Part 2 - Some Confrontation

Story by CJxFluffyButt on SoFurry

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#4 of A Husky's Surprise

** I tried putting this as another chapter to the series, but it didn't let me, so.. **

I knew as Jake and I were walking down the street, talking slightly as we went, that some passersby suspected something between us. Something intimate, obviously, but only I seemed to mind in a bad way. Jake acted like he didn't even notice those idiotic people, like they weren't even there at all.

As we approached his house, a two-story red house, just like mine, it was already 8:00, so obviously we had taken the long way...the REALLY long way. I watched him as he took out a key from his pocket.

"My parents don't get home for another couple of hours, so I figured we could talk today," he said as a grin came across his face. I looked back at him, but I was straight-faced because of the people in the hallways at school AND the idiots walking past us on the sidewalk looking at us like we were freaks.

He unlocked the door, and as soon as he opened it, I gulped, for I was nervous about what he had in mind when he said, 'Talking'. Walking into his house, I sat down on the couch in the living room and set my bag down to my right on the couch with me.

"Hey, Chris, I need to talk to you about something else, too," he remarked, looking a bit upset.

I frowned, not knowing exactly what he meant, but as he made his way to the couch to sit next to me, I looked around and noticed that, of all the pictures in the room, there were absolutely none of Jake with his parents; none of him at all.

This got me worried, and formed yet another question in my head.

He strolled over to me, grabbed the remote off of the coffee table in front of the sofa, and turned on the 38" plasma screen. He smiled slightly, and then turned on the guide, but all I noticed was that his back was facing me, and I couldn't take my eyes off of his entire backside.

I glanced up at his neck, then my eyes made their way down his body, admiring his curves, and finally reached his tail, murring slightly as I felt my member poke out of my sheath, although I managed to hide it.

Apparently, he had gotten frustrated with not being able to find a show to watch, so he just picked something and turned around to look where he would sit. This caused me to have to avert my gaze onto something else quickly, but I thought for sure that he would've noticed me blushing.

Luckily for me, he didn't, and he had chosen to sit next to me on the couch.

"Before you ask anything," I started as he next to me on the couch, "why are there no pictures of you in here, Jake?"

This wiped any bit of happiness straight away from Jake's face, and I could tell he would feel very uncomfortable to answer, but I had to know.

"Since age ten," he began, already trying to hide the fact that he was fighting back tears, "I've known that I was gay. I didn't tell you or anyone else at that time because...I just didn't know what to think of it. Then, on the night of my eleventh birthday, I was up alone in my room... pawing off to a picture of a male wolf. My mom walked in, bringing me some clean laundry, and, well.."

He couldn't finish; I could see his eyes watering up quickly, and he moved a little farther away from me.

"Ever parents have thought of me as an outcast..that's why there are no pictures of me up..anymore.." he managed, then he began to cry softly. I had no clue what to think right then. Jake is such a good guy: he's funny, smart, playful, and I knew all of this before I knew he was gay.

Since I did what I did to him in Dr. Robinson's class, does that make me gay too? I really didn't care at that moment. All I cared about was cheering my best friend up, no matter what.

"Hey, Jake.." I said to him in a comforting tone, "Obviously I don't mind if you're gay or not. You were my friend before I knew, and I know you're not an 'outcast'. I think your family should be more accepting, but there's nothing I can do about that."

He looked back over at me, still slightly sobbing, and a half-smile came across his face. That's exactly what I wanted to see, as my tail started to wag furiously.

"Y-You really mean that, C-Chris?" he asked gently. I just smiled, for the answer to that was simple.

"Absolutely, Jake. You know I'll always be here for ya, buddy."

I guessed that that was all he needed, because he stopped crying and wiped the tears from his face, his eyes still a little bloodshot. He smiled at me, then reached over and hugged me. I, although just like this morning, didn't know why, but I milked this hug for everything it was worth. I began to rub his back slowly, and he murred at this. I smiled, still blushing a slight bit, but decided not to go too least, not yet.

I ended our embrace abruptly, for my cell started ringing. I pulled it out, looked at the caller ID as I usually do, and saw that it read 'Karen'.

I growled at the thought of even answering the phone, but I figured I might as well get this over with, so I answered it.

"Hello, Karen," I growled.

"Um, hi Chris.." she responded, almost instantly, "look, I heard what happened between you are your 'friend' there, hon."

I snarled in rage, for I hated rumors being spread about me, even if they were true. Now, this bitch was reminding me? I took the phone off of my ear for a second to tell Jake I was going outside to finish this conversation, and he just nodded and continued to watch TV, still sniffling a little bit.

I made my way to the door, opened it, and slammed it behind me, completely forgetting the 'no slamming' rule of Jake's house.

"Now, what are you going to do now because of that rumor?" I growled.

"Well, I can't be seen with's just...bad for my reputation.." she answered.

I couldn't believe she even had the nerve to say that! She had stood me up, she had lied to me about coming, and she didn't even bother to apologize, even when she saw that it hurt me big time. Now, she had to worry about her so called 'reputation'? To me, her reputation is a lying bitch, and I still stand by that.

"You know what, Karen? Fuck you AND your reputation. I don't need you, you're just a lying bitch."

"Fine, go and have fun with your little fag friend," and with that, I hung up on her.

The last comment by her had gotten me so frustrated and upset that my own eyes had begun to water. The truth is, last year, I had met a German Shepherd name Casey, and we became friends. Eventually, he came out of the closet to me, but I didn't stereotype him, nor did I change my view of him. I treated him exactly the same, and that seemed weird to me, because mostly all of the other kids at our school were very homophobic.

Eventually, I had become curious. Not curious as to why I wasn't homophobic toward Casey, but curious as in...sexually curious. I never did anything with Casey except kiss him a few times, and I haven't seen him since.

But after everything that had happened over the past two days combined with what happened with Casey helped me make my decision.

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket, wiping tears from my eyes with my other paw, and reopened the front door, closing it softly behind me. I didn't even bother looking at Jake as I made my way upstairs, not really knowing which room I was going to. I decided to head for the second largest room, which I assumed was Jake's room, and I was right.

I walked in solemnly, and the first thing to catch my eye was a picture on the wall.

It was of him and me, from when we were twelve, and it depicted us standing with our arms over each other's shoulders. Underneath it, there was a caption, and so I walked across the room to the picture and began to read it.

'Me, and my best friend in the whole world, Chris. I hope that one day we could be more than just friends, but I know that'll always just be...a dream.'

That didn't help my trying to stop crying; it made me well up once again. This time, I didn't cry, but a few tears did roll down my face. I looked away from the picture and sat down on Jake's bed. It was actually quite comfortable, so I had to shake a few...awkward thoughts from my head quickly.

I sat on the edge of the bed with my head down and thought for a few seconds. I thought about what had been happening to me lately, and what would become of me in the near future. All of that thought was interrupted as Jake came into the room.

He had a worried look on his face, and he came in and sat down right next to me. He was wearing Axe Body Spray today, 'Touch', which is my personal favorite, to be exact.

I looked over at him to notice that he sat right next to me and had put his arm around my shoulder. I wanted to pull him in right then and there, and by then, I had figured out why.

"Are you okay, Chris?" he inquired caringly, "You looked really upset when you came back inside. Is everything alright?"

I hesitated to answer, but I replied, "I..I'm fine, Jake, It's just...Karen says she can't even be seen with me anymore, talking about how it will 'mess up her reputation'. I hate that lying BITCH," I growled.

"Calm down, Chris..It's ok. Just..forget about her. If she doesn't want to be seen with you, then ignore her. I agree with you, though, she is a bitch. I'm here for you though, buddy.." he said, smiling slightly.

"Thanks so much, Jake.." I began, although I was extremely shy about finishing the next part of my sentence, "and there's something I need to..tell you.."

His face was full of confusion at that moment, as well it should've been, so I decided to cut straight to it.

"J-Jake.." I started again, "I..I think...I might be gay now..I mean, if I don't qualify as gay yet, then I might as well finalize it somehow.." I finally blurted out.

That statement made Jake's entire day, as his face lit up completely. Out of nowhere, he reached out and grabbed me, laid me out on his bed, and kissed me passionately. My eyes widened in shock, but they soon closed out of pleasure as I enjoyed it.

He ended the kiss, looking at me, "Well, if you aren't completely gay yet," he began, "then let me help you finalize it, hon.." he said, his paw already grazing my chest until it got to the bottom of my shirt.

I looked at him in surprise, "W-What are you doing?" I asked him inquiringly.

"Just relax, babe.." he said, then he smiled so warmly and lovingly at me that I almost melted. Right then, I wasn't about to say no to him.

I sighed as the other husky's paw slowly lifted my shirt up inch by inch until he got it completely over my head, and of course I had to lift my arms for him to get it off, and when I did, my abs flexed, causing him to look and moan, so obviously he liked my muscular structure. I gave into him, putting my right paw on his back, and sliding one finger down his back slowly.

He arched his back slightly at my touch, and I murred at the sight. He looked so enormously sexy when he did was unbelievable.

He took his paws off of me for a few seconds, only to remove his own shirt. He had a six pack as well, only not as fine as mine. It still turned me on, though, and so I leaned up and kissed him quickly, making him blush.

He leaned down and licked my muzzle, then kissed his way down my body until he got to my groin. He bit my zipper and slowly brought it down with his mouth, unbuttoning the pants at the same time. As he pulled them down and off, I instantly felt the new breeze fly into my boxers and around my now fully-erect member, causing me to let a slight moan escape my mouth.

I knew that was what he wanted, and he reached his left paw down to his own pants, unzipping them as well. Then, he looked up at me and winked, moving his left paw from his groin to my boxers, and he snatched them off quickly to reveal my member.

He moaned sensually at the sight of it, and my face blushed red hot, and all I wanted then was to have him suck me. I wanted his mouth to be around my dick right now, I wanted his warm mouth to engulf my length right then and there, but I decided not to say anything, to be patient.

"Ohh..someone's happy.." he said as he gazed at my length, obviously causing his to get rock hard as well.

He moved his way back up my body until we were muzzle to muzzle yet again, but I couldn't help but glance down to notice the tent in his jeans.

I noticed that there was a wet spot where the head of his member was, and I knew it was pre, so I slipped both my paws down underneath him, fumbling with his button to get it undone. After I got his pants completely undone, I used both hands to pull them off from under him, and he gladly helped by moving his legs out of each pant leg.

He looked into my eyes and smiled once again. Then, without warning, he slid back down quickly to my groin, grabbed my length, and licked the shaft multiple times. I shuddered from ecstasy for I knew I was about to get what I had been wanting.

Sure enough, I looked down and watched him as he licked up the pre that had leaked out of me already, and engulfed my dick into his muzzle. I moaned and tilted my head back a bit as this wave of immense pleasure rushed through me.

He bobbed his head up and down on my dick, each time, his tongue rubbed up against my shaft, and each time he came back up, I couldn't wait until he went back down. Eventually, I felt myself getting ready, and as soon as he saw, he stopped and just licked the tip of my cock until I released my seed onto his face and onto my stomach with a sigh of relief.

Each spurt of cum that I let out, I arched my back and moaned. This was probably the best orgasm I'd had so far. He looked at he and smiled, then swabbed up my cum from his face and placed it in his mouth, swallowing it. He then leaned down and began to lick the rest of it off my chest, and I just looked at him, smiling fully.

"Y-You're... so..g-good..." was all I was able to utter out.

He smiled back at me and licked his lips, and the look on his face told me that he wanted me to tend to his erection now. I nodded, and he got off of me.

"N-Now...lie back.." I told him, and he did as I requested.

I removed his boxers slowly, allowing me to observe the protrusion of his member from his boxers. It instantly turned me back on, and so I kissed the head. Next, I gave the shaft a good long lick just like he had done to me, and took his whole member in.

He arched his back as soon as I did this, and with one paw, I gently massaged his balls. I hadn't ever done something like this to another male before, but with the way Jake was reacting, I could tell I was doing alright.

I bobbed up and down quickly, making him moan out load. It didn't take long for him to cum at all, as he had a much shorter orgasm than me, but apparently, just as good. He placed his right paw on the back of my head between my perked-up ears, and his left paw was clutching the sheets as he came into my mouth. I swallowed all the warm, salty seed that he had to offer, and then pulled my head back up and off his length.

"You taste good, Jakey..." I said, and he smiled at me sluggishly.

"You do're amazing, Chris..." he said as I crawled up next to him.

He pulled the covers over us, then snuggled into me and smiled.

"I..I couldn't pick a better place to be right now...Chris.." he said as he looked into my eyes, his filled with love.

"Me neither, Jake..I honestly couldn't either..." I said, and then I leaned over and kissed him once again.

He kissed me back, and after a few minutes, we both dozed off to sleep, still snuggling into each other.