The Outlander 2 17

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#18 of The Outlander

Book 2 Chapter 17


The summer of the orange buttercup was days away from drawing to a close, Abbot Sedge grew even more excited with the onset of autumn. But he and others had noticed that Sandokhan and Stephanie weren't as close as once were. But he didn't let that get in the way of his excited feelings. Sandokhan found he couldn't stop reading the story of Martin the Warrior. He had just read the aftermath of the battle of Marshank and was on the last page.

And Martin said unto his comrades, "My friends I must depart. I travel south alone, I will never return to Noonvale for Rose has left a flame in my heart. A flame that neither water nor the blood of battle can extinguish. You will all be in my thoughts, always." And so it was that Martin the Warrior said goodbye to his friends for the last time. Ever shadowed by the loss of his love, he dedicated his life to helping woodlanders everywhere. And here Redwall Abbey shall stand through the ages in memory of Martin the Warrior and Rose of Noonvale and their valiant struggle against evil. We know all this because in the time of Abbot Saxtus travellers came from Noonvale. They brought a sprig of the rose that Grumm planted on Rose's grave and since it blooms later than the others Redwallers call it the late rose.

End of volume one

Sandokhan closed the book shut and wiped away tears of sadness. He left his dormitory with the book under his arm, he started to head for the study to return the book when he bumped into Abbot Sedge. "Good day, Father Abbot," The Abbot bowed his head, "Good day Sandokhan. I must say I haven't seen you around recently," "I needed some time on my own to meditate and to read," the fox replied. "What were you reading?" The Abbot asked. "The tales of Martin the Warrior. I found the ending so sad. I can't stop feeling sorry for poor Rose. I was hoping to find Stephanie, she was the one who gave me this. Where is she?" "The good sister is out in Mossflower Wood with Martin, teaching him about herbs and healing plants of the forest, they should be back soon." * Out in Mossflower Wood the trees echoed to the sound of birdsong but Stephanie was finding the task of teaching Martin frustrating. The young mouse would run on ahead in the overgrowth finding branches he wanted to take back with him, so Sandokhan could make him a bokken. "What about this wood?" Martin called to Stephanie waving the branch of an oak tree. "I don't know Martin. Now would you please pay attention. What I'm teaching you could save your life one day. Now, this mushroom is called-" she stopped mid sentence as she looked up and Martin was nowhere to be seen. The mouse-maid sighed wearily. "Ah, where's he got to now?" She mused to herself as she walked off into the undergrowth calling after the warriors' son. "Martin! Martin! Where are you?" "Over 'ere," a gruff voice called out. Stephanie turned to see Martin held up at knife point by two evil looking creatures. One was a fox with no tail and the other was a stoat with his right paw missing. She reached for the branch Martin was carrying, suddenly she felt somebeast grab her from behind. The pair had their paws bound by their captors and were dragged off into the overgrowing vegetation. The fox and the stoat congratulated themselves. "Well Flatsnout, it looks like we found a couple of keepers," said the fox. "Hehehe, not wrong there Stumpy." Their leader appeared, a big dog fox with a long scar running down his face. The fox ignored his two bandits and stood over the two quaking beasts. "Well, well, well. What've we got 'ere, eh? An abbey brat... and an abbey wench," he said. "Not only that Scarface, take a closer look at the young un," Stumptail said. Stephanie's eyes went wide, she had heard of Scarface but hadn't had the misfortune of encountering him. Scarface knelt down in front of Martin and studied his features, "Hang on, I know you. You're Mattimeo's little sprog." Martin face screwed up into a scowl and he spat in the fox's face. Scarface wiped the saliva from around his snout and nose and then kicked Martin callously. He then turned to Flatsnout, "Well done Flatsnout. If this won't flush out that fox, nothin' will." "Wh, wha- what're you going to do to us?" Stephanie stammered. "Nothing... yet!" * It was approaching dusk and the sun bled red turning the sky into a pallet of indigo, pink and orange. Sandokhan was starting to grow extremely worried about Stephanie and Martin, so was Mattimeo. The fox paced up and down in front of the grand tapestry, the last rays of sunlight shining through the stained glass windows covering the stones like a multicoloured blanket. "Are you troubled my son?" Abbot Sedge asked as he entered from Cavern Hole. "It's starting to get late and Martin and Stephanie haven't returned yet. They went out after lunchtime and it's nearly supper." The Abbot put a reassuring paw on the fox's shoulder. "Don't worry Sandokhan. I have a feeling -" "Excuse me Father Abbot!" The pair turned to see a brother of the order with a look of shock on his face. "What is it Bother Philip?" "There's a band of creatures walking up the path with two captives. They're demanding we hand Sandokhan over to them!" The Abbot of Redwall took no hesitation in dealing out orders, "Philip, get archers and sentries on the ramparts and alert the Mossflower Patrol. Sandokhan help break out the weapons. I'll tell the bell-ringers to sound the alarm." In short order the ramparts of the west wall was teeming with activity. Both Sandokhan and Mattimeo retrieved their weapons and joined the others on the west ramparts. Down on the path, Scarface began the mind games, "Outlander!" He called up to the ramparts, "Outlander! Me merry band o' buckoes wants a word wit' yer!" Abbot Sedge peered over the edge of the battlements and called back down, "What is it you want, my son?" "Hand over the fox from the foreign lands," "I'm sorry friend, but I cannot willingly send out a beast in my care to his death." Scarface made a gesture with his paw and both the captives were paraded in front of the ragged band of murderers. Mattimeo grinded his teeth with rage as he caught sight of his son. "Martin! You dare hurt my son and I'll come down there and rip you apart," Mattimeo shouted. "Hand over the fox an' the lives of yer son and the mouse-maid will be spared. Our quarrel ain't with Redwall, Mattimeo. It's with the outlander that cowers amongst you!" Sandokhan started to leave the ramparts and was about to walk to the steps down to the main gate. Mattimeo unsheathed his blade and forced the point to Sandokhan's throat. "Where do you think you're going?" "You heard what they said, if I don't go down there and face them they'll kill both your son and the good sister. I cannot allow that to happen," Mattimeo was not convinced of Sandokhan's intent. "Do you think I'm that stupid? How do I know that once you're down there you and your-" Sam Squirrel put a paw on the mouse's shoulder, "Matty, this has gone on long enough. For the sake of your son, please, trust him." The warrior returned his sword to its' scabbard and allowed the fox to pass, but not without giving him a stern warning. "If I suspect any hint of treachery, rest assured I will hunt you down. No matter how long it takes, I will find you!"

As the massive gate creaked open the bandits' gazes were fixed. Flatsnout sneered wickedly as he caught sight of the beast he wanted revenge on all this time, with both katana and wakizashi thrust into his girdle cord. "That's the one. Get 'im!" A group of five rushed Sandokhan and surrounded him. The fox drew his katana and squatted into the ready stance, looking at the reflection of the bandits behind him. They all made a lunge, Sandokhan ducked nimbly and slashed wide. Three of the bandits fell to the ground nursing the stumps where their footpaws had been. One bandit tried to charge him from behind but was skewered through by the elegantly crafted steel. The one bandit remaining ran for the protection of Scarface, who was astonished by the fox's agility and skill. So were Mattimeo and the other onlookers. "Incredible skill," Mattimeo mused out loud. "And here I am thinking Matty is a strong warrior..." said Elmtail. Flatsnout tried to rally his acomplices, "C'mon, let's rush 'im!" Only Stumptail and Scarface remained to take charge of the captives as they witnessed Sandokhan make short work of their compatriots. The katana had disappeared in a blur of metal, with the cries and whimpers of the unfortunate resonating up to the sandstone ramparts above. Flatsnout was starting to lose heart when he was all that remained. The cowardly stoat started to back away gripped with fear. "All right, we'll call it a draw," he said. "Really? Put yourself in my position. Would you want to call it a draw? I don't think so," Sandokhan replied before positioning himself to advance. "Now I'm going to finish what I began with your paw!" The stoat shook with anxiety and rushed Sandokhan. The fox, in one swift motion, dealt with Flatsnout. The stoats' head bouncing on the dusty path with the headless form shuddering in a crimson pool. Stumptail lost his will altogether, he kicked Sister Stephanie to the ground and fled for the fringes of Mossflower Wood. Sandokhan untied Stephanie who ran as fast as she could back to the gate. Scarface grabbed Martin and held the edge of his axe up to Martin's throat. Sandokhan stared coldly at the bandit fox, "Scarface, let the child go. You're beaten and you know it." Scarface dropped his axe, "Sure. I'll let 'im go.." Suddenly the bandit leader reached for a dagger thrust into his belt "...right after I slit the brat's throat!" As Scarface pulled his paw back, Martin bit the fox as hard as he could. Scarface cried out in pain as Martin managed to struggle free. But the fox tripped him up and the warrior's son fell flat on his back. Scarface stood over him, dagger ready to stab. Sandokhan saw his chance, he slashed with the Starfire slicing Scarface's paw and neck, pulling Martin to one side as Scarface's form fell forward. The samurai fox looked around and addressed the wounded, who were ripping off shreds of their apparel to fashion tourniquets. "All of you fortunate enough to be alive I will let live. But leave the heads where they are, they belong to me now!" The survivors groaned in agony as they limped and crawled away back to Mossflower Wood. Sandokhan helped Martin to his footpaws and untied his bonds. Martin hugged the fox tight before they both walked back to the gate. As the massive wooden doors slammed shut a loud cheer rose up from the abbey dwellers. Sister Stephanie pounced on Sandokhan. She was hugging the fox tight and smothering him with relentless kissing. "Mwah, mwah, mwah! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Mwah! My hero!" Sandokhan blushed profoundly. Martin ran to his parents, Tess broke down in tears of joy as she embraced her son. Mattimeo walked up to Sandokhan and the merriment died down to an awkward silence. "You saved my son's life." The warrior of Redwall Abbey extended his paw, which the Samurai fox gripped and shook firmly. "Thank you," said Mattimeo. "Now will you listen?" * That night in the gatehouse cottage, Mattimeo and Abbot Sedge listened intently to the tale of what happened to Sandokhan back in Jima. Mattimeo thought long and hard. "I must say that is quite a harrowing story. But why come all this way to find me?" "The reputation of the Redwall warriors reaches far and wide. Further and wider than you think. Our forces are too small to repulse the Claws' attacks. I came here to ask you to help us overthrow the Claw," "You want me to accompany you back to Jima?" "Yes, and as many fighters as you can muster." The fox nodded in reply. "I doubt I would be able to assemble half the force you say this Claw rat has," "I'm not talking about pitched battle. I'm talking about disrupting his forces by doing raids. Attack hard and fast and then vanish." Mattimeo thought hard again. "Hmmm, I'll see what I can do. However, you will have to be our guide and we'll need a plan of how we're actually going to do this. Travel or otherwise." "I hope you're not planning to leave before my jubilee feast," the Abbot said. "I wouldn't dream of it, Father Abbot," the fox replied. "There is one matter I'd like to discuss with you though," "Of course." The fox pulled his bokken free of his girdle cord and replaced it with his katana. The Abbot shook his head, "I'm sorry Sandokhan, but I cannot break with tradition." "Then, will you allow me to keep my blade in my dormitory?" "That I can allow," the Abbot replied. * Sister Stephanie was finding it hard to sleep that hot night. The humidity was making her uncomfortable and images of the bandits were plaguing her mind. After trying relentlessly to fall asleep, she lay in her bed staring up at the ceiling. Her mind started to wonder, thinking of Sandokhan. His strong shoulders, his agile body, his piercing blue eyes and his big bushy tail. Oh, his tail! A thought then crossed her mind. She wanted - she needed to be close to the fox. She then eased herself out of bed, hoping her activity wouldn't wake the others in the room and walked with a lit candle down the corridor. Sandokhan on the other hand was exhausted after the days' events and the presence of the Starfire was relaxing and comforting. He was stirred from his rest when he felt somebeast trying to shake him awake. The fox sat bolt upright, his paw reaching for the grip of his blade. He stopped when he saw a mouse-maid in a nightshirt holding a candle in one paw. "Stephanie? Is something wrong?" "I can't sleep. I'm still a bit frightened after what happened today and it's so hot. Would you, I mean, would you mind sharing your bed with me tonight?" The fox shifted under the bedclothes making room for Stephanie as she placed the candle on the bedside table. The mouse-maid then tucked herself in under the covers, lying on her side. As the pair lay under the bedclothes, Stephanie looked longingly at those deep blue eyes. She put a paw on the fox's muzzle and stroked his whiskers tenderly and lovingly. "Mr. Sandokhan, are you-" The fox put a single claw to her lips, "Sandy." He added. Stephanie smiled, "Sandy... are you specist?" "Of course not," Sandokhan whispered. They stared into each others' eyes, before they knew it both their snouts were linked together in a deep, warming kiss.