Furries University Chapter 6: It’s not what you know…It’s what you don’t know that counts.

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#11 of Furries University

Chapter 6: It's not what you know...It's what you don't know that counts. (Warning implication of a homosexual Yiff....Later yiffy time)

Ozwot looked at the bare room with all the cardboard boxes sitting there. All that was there was a single bed.

"Wow" spoke Kitsune "you got a single dorm".

"Yeah" spoke Ozwot "Hey why did you go for a four person dorm. It must have cost a lot".

"Nope" retorted Kitsune "It cost the same no matter what. I have plenty of friends so I thought I would like to be with as many as possible".

"Oh" breathed Ozwot "Well I'd like to stop by your dorm a lot after classes".

"Like hell" spoke Kitsune "I'll just come to yours it's on my way up to my dorm anyway".

"Oh okay then" replied Ozwot.

"Well time to get to work" spoke Kitsune walking over to one of the boxes and opening it "Wait this seems kind of rude. Is it alright if I look through this box. I don't wanna intrude on your privacy".

"What are you trying to say" spoke Ozwot with a falsely concerned voice.

"I wasn't trying to imply anything it's just every body has something they keep private right" spoke Kitsune putting a hand on the back of his head "I mean be it perverted things, or pictures of yourself, or clothing you hate, or maybe a drawing you dislike. I just treat people the way I like to be treated. I find it rude to go through other peoples belongings".

"Well It's alright I have nothing to hide from you" spoke Ozwot "It's good of you to be so nice though".

"I guess" spoke Kitsune looking through the box "Okay this is clothes and stuff we can put that aside or we could sort them in the dresser that's already....". Kitsune stopped talking when he noticed there was no dresser inside of Ozwot's dorm.

"What's with that" spoke Kitsune sounding astounded "Maybe it's in the Bathroom or the closet". Kitsune walked over to a door and opened. It appeared to be a very large walk in closet and at the very back was a dresser. Kitsune flicked the light on and walked to the dresser followed by Ozwot. Ozwot reached passed Kitsune and opened the dresser's top. There was nothing inside except a wallet, a pair of socks and a moth which appeared to be dead.

"Hey a wallet" spoke Kitsune picking it up and opening it "Here ya go there's like fifty bucks in here". Kitsune handed the wallet to Ozwot.

"Wow" spoke Ozwot astounded "There's no ID in here though. I guess the person left it here".

"Oh well keep the wallet too" spoke Kitsune picking up the dead moth "ewww".

"Well" spoke Ozwot "I'll share the money with you". Ozwot gave a smirk as he put his hand on Kitsune's shoulder. Kitsune looked back at him.

"Well That's sweet of you but I don't want it" He spoke Smiling.

"Well I think we should get this place situated" spoke Ozwot now turning to look at the room and then he sighed.

(meanwhile with Ryu and Jay)

"Yeah well That's Kitsune for you" Continued Ryu as Jayson and he walked down the steps. "I didn't think so" spoke Jayson "But can't argue with that".

"Who would've thought he could cook so good" retorted Ryu. They finally got to the ground floor and began walking towards the next dorm building.

"Well let's not talk about it" announced Ryu.

"Whatever" spoke Jayson.

"So who is going to be at this party" asked Ryu.

"We invited all of the freshmen" spoke Jayson "and I'm hoping that more people hear about it from the freshmen. I was thinking it should be moved to some where off campus though".

"Well, do you have a megaphone" asked Ryu?

"Yeah it's got a plug for an amplifier" answered Jayson.

"Okay then just get an amp and stand in the middle of the dorm buildings and announce the new place" retorted Ryu.

"Okay well I don't think there is any better place though" spoke Jayson. "So me coming up with that grand idea was a waste of time" replied Ryu.

"You mean the one that a snail could have thought up" retorted Jayson.

"Your askin' for it" spoke Ryu.

"Yeah right" spoke Jayson.

"Oh shit" shouted Jayson "I forgot to tell Kitsune where the party is"!

"not a big deal" spoke Ryu "just put up a big poster or something wherever the party is gonna be".

"Where am I gonna get a poster at" asked Jayson?

"Did I say I knew that" retorted Ryu "I don't think so. Well I guess you can go back and tell them".

"Them" spoke Jayson with a questioning voice.

"Ya' know, Ozwot" spoke Ryu "Kitsune won't go if you don't invite him. Same if you didn't invite me".

"Oh, well okay I guess" spoke Jayson "actually what it was, is I had forgot all about him. Kinda' slipped my mind with all the party stuff".

"Oh" breathed Ryu "Well either way we still need to tell them".

"Yeah" spoke Jayson turning 180 degrees around followed by Ryu.

"So which dorm is the party going to be done at" asked Ryu?

"The senior single dorms on the first floor they're huge, so It's the best place" Answered Jayson.

"Do you remember where the white wolf said his dorm would be" asked Jayson? "You mean Ozwot" spoke Ryu "I think it was B3-07...Actually I'm pretty sure it was B3-07".

"Third floor then" replied Jay as they walked towards the dorm building they had come from "I hope your ready to get wasted".

"You know it" spoke Ryu with a hardy laugh "speaking of which, how are 'you' going to get enough beer for this party"?

"Easy" answered Jayson "you see my dad, well we won a contest and the prize was a life time of free beer. Well, my dad told my mom he wouldn't drink anymore but he gets these boxes of beer every month so, he gives them to me and I have these parties so we can waste the beer so my mom doesn't find out".

"Oh" breathed Ryu as they climbed the steps once more leading up towards Ozwot's dorm.

They approached the door which read the numbers B3-07 on them in gold. When Ryu approached the door he could hear voices from inside.

"Okay so I sit it like this and then you stick it in while I hold this up" came Kitsune's voice from inside the door.

Ryu let out a concealed laugh as did Jayson. Ryu readied his hand to knock and then came Ozwot's voice. "But, it's so heavy are you sure you can hold it long enough, while I stick it in" came the voice of Ozwot. Ryu knocked on the door while trying to stop himself from smiling. Then the sound of something hitting the floor and then a yelp of pain came from the door.

"Shit!" shouted the voice of Kitsune!

Ryu quickly opened the door to see that Kitsune's paw was under a small desk which seemed to have tipped over from the weight of a TV which was laying on the floor beside it. Kitsune removed his paw and looked viscously at Ryu.

"Whoa" spoke Ryu backing up "don't look at me like that. Not my fault you're clumsy".

"What are you doing back here" asked Ozwot "I thought you were readying for your party thing"?

"Well I wanted to tell you two that the party is going to be over at D dorm building first floor" answered Jayson. The room became silent as Ryu and Jayson looked around and Kitsune and Ozwot looked at the other two with impatient gazes. Ryu noticed Kitsune's gaze and looked toward him questioningly.

"What" asked Ryu?

"Aren't you gonna leave" spoke Kitsune his arms crossed.

"What I can't look around" spoke Ryu in a questioning voice.

"Come on let's go" spoke Jayson walking out of the door. Kitsune walked over and shut the door as both Ryu and Jayson were out of the room. Ozwot then walked over to Kitsune and shrugged. Kitsune leaned forward being caught into an embrace by Ozwot.

"Like we couldn't hear them coming up those stairs" spoke a giggling Kitsune. "Typical" spoke Ozwot leaning his face close to Kitsune's. Kitsune then kissed Ozwot as the embrace tightened. Kitsune broke from the embrace and the kiss as he took his vest off and then pushed forward falling to the ground on top of Ozwot. They both giggled and Kitsune leaned close to Ozwot for another kiss. Slowly Ozwot's hand crawled down Kitsune's side until it was at his waist.

(Back to Ryu and Jayson)

"What was that all about" asked Ryu sounding a little annoyed.

"He sounded like he was mad that he dropped the desk on his paw because you knocked on the door" answered Jayson.

"Not my fault he couldn't pay attention" spoke Ryu. They were already down the steps when they heard a yelp which sounded like Kitsune's voice.

"The hell" spoke Jayson.

"Probably dropped something on himself again" spoke Ryu "Let's get going". They continued walking towards the D building dorms.

"I can't but feel weird about that yelp Ryu" spoke Jayson.

"I didn't think you cared about them" spoke Ryu.

"No, it's not that" spoke Jayson "It, feels like...... it is a disturbance".

"Jayson, I have a feeling too" spoke Ryu "and that feeling is no matter what it was about I don't wanna be there".

"Fine" grunted Jayson looking back at the dorm.


(Time went by. Yiffy time went by you didn't get to watch. If you want to read it look for chapter 6 ¾ )

Kitsune put his vest back on with a smile over his face and a bit of blush across his muzzle. Sweat made his fur sticky and quite messy he licked his lips and smirked even more looking at Ozwot, whom even sweaty and sticky himself looked quite stunning.

"Well that was fun" breathed Kitsune still smirking and blushing.

"Fun doesn't begin to describe it" spoke Ozwot with a smile standing up raising above Kitsune by a head. Kitsune giggled as he embraced Ozwot and then his eyes open wide.

"Oh my gosh" he exclaimed "I might have been a little loud. What if someone heard"!?

"It's okay" spoke Ozwot "Aren't you the one always saying who cares what others think".

"Your right" spoke Kitsune kissing Ozwot on the cheek "Completely right".

"Awww thanks my lil' foxy" spoke Ozwot rubbing Kitsune's shoulder.

"Crap! I'm so sticky with sweat" exclaimed Kitsune looking at his chest fur.

"Are you sure it's all sweat, you went off a lot" spoke Ozwot chuckling.

"Are you making fun of me" said Kitsune smirking and giggling.

"Maybe, go take a shower" spoke Ozwot pointing to the bath room. Kitsune turned to look at it only to feel Ozwot's paw slap into his ass. Kitsune yelped and then giggled as he walked for the Bathroom throwing off his vest and unbuttoning his pants as he went through the door.

"While you do that I think I'm gonna clean these floors. We made a mess" said Ozwot giggling.

(meanwhile with Jay and Ryu)

"So how was the summer to ya'" asked Jayson?

"Not bad" answered Ryu "didn't do much except exercise". They made there way into the dorm building and Ryu followed Jayson to a door which read D1-01 (The party house) and right under it was a picture of a female bunny fur wearing a bikini. Jay gawked at the picture a bit as he knocked on the door. The door opened to a large panther whom had as many muscles as Jayson. The panther then got out of the way as Jayson walked in.

"Okay so this is where it is happening all of the first floor" spoke Jayson .

"Whoa pretty big" spoke Ryu then looking at a sign on the wall.

The sign read, Gays must die. Ryu's eye twitched a bit but he concealed it as he turned around.

"Don't ya' think that signs a bit harsh" spoke Ryu pointing to it.

"No way man" spoke the panther "we had a bunch of em' put on a pride parade last year, they walked freely no one did anything. Except my group, we threw empty beer bottles at them, they left. Except this one dude he got really pissed and beat up Mark. Broke his arm".

"Who's Mark" asked Ryu?

"Mark is the leader of FU-AGF" spoke the Panther "Oh yeah I'm Jerry by the way". The panther extended a hand and Ryu shook it almost wanting to snap the man's wrist but thinking better of it.

"FUAGF" spoke Ryu "What's that"?

"Furries University Anti-Gay Federation....wanna join you just have to burn a rainbow flag and your in" spoke Jayson.

"No thanks" answered Ryu shaking his head.

"Well whatever. I don't think they'll put another parade on anyway not after last year" spoke Jerry "Thanks to Jay here".

"What did you do" asked Ryu?

"I lit fire to the float when they got off" spoke Jay beaming with pride.

"What makes you so smug about that" spoke Ryu.

"Whatever" spoke Jerry "So how about this party".

"Oh yeah I made sure not to let any gays don't worry" spoke Jayson. "How can you be sure" asked Ryu?

"Because 'I' only invited friends" answered Jayson. Ryu restrained a chuckle at his naïve friend's words.

"Well how do you know all your friends are straight" retorted Ryu.

"Well I've got a good feeling none of em' look gay" replied Jayson "and none of em' wear tight clothes, none of em' have kissed a man, none of em' have a lisp, and last, all of my friends show interest in chicks".

What a magic loser, Well I can't wait to see what Kitsune does, he'll do something rash that's for sure thought Ryu but I'm sure what ever this people try they won't get anything on Kitsune, and if it comes down to it I'll be here..

"You'd better Take that sign down though" spoke Ryu "Kitsune hates that kinda stuff, it gets on his nerves when people say stuff like that. Actually now that I think of it he got mad at seeing a Vegans suck sign last year in school and he eats meat. He just hates that kinda stuff".

"I wasn't gonna leave it up anyway" spoke Jerry "We're taking that down to put the dart board up".

"Oh" breathed Ryu "Okay that's cool then".

(To the girls)

Kagome stretched out her arms and yawned quite loudly along with Sakura. "I'm gonna walk around" spoke Kagome getting to her feet.

"Okies, hey! Aide wanna see my room" exclaimed Miken Standing up.

"Hey I wanna come with you Kagome" spoke Sakura standing up "I've been wanting to look around a bit".

"Okay" Spoke Kagome pushing the door open and walking outside followed by Sakura. They walked down the steps to see that the sun was beginning to set.

"Why have you been so silent Sakura" asked Kagome?

"Oh, I've just been thinking about this college and being here" answered Sakura "sorry about that".

"It's okay Sakura-Chan" retorted Kagome "Nothing to apologize for".

"Okay then" replied Sakura "That wolf and Kitsune I guess they're going to the party".

"We'll where ever Ozwot goes Kitsune is gonna follow tail wagging the entire way" spoke Kagome giggling.

"Huh" breathed Sakura looking perplexed.

"Oh, I guess you don't know" spoke Kagome and then she looked over to see a familiar Gold lioness wearing a collar and sitting under a tree with a CD player in hand. Kagome then dashed towards the Lioness and pounced into the air and landed on her.

"Aghhh" gasped the lioness until she looked Down to see Kagome's face ".....KAGOME"!

"Yoshi" blurted Kagome!

"You know her" said Sakura in a questioning tone.

"Yes this is my friend Yoshikuni Miharu" spoke an excited Kagome pointing at the lioness "Yoshi for short".

"Oh" spoke Sakura "Well nice to meet you". Sakura elevated a hand for her to shake and the lioness accepted the shake as Kagome got off of her. Yoshi stood up standing just a little taller than both Kagome and Sakura.

"So, who else is here" asked Yoshi?

"Well let's see" breathed Kagome "There's always Ryu, Kitsune, you remember Wolf well that's Ozwot, the Jay guy, Miken Another of Ryu and kitsunes friend, Aide some friend of Kitsune's, Sakura here, and me".

"Wow" blurted Yoshi "I got myself a dorm for the night just to rent till I can get a ride to the apartment I'm gonna rent out".

"Why don't you want an on campus dorm" asked Sakura "There not bad".

"I just like the idea better" spoke Yoshi "Besides no one will breathe down my neck and people I don't like won't pass me by".

"I can understand, Kitsune and Ryu offered to let me in there dorm with Sakura here" spoke Kagome "It's nice and we have bunk beds".

"Sounds fun" spoke Yoshi "Wait! Did you say Wolf? You mean Kitsune's wolf"? "Yeah" answered Kagome shaking her head.

"Can't wait to meet him" blurted Yoshi "Ozwot eh"?

"He bought a single person dorm though" spoke Kagome "I'm sure Kitsune really wanted the same dorm as him".

"Oh positive" spoke Yoshi with a grin on her face "Just think of what those two would do alone".

"They are alone, in Ozwot's dorm. Supposedly Kitsune is helping him set up. Yeah right" giggled Kagome.

"Oh sure I know he's helping him with something" giggle Yoshi "I think I can imagine what too". Yoshi looked around, and then looked at Kagome and Yoshi.

"Hey instead of staying at that one dorm could I just stay with you guys" asked Yoshi "See I won't have to pay anything if I don't stay there"?

"Sure I'm sure it's no problem with Kitsune" spoke Kagome "He's a nice person, and you two get along".

"Yeah, yeah" spoke Yoshi waving her left paw up and down unconcernedly "but, either way why don't we go check out this party everyone is talking about".

"Oh, that's the party Ryu went to with the big guy" blurted Sakura "Kitsune said he might go but he's with Ozwot, which I'm guessing means he probably won't get there any time soon".

"Okay then let's go" said Kagome walking towards their dorm once more.

"Why are you heading that way" asked Yoshi.

"Don't know where the party is so I'm gonna ask Kitsune" answered Kagome.

"You do know that the chance of us walking in on something is very high right" replied Yoshi.

"Yeah, but we need to know and I know Kitsune knows". Yoshi followed Kagome with a shrug and a somewhat evil grin on her face as Sakura followed closely behind the two. The sun was almost finished setting and it seemed to glimmer through the tree leaves casting long shadows on the ground.