Sorrowed Past- [Prologue] (Scrapped)

Story by Sora Toriyama on SoFurry

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A story background to my new character Eros Darklight

so i haven't touched this in months and am probably not going to... sorry anyone who was looking weekly or at all.. i lost my touch on doing well... anything


The shadow of Tilrith, it covered the town in darkness, killed everyone.... I was the only survivor of it." A voice said in deep sadness.

"Now what? How are you going to defeat the caster of Tilrith, for the darkness protects him, you will not stand a chance!" A female voice said, adding to the voices that were heard.

A blurry image slowly fading as the voices seem to drown out, vision seeming to be filled with darkness as everything goes quiet.

(A few days later)

*moan* What happened, where is?..

"He's gone, he left to fight him, and... Tilrith, he will die before he even gets to fight." The female voice calls out again, his vision still blurred to see who it is. The voice continues, holding back a sniffle. "You are the only one who can stop him from doing this foolish quest he has set out on."

Who are you? And what are you doing here?

"I am your friend, do you not remember me?"

No i don't.

Soon after the blurry picture becomes clear as it shows a vixen, her body being winter white but her tail sticking out as it being silver.

Wait i know you, hayley is it not?

"Well you are lucky, most who face Tilrith lose memory for a longer." Hayley replies as she gets up and walks over.

Where am i? "My place, after you blacked out to tilrith we brought you back here." She replies looking over before she is amazed. "You- this is rare, you are a... shape shifter."

What!?! Darting out of the bed he goes to see what she is talking about before noticing his body, once full panther but now has scales like a dragon.

"Erious you have been given a rare ability, tilrith tried to consume your body.. most know he has shape shifting powers, you must have gotten those abilities somehow!" Hayley says completely baffled at how.