Short intro

Story by nytedewolf on SoFurry

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This is just a short and incomplete preface to a book i'm working on.I might post more later depending on how these first few chapters go ^^

"I knew i should never have picked that stupid book up" I muttered to myself as I dived to my left to avoid being skewered by the manticore's stinger. Normally I would be in my lab seeing if I could finally get my latest project to do more then just sit there but today has been a bit ... interesting to say the least. Well it all started with a certain book. Not an unusual looking book but an old one. I found it at a flea market for five bucks and couldn't help but think how lucky I was at the time to have found a grimoire even if it did turn out to be just another fake. The thing is .....well it wasn't a fake at all. Oh and it's sentient to top it off not that it makes it obvious.