Bowser's My Bitch

Story by cignus on SoFurry

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#1 of Bowser's My Bitch/Mushroom Kindom Wars

Bowser finaly is put in his place

Bowser's My Bitch

Dear diary,

It has now been over 60 years after what I now call "The Event" where all but one human vanished from the surface of the blue planet I call home Earth. I do not know why or how it happened but I do know one this for certain I have not aged since said event. What is even more strange is that a couple weeks ago after not having seen any wildlife in those 60 years now every animal from every corner of the globe has come by my home I have built just outside the City i once lived in. They do not seem to want to come any closer then from my guess 10km from the building that i live in. But recently something new is happening that I would say it more important then a couple hundred animals on my doorstep. Here is my story of the events that followed.


"Bowser you are here charged for the multiple kidnappings of our Princess peach and the slaughter of over 200,000 citizens of the mushroom kingdom." The words reverberated around the walls of the Court house.

"It doesn't matter what i say your going to find me guilty anyways so get this shit show over and let me be on my way back to my castle where i can get a full nights sleep." Bowser bellows and winks at peach.

"As you have said we do find you guilty and the punishment that will now be handed down on you will not be to your liking im afraid, Court wizard Open it!!"

The wizard nods and turns around to start chanting with hios voice getting louder and louder as the chat goes on. "The punishment that is being handed out upon you is exile to a different world, and one you will not be able to escape" the Judge explains.

"DAMN YOU MARIO I WILL GET MY REVENGE I'M COMMING BACK, AND WHEN I DO I WILL NOT STOP AT KILLING JUST SOILDERS BUT I WILL WIPE YOUR ENTIRE RACE FROM THIS PLANET!!!!" screams Bowser right as a blinding flash envelops the room they are in as the Portal forms in front of the wizard.

With a nod from Mario the guards that where holding bowser down started to drag him to the portal, and with a grunt they threw bowser through the portal as he screamed curses. But as the portal was closing Mario saw something that horrified him even more then what Bowser did to his kingdom. What he saw was a Human watching bowser fall from the portal to the ground in a heap

"NO! Keep that port-" Mario's words where cut off as the portal closed.

Jason was amazed at what he just witnessed, Seeing the huge dragon/turtle fall from a hole in front of him as well as seeing another character he thought was just a character in a old video game he played as a kid "Mario is real" he whispered under his breath as the portal closed he thought he saw Mario yelling something but could not make it out as it winked out of existence Looking upon the creature in front of him he realized if this is really bowser from the game he would need to get the creature tied up and soon before it wakes up.

Opening his eyes for the first time after his exile all he could see was the floor as he tried in vain to move and realizing he was tied up with what looked like normal ropes but was still unable to break them for some ungodly reason.

"I see you are finally awake I hope the ropes are not to tight." some voice said to him just outside of his vision.

"who are you and why have you tied me up" bowser said under his breath trying to keep himself from sounding to forceful hoping the creature would lower his guard so he could escape.

"Well you really don't need to know my name because you will be calling me master from now on Bowser" the second he hears his name he flinches. { He knows my name shit what do i d- }

"MASTER what makes you think I'm going to call you tha-" (SMACK) Bowser's cheek exploded with pain as he recoiled back from the hit. "W-WHAT THE FU-" (SMACK) again he was hit and not knowing when it will happen again he stopped talking wondering when he was going to be hit again

"Well it looks like IT can learn after all. Now I know who you are and what you like doing and i don't really care for your reasons, but it looks like you might have taken it too far this time and Mario looked somewhat pissed at you as you fell through that thing whatever it was so I'm going to go out on a limb and say nobody will care what I'm going to be doing to you so you can just give up now. The voice said as the words sunk in bowser was for the first time in his life frightend.

Jason now looking down on the creature that has finally became silent and smiled.

"This is going to be a new experience for me to so please bear with me." he said as he pulled out a huge dildo and what looked like a good sized cock ring that be found in a Furry Sex Toy Storage facility. After reading the instructions he moved to the tied up creature and with ease be pulled him back on to the back of his shell. Bowser was struggling but to Jason's surprise he had no difficulty holding him down with on hand. Bowser's eyes went wide with shock upon seeing the creature was in fact a human like Mario was holding him down with such ease and with only one hand not noticing what Jason was doing until it to late. With a quick yank Jason pulled out Bowser's cock from its sheath and making sure the cock ring was lubed up enough slipped it down on the long slab of meat. Bowser flinched as the ring was set at the base of his cock knowing full well what it was and started the thrash to get free and the second that happened he was punched right in the face dazing him giving enough time to get bowser back on his knees and behind him to get the dildo ready to be placed. "Now what did I tell you about giving up now I'm am going to have to punish you" Jason said with a smirk on his face, and without any warning and with no lube for the dildo Jason Forced it up Bowser's tail hole.

"Aughhh.. haa. Ahhhh" Bowser cried as the dry dildo was forced into him as tears streaming down his face as he realized he was being violated by a filthy human. "please stop" as he said these word he felt the knot of the dildo press up against his Stretched hole. "no no no please sto-" and with one final push the knot cleared the ring and finally being set into place. "Now bowser lets get this started" said Jason as he placed his hands on the base of the dildo "I am going to turn this on for now and I will see you in a day or so when it is time to eat have fun" as this was said Jason flipped the switch on the dildo and it started to vibrate wildly since it was set to it highest level. "Ahhh"

2 days Later

Bzzzzzzt zzzzzzzzzz Bzzzt "Ahhh.... haaaa... ah.. nnnggt" moaned bowser as his tail hole was pleasured with the dildo lodged firmly against his prostate.

Bowser looked up seeing the boy smiling down at him.

"so how are you to day you hungry pet, is the pet hungry?" boswer looking agonized as he was assaulted with pleasure from his ass and cock also due to the cock ring vibrating as well. Pre everywhere on the ground from his Erect cock shaking from the vibrations that the cock-ring is hitting him with.

With this eyes pleading to have the things turned off "Sorry they are not turning off till i say they go off. Also here is some food." Jason pulls out what looks like another dildo but i looks like there is a tube connected to it. " oh so you noticed this have you, well this with be what i will be using to feed you." as Jason said that he pulls out a blind fold "Also I'm going to have to blindfold you because this is to help train you." as the blindfold covers his eyes darkness envelops him. "now if you try to bite this some things will needed to be do to rectify the problem and i know you will not like it but i sure will."

bowser opens his mouth and accepts the dildo and starts sucking as instructed to get his food. After about 2 minuted bowser stars to get angry and bites down on the dildo crushing it. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT BITING" Jason yelled "IT TOOK ME HOURS TO MAKE THIS....Now i am going to have to change a few things wait here" he hears Jason walk away and a few minutes later comes back. "now it looks like you don't want to cooperate so this is what we shall do" on the last word bowser is surprise to feel his mouth forced open and something shoved in it to keep it open wide. "Time to DE-fang you I know i should have did this sooner but i was hoping to have you keep them." Bowser is now trying to struggle fully ignoring the dildo in his ass and cock ring. "Ngoo Noogg aah" Jason starts to file down the teeth one by one and about half way through he notices bis Pet isen't in pain, thinking the worst he checks the eyes and sees the creature is fully awake. "can you not feel this?"

bowser fully in panic mode also realizes this and shakes his head. "well that's good I'm almost done then we can try this again.

3 hours later

"OK now that we got that mouth fixed up now lets try this again. Your lucky i made a spare just in case or you would not be eating today." Jason says to the now broken Toy in front of him. Now eat and if you do it right we can get to stage two finally. Upon hearing this he nods and starts to suck on the modified dildo that pumps a salty slurry into his stomach. "good boy now lick it clean" bowser does it and as he finishes he hears a moan "ahhhhh good pet good job now to go to stage two." Not caring anymore bowser nods one last time then waits for what was to come next.

To Be Continued....