Fuzzy Navel - Chapter 5

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#5 of Fuzzy Navel

Here we have chapter 5, wherein Saeila decides to make herself a friend to molest her new owner with. Also, bad office-setting junk I'm kind of embarrassed by.

Cover art by Fenrir Lunaris

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Chris woke the next day on his bed curled up next to the vixen. She had let him out somehow in the night for some reason. He didn't question it, simply glad she was still there. The two cuddled and nuzzled affectionately all morning long until finally Chris decided it was time he got up and got to work on the project. He was so close to finishing, he couldn't stop. Even when it grew late, he wouldn't stop even to sleep, that is, until his eyes grew so heavy he had no choice but to do so. When the clock read two in the morning, the human relented to his fatigue and his lover's pleas.

"Honey, you need to rest, otherwise you'll lose quality in your work. Come to bed and start on it again in the morning. Please... you can't push yourself this hard." She rubbed his shoulders from behind, trying her best to convince him. Chris rubbed his eyes under his glasses and sighed, leaning back against the plushy.

"Okay, okay, I'll come to bed." It wasn't that he didn't want to curl up with her like before, he loved doing that. He wanted to finish this project and fast. The future of his career hung on this one client. But Saeila did have a point. If he didn't get any sleep, the quality would indeed end up taking a nose dive. With little, and only very little reluctance, Chris crawled into bed with his lovely vixen and cuddled firmly with her before sleep took him swiftly. That was something he noticed. Since the plush had come to live with him, he found he had no trouble whatsoever in falling asleep. Perhaps it was an ability of hers to lull him off to dream-land, or perhaps it was just because she was that comfortable to snuggle with. Either way, he was pleased with that little aspect.

A couple of hours passed and it finally struck the human that something was not right. There was an unusual loneliness about the bed. He sat up and looked around in the darkness, rubbing one of his eyes as he yawned. Saeila was missing. Where could she have gone? She wouldn't have just left him would she? He climbed out of bed and stumbled into the hall, still quite groggy. The nightlight just a few feet from his door illuminated the corridor in a pale orange glow. He continued to stumble along, his feet shuffling over the carpet.

A noise, very faint, reached his ear; a muffled moan coming from somewhere nearby. Was Saeila in trouble?! He checked the deadbolts on the door, both of them still engaged. Whoever was there, if they broke in, they locked the door back. The thought of an intruder sobered him quickly and he crept stealthily towards the living room, keeping quiet and cautious. He peeked around the corner and leaned back behind the wall, processing the mental snapshot he took. Not finding anyone in sight, he very slowly, very gently stepped out into the open. Goosebumps covered his arms and legs, a chill running down his spine when he heard the moan again. It definitely was Saeila, and it sounded like it was coming from his plushy room. He slipped back to his room, grabbing the only weapon he felt safe wielding, a three foot long piece of PVC pipe with a broken, sharpened end and a sort of grip gouged on the other end. It wasn't quite a sword, but it was light, it was hard, and he could use it with rather swift force.

He returned to the closed door and took a deep breath, tightened his grip on his weapon, and committed. His free hand gripped the knob, twisted it rapidly, and threw the door open, jumping in and screaming to sound intimidating. The whole act took less than three seconds and the reaction he got wasn't what he expected. A pair of feminine screams filled the room the moment he burst in, the nightlight from the far wall revealing his beloved vixen recoiling in terror in the arms of someone else, someone strangely familiar. The new individual was decidedly feminine indeed: a hefty bosom; long hair; a thin, delicate form with the curves of an hourglass; and a long, graceful tail. What was odd was the bed behind her appeared to be attached, pulled up to her back as the sheets wrapped around only the upper portion of the two girls.

That didn't make any sense.

The shock of terrifying two innocent girls passed and he flicked on the light switch. Instantly, incandescence filled the room and the pieces fell into place. The little dragon plush he had introduced to his vixen earlier had been given humanoid form. It was Shayna! She was almost exactly how he had imagined her! The human's eyes went wide seeing the dragoness curled up with Saeila, both of them panting heavily from the scare which was fading fast. Within moments, the vulpine doll was crawling down the bed and standing up to embrace her lover.

"Don't do that! You almost scared us to death!" She squeezed her arms tight around his chest as he dropped his weapon, his eyes locked on the new plushy. The dragoness blushed and looked away, afraid he didn't approve of her presence.

"Saeila... is... is that... who I think it is?"

She giggled and nodded, kissing his nose lovingly.

"Yup! It's Shayna! She was supposed ta be a surprise for ya when you finished the project and the clients loved it... but, well... Surprise!"

He moved to the bed with the vixen in his arms, still keeping his gaze fixed on the white dragon doll that had been given life. Her own gaze was averted, reminiscent of how Saeila acted when he didn't just fall madly in love with her from his first look of her.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so sad?"

A faint blush appeared in her creamy white cheeks, yes, the plushy was blushing.

"You don't like me do you. You're mad that she brought me to life aren't you."

He frowned and pulled her into the embrace with Saeila, kissing her soft, warm cheek.

"I'm not mad at all. Shocked, yes. I didn't know she could do that," the very instant he finished the last syllable of his statement he turned to the vixen and repeated it, "I didn't know you could do that!"

The vulpine giggled and kissed them both happily.

"Well, I can! We were just havin' a little fun, we didn't mean ta make you think someone had broken in, now, let's go ta bed."

Chris nodded and pulled his new companion from the bed of plushies and walked them both back to his bedroom where they curled up under the sheets together. Shayna purred quietly in the ear of her human company and licked his cheek in affection, relieved to know he wasn't going to throw her out. Saeila grinned a bit as they got settled in and leaned over to whisper to the dragoness she had brought to life. The two shared the secret conversation until they decided it was time to act.

In a flash, the girls had the boy pinned under them, helpless, totally at their mercy. The partners in crime giggled as Saeila moved back and allowed Shayna the 'driver's seat' in the plan. The angelic dragoness slowly laid down atop him, mashing her plump breasts against his torso. She pressed her soft lips against his while her wings worked to wrap about him. It was odd. They had to be some kind of plastic, but they didn't feel like it. They felt like actual feathers. Perhaps they were nylon. It didn't matter to him, he was lost in the fluffy mass and loved it.

The vixen meanwhile was busy below, licking over both sets of genitals she found, her mate's member and extras as well as the new addition to the bedtime fun, specifically the dragon lady's virgin cunny. Shayna moaned happily while the male beneath her shuddered and wrapped his arms tightly about her waist. She possessed the same odd difference he noticed about Saeila the previous day. It was as though she was more than just a simple plush. Maybe she was or maybe he was just imagining things. The foreplay between all three continued until Shayna could bear it no longer and reached down between the two of them, gripping the human's now erect member and guiding it to her wanting flower. He groaned a bit as the very tip disappeared between the plushy's netherlips.

"Oh Shayna... I've dreamed about this countless times. I never thought I'd get to live it."

She silenced him with a deep kiss as she pushed him further into her warmth, wincing slightly as a blockage was reached. This didn't stop her, knowing full well what was to come. She continued down against him until there was a tight stretching and finally a pop, hilting him in her passage. She whimpered softly as the pain of losing her virginity distracted her for a moment, but only a moment. Soon, she was purring again and lifted her hips away from his only to lower back down. It was a glorious sensation for both off them. Chris dug his fingers into the dragon's back, mashing his hands into her synthetic flesh. The malleability Saeila sported was present in Shayna's form as well, giving easily enough. The compression only served to make her moan more. He began pumping his hips up against her in time with her own motions, feverish passion driving them both. The vixen wasn't about to be left out of the fun. She continued exploring and teasing with her tongue, doing what she could to expedite the coming orgasm while one of her hands was busy down below, stroking herself.

Friction gave way to heat between flesh and cloth. The glossy pelt he had grown accustomed to with Saeila was replaced by a sort of hide. It was the short-hair comparison to the vixen's covering, very, very short strands of fabric, having a similar tickle effect as Saeila's, though different. It was wonderful. He pumped harder and harder as his hands roamed over his new lover's form, caressing ever deliciously sensual curve. Moisture seeped out between them as they continued. Shayna's tunnel grew more and more slick with every passing second. The scent of love was in the air, leaving an invisible layer of musk and honey all over the walls and anything else that didn't move.

A tiny spark of electricity formed in Shayna's crotch, building stronger, threatening to overwhelm the dragoness in a tidal wave of climactic bliss. She ached and moaned, needing to feel the satisfaction to come as they coupled. Her body was mashed so tight against the human, drawing away the tiny droplets of sweat that had formed on the human's body. He panted and grunted through his exertion, the soft, indescribably profligate motions of his new doll's sopping passage doing a marvelous job of throwing him headlong into the wild ocean of ecstasy the angel atop him had flown him over. Spasm after spasm wracked his body until he gave out, his shaft releasing the viscous contents deep into his new lover's passage. He moaned while the plush dragon tilted her head back and cried out, clamping down firmly on his shaft. A patch of her body just below her navel turned darker than the rest, moisture seeping through the fabric of her body. The two panted and clung tight to one another as the both drift down off the height of orgasm.

"Lord that was great! You really are an angel!" The human managed to speak between pants, still clinging to the dragon in his arms. She purred and licked his cheek, relaxed and bathing in the afterglow.

"The feeling is mutual darling. Saeila, honey, could I impose on you to go get me something to drink? A glass of water maybe? I'm dying of thirst."

The vixen giggled, lifting her head from between the two pairs of legs.

"Sure, I can do that." And off she went, headed to the kitchen. After she left the room, the two still on the bed rolled over so the human was atop his doll, nuzzling her chest affectionately, loosing himself in the twin swells. Shayna purred and stroked the back of his head, letting him enjoy her form.

"God you're beautiful Shayna."

She giggled a little and tightened her wings about him softly.

"You like resting your head there don't you."

He nodded a little, turning so that his cheek rest on her bosom as if it were the pillow it felt so much like.

"Mmm hmm, I pictured you with a smaller size, but this kinda suits you better."

She giggled again and nosed his cheek softly.

"Ya like'em big huh?"

The human chuckled softly and nodded, cuddling again.

"Yeah, I guess I do." He didn't notice her grin.

"Well, let's just make'em a bit bigger then."

That made him furrow his brow, not sure what she meant by that, though he would find out shortly. The dragoness closed her eyes and hummed quietly, resulting in a very faint light to form about her body. Almost instantly, she began to change, growing large. Chris blinked and looked up and down her form as it changed, not just growing but altering slightly. Her arms and legs thickened slightly while something about them seemed different.

The whole process took only a few seconds and when she was done, she was curled up around him, making him feel much smaller than before. Her chest indeed had grown, quite nicely too. She giggled softly and licked his cheek, nuzzling the smaller human affectionately.

"Whatcha think honey? Ever slept with a dragon who walks on all fours?" That's what it was. She wasn't anthropomorphic anymore, and she was about the size of a large horse. That thought washed through the human's head until he just mashed his face back against her chest, obviously approving of the alteration. She giggled again and caressed his back, squeezing her legs together softly; she didn't bother pulling his still firm member free before the change. Chris sighed happily as he nuzzled her bosom, moving between each massive swell every now and again, making sure to pay attention to the two erect nubbins of flesh, had they actually been made of flesh.

Eventually, he picked one and wrapped his lips about it, suckling on it like an infant. Shayna offered a quiet purr and cradled his head, holding him against her chest. As he suckled cutely at his lover's breast, he noticed something anyone else would have found amazing, she was actually lactating. Milk, sweeter than anything he had ever tasted, oozed readily onto his tongue. Had he been anyone else, he would have been stunned speechless, but after all, he had been sleeping with a living vixen plush for closing in on a week now. This was just another pleasant surprise. After a moment or two, he released and turned to rest his cheek against the supple lump of plush-flesh, sighing happily.

"I've got to be the luckiest guy on Earth."

The loving dragoness smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I'm glad you think that dear, but since I changed, it's feeling a little empty down below, would you mind fixing that?"

He chuckled softly knowing exactly what she wanted, a little satisfaction. After all, she had to be at least ten feet from head to rump, the tail adding at least another five feet. His human 'form' just didn't have the girth or length to please such a big girl.

"Hehe, okay lover, can do," He reluctantly pulled himself from her form, moving to the end of the bed while she rolled over and raised her rear end, tail hoisted to expose her nethers. She giggled a bit, wriggling her behind while the human just chuckled, scooting forward to caress her thighs, "This is new for me, hope I do it right."

She just grinned and winked back at him coyly.

"You'll do fine, just get started, I'm waiting." And she didn't have to wait much longer. After a light kiss on her soft, pink, velvety lips, he moved his hands to massage her fragrant womanhood, eliciting a number of purrs from the silvery angelic beast. She cooed and squirmed ever so slightly, pushing back against his hands until he got the message and pressed in up to his wrists, stroking the inside of her soft, warm passage. The sudden invasion made Shayna gasp, her eyes opening wide for a moment before they drifted shut, a warm smile of satisfaction spreading across her muzzle.

"Mmm, that's good... but deeper, go deeper..." Her voice came mixed with moans of passion as her human obeyed, sinking slowly up to his elbows. Moisture coated his smooth arms as he pulled back and pushed back in, trying to set up a steady motion, finding it difficult to get enough leverage to 'thrust' properly. Shayna seemed to be enjoying it none the less, moaning and shuddering happily. She shifted her hips left and right just slightly every so often, clenching up around his arms regularly. The rolling constriction of her passage made his job rather peculiar considering his position. She continued to beg him to push deeper still, requests he granted, eventually reaching his shoulders, his face pressing against her rump each time he sank his arms in completely. The dragoness shuddered and rocked forward and back, helping Chris with his efforts. But something wasn't right. She didn't seem to be enjoying enough for his taste. He wanted her to be left breathless, so he tried his best to pump his arms, slicked by her sweet smelling nectar, faster and faster deep in the silken tunnel gripping him. Shayna panted loudly, pushing back against him.

"More! Deeper! Don't stop!"

How could he refuse? Chris took a deep breath and shoved his head in, shifting his arms about firmly to figure out how to work in and out with any ease. The plushy stood up on all fours, hunching her back so she seemed to be 'sitting' on top of him, the human kneeling under her tail. She let out a deep, playful growl as her tongue lolled out from between her jaws. Her mind was saturated with the thoughts and emotions swirling about wildly as her skin tingled with the elation of a new climax drawing near. Her 'hands' kneaded the sheets under her while Chris sank himself in up to his chest, stretching the doll's cunny further than she had ever experienced before.

She panted and groaned, the draconic attributes of her voice becoming more pronounced. Warm nectar flowed down over the human's body as she humped against him, a grin on her face as she purred and rocked back and forth. She hunched her back further, pushing more of her lover's body into her own. As the dragoness hovered there in that odd position, she grinned as the rest of her idea finally broke its way through the massive barricade the ecstasy of the moment had built between it and rational thought. With a loud grunt, she pushed down firmly on the human, sitting down hard on the bed until her rump was rest on the mattress. She purred loudly as her passage finished the job, slurping her victim up completely. The moment his feet vanished into her vagina, she moaned happily, finally hitting her climax as her tummy bulged out nicely.

"Mmm... oooh yeah... Saeila said this felt good, but I didn't know it felt this good!" She laid down on her side for a moment, pawing softly at the swell she now sported, feeling Chris move about within, getting comfortable. A quiet chuckle rose up through her skin, his experience with this particular situation kept him from worrying. He rather liked it.

"You naughty thing, you were planning that all along weren't you?"

A new grin spread across her muzzle.

"Yeah, let's go see what's takin' her so long with my water. I'm really thirsty." Carefully, slowly, the more feral-shaped Shayna moved to her paws, easing off the bed and padded down the hall. Her tummy bounced ever so softly with her stride. She purred softly, enjoying the added weight down below, meandering about the apartment, making her way to the kitchen. There the vixen sat with her chin on the counter, staring at the filtered pitcher, working slowly on a batch of water. Shayna leaned around the corner, concealing the swollen middle of hers.

"Hey hun, what's the delay?"

Saeila sighed softly and looked over at the dragon.

"These filter things take forever, it shouldn't take too much longer. Sorry for the wait." She grinned a little catching the scent of the silvery plushy's arousal, knowing just what was going on, "So...enjoying hauling him around in yer gut?"

Shayna blushed but giggled, nodding.

"Yeah, feels great. How'd you know?" She finished walking around the corner, sitting down on her haunches, her hind legs bowing outward a bit around the plump swell in her tummy. Saeila giggled and sat down, moving in to hug the round lump, nuzzling it affectionately.

"I could smell ya... and I heard the moans from the other room. More of yours and less of his." She kept her arms wrapped around what of Shayna's form she could while the dragoness just purred, lowering her head and turning it so she could 'hug' the vulpine doll pressed so firmly against her.

"You weren't kidding when you said it felt great. In fact," She grinned, standing up and turning around, tail lifted slightly, "I think I'm gonna see if I can't stretch my tummy out even more."

Saeila tilted her head a bit as the dragoness moved, a broad grin forming as soon as she understood. The long, graceful tail wrapped about the smaller plushy and lifted her, pushing her head in easily. Synthetic flesh against itself wasn't terribly difficult to pass. Shayna just relaxed and continued using her tail to stuff herself even more. She panted and moaned happily while the vixen squirmed, giggling loudly.

Before long, the crimson, furry doll was lodged half way in the fluffy reptile's crevice, her tunnel rippling away powerfully at the vixen. Saeila giggled and wriggled firmly, dragging herself deeper still until finally, her bushy tail disappeared into Shayna's motherly passage, the 'exit' sealing behind her. She purred deeply, sitting down again, running a paw over her belly, distended even further than before. The vixen, once inside, found her mate and curled up happily with him, snuggling and licking his cheeks affectionately.

"Hi honey! Comfy in here?"

He chuckled and squeezed her tight, pressing his lips to hers as he mashed the rest of his form against the vixen's. Several seconds passed before he pulled away to speak.

"You know it. You naughty thing, you've been teaching her some perverted stuff haven't you?"

Saeila just grinned and rubbed her nose against his.

"Yeah, thought you'd like that." And she was right, he did indeed like it. The dragoness turned about carefully, pouring herself a glass of water when the pitcher finished and sipped it slowly until it was gone, the whole time caressing her tummy as it shifted and distended. After a moment or two, she noticed a pattern in the movements, giggling a bit when it hit her just what they were doing. The thought alone made her shudder in pleasure. The motion added to that brought a light, but highly enjoyed climax. It washed over her like a warm ocean wave, submerging her in pure gratification. When she finished her drink, she put the pitcher away and set the glass in the sink, trotting, almost prancing, back to the bedroom where she climbed back onto the bed. Slowly, carefully, she curled up comfortably, letting her weight, what little of it there was, come to rest atop the lovely bulge in her tummy. Soon, the motion died down and all three drifted off to sleep in a wonderful state of delight. It seemed like it couldn't get any better than this.

The rest of the night passed quickly and Chris was the first to awaken, yawning and blinking to get the sleep out of his eyes, peering around the confines of his 'bed.' It took him a moment to realize where he was and remember that what happened last night was in fact not a dream. He smiled as it dawned on him, and he cuddled with his vixen lovingly.

"Morning girls. Words can't express how well I slept last night. You two are amazing. I love you both."

Shayna stirred softly feeling the slight motion within and yawned, purring quietly hearing his adoration. Saeila was shortly behind, smiling and pressing a cheek against Chris' chest, nuzzling up under his chin every now and again.

"I love you too honey. How you doin' out there Shayna sweetie? Had enough of keeping us tucked away?"

The dragoness grinned and ran a paw over her plump tummy lovingly.

"Oh no, not nearly enough. You two are gonna sleep in there every night from now on. Whether ya wanna or not. And I'm not lettin' you out for a good long time."

An interesting and attractive prospect indeed, but Chris did have pressing matters to attend to. He stretched a bit and pushed softly against the walls holding him and his vulpine mate in.

"Shayna love, I know it feels good, but I gotta come out. I've got work I need to do. If I could do it in here, I would, no question, but the computer's out there."

"Well let's just fix that then." The dragoness grinned and scooted towards the end of the bed, spreading her legs as she sat up, her head almost touching the ceiling. One hand grasped the laptop resting on the desk after folding it up. The other hand meanwhile was busy spreading her petals once more. It seemed this girl couldn't get enough things to shove up herself. With a few delighted moans, the device disappeared into her crotch, joining the human and vixen in her womb. Chris chuckled and pulled the laptop towards him, turning Saeila around in his lap and resting it on her thighs. His arms wrapped around her waist as he nuzzled her cheek from behind and opened the computer back up, turning it on and getting to work.

The dragoness giggled and rubbed her belly, scooting back to the headboard and laying back a bit, her hind legs lifting off the bed as she got comfortable. That long prehensile tail reached over and manipulated the remote for the television, flipping it on to provide non-erotic entertainment. It was a rather nice work environment, his lovers in his lap and all around him while he tapped away at the laptop. He silently thanked those who invented the battery and wireless Ethernet as he worked, actually making great progress.

Before the trio realized it, three hours had passed and the clock read half past ten. He was finished. The project was complete! All he needed to do now was to ship it off to his bosses and hear what they had to say. With a quick e-mail, the material was sent on its way and he sighed in relief, cuddling his loving vulpine happily while rubbing his feet against the way they had both entered the night before, making the ripe dragoness purr happily. Within minutes, he had a response. A window popped up and there was the image of his boss via webcam. Thankfully, Chris had turned his off, though the microphone was still operational on the laptop.

"Impressive work there, kid. Looks like you've got some skill after all."

The human grumbled quietly at the left-handed compliment.

"Thank you sir. Is that all you needed?"

"Oh no, that's not all we need. You still have to present the material before the clients this afternoon. It was gonna wait until Friday, but if you've got it finished now, I'll call them in and have them ready to hear you by three. Make sure you've got some sort of practical application for something in all that stuff ya sent. Gotta show'em how easy it is ta use."

A presentation? Great. Silently, Chris thought to himself just how 'wonderful' it was for employers to just drop this kind of workload on someone on such short notice. But it was his job. He'd surely think of something.

"Yes sir, I'll have something ready by then."

The ample sized man nodded.

"Good, don't be late. Yer job depends on how these guys like this new round. Just 'cause I like it doesn't mean they will, and if the client doesn't like the product, then, well, gotta make changes accordingly, right? See you at three." The window closed and the human sighed, frustrated horribly by this turn of events.

"I hate him sometimes...when he's got his boss thing going, he can really be a pain in the ass."

The vixen frowned and kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry sweetheart, we'll help you out. You've got two hot models at your disposal! Use 'em!"

He paused for a moment and pondered the idea, his eyes widening a bit.

"That's it! Thanks honey!" He kissed her deeply and immediately began typing up a formal presentation, notes to go over before the clients and such. Shayna giggled a bit and patted her rounded belly softly.

"I take it I'll hafta let you two out and change back?"

"Not right now, but yeah, and you'll hafta wear something. You're gonna be in my presentation."

That made both of the girls squeal in delight. Saeila giggled happily, clinging to her human and cuddling as he worked, keeping quiet so he could concentrate. The sex could wait, right now, she needed to let her lover do his job.

Eventually, Shayna relented and released the two in her soft, velvety womb and reverted back to her smaller, more human-like shape, which was greeted with a deep kiss. Of course, before she could manage to change back, both had crawled up atop her and suckled away like newborns for at least ten minutes straight. She didn't complain in the slightest. After a quick lunch made by Saeila, with Chris' help of course, the three sat down in the living room and went over the presentation.

After the first run through, Saeila and Shayna started 'making' outfits, trying to decide what would work best. It didn't take them long to settle on something simple but popular, tee-shirts and skirts. The tops were emblazoned with the logo Chris had managed to put together in what he considered record time. After dressing themselves, they turned the human into their own living Ken doll, dressing him up however they wanted, taking at least half an hour before coming up with a long-sleeved button down shirt with the logo over the left breast pocket and a pair of slacks to go with it.

"You look great hun, now, let's go over it again. We wanna be dynamite for ya."

He chuckled softly and gave them both a kiss on the cheek each.

"What would I do without you girls?"

"Hump a pillow?" Saeila giggled at her own comment while Shayna chuckled politely. The three had a little laugh and got back down to work. The remaining time passed and three o'clock rolled around. Over at Chris' office, his boss was pacing back and forth just outside the board room, where the two men in suits he had been scorned by the previous week waited. Their patience was already beginning to wear thin.

"Where's that kid!? He's supposed to be here right now! If he doesn't get his little pasty ass front and center in thirty seconds, he's outta here!"

The blond human raised an eyebrow, having stopped just around the corner, listening to the rant. The portly man continued his griping until Chris strolled around the corner, his laptop tucked under an arm. The second he came into view, his boss growled and stomped up to him, opening his mouth to box his ears, stopping as the emblem on the younger man's shirt clicked in his mind.

"You wanted something boss?"

The man was speechless for a moment or two until finally, his brain managed to yank itself free of the lag brought out by the taxing processing it required to place the logo.

"How did you... in just a few hours... it looks professional! Did you make that yourself?"

Chris just smirked and placed a hand on his shoulder, patting it a few times.

"I have my sources. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a deal to win. Girls!"

The man stood there in awe, struggling to comprehend how this squirt managed to pull off something this impressive as the pair of plushies walked in. The vixen took Chris' right while the dragoness took his left. The balding human's eyes went from open to wide open, switching between the two lovely women.

"What the hell!?"

Chris smirked broadly.

"Sir, allow me to introduce you to my muses. To my left is the lovely silvery dragoness, Shayna, and to my right is the fluffy, adorable vixen, Saeila. I couldn't have done this without their help."

It was clear the executive was taken in with their forms, being the typical chauvinistic male, complete with the infidelity unit, which just happened to be kicking in at that very moment.

"You can't let them see those two! They're indecent!" He wasn't far off the mark. They didn't happen to be wearing bras, or panties for that matter. The clothing they wore seemed to exaggerate their luscious curves, making them seem even more voluptuous than when they were naked. They both frowned harshly at the round man, walking past him in a huff, leaving Chris behind to finally speak his mind, unhindered, to this odious elderly blob.

"Well, you see... the thing is... I'm gonna. And there really isn't anything you can do about it. They are part of the presentation, and I'm gonna do my job... and this time you aren't gonna take credit for it or I'm gonna sue your ass for exploitation."

That seemed to shut the man up nicely, leaving him just staring at the blond male, wondering when he grew a spine. Chris just walked towards the board room doors where the girls were waiting for him. As he moved away, the older man regained his composure, or at least a portion of it.

"If you set foot in that room with those two sluts, you are fired, outta here... do you get me!?" His only response was a balled up fist raised over Chris' head, a single finger extended from the rest, flicking him off. The girls giggled softly and pushed the doors open, letting their human take point.

"Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen, my employer wanted to have a few words with me. Apparently, he isn't pleased with my work. Perhaps you will have a different opinion."

Their attention was held firmly by the two ravishing beauties that were on either side of him. With little delay, he set up his equipment and gave the presentation. The doors had been closed and locked behind him by his two lovers, keeping the awful pig out of the meeting. He paced and fumed, absolutely furious about the situation. He waited impatiently for the janitor to arrive and unlock the door. When he finally came, he fumbled with his keys under the aggravated scorning of the perspiring man, threatening him. After a brief search, he found the right key and sank it into the tumblers of the lock, turning it to disengage the bolt. The instant it was unlocked, the doors opened and out came the whole group, Chris and his plushies and the business men, shaking his hand.

"That was an impressive presentation! And the outfits your friends are wearing, not to mention yours, they're perfect for what we had in mind. Son, we underestimated you. I would like to apologize for what was said last week. You really do have talent."

The words reached the employer's ears and he interjected, stepping between the clients and Chris, wrapping an arm about the other man's shoulders.

"Which is why he's such a valuable asset to this company. You know, I had to give him a bit of a pep talk after last week. He was considering just giving up and getting a job at a Starbucks or somethin'. As you can see, he really came through for us. He sells himself short a lot of the time. Little story, all the other local ad companies wouldn't touch the guy, said he wasn't old enough, but I had a feeling about this kid, he just had somethin' about him tha-Mph!" His noisome rant was silenced quickly by the two dolls, hauling him off a little ways while Chris finished up talking to the two suits.

"You'll have to excuse him, he tends to slip out of rational thought when a money-making opportunity arises. Now, if you are sure about our new arrangement, I'll go get started on the next project right away."

The two men nodded and shook his hand again, nodding to the two girls.

"Of course, of course. We'll be in touch. Just send us your work directly."

Chris nodded and the two men walked off, pleased with how the deal went. The vixen and dragon let go of the uncooperative man and he moved in on the younger male, wrapping an arm around his shoulders like he had the businessmen.

"You know, I've always liked you, and you know I never doubted your skills. I'm proud of ya for winning that deal for us. I might even hafta promote you for that. That was a huge account you landed. You um... you do know that stuff I said before was just joking around right? I wouldn't call your friends sluts, they're too classy for that. Whadaya say kiddo? Pals?"

Chris turned his head to look his boss in the eye, removed his arm from his shoulders as if it were diseased and took half a set back to avoid the nasty breath. It was time to break the news.

"First thing... there is no 'us', I quit. Second, if I was sticking around, I wouldn't want a promotion from you. I'm doing what I want to do already. Third, I really don't care what you think of me... but if you ever insult those girls ever again, I'll hafta just show a few sensitive things to the police. Like the video I have of you sneaking into my cubical and snatching my sketches, not to mention the petty cash box. So... bite me dough boy." He turned and started to leave. Instantly, the man's temper was rekindled.

"And just what makes you think you can talk to me like that!? You won't ever survive out there on your own! You don't have the resources!"

Chris wheeled around and stared him square in the eye.

"Well, I've got the equipment I used to make that one presentation, my two girls here who are the most fabulous fashion consultants I've ever met, and one million-dollar-client... I think I'll survive." And with that, he turned and left with his two lovers, laughing the whole way home.

The adrenaline was flowing and the three couldn't help themselves. The instant the apartment door was closed and locked, their clothes were gone and they were all over one another. The new independent contract would mean a lot more free time. The money would last a good while if they invested it right but it still wouldn't hurt to find other sources of income. The rest of the day was spent in one massive orgy, either on the bed or in one of the two girls.

When night fell, Chris was leaning against the headboard with his two girls curled up close to him, both of them asleep as the TV illuminated the room in a soft, flickering glow. In his hands was the book given to him when he picked up Saeila. He decided it was a good time to read it. His eyes ran over each line, the handwriting making him wish he had such lovely script. His eyes widened as he learned more and more of what his lovely vixen, and subsequently his new dragon, were both capable of.

If it was all true, then they certainly had a wild time ahead of them.