Story by LAF on SoFurry

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#1 of my poetry

before an outdoor performance id always look up at the sky and it would calm me. so i decided to write this.

Sometimes I up to look at the sky

And watch as the clouds and birds go by.

And I let my mind wander away

From the troubles I may face today.

What problems I face will come to pass

Just like these clouds, some slow some fast.

They'll sink like stones from a sea of blue

Or go down a river, leaving you.

Storms will come and go as they please,

Some a big twister, or a small breeze.

Some last for months, weeks, or even days.

No one may know how long they will stay.

But things move, storms don't last forever.

Yes, no one can predict the weather,

But one thing's certain, about the sky:

what happens after the storm goes by?

Above the clouds no matter how high?

In the worst of storms: a hurricanes eye?

Never goes away, just out of sight?

The sun goes away, but still there's light?

What's always there? The big. blue. sky!

I find comfort in it and its light

But if u don't, find something you might!

When bad things happen, look towards its light!

Remember that things will be alright,

And as always, thank you, and good night!