we'll stick together. You and me, kiddo. We're not going to let Falcon win, and we're not going to go dying on each other."

She leaned forward and, without another word, she pressed her lips to his.

Reno blinked at first. His first instinct was to pull away or turn away. But his masculine instincts set in. She was alone. He was alone. Their mates were dead. The two of them - they'd been through head together. Karla protected him for months, while he was in a coma. They were friends. They trusted each other. They'd never lied to one another.

Actually, the more he thought about it, the more he was okay with the kiss. Reno brought his hands up, cupped either side of her face, tilted his head and slanted his mouth over hers. His hands were large over her head, with his thumbs covering her cheeks, and his fingers curled around her head, to the nape of her neck.

Karla lifted her arms up and wrapped them around Reno. She sighed through her nose, delighted by his return of affection.

Kuda watched them from up near the front. The little fox turned away and sighed through his nose. He huffed, like before, with indignation. ...And then he sneezed.




Aris Falcon sat up in his bed, eyes wide. He reached for a lamp on his nightstand. His eyes adjusted quickly.

Standing several feet from his bed was the Norse god, Loki. Falcon licked his lips with apprehension. "You're back..." He paused then added, "Heill og sæll."

"Yes. And thank you for your greeting, Aris, but the world has evolved, and so have its greetings. I am satisfied with, simply, 'hello.' How've you been, Doctor?" The way he spoke was calm, theatrically smooth, and confident. Loki's tone made anyone feel as though they were trusted old friends.

For some reason, the deity's calm demeanor put Aris at ease.

Falcon drew back his covers, wearing simple cotton pajamas. "Well, and you?"

"Busy, my friend. It is quite difficult to reach out to you from where I'm at, Aris; I cannot stay long. I've come on business."


Loki nodded. He moved forward, standing over Falcon's bed. "I have helped you from afar for many years. I have guaranteed your success, because it greatly helps my own plans. Our furthered success in future endeavors hinges on our alliance, Aris."

"Save the sales pitch and tell me what you need."

Loki smiled. "Good. I do hate beating around the bush, as the English say, regardless of how good I am at doing it." Loki drew in a deep breath and stepped back from the bed. "The bible had prophesies regarding a 'greater Messiah' to appear long after the death of the Profit and Savior, Christ."

"Mm, yes, after the world is reborn from plagues and chaos, the return of the Messiah will usher in a thousand years of peace. However, no one knows who that person is, or when they will appear."

"Yes, exactly. The only thing that keeps it from being any one certain person ... is belief."

"How do you mean?" asked Aris.

"A strong belief in the man the Spaniards called 'Jesus' is what cemented His status as Christ," Loki explained. "I will help you become reborn as a god in return for your continued aid. To your people, you and I will be the return of Christ. The Christian Bible claims there will be two at the same time, and no one will know which will be the false Christ. I propose a deeper relationship in our alliance. We work together to usher in a thousand years of peace. And you will be reborn as a god." Loki paused. A smile crept across his face. He turned back to Falcon and added, "If you wish, I can see to it that your transformation can be burned into the cloth of a veil for good measure. Humans _do_love symbolism."

"What do you need?"

Loki smiled again. "Protect the Celestial Realm from invasion."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"I have it on good authority that a group of Supernaturals, operating outside of the auspices of the Esoteric Council, have elected to come to my realm and fight my invasion forces. If they free the deities, I cannot hold them back. My hostages are powerful if freed. They will help the rebels, and they will overthrow my forces."

Falcon remained quiet.

Loki continued, "If this happens, Fenris will not be freed to devour Odin. The prophecy will be pushed back, possibly by thousands of years. And then the rebels will be backed by the sponsorship of the deities that they freed. And if that happens, Doctor, the rebels will come for you, next, and destroy you."

Falcon frowned.

"Aris, you will never finish your life's work without me."

Falcon slid out of his bed and walked to a window. He touched the surface, causing the tinted polarization to change in opacity. His eyes lowered, looking out over New Atlantis. "You are a General; I am a Governor and a scientist."

"That is why I am here, Aris. I know you need my leadership directly. I am here to help."

Falcon kept his eyes on the streets far below. Everything he created, the entire city, was because he figuratively signed a deal with the metaphorical devil. There was no backing out now. "What are your orders?"

Loki's voice was silky smooth, and he spoke with the grace of a charismatic leader. "The rebels have a mirror that allows access to the other-wise barred Celestial Realm. Had I known ahead of time, I would have ensured that mirror was stolen or destroyed before going forward with my plans."

Falcon frowned. "I was told by the EC that it was destroyed in 1999."

Loki sighed. "Unfortunately, my friend, the mirror is in San Francisco."

"I am testing a new plague there," said Falcon. "San Francisco is under partial quarantine. It is difficult to operate freely in that city."

"Yes. And I was quite pleased by your work. It is outstanding. However, the rebels are immune to it."

Aris cut his gaze to the left, watching the blurry apparition of Loki in the glass reflection. "The succubus, like her father, has evolved her ability to heal from sex due to her longevity of life. Now, those with whom she has had sex ... they become healed of sickness. This means a portion of her teammates are cured. Being cured from the plague means the body has built an immunity. However, with the city locked down, the succubus and her friends will struggle to operate there. They will be hassled by police, the CDC, and anyone else who catches them moving about in public."

"You've done your best," Loki said. "Do you have a cure?"

"I do, but it only works by injection. However, the vaccine's efficiency is in the ninety-eight percentile, and only one-in-five hundred have reported severe complications."

"Where did you test the vaccine?"

"It was put into Flu-shots throughout the District Coast."

Loki placed a hand on Aris' shoulder. "Give it to your soldiers, and send focused groups to the surface. We will operate by the same playbook from twenty-five years ago. It worked then, it will work now."

"Bring on police, mercenaries and retired military soldiers?"

Loki smiled. "It was glorious wasn't it?"

"It worked because I promised them sanctuary here afterwards. I brought them to New Atlantis, where they trained, and saw the reality of my offer. I brought supernatural humans here and painted these people as infiltrators, allowing my people to train in how to fight them. I cannot offer that, now."

"Mm, I see..."

Falcon frowned, looking back down at New Atlantis again. "This city will be at capacity in ten years. Fifteen tops."

Loki moved adjacent to Aris, looking out the window. "I already have a solution for you."

"You do?"

"Remember when I said I want to turn the District Coast into a fertile strip of land to sustain your people? New Atlantis will be the capital city of the District Coast. You can expand into Iceland through the bridge in the upper states. You can have Greenland. Beneath the ice, you will find some of the most fantastic deposits of rubies and other precious gems known to mankind, and the fresh meltwater will nourish your people. Grow down into the District Coast, using the boy, Vincent Nevada, to shorten the half life of the radiated zones. You will have an enormous strip of land with which to grow food and herd cattle. You have the protection of oceans on all sides. You will have everything you could ever need for a large civilized culture."

Aris cracked a smile. All he ever wanted for his people was to have safety, security, and a high quality of life. "When will you need these soldiers?"

"The sooner the better. Send people to San Francisco. Bring a vaccine to the National Guard, the police, and anyone who will aid our cause. Send them to hunt the rebels - anyone who had been working with Methos, the mathematician."

"I thought if I killed him, his group would lose focus and purpose."

"You turned him into a martyr, Aris. They are more focused than ever. Members of the Esoteric Community are forsaking their council rules and looking for a chance to fight. The rebels have no idea the sheer amount of support that they are about to receive. We cannot let them bring those people through the mirror."

Aris turned directly to Loki. "What if we let them through this ... portal? And then we trap them there."

Loki frowned and shook his head, keeping his gaze on the cityscape below. "If only it were that easy. Once the deities are freed, they would have the ability to escape through the hallway of reflection."

"I am unfamiliar with that."

"It runs through the heart of our realm, separating the heavens."

"What does it do?"

"Aris, it would allow any mirror to be used as a portal by most gods. The only thing that kept the gods in the Celestial Realm before now was the supernatural community, who were initially created to slay most deities. Granted those people have integrated with normal human society over the last several thousand years, many still have impressive abilities. Most of the gods still honor the treaty. The rest is politics."

"You'll have your soldiers, Loki. I have Esoteric Allies living among my people, here. A man named Reinhardt will help to 'convince' the Governor of California and the Mayor of San Francisco to allow my people to come and aid them. Reinhardt can influence the will of others to a degree. He can convince the political leaders of California that my people are coming as aid workers to bring a vaccine and to aggressively contain the outbreak. They will guard intersections and lock down the streets while looking for anyone with supernatural abilities."

Loki folded his hands behind his back. "I am unsure where the mirror is kept. There is a possibility it is at the Parker Mansion. Level it."

"Consider it flatted. I will speak to Reinhardt immediately and prepare him for his mission."

"Excellent, Aris."

"What happens next? What is your end goal?"

Loki smiled in his usual charming way, "I will become God, and you will be the Son of God. After all, I have treated you as my son for decades, now. I have watched over you, cultivated you, and prepared you for a future of greatness."

Aris gazed back to the city far below his feet, unsure how to respond. "Yes, it seems you have been my guiding hand. You have lead me to Thule, in a metaphorical sense."

Loki gave Falcon's shoulder a firm squeeze, the way a father would show affection to a son. "I have lead you to 'Thule' in the most literal way possible. I have helped you construct this ... Ark. You have brought people and animals here and saved them from the coming destruction that will soon ravage the surface. And after the end of this so-called 'second age,' I will make a sign to the survivors as a vow regarding future peace and prosperity. I will reveal myself to them as their god."

"How will I feed my people?" asked Falcon.

"After the cleansing, you will take the relic known as the Rod of Aaron. You will thrust it into the ground on the District Coast after the water has receded. The soil will change, and crops will grow. First almonds, then whatever you plant in their place."

"The Rod of Aaron was used to move mountains. I used it to create the District Coast."

"Yes, but it can also be used to cultivate. It can be used to heal. It is far more powerful than the rod used by Aaron's brother, Moses."

"I see..."

Loki smiled again in a comforting way. "There is a term in English used to describe fighting animals - Moses, with the less-powerful staff, was the 'underdog.' And so the ancient writings tell of his quest. But the rod carried by his brother, Aaron, was handed down from the leaders of the oldest people."

"The people of the First Age?"

"Yes. Their plural world for themselves was 'Adam.' It became the plural meaning of the word for 'mankind.'"

Aris turned from the window, leaning his back against it. "The Garden of Eden?"

"It was a metaphor for the city beneath your very feet. Thule. Atlantis. Mu. Whatever you wish to call it; I call it the First City of Humanity."

"I'm listening, Loki."

"After the enlightened humans left, they did indeed create an actual garden far from the Atlantic Ocean. You see, when enough time passes, rumors and stories begin to combine. Humans have this ... desire to take everything they see and make it all fit together like a puzzle. Before long, ancient texts began to speak of a fertile utopia where humanity is believed to have been born - the story of Eden."

"What is the truth about humanity?"

Loki scoffed. "They were animals."


The deity continued his explanation of the oldest human beings. "A variation came along that learned to create complex language. They learned to pass on knowledge to their offspring. Just like now, every so often, a handful of humans were born understanding math, engineering, art, leadership ... and before long humanity created impressive technology."

"Why are there no signs of it around the globe?"

"The Esoteric Council has always seized and hidden anything found. They would surely want to possess the city you unearthed beneath the Atlantic seabed."

Aris grimaced.

"The First Age of Humanity was separate from the less-fortunate humans born wild in other parts of the world. Those who were unfortunate to have been born in such poverty worked together; they constructed villages and crude tools."

"Did the two cultures meet?"

"Yes," said Loki. "But, they grew afraid of the enlightened humans. Fearful of the powerful nation in the Atlantic, the earthbound mortals often killed brilliant people born amongst them. Intelligence was frowned upon in these tribal nations. Women flocked to the charisma and power of alpha male humans who dominated the poverty-stricken slum nations. Those were the men that offered protection in exchange for possession. Unfortunately most humans came from those lowly groups, and so the meek did, in fact, inherit the Earth. It is now in their nature to crave proper leadership; they have learned to look towards an alpha to protect them. They expect a parent to provide for them, so they pray to be rescued by a 'father' willing to hear their plea in exchange for worship. The One True Creator has not answered their call, leaving the position of 'father' available to whomever has the motivation and patience to seize it. Me."

"And I will be your son?" asked Aris. He crossed his arms over his chest. "I will be the culturally aware city in the distant Atlantic, and you will rule over the meek because it is their numbers that will sustain the rest of the Earth?"

"Exactly. We will reboot this world."

"How so?" Falcon asked.

Again, Loki smiled. "We usher in a new 'first age.' Your people will be happy, healthy, and constrained to a small part of the world - the District Coast. My people will liter the rest of the globe, and their worship will sustain me as God on Earth. We will make it illegal to pray to gods other than the three of us."


"My wife and I will rule over the wayward humans whose needs must be fulfilled like the children that they are."

"And why will prayer to other deities be illegal?"

Loki shifted his weight, cutting his sidelong gaze back to Falcon. "Denial of prayer to other gods will ensure the Celestial Realm will never become full of unnecessary deities again. When it is time, and when your people have grown and evolved in their majesty, you can lead them to a new utopia in a thousand years."

Aris blinked. "You would give us the empty realm?

"Yes. It will ensure that wars between our people never happen. You can populate the Celestial Realm as your own. You and your people can watch over my Earth, as my people reach for the stars of this universe."

Aris, charmed, offered a nod of appreciation. "By then, my people will have mingled with the supernaturals that I allow to live in my company."

Loki nodded. "Exactly! By then, your people will have earned the right to live in the Celestial Realm. Keeping our two populations apart will ensure another war never occurs." Loki reiterated, driving his point into Falcon's mind.

"We can forget the Book of Revelations, and its promise of a thousand years of peace and prosperity. We could rewrite that promise and give our people an unlimited existence without suffering, war, famine, or pestilence."

"Precisely," Loki said with a brilliant smile. "Why settle for a thousand years of peace? We can work together and extend it to a never-ending peace."

Falcon offered his hand.

Loki extended his own. The two shook as men.

"Your end goal is a beautiful vision, Loki."

"Rescue me from the Celestial Realm, 'son.' The portal is in the hands of Natalia Kincade, somewhere in San Francisco."

"I will see you soon," Aris replied, not exactly ready to call Loki by a title, certainly not 'father.' At least not yet. They shook again and Loki disappeared.


Aris stood, alone in his bedroom, hand extended to the empty air. He swallowed and drew in a deep breath.

After a moment to compose himself, Aris went to a phone on his desk, across the room. He picked up the receiver and dialed a number.

Someone answered on the other end of the line. Aris cleared his throat and said, "Reinhardt, come see me at my residence as soon as you're able."

Aris listened to the response and smiled. "I have a proposal for you to resume your place as the judge of a pure, unsullied Esoteric Community again."

Again, Aris listened to the reply over the line, then he said, "I had a dream. Eventually I wish to give all the people of this city their own 'abilities.' We will cultivate a true, pure supernatural race. But, first, we have work to do."

A moment passed, listening to Reinhardt St. Leonard's reply, then Aris said, "It all begins with a carefully coordinated assault on San Francisco, California. I want you to lead the attack. But first, you will have to kill Azazel's daughter."

Aris listened to the reply over the line then smiled. "No, I have Azazel. There is no need to preserve Keturah in cryogenic stasis. I want you to _kill_her. The succubus is a rebel. Rebels have no place in my dream. You will eventually lead the rest of the people of New Atlantis, and I will aspire to a higher purpose."

Aris touched a button on his phone and walked away. The voice of Reinhardt came over a speaker. "You wish to be some sort of king, Aris?"

"No, Reinhardt. You will be king. I will take my place in a role more fitting to my destiny. A creative mind such as my own has no place sitting idly upon a throne. We will talk of it later. First, you have to prepare for an attack on San Francisco, followed by a rescue and recovery operation - you have to find the Celestial Portal in Natalia Kincade's possession. Then you have to bring it to me."

"Understood. I will see you shortly." St. Leonard disconnected from the call.

Aris walked back to the window and looked out over his city - a labor of love and longevity. Something he put his heart and soul into for the past century. The morning light, created from above, caused the skyline to glow with splendor.

He couldn't help but wonder if this was how it once began for the First Age People, so long ago...

Next Chapter: