Dude Stop Yiffing My Butt

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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You can thank hudsonator for this little bit. I was talking to him about how I couldn't figure out anything to write, "Dude Stop yiffing my butt" was the only sentence that could be decided on, so.....yeah I took advantage of it. Not meant to be taken seriously at all.

*I could feel his sheath, swollen with his throbbing, barbed feline cock as I brushed my hand down the silky fur of his belly. My orchid and black fur almost taking on a glow with how vividly I blushed as our lips met. Being a tiger his muzzle was shorter than mine, and his fangs a great deal larger and longer. Being a wolf, my four fluffy tails began to wag with pleasure as my own sheath tightened as my knot began to swell. My head tilted back as I panted, feeling his clawed hands wrapping around my length, coaxing it from the sheath. Moaning loudly I panted his name, my jaws parting before his fangs catch my lower lip. He's on top of me now, his barbed length dwarfing mine as it rubs against my sheath and knot, the barbs catching and causing me to mewl like an infant. Suddenly I find myself on all fours, tails flagged to the side like a bitch in the depths of her heat, for tonight that's exactly what I am; his bitch. Suddenly the tiger's length and all those delicious barbs are buried inside me and I can feel them catching in places it seems they were always meant to be. I feel the warm fur on my back and his claws digging into my hips, his striped silky tail wrapping around my leg as he ruts me, claiming me as he would a tigress. My balls tighten and my knot swells, I can feel my essence shooting from the tip, marking the bed as I shamelessly howl the tiger's name. I can feel my bowels being coated with his seed, his furry orbs jumping against my tail as he fills me. With a loud roar my ears pin back in submission to this powerful male, and right as I feel my bliss fade, I hear his voice whispering into my ear: *

"Dude, maybe this will teach you to stop yiffing my butt."