Z-Hero Compilation 1

Story by ZHero on SoFurry

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A compilation of four different stories I've posted on FA that I'm sharing on SoFurry. Characters are co-owned by myself and TKTigerkat

~A Zephyr Heroes X Knights Compilation~

~Best of Frostbite Volume 1~

-Table of Contents-

-Three Squares A Day

-Distress Test

-The Wonderful Glazed Doughnut

-Revenge Of The Glazed Doughnut

-Three Squares A Day-

-Location: Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 9:00 AM

[b]AXL:[/b] <panther puts on a bib and grabs his utensils> Alright Got everything I need for a great day!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <brown bear walks into room> What are you up to this time, AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, Jimbo! I'm just going over to my bud's house for my three square meals. You wanna come?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Not today. Wait, you're not getting Tai to cook for you all day long, are you?

[b]AXL:[/b] It's the best way to get a full day's eating, plus desert, without spending any money! Mah bud LOVES cooking for me!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Um...AXL? I'm not sure if you should -

[b]AXL:[/b] HUSH! Now if you'll excuse me, Jimbo, I got breakfast to catch!

<AXL hurriedly jogs off>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...Might as well follow him. <sigh> This could all end very badly.

<Jimmy leaves and follows after him>

-Location: Salvage Yard (Felinus)

-Time: 9:30 AM

<Inside a garage working on vehicle repair>

[b]Jason:[/b] <fruit bat> Oh no, I think I hear AXL walking down the road.

[b]Chase:[/b] <malamute working underneath car> For food no doubt. Hasn't he ever heard of take out?

[b]Jason:[/b] ...This is AXL we're talking about, Chase.

[b]Chase:[/b] I know. He's the kid's responsibility.

[b]Tai:[/b] <red cat wearing apron> Yeah yeah. I already know how to handle him for the day.

[b]Jason:[/b] Let me guess; a grand buffet with desert included.

[b]Tai:[/b] You'll see soon enough.

<AXL and Jimmy walk inside>

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo! How's it going?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Hey!

[b]Jason:[/b] Good timing, I was heading off to run some errands. <puts tools down and leaves>

[b]Tai:[/b] Of course you were. <points> Though I guess you don't need me to point a certain someone out for you, huh, Fire Bro?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <smiles> That's alright. <grabs floor board and pulls malamute from under car> Hey, big buddy!

[b]Chase:[/b] Jim! <smiles> I didn't know you were coming today.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] I wasn't initially...at least until AXL 'convinced' me to tag along.

[b]Tai:[/b] How so?

[b]AXL:[/b] Don't mind Jimbo, he's all fuzz in the head. You know why I'm here!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] While you two have your breakfast...<grabs Chase by his hand> me and Chase will go upstairs to play some games of our own.

[b]Chase:[/b] <raises eyebrow and stands up> What kind of game?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <grins> You'll see! <hauls him away>

[b]Chase:[/b] <yelps and follows> Don't rip my arm out of my socket, Jim!

[b]Tai:[/b] ...Let me guess, AXL. Breakfast?

[b]AXL:[/b] <licks lips> Yep! What's on the menu; Pancakes, Waffles, or French Toast?

[b]Tai:[/b] Neither; cold cereal and milk.

[b]AXL:[/b] What!?

[b]Tai:[/b] I ran out of pancake mix and eggs. You'll just have to make due with that.

[b]AXL:[/b] ...Damn. Well, I'm sure lunch will be better.

[b]Tai:[/b] For now let's get some training done.

[b]AXL:[/b] Oh alright.

-Time: 12:00 PM

<The pair come out from the Reflex Room with towels around their shoulders>

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, bro! What we having for lunch?

[b]Tai: [/b] <wipes face with towel> Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

[b]AXL:[/b] What!? This ain't grade school!

[b]Tai:[/b] I'd make turkey clubs, but Ace ate all the bacon yesterday and Chase ate all the turkey. All we have is PB & J left.

[b]AXL:[/b] Damn it! Then again, lunch is supposed to be light. So, I'll look forward to dinner then!

[b]Tai:[/b] <smirks> Right...

-Time: 6:00 PM

<Inside the kitchen>

[b]AXL:[/b] <sits at the table and adjust bib> Oooh we, I can't wait for dinner!

<Chase and Jimmy walk out in only a pair of shorts and barefooted, sitting down at the table>

[b]Chase:[/b] Same here after spending all day goofing off.

[b]AXL:[/b] ...Did you lose a bet?

[b]Chase:[/b] <grins> Let's just say I gave the word 'dog-pile' a new meaning.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <fur all puffy and snorts> And somehow managed to cause static electricity too.

[b]Jason:[/b] <walks in and sits down at table> Good thing I left for a good while and got new tools.

[b]Chase:[/b] More like the whole day.

[b]AXL:[/b] Yeah yeah, weather's gray, now what's for dinner!?

[b]Tai:[/b] <pulls out dish out of microwave and sets it on table> Your favorite; reheated meatloaf!

[b]AXL:[/b] What!? <pulls hair out> This is an outrage! First boring cereal, then boring grade school sandwich, and now REHEATED meatloaf!?

[b]Chase:[/b] ...Didn't you stock up on food recently, kid?

[b]AXL:[/b] He DID!?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...Oh boy.

[b]Tai:[/b] Yes, and I have a present for you, AXL. <pulls out a wrapped box from cupboard and puts it on table> Go ahead and open it.

[b]AXL:[/b] This better be edible...<opens box and pulls out a book> W-what the hell is this!?

[b]Jason:[/b] <looks at item> It looks like a -

[b]Tai:[/b] Cookbook! Learn to cook for your own damn self sometime!

[b]AXL:[/b] <cries dramatically> You're so cruel to me!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <sigh> I've tried to warn you, AXL.

-Distress Test-

-Location: Cafe - Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 2:00 PM

<At an outdoor cafe>

[b]AXL:[/b] <black panther finishes writing a paper and holds it up> There we go! All done and ready to go!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <brown bear walking into cafe> What are you doing, AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, Jimbo! I just finished filing a complaint for court.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] What happened that you need to go to court?

[b]AXL:[/b] <gives him paper> Read it and weep!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] >takes paper and reads it before frowning> AXL...just what the heck is 'Taste Distress'?

[b]AXL:[/b] That 'Master Blaster Tavern' owner served me this nasty ol' beer that gave me diarrhea! He said I can sue him, and so, I'm taking that crank to court!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...AXL. You can't sue someone over something that doesn't exist!

[b]AXL:[/b] Too late! I already got a judge willing to accept my case!

<A black and white husky in a police uniform walks into the patio>

[b]Ricky:[/b] <husky> What's with all the yelling?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Ricky! Please tell AXL his court claim is ridiculous!

[b]Ricky:[/b] What court claim?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <hands canine paper> Read it for yourself.

[b]Ricky:[/b] <reads paper and frowns> Are you serious, AXL? What the hell does 'Taste Distress' even mean?

[b]AXL:[/b] Bad beer at Master Blaster's Tavern and the jerk said I can sue him too! I already got a judge and lawyer to boot. It's the same as suing over Emotional Distress!

[b]Ricky:[/b] ...AXL. This so called 'Taste Distress' and intentional, or negligent, infliction of Emotional Distress are NOT the same! The former doesn't even exist!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] That's what I said!

[b]AXL:[/b] HUSH! You two turkey's just sit back and watch me win this case! <leaves>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...Can that claim of his really hold up in court, Husky?

[b]Ricky:[/b] It's not even considered a paperweight, Little Bear. <sighs> Let's just see how this turns out as ridiculous as it is.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] I'm afraid of the judge AXL somehow manage to con into this.

-Location: Courthouse - Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 3:00 PM

<Inside the courtroom>

[b]AXL:[/b] <sitting as the plaintiff> Remind me again WHY you're my lawyer, dreads?

[b]Kai:[/b] <orange lion with red dreadlocks adjusting tie> Because I'm the only one who fits your 'budget' of 200 Zenny and best suited for this 'case' of yours.

[b]AXL:[/b] Yeah yeah, just try to make me look good, kay?

[b]Kai:[/b] Don't push it.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <sitting in background> OK, this is just plain stupid. There is NO such thing as 'Taste Distress'!

[b]Kai:[/b] It'll be alright, Kuma. The quicker we get this done, the quicker we can forget about this.

[b]Ricky:[/b] <sitting next to Jimmy> I already want to forget about the idiocy of this 'trial'. Who's the judge insane enough to accept this case?

[b]Bailiff:[/b] All rise for the honorable Judge Brooklyn.

[b]Jimmy & AXL:[/b] WHAT!?

[b]Ricky:[/b] <palm faces and groans> I spoke too soon...

[b]Kai:[/b] <groans> As I've foreseen it...

<A black dragon walks out of room and takes his seat as the judge>

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <bangs gavel> Hey hey hey, me buckos! How do you like my new position as a judge? Spiffy, no?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Brooklyn, just what the heck are you doing here!?

[b]Ricky:[/b] How the heck did you get a license to BE a judge?

[b]AXL:[/b] And WHY are YOU my judge!?

[b]Kai:[/b] This is Brooklyn we're talking about...

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] I'll do anything to help me chums out of a pickle! Now, what are we suing for?

[b]AXL:[/b] <points to wolf defendant> I'm suing this crank over here for Taste Distress!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Which does NOT exist!

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Omigosh, Taste Distress!? That's terrible! Why would you give X-L Taste Distress!?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] What!?

[b]Ricky:[/b] <eyes twitching> This...cannot be happening.

[b]Kai:[/b] <groans> I shouldn't be surprised, but I am...

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Taste Distress is a VERY serious offense! I went to a chip-and-dip party where the host only had hummus as the dip and it offended me devilishly wonderful taste sensibilities!

[b]Kai:[/b] Taste Buds, you idiot.

[b]Wolf:[/b] ...I beg your pardon?

[b]Jimmy & Ricky:[/b] IT'S NOT REAL!

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <bangs gavel> Order in the court, Jay-Jay, Rick-Rick! What does the meanie defender has to say for himself?

[b]Wolf:[/b] ...I'm...sorry?

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] Can you accept his apology, X-L?

[b]AXL:[/b] Hmm...throw in a better tasting beer and I'm good.

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] <bangs gavel> I find the Defendant guilty and must give the Plaintiff one free beer at Master Blaster's Tavern! Case Dismissed!

[b]Ricky:[/b] You didn't perform any cross-examination!

[b]Kai:[/b] What the hell? Brooklyn, you idiot, that's -

[b]Brooklyn:[/b] A perfectly fair estimate, Kai-Quan! <bangs gavel again before stepping down> Now, let's go to the Tavern for some good ol' beer, I haven't had any since last week!

[b]AXL:[/b] Damn straight!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...Husky?

[b]Ricky:[/b] <groans> Don't bother, Little Bear. When AXL and Brooklyn are involved...NOTHING ever makes sense.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...Lion Heart?

[b]Kai:[/b] <groans> What Ricky said, Kuma. I feel more sorry for the Bailiff and the bar owner.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] ...This could all end very badly.

-The Wonderful Glazed Doughnut-

-Location: Doughnut Dungeon - Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 10: 00 AM

<Inside a kitchen>

[b]Dustin:[/b] <yellow rabbit> Remind me again WHY we're helping AXL out, big bro?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <brown bear> Because he practically begged us for help due to being short on staff.

[b]Ace:[/b] <black and white tuxedo cat> That and Tai could never say no to his 'panther bro'.

[b]Tai:[/b] <red cat with black stripes> How was I supposed to know it was to run a doughnut shoppe?

[b]Cliff:[/b] <white tiger> So why am I here?

[b]Dustin:[/b] You just happen to be with me...and in turn, we were at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

[b]AXL:[/b] <panther> HUSH! Here comes by boss!

<a black bison storms into room holding a clip board and steam shoots out of his nostrils>

[b]Boss:[/b] Alright, boys! Your job for today is to make doughnuts fresh out the oil to incoming customers! Each of you have your own station; bear boy has chocolate, rabbit has vanilla, red boy has powdered, junior has glaze, big guy has jelly, and AXL has sprinkles.

[b]Cliff:[/b] Jelly?

[b]Ace:[/b] Junior!?

[b]Dustin:[/b] Rabbit!? I have a name you know!

[b]Boss:[/b] HUSH! When the doughnuts come out on the conveyor belt, you apply your frosting and toppings on each one, but if I see a single mismatch or half-completed doughnut...you're all FIRED!

[b]AXL:[/b] What!?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Don't you think you're being a bit too harsh?

[b]Tai:[/b] And there are people who like just plain doughnuts.

[b]Boss:[/b] HUSH! Your job starts now and don't screw this one up! <activates conveyor belt> LET 'EM ROLL!! <storms out>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <grabs a doughnut off belt and dips it in chocolate> And here I thought Blake was pushy with his training.

[b]Ace:[/b] <dips doughnut in glaze> I'm taking fast food OFF my resume in the future.

[b]Dustin:[/b] Crank! <dips doughnut in vanilla batter> How can you work for a jerk like him, AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] <does his assignment> The same way I hang around you jive turkeys.

[b]Tai:[/b] <gives panther stern look as he handles his station> And what does THAT mean, panther bro?

[b]AXL:[/b] Uh, what I meant to say was, 'the same way I hang around my wonderful favorite chef and you jive turkeys'!

[b]Tai:[/b] That's what I thought you said.

[b]Cliff:[/b] And I'm not a turkey! <looks at nozzle> Uh...how do I use this?

[b]Dustin:[/b] You insert it into the doughnut, give it a slight squeeze, and the filling will go inside.

[b]Cliff:[/b] Oh...okay. <grabs a doughnut and nozzle and rams it through pastry> Like this?

[b]Dustin:[/b] ...Let's switch places, Cliff.

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, long-ears, you can't do that! If my boss finds out -

[b]Dustin:[/b] HUSH! <switch stations with Cliff> There, I'll fill the doughnuts with jelly, you just dip them in vanilla.

[b]AXL:[/b] ...I know YOU did NOT just go 'HUSH' to me, long-ears!

[b]Ace:[/b] <dips doughnut in glaze> Considering you do it to us, it's a taste of your own medicine.

[b]AXL:[/b] Oh blast off!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Enough! Let's just handle our stations and get this over with before your boss screams at us.

[b]Tai:[/b] Yeah. <adds more powder to pastries> We can make this fun and not so stressful. Maybe I should make doughnuts at home sometime.

[b]AXL:[/b] And I'd love it if you did!

<after enough time passes the conveyor belt suddenly speeds up and more doughnuts are coming out faster>

[b]Ace:[/b] <notices speed increase> Um, guys?

[b]Dustin:[/b] <fills in more jelly> Is this thing getting faster?

[b]AXL:[/b] ...You know what we have to do now, right?

[b]Tai:[/b] Start moving faster?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Panicking?

[b]AXL:[/b] Scream in falsetto like horror movie girls and hope we don't get fired!

[b]Ace:[/b] That works!

<Jimmy, Tai, Dustin, Ace, and AXL yell in panic and try to gather as much doughnuts as possible>

[b]Cliff:[/b] <tries to grab doughnuts moving at a fast pace> Er...er...I'm hungry! <starts eating doughnuts instead of frosting them>

[b]Dustin:[/b] Don't eat the doughnuts yet, Cliff!

[b]Ace:[/b] Might as well, this is insane! <grabs as many doughnuts and dumps them in glaze>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <frost as many doughnuts as possible and gets stains on his fur> Fighting super villains is easy, but frosting doughnuts is unforgiving and brutal!

[b]Tai:[/b] <starts dumping sugar on doughnuts> I take that back; I'm NOT making doughnuts at home!

[b]AXL:[/b] We can do it, girls! Let's just...<gets smacked by a flying doughnut and shrieks> TOO HOT!! <starts running around screaming>

[b]Tai:[/b] AXL calm - <gets knocked into powdered sugar and gets coated in white>

[b]Ace:[/b] Can't this get anymore like a cartoon!? <gets hit by flying doughnuts and falls into hot glaze, screaming> AAHH! IT BURNS!!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] What is this; wrath of the doughnuts!? <ducks from getting hit by doughnut only to slip and fall into chocolate batter>

[b]Dustin:[/b] Big bro! <gets splashed by chocolate> AHH! MY EYES! <wildly aims nozzle and starts squirting>

[b]Cliff:[/b] <stops eating for a moment> Dustin! <gets squirted in eyes by jelly> AAHH!! I can't see! <starts running around and waving his arms wildly>

[b]Tai:[/b] <coughs out powder and eyes widen> Cliff, no, stop! <gets smashed into powdered sugar>

[b]AXL:[/b] <peels doughnut out of eyes> Dang these things are piping hot with oil! <looks around to see damages> Oh lawd...

[b]Boss:[/b] <voice echoes> What's going on in there!?

[b]AXL:[/b] Oh crap! <uses ice powers to clean himself and his friends off> Get off your butts and back to your stations, girls!

<everyone recovers and scrambles to their stations just in time for the bison to come back in>

[b]Boss:[/b] What was all that ruckus just now!?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Uh, nothing, sir. We were just trying to keep up with the orders!

[b]Tai:[/b] Yeah, uh, we managed to get them done...right?

[b]Boss:[/b] Well, I must admit. You boys did a bang up job! <screams over intercom> SPEED IT UP, GUYS! <leaves>

[b]Ace:[/b] Oh god...again!?

[b]Dustin:[/b] We're not done yet!?

[b]Cliff:[/b] I don't want to be hit by jelly again!

[b]AXL:[/b] At least we'll be getting paid and I keep my job.

[b]Jimmy & Tai:[/b] <gives panther stern looks> AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] Yeah?

[b]Everyone:[/b] SHUT UP!

-Revenge Of The Glazed Doughnut-

-Location: Doughnut Dungeon, Metro City (Zephyr)

-Time: 10:00 AM

<Inside a doughnut shoppe in Metro City's downtown area>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <brown bear wearing an apron> Remind me WHY we're helping AXL again?

[b]Tai:[/b] <red cat wearing an apron> I think it was because he offered to pay us actual money if we help him this time.

[b]Ace:[/b] <tuxedo cat wearing an apron> Keyword is 'This Time'.

[b]Sampson:[/b] <golden brown bull wearing an apron> So why am I helping out?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Because you were with me by association.

[b]AXL:[/b] <panther wearing an apron> HUSH! Here comes my boss!

<A black bison walks into the room holding a clipboard>

[b]Boss:[/b] Alright, girls, today you'll be filling in for my staff in both making and selling doughnuts. We've got a big crowd waiting to eat hot-and-fresher-than-your-breath doughnuts.

[b]Sampson:[/b] Yo, don't call me a lady!

[b]Ace:[/b] And I always use mouthwash!

[b]Boss:[/b] HUSH! Now, bull-man and short-stuff handles making doughnuts, AXL and red handle cashier duty, and the squirt handles making coffee.

[b]Ace:[/b] Um...by 'short-stuff' and 'squirt'...which one are you referring to?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] I'm not EITHER of them!

[b]Boss:[/b] HUSH! Now I'm gonna open the doors, so get your tails to work, and remember; the money is always right!

<The manager leaves>

[b]Sampson:[/b] <snorts> Where have I heard that phrase before?

[b]Tai:[/b] Let's get to work and hope nothing silly happens this time.

[b]Ace:[/b] Me too. At least this time I get to make coffee.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Good thing Raiju isn't here to drink everything.

[b]AXL:[/b] Yeah yeah, weather's gray, now get to your stations!

<An hour into service>

[b]Customer:[/b] Can I have two jelly doughnuts please?

[b]Tai:[/b] Alright. <looks at remaining doughnuts available on rack> I'm sorry, sir, but we're all out of jelly doughnuts.

[b]AXL:[/b] Hold on, lemme check. <pokes his head into back room and shouts> A yo, pastry chefs, where's my damn jelly doughnuts!?

[b]Sampson:[/b] <flips doughnuts over in oil> Chill out and wait a few more minutes!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <fills doughnuts with jelly and sets them on tray> We're going as fast as we can, AXL, now go offer the customer something else!

[b]AXL:[/b] Ruuude! <leaves room>

[b]Sampson:[/b] <flips more doughnuts and sets them on rack to drain excess oil> This is why working in fast food is the bottom of the pits. Please tell me you're done filling those doughnuts with jelly, bear buddy.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <fills more doughnuts with jelly and sets them on tray> Yep, this is the last one for this batch.

[b]Sampson:[/b] I'll take them outside...but first a quick snack. <takes a plain doughnut of rack and eats it>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] You can't be eating on the job like Cliff did last time, Sam!

[b]Sampson:[/b] Says who? It's just one doughnut.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] But if AXL's boss catches us -

<Sampson grabs another doughnut off rack and puts it in brown bear's mouth. Jimmy bites at doughnut, chews, and swallows it>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <licks lips> Hey, that was pretty good. OK, just one quick snack and it's back to business!

[b]Sampson:[/b] <smirks> See, no one would even notice. <takes jelly doughnut tray out in front> Here's your fresh jelly doughnuts.

[b]Tai:[/b] Oh good. <takes two doughnuts off rack, puts them in bag, and hands them to customer> That will be 1 Zenny please.

[b]Customer:[/b] <pays money and leaves> Thanks!

[b]AXL:[/b] <snorts> Goose-neck.

[b]Tai:[/b] Don't be rude, AXL.

<another customer walks in>

[b]Tai:[/b] Welcome to Doughnut Dungeon, how may I help you?

[b]Customer:[/b] I'll have a medium ice coffee with only two sugars please.

[b]AXL:[/b] What the hell kind of goose-neck crank drinks ice coffee without any milk!?

[b]Tai:[/b] AXL! <looks at customer> Please excuse him. One medium ice coffee coming up. <looks over at Ace by coffee station> One medium ice coffee black with two sugars please!

[b]Ace:[/b] Who the heck drinks ice coffee without any milk!?

[b]Tai:[/b] Ace!

[b]Ace:[/b] <sigh> I mean, coming right up. <prepares drink as requested and gives it to Tai> One ice coffee black, two sugars.

[b]Tai:[/b] <takes drink and gives it to customer> That will be 2 Zenny please, and I apologize for the rudeness.

[b]Customer:[/b] <pays money, gives them offended looks, and leaves> Well I never!

[b]AXL:[/b] <snorts> And you never will, now get your snooty 'I like my ice coffee black' behind outta here!

[b]Tai:[/b] AXL! Look, you can't question what the customer orders. Just be polite, smile, and give them what they asked for, okay?

[b]Ace:[/b] Do YOU drink ice coffee without any milk, Tai?

[b]Tai:[/b] Heck no! I mean...you've heard what AXL's boss said, the money is always right! I mean the customer is...damn it!

<Later in the day>

[b]Ace:[/b] <hands customer their drink> Here you go, please come again!

[b]Customer:[/b] Thanks! <pays money and leaves>

[b]Ace:[/b] You know, so far it's been relatively normal. No calamities so to speak.

[b]AXL:[/b] Mmhmm, don't get too relaxed. The worst has yet to come.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <loads tray of doughnuts behind glass> You're not talking about the lunch rush, are you?

[b]AXL:[/b] Mmhmm.

[b]Tai:[/b] <checks money in cashier> I'm more than prepared after all these years of cooking for you guys.

[b]Sampson:[/b] <loads doughnuts from tray onto display rack> Don't you mean cooking for 'AXL'?

[b]Tai:[/b] HUSH!

[b]Ace:[/b] Yep, his influence has taken effect.

[b]AXL:[/b] HUSH! Now get back to your stations!

<A few moments later...>

[b]Customer 1:[/b] I want a dozen chocolate doughnuts with sprinkles please!

[b]Customer 2:[/b] I want two large ice coffees with extra sugar please!

[b]Customer 3:[/b] Can I have a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel please!

[b]Customer 4:[/b] Gimme a large ice tea with two slices of lemon!

[b]Customer 5:[/b] A dozen glazed doughnuts and a large hot chocolate!

[b]Customer 6:[/b] And I want four bagels; two with cream cheese, one with lox, and the other butter and jelly!

[b]Tai:[/b] <trying to process all these orders on tablet> Slow down, and one at a time, please!

[b]Ace:[/b] <trying to make drinks as fast a possible> Tea, coffee, and hot chocolate!? You gotta be kidding me!

[b]AXL:[/b] <Quickly trying to toast bagels> I told you the lunch rush was hectic! Jimbo and his man better hurry up with them doughnuts!

<meanwhile in the back room>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <hiding behind a cabinet as piping hot doughnuts rapidly comes flying off the conveyor belt like machine gun bullets> I swear it's like doughnuts hate us or something!

[b]Sampson:[/b] <growls as some doughnuts latch onto his horns and stands by his bear> Damn it, my horns are NOT meant to be used like horse-shoe throwing! On the count of three, bear buddy, we shut off that machine!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] But those things are super hot!

<A doughnut suddenly grazes past his head and not only did it shave some of his hair off but also melted parts of the desk he and Sampson hid behind>

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Better yet...HYPER hot!

[b]Sampson:[/b] Almost like your hot chocolate, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna get defeated by doughnuts!

<meanwhile out in front>

[b]Ace:[/b] <finishes making one of the drink orders and runs over to customer> Here's your ice tea, sir!

[b]Customer 4:[/b] <looks at drink> Hey, where's my two slices of lemon!? I specifically asked for two slices of lemon with my tea, kid!

[b]Ace:[/b] I'm so sorry, I'll go fix it real quick!

[b]AXL:[/b] <finishes making bagels> Finally! Lemme go give these to that crank!

<AXL runs with bagels in a tray and collides into Ace who was running with the ice tea in his hand, both of them crashing into the ground>

[b]Customer 6:[/b] My bagels! Ugh, that's it, I'm leaving!

[b]Customer 4:[/b] Oh screw this, I'm outta here!

[b]Customer 1:[/b] Where's my goddamn dozen doughnuts!

[b]Customer 3:[/b] And my bacon, egg, and cheese bagel!

[b]Tai:[/b] <hurries to make orders> We're going as fast as we can, damn it! <runs with some orders completed and winds up tripping over AXL and Ace>

[b]Customer 2:[/b] Oh how rude!

[b]Customer 5:[/b] We'll just take our business elsewhere!

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, you donkey mother lovers better sit your tails down and wait!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <burst out of room covered in chocolate, powdered sugar, and jelly> Everybody get down, the doughnut machine is going haywire!

[b]Tai & Ace:[/b] Not again!

[b]AXL:[/b] A yo, what did you and yo' man did to it!?

[b]Sampson:[/b] <comes out of room covered in glaze, sprinkles, and frosting> It just went ballistic all of a sudden, okay!?

[b]Customers:[/b] WHERE IS OUR FOOD!?


<The customers get offended and storm off just as the manager arrives onto the scene>

[b]Boss:[/b] What in blue blazes happened in here!?

[b]AXL:[/b] Whelp...you see, boss, it all started when -

[b]Boss:[/b] No excuses! You're demoted to cleaning duty after hours, AXL, and the rest of you are FIRED!

<The manager storms off>

[b]Ace:[/b] You can't fire me, I QUIT!

[b]Tai:[/b] I'm off doughnuts forever!

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Same here.

[b]Sampson:[/b] I'm never helping AXL again.

[b]AXL:[/b] <snorts> Eh, at least we got to eat in between work.

[b]Tai:[/b] Oh shut up.

<Blake comes into the restaurant and raises an eyebrow>

[b]Blake:[/b] Did you morons lose a bet?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Not now, Blake. We just had a really bad day...with doughnuts again.

[b]Ace:[/b] I swear every time we do something related to doughnuts, or AXL, it gets hectic like a pinball machine!

[b]Sampson:[/b] I was going to say slapstick comedy, but that works too.

[b]Blake:[/b] Whatever you say. Just give me my usual and be done with.

[b]Tai:[/b] What usual would that be?

[b]Jimmy:[/b] Not that it matters since we were fired.

[b]AXL:[/b] Oh yeah. <grabs some doughnuts off rack and puts them in a box, handing it to Blake> Here you go, foxy.

[b]Ace:[/b] Um, just what is this 'usual' Blake is talking about?

[b]Blake:[/b] <opens box and pulls out a doughnut> Maple. Bacon. Doughnuts! <takes a bite and eats it> You can only get these things in Metro City! Sweet...salty...dynamite! <continues eating> You morons just don't understand how good these things are!

[b]Sampson:[/b] ...Seriously?

[b]Ace:[/b] I never knew Blake would be into doughnuts like that.

[b]Tai:[/b] Or at least with maple glaze and bacon on it.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <smiles> Hey, at least Blake being at peace with himself brightens up my day.

[b]Sampson:[/b] <pulls Jimmy close to him with a smirk> You wanna know what would brighten up my day, bear buddy? Getting this sticky gunk off of me...if you're interested.

[b]Jimmy:[/b] <grins> Like that's an offer I would refuse.

[b]Ace:[/b] Get a room!

[b]AXL:[/b] <snorts> At least I still get paid.

[b]Tai:[/b] <frowns> AXL?

[b]AXL:[/b] Yeah?

[b]Tai:[/b] Do shut up.