Fuzzy Navel - Chapter 4

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#4 of Fuzzy Navel

Here's chapter 4, wherein more kinky shenanigans, vis-a-vis noms. There's other stuff too... but yeah, noms.

Cover art by Fenrir Lunaris.

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Saeila woke with a gentle start caused by a stern kick in her middle. She yipped and sat up quickly thinking something was the matter with her lover. Her hands kneaded the large dome attached to her, carrying the form of her mate within.

"What's wrong honey? Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" Her response came in the form of a chuckle.

"No, I'm fine. I've been trying to wake you for a while now. I had to practically put my foot through your gut to get you up." He chuckled once more and moved his hands to caress what he thought was the way he had entered the night before. His attentions made the vixen carrying him rumble loudly before she relaxed again.

"Mmmm, sorry about that, I guess I just was too comfortable. I should tell you, there are a lot of people who would just love to get their hands on me, or in me." She giggled softly, patting her tummy. Chris shook his head in amusement and nudged against her paw.

"Do you suppose I could come out? I love staying in here and all but I do have to work after all. You can stick me back in here later." He spoke in earnest about being returned, but his job would not wait, and somehow, in the night, inspiration struck him. He wanted to get to work quickly. Saeila turned and pushed her legs over the edge of the bed, looking down at the great swell in her middle.

"Not just yet honey, lemme cook you breakfast. You just keep comfy in there and I'll fix you something yummy." She certainly was generous, not minding if she waited on him hand and foot and he was content to remain where he was, at least for the moment. Saeila stood, adjusting her stance a bit to accommodate for his presence before almost waddling down the hall towards the kitchen. Once she was there, the bright sunlight pouring in through the windows reminded her of his request. Quickly, she donned a simple outfit, a tee-shirt that didn't quite stretch far enough to encompass her belly, and a familiar pair of boxers. Breakfast did not take long to prepare even while one of her hands remained on her belly, caressing it lovingly. When she was finished cooking, she made her way to the couch, laid down on her back, allowed the clothing to melt back into her body, and spread her legs.

"Come on out dear, your food's getting cold." Motion set in under her skin, her lover shifting about until finally she could feel him pushing against the exit. The vixen moaned and squeezed the swell softly as her nethers parted, a set of fingers emerging, spreading her further as hands and arms followed. For the most part, his skin was dry, Saeila's fibrous body acting like a great towel, sponging her aromatic scent and nectar off of him. Before long, his head emerged and he took a great gasp of air, fresh, cool air. It had been rather easy to breathe while within the plush, much like if he were under the covers of his bed, only warmer. The coolness was a welcome change, though the warmth was going to be missed. He tried to look up at her face around the bulge the rest of his body still made.

"Good to see you again, honey. Breakfast smells great." His greeting was answered with moans of intense pleasure. Her passage rippled over him rapidly, threatening to drag him back into her cozy depths. In spite of this, he carried on, easing his torso from the fox-plush's tunnel. From there, it was almost like taking off a pair of pants, his hips and legs coming free quite easily. When they had separated completely, he crawled up her now lithe, thin form and wrapped his arms about her, kissing Saeila deeply. They remained in the embrace for quite some time before the human's stomach growled, demanding to be fed.

"Go ahead and eat sweetie, we can make out later." A wry grin joined the stuffed animal's comment, denoting just how much she was looking forward to more of their intimacy. Chris chuckled and climbed up off of her, pulling his doll up with him.

"Maybe we should get dressed real quick first. Could you make something simple for me, please?"

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him tightly, eyes closed. Seconds passed and he could feel the process occurring over her body, but there was something new. Perhaps it was a side effect of being so close but he felt as if something was creeping over his body, specifically his torso, shoulders, hips, and waist. After the sensation passed all the way around to his back, she pulled away and grinned, looking him up and down.

"There you are, tee-shirt and pants. Comfy?" She had actually clothed him. He looked down in surprise, realizing the creeping sensation was the cloth she was making, sending it out over his form to encompass him. He was now dressed and so was she, both sporting matching shirts and boxers.

"Saeila, you are the most amazing thing I've ever met!" Chris kissed her cheek as she giggled, leaning against him.

"You're just saying that because I can dress you in the blink of an eye." A grin crossed her muzzle.

"Exactly! I don't think there is anything in existence that could do what you just did! It's just incredible!" He looked down over his attire, marveling at the speed of its creation before his vixen mate leaned up and whispered into his ear.

"Eat now, clothes later." Saeila took his hand and led him to the table, sitting him down to eat. The meal was fabulous, making the human question just how long she had been animated since before they had met.

"Where did you learn to cook? This is fantastic!" He exclaimed while devouring the omelet and hash browns.

"I learned from Rayla. You think I came to you inexperienced?" Saeila winked coyly, a strange alluring mystery hidden behind her facade.

"Well no, but, I've been cooking for myself for a long time now; but I can never get my breakfast stuff to taste like this! You have to teach me sometime!"

She wagged a finger in front of his face in refusal.

"No no no, I don't plan on making you cook for yourself. I owe you for taking me in and I owe you big time. I'll cook for you and help keep the place neat, not to mention keep you clothed," She giggled softly knowing he would have to come to her for anything to wear, "You do your work and get paid and take care of me, that's all you do, understand?"

Chris was befuddled. Never before had any girl ever come forward with a proposition like that. It was his assumption that if he ever managed to get a girlfriend that he would have to do a lot of the chores himself to help out. Saeila however had just claimed responsibility to the housework.

"Honey, this isn't a 1950's sitcom. I'm not Darrin and you're not Samantha. You don't owe me anything. If anything, I owe Rayla for letting me adopt you. You are a dream come true. Now I want you to write down that recipe so I can use it some time. I do like to cook every now and again you know."

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she relented.

"Oh alright, but I'll do most of the cooking, okay?"

It was probably the best compromise he would get out of her for now. She didn't quite seem to grasp his desire for her not to become the 'typical housewife,' though the 'Bewitched' parallel was rather apt. He finished eating then carried his plushy back to the bedroom, pulling out a sketchpad to doodle away while she typed up the requested recipe as well as a few others he might like.

Before either knew it, a few hours had passed and noon was fast approaching, breakfast dissipating swiftly. By the time the clock was reading half past eleven, Chris was hungry again. This usually wasn't a problem but he wasn't in the mood for something made at home and his hunger was affecting his ability to work. He wanted something from a restaurant or at least some fast food.

"Hey hun, think you can be good while I go grab something to eat for lunch? Wouldn't take me long, I know a place just down the road."

Her ears drooped a bit hearing his request.

"You don't want me to cook for you?" It was somewhat disappointing to her not to be able to prepare a delicious lunch for him.

"It's not that, I'm just in the mood for this place that's got great take out. I don't have a wok or the stuff to make anything even remotely Asian so even if I said you could; we'd both be out of luck. It won't take me long, I promise. I'll just pick it up and bring it right back." His quick thinking saved him from having a crying vixen to console. She crawled up onto the bed with him, curling up close.

"Why don't I just come with you?"

That was an odd request and it put Chris in a bit of a bind. He didn't want to leave her behind but he was worried about how the 'real world' might react to seeing her. In the end, her big, beautiful purple eyes won him over.

"Okay, you can come. Just don't expect people to act normal around you. You are a little out of the ordinary you know."

The instant he approved, she squeezed him tightly and giggled, already working on a more appropriate outfit for both of them, a pair of blue jean shorts to go over the boxers.

"Thanks honey! And I promise I'll be on my best behavior!"

A scary thought hit him. If she was going to be on her best behavior, what did that entail? As a matter of fact, what would she be like when she wasn't on her best behavior? He shook the idea from his head and slipped to the floor, keeping her close as she dressed them.

"Just try to stay low key. Don't draw attention to yourself if you can. There are a lot of really rude people out there that I don't want you getting exposed to." He was genuinely concerned for her feelings but all that did was make her giggle and paw at his nose.

"If anyone says anything rude, I'll just give'em a big fat kiss and see how they feel after that!"

That helped Chris define her idea of 'best behavior' and it frightened him a little.

"Just... try not to end up doing anything obscene. I don't want either of us getting arrested."

Saeila giggled again and nodded, kissing him on the nose before tossing her lover his sandals.

"Let's go already! I wanna go for a car ride!" She seemed like a child about to walk into a toy store, unable to contain herself. He slipped into his footwear and contemplated what he was about to do. He was about to take his living, anatomically correct, anthropomorphic vixen doll out in public for all to see. He feared it would label him as a pervert, but then again, he was already labeled as one, just not by the general public. With just a little reluctance, he grabbed his wallet and keys, stepping out and locking the door behind him before the pair headed down to the car.

Saeila was bouncing the whole way, her excitement exuding like a kid in a candy factory. When they got to the car, Chris opened the door for her, showed her how to use the seatbelt and climbed in as well. He started the blue vehicle and proceeded off down the road. A short trip saw them arrive at a Japanese take out restaurant Chris frequented. He parked and shut off the car, remaining in his seat for a moment to contemplate what was happening one more time.

"Alright, we're here. Just try to act natural."

Saeila was still bouncing away in her seat, soaking in every second of the trip.

"Natural. Got it!" She continued to bounce until she bounced right out of the car. Chris took her arm in arm and headed inside. He braced himself for the coming responses, knowing there would be at least one person in the crowed that would scream out at him and try to have him removed from the building. What they were both met with was something different. A young blond met them at the carry-out register.

"Hello! How can I help you?" She paused for a moment, eyeing the vixen up and down, taking note of her mood as well. She chuckled a little before continuing, "Going to a costume party or something?"

Chris tried to answer in the affirmative but Saeila jumped him.

"Nah, I'm a real living plushy, that's all."

The human's cheeks were beet red; sure the girl would either believe her or think they were both insane. In either case, she would end up asking them to leave. Instead, she just laughed and nodded, leaving him to wonder if she did believe the vixen or not.

"I see. What can I get for you?" Things were going quite smoothly. Only a few of the other patrons had turned to stare at Chris' companion, leaving them relatively unnoticed.

"I'll have the Teriyaki Chicken please."

The waitress nodded, punching in a few buttons on the computer in front of her.

"And for the foxy?" It seemed impossible for anyone to say 'foxy' without at least grinning.

"I'm not having anything. I eat clothes."

Another laugh escaped the girl but she took it in stride, sending the order back.

"It'll be about fifteen minutes, please have a seat."

And so they did, moving to a row of chairs against the wall and relaxing, quite close to one another.

"This is going smoother than I thought. I figured she would have freaked out seeing you," whispered Chris. His plushy just kissed his cheek and cuddled a bit.

"Just goes ta show ya, ya can't always guess what people are gonna do."

For the majority of their wait, things stayed rather quiet except for a few soft murrs coming from Saeila's general direction. Eventually, however, a somewhat scrawny older teenager approached them, meeting all the visual criteria to be defined by a particular term used rather often as a harmless slur against the demographic.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice you're a fox. I think the house rules say no animals allowed." It was a weak argument, used mainly to mask his discomfort with Saeila's presence. The young man sitting next to the vulpine knew exactly where this was going and precisely why the adolescent was not taking her visit well. Before he could speak up to defend the fox, Chris was cut off by the very woman he had attempted to protect.

"You don't like me? You want me to leave?" She peered at him curiously, sensing something deeper than that. The boy nodded hesitantly.

"Yes please."

Chris frowned deeply and moved to step between the two of them but again, the fox was too quick for him, reaching out, gripping the collar of the nerd's shirt, and pulling him close to her.

"Let's see how you feel about me in a second." And with that, she closed her eyes and mashed her lips to his, twisting her tongue about his in a deep, passionate kiss. Her roommate was stunned completely by the display, thinking she was only bluffing earlier. Seconds passed and she finally let the poor geek go, his glasses completely fogged up now, "Still want me ta leave hun?"

The smaller figure shook his head vigorously, backing away, resolving mentally to never wash his tongue again. He had a lot to think about, especially his feelings concerning a certain community that the female he had just made out with seemed to belong to.

Chris just shook his head, a hand covering his face. The shock value was gone, replaced with mild embarrassment. Saeila's stunt earned her the attention of everyone in the restaurant, and considering the time of day as well as the theme of the quaint little place, it was filled with teenagers lost in the Asian fad that had swept the nation. Most of these teens were not too unlike the one a certain sexy plushy subdued. Instantly, they were on their feet lining up in hopes of some action. Chris's embarrassment grew further until his companion wrapped her arm around one of his, hanging off of him like some kind of cheap floozy.

"Sorry boys, you're outta luck. This here's the only guy I want."

Disappointment reigned over the group as most of them took their seats again. One or two remained behind, seeming to be a bit more cool-headed than their peers. The older of the two stepped forward, addressing the couple.

"You two make an interesting pair. How did you meet?"

Chris's initial assumption was perhaps this particular otaku was interested in procuring a doll of his own. Since she was the only one the young man knew of, he wasn't sure how to respond. Saeila on the other hand seemed to know just what to say. Her arms tightened around the human slightly.

"He found me on the internet and adopted me! My previous owner was reluctant ta give me up until she was sure I was going to a good home." Her smile could not be stopped, as if her face had become inanimate again.

"Are there more like you back at your previous owner's place?" The poor guy was beginning to lose his composure, probably from the hopes that his very own Saeila was within his grasp.

"Not that I know of, but we can still be friends. Do you chat online?"

His glasses shined repeatedly as he nodded with an overabundance of enthusiasm. The vixen giggled a bit before they exchanged contact information and a time for meeting online. The whole process made Chris feel a little superfluous, standing by while his girlfriend networked. The two chatted a bit as he watched, turning away only when his order was ready at which point he took the vixen's arm gently. His to go bag was presented and he took it in hand.

"We're ready, you can chat with him later. Food's getting cold."

The fox nodded to him, bidding the younger male goodbye. They turned to leave, making their way back to the car without ceremony. Chris started the engine and began to pull out of the parking lot.

"That was fun, now I got someone else ta chat with when we get home."

Such a thing was prospect that for some reason didn't thrill the human.

"You were getting awfully friendly with him. Might want to be careful, there's such a thing as statutory rape."

Saeila turned to him, grinning broadly.

"You're jealous... aren't you?" The notion that he very well might be amused the vixen..

"No, I'm not jealous at all. I just... well... he had to have been only seventeen. Like I said back home, I don't want either of us getting arrested." It was a weak argument. The fact of the matter was he actually was jealous. She had told him that she was interested in him and him alone then turned around and flirted with almost ever guy in the restaurant. Well, he saw it as flirting at least, especially when she frenched the first boy.

"Honey, you've got nothing to worry about. I bet he and every other guy in there would freak if I even faked being serious with them on the level we're at. I'm yours, that's all you have to remember." She was quite sincere, not to mention more accurate than the human wanted to admit, envisioning them all fainting one by one as she feigned true interest. Chris's mind was beginning to ease, until she started giggling madly, "It's so adorable that you got jealous over me!"

"I wasn't jealous!" Another feeble attempt, making the doll just giggle all the louder. The car ride home was fairly quiet from there on save the melody resonating from the stereo. Every so often, she would lean over and kiss his cheek, then go back into a giggling fit while he blushed, not from her attention, but from her nailing him. He had been jealous, horribly jealous. At least she was sweet about it.

They arrived back home and he began eating the sweet, tangy sauce-covered chicken and rice while Saeila watched, wondering absentmindedly what regular food tasted like. Another hour or so passed afterwards, spent by Chris working on his project and by Saeila chatting away online, using it less for immediate pleasure and more for gathering ideas to use in bed with her lover. It was quite peaceful; until the e-mail alert sounded. It was from the gypsy, or at least from someone who had access to her computer. It caught the fuzzy lady's attention promptly.

"Hey! We've got mail from Rayla!" Instantly, Saeila opened it and scanned over the text, her expression turning from upbeat to somewhat blank. The human peered at her closely, finding the look on her face odd for her personality.

"What's wrong? Is she alright?

A slow shake of the stuffed animal's head was his response. He moved from the bed, dropping his sketch pad on the desk nearby as he moved in to read over her shoulder. The message was grim. Her caretaker had written it, addressing it to both Saeila and Chris telling of the woman's failing health due to a heart condition.

"We... we have to go see her! He doesn't know how much longer she'll last! Please! We have to!!"

Chris continued to read, noticing mention of her distaste for hospitals and doctors, grumbling a bit.

"If she would just go get a check up every now and then, she'd probably be feeling a lot better." He had seen this sort of thing before, first hand in his own family. It irritated him mildly that someone could be so phobic or ignorant. The vixen turned to him, thinking he was being heartless. When she saw him putting his shoes back on and grabbing his keys, she realized it was something else in his voice she heard, "Come on. We don't have any time to waste."

"Thank you, I... I can't tell you how much I appreciate this..." She stood, forming a pair of sandals on her own feet.

"You don't need to. I've been through this a number of times before. I know how important someone's last moments can be."

The two got back in the car and took off. Saeila noticed a difference in his driving style now. His whole demeanor seemed more urgent. Traffic was no help at all, slowing them down in places. Normally, Chris would have just sat in it and waited, but under the current circumstances, he saw no problem with weaving in and out of the lines of cars, receiving a number of honks, swears, and gestures. Amazingly enough he managed to avoid getting pulled over even once. A trip that once took over an hour took less than forty-five minutes for the speeding driver, putting little importance on his gas level. In short order, clouds of dust surrounded the finally still vehicle. The instant they came to a halt before the elderly lady's humble abode, Saeila leapt from the car, running inside with Chris hot on her heals.

"Rayla! Where are you!?" The plushie's voice echoed through the trees and around the small mobile home style structure. The door opened and there stood the man who accompanied the elderly woman.

"I'm glad you could come so quickly. She has been in and out of consciousness. This way." He turned and headed back in, guiding the two visitors towards Rayla. The gypsy was in bed, a damp rag draped across her forehead. Her eyes slowly opened and a smile crossed her tired, aged face.

"My sweet girl, you have come back. I see your new owner has been feeding you well." A weak, half cough, half chuckle escaped the woman. Saeila fell to her knees next to the bed, taking one of Rayla's hands and squeezing it.

"He's been taking wonderful care of me. You don't have to worry, I'll be fine. Now let's get you to a hospital. It's not your time yet."

More coughs ensued.

"No. No doctors, no hospitals, no drugs or anything of that nature. I have lived a long, full life, most of it because you were a part of it. My time has come. You have a new home now and I can rest."

Chris frowned, half angry, half horribly upset.

"You're going to a hospital. I have had too many people I cared about die because they were too damned stubborn to get medical attention for what they thought wasn't a big deal."

The woman's eyes, fatigued and somewhat greyed by her fading lifeforce, turned up to look at the young man.

"My dear dragon, I know what it is that ails me. I am ready for the end. I welcome it now that I know you are the caretaker of my beloved doll. Please, let me die with dignity."

Several moments of silence claimed the young man. He clenched his fists in frustration before he finally came to the realization that she had made up her mind and there was nothing either he or Saeila could do to change it.

"If that's what you want, then who am I to make you drag it out?"

Another weak smile crossed her wrinkled face.

"Thank you my boy."

Saeila meanwhile was not taking Rayla's eminent passing as well as her lover. Tears, actual tears were streaming down her fuzzy cheeks, her shimmering purple eyes locked with Rayla's.

"You can't go, not yet. I have so much I still want to learn from you...I have so many questions I never got to ask. Please, I... I can't lose you." The plushy squeezed the woman's hand, still not able to do much more than feel like a glove around her loose skin.

"There are things you must find out for yourself, things you learn only on your own. Then there are things your lover, the dragon behind you, will no doubt help you with." She wheezed and coughed again. The conversation was beginning to take its toll on her.

"There's stuff I want to learn that only you know the answers to... please, don't go!"

For a moment, Rayla lay there, eyes closed, chest rising and falling slowly. When she opened her eyes again, she looked up at her caretaker, nodding to him. He responded with a soft nod and sat her up.

"Mr. Smokescale was it? I would ask you please stand back for a moment. Saeila my dear, please, climb up on the bed with me." Both complied, the human taking a seat in a chair a short distance from the bed. Saeila crawled up next to the old woman quickly, laying down next to her and cuddling close, her eyes still somehow producing warm, salty tears.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

Once more, Rayla smiled weakly and kissed her cheek.

"It's time I taught you one last thing. Turn around and feel over the back of your head." Her words confused the stuffed animal and it showed on her face but she dared not disobey, not knowing how much time her friend might have. Saeila turned around and ran a hand up the back of her neck, feeling a seam starting just above the nape of her neck and running down.

"What's this?" She inquired curiously.

"That is your zipper. It runs from there all the way down your back to just above the base of your tail. Pull the seam apart and feel around for the zipper's tongue."

Again, she was confused but obeyed, finding the tab and holding it between her fingers.

"Now what?"

Rayla pulled her closer, her strength fading fast.

"Unzip yourself, all the way down."

This time it was Chris's turn to be confused. Saeila had given up on trying to understand what her previous master was trying to show her. The slide passed down her back as smooth as if it were silk until it could go no further. Rayla coughed and sputtered again before her caretaker moved closer, holding her upright, facing the fluff-filled opening.

"What are you gonna do?" Saeila may have given up on understanding, but she at least wanted to know what was going to happen.

"I'm going to slip into you, put you on like a suit so to speak. Just relax and please do not struggle."

Both vixen and human male were worried now, not sure why this dying woman would want to do this when she could go at any moment. Saeila trembled softly but didn't move, wanting to grant Rayla her final wish. Chris watched on in awe as the larger man helped ease Rayla into a curled position before guiding her feet into the opening now exposed in the doll's back. Saeila purred softly the instant she began to enter, able to feel every surface of her previous owner's body. Rayla's calves and knees entered easily enough, slipping down into the vixen's legs. There was no sign of their presence within her, no swell, bulge, or distension of any kind. The man then lifted Rayla gently, letting her thighs pass from sight into the fox's back. The fluffy lady cooed and fought to keep from squirming, somehow finding this to be quite pleasant.

"It... it feels good... What's gonna happen when you're in?"

The gypsy did not answer her, simply letting her assistant 'dress' her. Her bottom entered and settled within Saeila's, again, making no sign that someone was underneath the vixen's pelt. From there, Rayla's hands and arms slipped into her plushy's. Chris watched, unable to believe what he was seeing. It reminded him of watching someone put on a wetsuit only instead of a nylon and rubber outfit, it was more like a fox costume; a living one at that. Eventually, all that remained was the woman's head. She leaned it to the side, craning her neck forward to give the vixen a kiss on the cheek before letting the man finish the job.

"Now, my dear Saeila, would you please be so kind as to zip us up?"

An odd request. It somewhat frightened the stuffed animal, not sure what it would do the human now inside her.

"What's gonna happen to you? I won't hurt you will I?" Her concern elicited another labored chuckle from the elderly woman.

"I will be fine, you will see."

Saeila sighed and nodded gently, careful of her passenger before reaching behind her and pulling the slide back up until she was closed. A sudden sensation washed over her, making her shudder a bit. Rayla's presence seemed to be fading from within her, something inside her altering slightly.

"Do not worry, I will always be with you now. All that I know will pass to you. Take my knowledge and use it wisely. Farewell my love." And those were the last words uttered by the gypsy, her body fading into the vixen's. Saeila sat there startled, her eyes unblinking as the gravity of what just happened weighed down on her.

"Are you alright?" Chris was on his feet now, back at the bedside, leaning in towards the plushy, pulling her close.

"She... she's inside me. I... I can feel her. She's gone, but... she's not gone. I can still feel part of her," She lifted a hand to her head, touching her temple, "In here..."

Chris was as confused as ever, more worried about how his lover was coping than anything else. The man who had been there helping Rayla backed away a step or two.

"It is finished. I will take my leave now. May your journey home be safe." The instant he finished speaking, he vanish into thin air, as did the building around them, leaving only the bed on which Saeila was resting and the car they had come in. It didn't seem to phase the vixen in the slightest but her human lover was utterly shocked, looking about as if he might be hallucinating.

"What just happened!?"

Saeila closed her eyes and sighed softly; a strange sort of smile creeping across her muzzle as she leaned back against him,

"Her spell was broken. I understand now. She wasn't just a gypsy, she was a witch."

Chris's mind took this and added it to the confusion already abound in his mind.

"Beg your pardon? A witch?"

She nodded to him, slowly moving off the bed, leaning against his chest.

"Let's go home. I need to rest."

The confusion was instantly dispelled, replaced by his concern for her wellbeing. Without a word, he picked the plushy vixen up and carried her to the car, setting her in the back seat so she could lie down, buckling her in. Moments later, they were back on the road heading for home, leaving the now vacant patch of earth behind.

The trip was horribly uneventful. Traffic by now had died down and the passenger in the back was quiet. Chris left the stereo off the whole way, wanting to give his mate the peace and quiet she probably wanted. When they arrived back at the complex, the human carefully unfastened the seatbelt holding Saeila in place and lifted the sleeping doll from the car, carrying her up to bed. It was odd, she was slightly heavier than he remembered her begin, and her body wasn't as yielding as before, seeming to have more structure than a simple plushy. Her pelt was just as soft and glossy as ever but it masked the underlying change. Carefully, lovingly, he tucked the fox into bed, kissing her cheek and stroking one of her ears.

There wasn't anything more he could do for her at the moment, so he turned his mind back to work. He turned to the computer, picked up his sketch pad, and continued to doodle, starting on a new page.

Time passed and when Saeila woke again, the sun had already begun to dip low in the sky. She yawned softly and stirred under the sheets, slowly sitting up and opening her eyes. Before her sat the human she had fallen in love with, diligently working on the computer before him. The yawn reached his ears and he turned around, smiling seeing her.

"Hello sleepy head. Feel better?"

The vixen giggled a bit, nodding.

"Much, thank you. What time is it?"

Chris turned to look at the clock just next to the bed, reading it off for her.

"It's about half past seven, why?"

Saeila's eyes lit up, obviously excited about something.

"Dinner time! What sounds good, honey?" As she spoke, her tee-shirt and shorts melted into a chef's outfit, complete with hat. The mood of the events just hours before rebounded back into her usual, cheerful, bouncy self. It seemed reminiscent of a certain children's television personality. Heaven help him if she did turn out to be the stuffed vixen incarnation of a certain pink equine. Chris couldn't help but chuckle.

"Eager to please are we? There's some hamburger meat in the fridge, surprise me with something fun." As soon as the words left his lips, he began to question the wisdom of choosing them. She giggled loudly, rather liking his wording.

"Something 'fun' huh? Alright, something fun coming right up!" She took off down the hall towards the kitchen where she began cooking up a storm. Chris kept at his work, digitally modifying the images he had drawn earlier, coloring, cleaning, and the like. Before he knew it, Saeila was calling for him. The human saved what progress he had made and headed to the kitchen, coming to a halt in the living room when he saw how the table was set. It was somewhat formal, two candles lit, the rest of the lights turned off. In the center of the table presented beautifully was the main course, lasagna. Somehow, she knew he absolutely loved lasagna. Saeila herself stepped out from behind the wall that separated the living room from the kitchen, grinning, trying her very best not to giggle. She wore an exceptionally flattering dress, almost akin to an evening gown, no doubt designed to show off her curves.

"Dinner's ready dear, come have a seat," She had a gentle grace about her that had not been present earlier. Maybe her interaction with Rayla had a deeper impact than expected. Chris was quite stunned, not sure exactly how to respond. The vixen walked forward, wrapping her arms around his waist, kissing him softly on the lips before pulling him towards the table, "Come on honey, it's gonna get cold."

"You really are amazing, you know that?"

All her attempts to maintain a straight smile failed as she broke into a quiet giggle. The two sat down and he began to eat. Something was different though. There were two place settings, and she actually served a portion for herself. It struck him as odd. He had managed to flip through a couple more pages in the small diary that had accompanied her, finding nothing of her needing to eat anything but cloth.

"Um, Saeila, I thought you couldn't eat 'real' food."

The doll grinned as she looked up at him.

"I got a bit of an upgrade... so to speak. I'll tell you about it later."

That seemed to satisfy his concern, but now his curiosity was piqued. They both finished the meal leisurely and the leftovers were refrigerated. With dinner out of the way, they moved back to his bedroom where he showed the stuffed animal how far he had gotten with his work.

"You're really good! I can't wait ta see the final version!"

He blushed a little.

"Oh come on, this is still really messy. It'll take at least another day before it's good and clean."

She pawed playfully at his nose.

"Oh hush and take the compliment. You're good, admit it."

Chris chuckled softly as she flicked his nose a bit.

"Oh alright, I've got some skill, but this really is messy."

The doll rolled her eyes a bit, giving in.

"Alright, I'll give you that. Now, com'ere!" She faux-snarled, pulling him backwards up onto the bed. The human yelped in surprise as she dragged him up towards the pillow. Within seconds, she was atop him, dragging her tongue along his chin, "How about some after-dinner fun?"

Of course he wouldn't refuse her such a delight. He grinned and wrapped his arms around her as she removed their clothing swiftly, leaving the two nude figures pressed intimately together. Soft purrs, growls, and other various noises of pleasure escaped the two of them. Flesh brushed against fur, adding to the arousal already building within the pair. Hormones took over as the scent of the vixen's femininity filled the room, adding a sweet, intoxicating quality to the air, much to the human's inability to articulate it as completely as someone with a sense of smell like Saeila's. Their lips locked and tongues danced about wildly while hips mashed against one another, a familiar sensation building between both their legs. Tonight promised to be quite the impassioned evening.

Minutes passed before Saeila lifted herself away, putting her paws on his shoulders for support and bending her legs at the knee, straddling his hips. She grinned like a Cheshire cat looking down at him as her smooth, furry crotch pressed firmly against his now fully stiffened mountain of pleasure. No words were exchanged as the vixen lifted herself up, repositioned herself slightly, and finally lowered back down. Her eyes closed and her grin widened as her womanly flower parted around his member, accepting it once more. Chris's eyes rolled back in his head as his lover gripped his lower extremity tightly between her thighs.

With that, she began to ride him fiercely, his own thrusts up into her cavern adding to the already intense session. Moisture formed and ran free between the two of them, soaking both skin and pelt alike, working to lubricate the human's meat and the vixen's silk-lined tunnel. Friction gave way to heat. Droplets of sweat formed across Chris's body. Normally, it would have just been absorbed by his lover's towel-like fur but with the new position, it was left to air dry. The entwined pair moaned in respective passion as orgasm drew near, slowly consuming their minds, driving them wildly towards the cliff before them, threatening to hurl them into the sea of ecstasy they had visited twice already.

Grunts and growls came forth as more of their evidence of love-making coated them, making both far slicker. Saeila panted softly, trying her best to keep the kung-fu grip on her mate's shaft, determined to keep it from slipping out as she bounced away atop him. A few more pumps and Chris arched his back to sink himself as deep into the vixen doll as he could, tilting his head back as he bellowed his sound of climax, firing off spurt after spurt of thick, creamy warmth up into the plushy's body. The instant his throbbing and unloading struck her inner walls, she tilted her own head back, her spine curving like the human beneath her. A very vulpine howl echoed throughout the room. A thought occurred to Chris but only able to reside in the back of his mind; how the neighbors would take to such noises should they remain constant. That nagging idea quickly yielded to the more powerful experience wracking his body currently.

Seconds passed and both managed to catch their breath. Saeila lowered her gaze to meet his, grinning just as widely as before.

"Ya know...I don't think dinner filled me up." She licked her chops a bit and leaned down, licking the human's cheek affectionately.

"Well, what would you like? Sex as been known to give people the munchies."

The fox giggled loudly and kissed his nose before bothering to answer him.

"I'll tell you what I want.. .I want you!" Suddenly, she opened her mouth just as wide as she could and sank her jaws down around his head in one smooth motion, making him yelp in surprise once more. He had participated in this kind of activity before, but only online, never in the 'real world'. This was totally new and a little frightening. She purred around his head, dragging her tongue across his cheeks before swallowing firmly, making her neck puff out nicely to hold him in. His shoulders were now stuck between her mandible and maxilla. He could feel her flexible false teeth pressing down on his upper back and chest as she continued to work down his body, slurping him down quickly. Drool oozed down his torso as she managed to work his arms into her cheeks, slowly approaching his elbows and abdomen. When she reached his navel, his head emptied out into a strange sort of expanse that he could only imagine was her stomach. That's when the oddity of it all hit him. She had an actual throat and stomach. Both were lined with some velvety, elastic material, allowing for both his comfort and hers. It wasn't unlike her womb actually.

Chris squirmed about helplessly, still afraid of what may happen but a few gentle strokes over the crown of his head through the vixen's tummy seemed to sooth him. It reminded him she wouldn't dare do anything to hurt him. Another strong swallow saw his waist vanish into her gullet, neck and chest swollen out to contain what she had already stuffed in her body. His still erect shaft had long since slipped free of her warm crevice, dangling loosely in the air. Saeila knew how close she was to it and fought to get it in her maw swiftly, running her tongue along the length rapidly. With great fervor, she cleaned it off while urging him towards a second orgasm. She moaned blissfully around him, savoring his zest the whole way. He shuddered within her as she began her attack on his genitals again, slurping down his bottom and thighs as she tilted her head up to help finish off her meal. Saeila's middle had already grown out a great deal, looking much like she had when she stuffed her lover in via a different passage. His feet kicked a few more times before she crammed the last of his legs in, sealing her lips around his toes and gulping hard. No longer needing them for anything other than the obvious task they were already busy with, her hands caressed the great swell lovingly.

"Mmmm... You tasted great honey. I gotta gobble you up again sometime." Carefully, she shifted about, laying down on the bed, leaning against the headboard, still rubbing her gargantuan middle as the human inside wriggled about, trying to get comfortable.

"Um, Saeila honey... You're not gonna... digest me... are you?" A sound question. He found no sign of the lasagna she had eaten earlier. Her stomach was warm and dry, much like the other location he experienced the night before.

"Of course not, silly! I wouldn't dream of it. I'll let you out in a bit, right now, I just wanna enjoy having you stuffed in my belly. It just feels so good!"

He couldn't argue with that. Surely his presence as well as his motion brought about some form of pleasure for her. He slowly relaxed and curled up comfortably within the vast swell she now housed him within, drifting off to sleep as he had the previous night. She could feel his motions cease save for the gentle rhythm of his breathing. She had not expected him to stay the night, but she wasn't about to kick him out. That would be cruel.

"Sleep well love. I'll see you in the morning." With great care, she sat up and scooted forward on the bed, sitting on the edge and leaning forward. The massive bulge sagged beneath her as she saved his work and closed the program. She then turned the monitor off before heading to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. When her tasks were done, the now delightfully stuffed plushy waddled back to the bed, curled up around the dome of her belly, and fell asleep. She silently hoped this would be a recurring theme with her new life.