Camp out

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. The following story contains matter of M/M sexual cub encounters. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Thanks for choosing to read my story! Please enjoy it. If you have any comments, feel free to post them or e-mail me at [email protected]

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By Komatose © 2009

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The room was spinning, his stomach was turning, his mind was getting dizzy, yet he could stop at any time, it was kind of fun. With one foot-paw on the carpeted floor, his other crossed under him, he continued to spin the desk chair, gaining more momentum until he lifted his padded foot and endured another cycle of spinning.

"Whooooa! I am going to get sick! This is great!" Slowly, the chair lost its energy and slowed to a halt, its occupant facing his desk.

His paws came to a slam on the desk as the room was still moving in his head. He closed his eyes and covered them with his paws, slowly shaking his head.

"I need to stop that...I'm gonna barf!" He re-opened his eyes and grabbed for a marker on his desk.

Just at that moment, the door to his room opened, and a female Dingo with long, flowing blonde hair peeked into the room, a disappointed look on her face.

"Cody! Do you know what time it is? You should be asleep by now!" She said in a stern tone.

The smaller Dingo just looked at her in disbelief. "Geeze mom, it is only one in the morning! It is not like I need to get up for school!"

She rolled her eyes. "I know, sweetie, but try to be quiet! Your little sister is trying to sleep! So hush now, ok?"

He waved his paw at her, motioning her to leave. "Yeah, yeah, mom, I will, no problem!"

She smiled and shook her head. "Well, get some rest, you have a fun weekend planned, after all! We will be going shopping in the morning for any supplies we have forgotten to get, alright? Goodnight, love you!" She then blew him a kiss.

He stuck his tongue out. "Sounds good! Love you, mom, sleep tight! Don't let dad bite!"

She scoffed and lightly closed the door. He then returned to the marker and crossed Friday off his calendar. He was overjoyed to do this, for two reasons. One was that it was the last day of school, summer vacation had officially begun! Two was that on the weekend after that date, in big blue letters was written ‘Campout with Riley!' Cody always kept good track of important events, something his mother always praised him for. He put the marker into the desk drawer and turned off the lamp.

He got out of the chair and removed his clothing, leaving nothing left but his boxers. He leapt into the bed that was only a few feet from the desk and turned on a fan at the end of his bed. He pulled over the sheet, leaving the thick blanket at the foot of the bed since it was far too warm for it, even in a house with central air conditioning. He stared at the digital alarm clock, its lime green lettering reading ‘1:13 am'. He smiled, closed his eyes, and said to himself, "Tomorrow is going to be real fun..." Not long after that, the Dingo was fast asleep.


The bright morning sun kissed his tan and orange face as he lazily opened his eyes. He rolled over in his bed to see the clock, this time reading ‘9:19 am'. He let out a yawn and stretched his arms and legs in his bed. He threw the covers off and stood up, getting another stretch. He sleepily stumbled to his dresser and pulled out the clothes he had planned for the day, this was also something he was good at, planning ahead. He opened the door and was hit with the aroma he had smelled too often, brewing coffee. He never really liked the stuff, but his father was crazy about the caffeinated beverage.

He entered the door across from his room and flipped the light switch as the bathroom came to life. He set his clothes on the counter top by the sink and looked himself in the mirror. He stuck his tongue out as his reflection and chuckled. He scratched a bit under his arm and stretched his neck, and off came his underwear as he tossed them idly to the side. He looked at his nude self in the mirror and flexed his young arms and growled at himself just to relax and chuckle again.

Cody was very content with his body. Even though he was fifteen years old, he had some nice muscles forming on his young frame. He thanked his activity in sports at high school, mainly baseball and soccer, for his developing musculature. After the mirror play, he jumped into the shower and let the hot water overtake his golden brown fur.

After the shower, he dried off, combed his blonde mid-length head fur, put on his favorite spray deodorant, got dressed, and entered the hallway to have his nose hit by his favorite breakfast, pancakes!

He quickly bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen where he skidded across the tile, his claws raking against it. He was greeted sternly by his father, Carl, who gazed at him from behind his newspaper.

"Cody! You are going to put scuffs on the floor! You are fifteen years old! Start acting like it." His father went back to his reading.

His mother came over to him, clad in apron and spatula, and kissed him on the cheek. "Go have a seat honey, breakfast will be ready soon."

He slowly walked to the kitchen table; ears low and head down as he sat to the right of his father. Across from him was his little sister, Lindsey, or Bratsey as he preferred to call her.

She glared at him, lifted her fork, and pointed it in his direction. "Good thing you bathed this morning, you stink, Cody." She smirked and looked at her father, knowing that she was ‘Daddy's little girl'.

He just shook his head and rapped his paw-fingers on the table, oh how he would like to yank the pigtails right off of the ten-year-olds scalp.

Soon, breakfast was placed on the table and the family of Dingoes dug into the meal of pancakes, sausage, and hashed browns. Cody's mother, Rebecca, was a great cook; she always made mealtime the best of the day.

While the canine family munched away, Rebecca spoke up to her son. "Cody, don't forget to make a list of things we may need for your little campout tonight."

He smiled at his mom and produced a list of equipment they did not already have for camping, along with any snacks that could be of assistance. His fathers paw quickly reached from behind the newspaper and snatched the list; quickly retracting it as Cody gasped in shock, his father was always quick like that.

", I don't think an ‘Xbox 360' belongs on this list." Cody's ears drooped as Lindsey dished out a serving of laughter.

After breakfast came a trip to Wal-Mart for some camping supplies. The cart quickly filled with camping equipment, flashlights, an air mattress, marshmallow skewers, fly swatter, and an ample amount of snacks among other items. Cody's father picked up the bill; since it was his promise he would let his son have a campout if he got good grades in the fourth quarter of the school year.

When he asked Cody where he would like to camp, he was shocked by the answer.

"The backyard!" Carl was actually a bit satisfied with the answer, since he figured he would not have to join then, his son could have a friend or two over instead. His father also knew exactly who his son would choose to have over, his best friend since childhood, Riley.

If there was one child Carl and Rebecca has seen more of other than there own, it was Riley. He and Cody were inseparable, the best of best friends! Rebecca loved watching them play and grow together; their friendship was very sweet to her. Carl, on the other paw, always had his suspicions as they got older...

Soon enough, the family was back home and Cody was jumping with anticipation waiting for his friend to come over at two. Carl would constantly have to yell at him, since he would always run to the door every minute and look out the window, hoping Riley would be over early. Cody ran to the porch for a quick once-over. The tent, sleeping bags, pillows, sheets, and newly purchased supplies were all laid out, ready to be used.

Cody walked through the sliding door that led to the kitchen when he heard the greatest sound to enter his perked up ears all day, the doorbell. He burst into a sprint as he ran to the front door, his father yelling at him not to run as he reached for the doorknob and ripped the door open.

Standing there was the one fur that he had been waiting for all day, his best friend in the whole world, the one fur whom he could trust more than his parents, Riley. Riley is a Dalmatian the same age as Cody, he is just an inch shorter, but much thinner than his canine friend. Riley is not the sporty type like Cody, he is much more into video games and music, something Cody also loves. The Dal has short, spiky, black head fur and dark blue eyes, in contrast to Cody's blonde locks and light brown eyes.

A grin from ear to ear grew on Riley's face. "What's up, Cody!" The Dingo opened the screen door and, instead of letting the Dalmatian in, he grabbed him by the paw and pulled him into the house, Riley let out a yelp and a chuckle as he almost lost his back pack from the sudden yank.

Riley took off his shoes and set them by the door, knowing the no shoe rule of his friends household. Cody gave his arm a tug and pulled him to the kitchen, giving the Dalmatian only a second to say hello to Lindsey and Cody's dad sitting in the family room.

The backyard was nice and big, it had just been mowed the other day, so the grass was short. The only obstacle in the yard was a big swing set with slide and seesaw. They both agreed to set up the tent way in the back, next to the wooden fence that created the boundary of the yard. Box by box, the two carried everything to a small pile to where they designated the location of the tent. Cody opened the box the tent came in, and lifted up to dump the contents onto the ground with a loud clanking from the metal parts. The tent had a blue top with a green bottom, it was a good sized one at that, big enough for four to fit comfortably. They both reached for the instruction booklet and looked at the directions on how to construct the temporary shelter.

It was a sunny day that Saturday, not a cloud to be seen, but with the sun came the heat. The two boys worked together to get the tent built, Cody's dad figured he would have to help them, but they managed to get the job done quite well. Within an hour, the tent was standing tall by the fence in the very back of the yard.

The two plopped down in the grass, wiping their brows as they panted from the beating sun. Relief came just when they needed it; Cody's mom came to the rescue with two ice-cold soda cans. They happily gulped down the cold beverage as Rebecca complimented their craftsmanship.

"My, my, you two have done such a wonderful job! Are you going to want to run an electrical cord from the house to the tent for a fan tonight? I don't want you two to suffer in the heat out here."

Cody chuckled and shook his head. "This is supposed to be a tent, no electricity allowed! That would be cheating!" He looked at Riley and smiled, the Dalmatian smiled back and nodded.

Rebecca nodded and retreated to the cool comfort of the house. The two got back to work; Riley opened the box containing the air mattress. As he unfolded it and placed it inside of the tent to begin pumping it up, he realized something.

"Uh, hey Cody..." The Dingo looked over to his friend as he was unrolling the sleeping bags.

"Yeah, what's up, dude?" Riley's eyes met his.

"Well...there is only one mattress...were not both going to sleep on it, are we?"

Gears started turning in Cody's head. He had never slept in the same bed with his friend; someone always was on the floor when Riley spent the night. But then he thought, did he want to? What would it be like sleeping so close to him... He quickly shook the thought out of his head.

"It's ok, buddy, I'll sleep on the ground this time, I don't mind, you can have the mattress."

Riley smiled at the gesture. "Really? Thanks! I'll start pumping this thing, then." The truth was, in Riley's mind, the same questions were being asked to himself, would it feel good being that close?

The day pushed on and the sun was on its way to set as the sky changed color. The tent was completely set up, everything ready for the night. The only thing missing would be a campfire, and since burning trash or leaves was illegal in the town, they would have to come up with an alternative.

Cody's father grumbled as he dragged the grill all the way across the yard and set it in front of the tent. Cody and Riley brought the picnic table on the porch with them and set it near the tent; they now had a perfect camp scene going on. Carl lit the grill and let the charcoal catch fire for them to have a good camping meal.

Hot dogs, baked beans, chips and dip, potato salad, deviled eggs, pickles, and lots of soda, it was the most perfect camping meal. The family of Dingoes and the Dalmatian dug into the prepared banquet, savoring every bit of it. There were other guests as well, bees. Riley was terrified of them, he was not allergic, but he was always afraid of getting stung. One swarmed around his plate and he yelped and jumped in his seat.

The insect landed on the table, big mistake. Cody's swift paw came down on it and squashed the pesky insect, Lindsey releasing a subtle ‘Eww'. Riley turned to his friend, a big smiled on his spotted face.

"Thanks, dude, I hate those things!"

Cody smiled back, looking right into the eyes of his friend. "Sure thing, I hate bees too."

The sun was starting to set, giving the sky an orange color as it prepared for bed. Carl added more charcoal to the grill so that the boys would have a heating surface to make s'mores on when it got dark out. Rebecca had cleaned the picnic table, but left the chips, pickles, and soda for the boys to eat in the tent. The rest of the family retreated to the comfort of the cool house, but the two boys stayed in the back yard the whole time.

The sky turned dark blue as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, and with the sun left the nice breeze that had picked up during dinner, making it as hot and humid as it was that afternoon.

The two canines got out the metal skewers and began to roast marshmallows, having a blast as they munched on the gooey, messy snacks. Cody would often purposely set the marshmallow on fire and let it burn, they would both laugh at the charred object, neither of them was sure why it was so funny.

The grill offered no light as it turned dark, the only illumination coming from the moon, stars, and lights of the house. They set up a battery powered lantern and hang it from the ceiling of the tent; it offered the perfect light for them to play a board game. They started a game of checkers, Cody demanded to play the red pieces, Riley happily obliged.

Midway through the game, Riley stopped as he was about to move his piece. "Hey, I gotta pee, pretty bad too...I am gonna head to the house, be back quick!"

Cody grabbed him by his spotted tail as he started to shuffle out of the tent. "Hey! You can't go to the house! This is the supposed to be the great outdoors! There are no toilets in the wild...just go by the fence so we can finish the game quicker."

Riley wavered a bit, he had a bit of a shy bladder, but he figured since it was dark and there was a fence, it would be alright. He got out of the tent and quickly bounded to the fence, his back pointed to the tent.

What he did not notice was someone was watching him. Cody quickly scooted to the mesh window of the tent and peeked through ever so cautiously. He could barely see his spotted friend, his back illuminated only by the light of the moon. He held his breath and listened close as he heard the stream of urine splash against the dry soil. He could feel his heart quicken, his mouth dry, and his crotch stir. But why? Why did his mind tell him to peek and listen? And furthermore, why did it feel alright?

He heard the noise of a zipper and saw the shape move; he quickly scooted back to his position and waited for the Dalmatian to reenter the tent. Riley poked his head through the zipper door and crawled back in, zipping it shut behind him.

"T...took you long enough..." Cody choked.

Riley just scoffed and got back into a seated position. "Whatever, I would have liked to have washed my paws in the house...but noooo, I have to piss outside..."

Cody grinned and picked up a handful of marshmallows from the half-empty bag they had used earlier and launched them at his friend, the little white pillows bouncing off of his face as he tried to block them. Riley took this as a challenge, and jumped at his friend, the two met in a grapple and rolled onto the air mattress, the oversized balloon squeaking and groaning as the two playfully fought on top of it. The checkerboard was thrown aside, the sheets came undone, even the pillows were used as weapons as the two battled inside of the tent, giggling and growling as they rolled around.

Soon, they lost the power to go on and were completely sapped of energy; the humid, hot climate did not help them at all. They both lay on their backs, panting heavily as they tried to catch their breaths, their collars and armpits developing wet spots from sweat. After they regained their breath, they both downed a bottle of water to replenish their thirsty bodies. They just sat there, looking at each other, and then they burst out in laughter.

"Damn, Cody, it sure is hot! I felt fine until you had to go and challenge me!" The Dalmatian followed by sticking out his tongue.

Cody chuckled. "Yeah, but it is safe to say that I won that match, since I am much stronger than you."

Riley shook his head. "Whatever...shit, it sure is hot!" The spotted dog began to fan himself with his paw.

Cody followed the motion, fanning himself, his cheeks were flushed red, but for another reason other than the humid air. He enjoyed being close to Riley when they wrestled, his body pressed against the other felt...really good...he still was not sure why...but he liked it.

Riley sighed deeply. "I can't take it anymore!" His paws went to the hem of his t-shirt, and he pulled up on it. Cody gulped deep as he watched the Dalmatian take his shirt off. Riley tossed it behind him and took a deep breath with a sigh of relief. Cody had seen him shirtless before, plenty of times, but this time it just felt different...He could not take his eyes off the Dal's pink nipples, his slim torso, his slender arms, he counted every black spot...

Riley could see that he was staring, since he was not talking...he had always been shy, but for some reason...he was alright having his friend stare at did not bother him.

He decided to snap Cody out of his trance. "Hey...aren't you hot, too? Were both dudes, don't be a whimp."

Cody quickly shook his head and snapped out of his blatant stare. "Huh? is really hot..." The Dingo quickly fumbled for his shirt and took it off, also throwing it behind himself.

It was now Riley's time to stare. Cody's nude torso was something he had also seen plenty of times, but he was also having similar feelings about this time...Cody had a nice body...he could see the outlines of abs starting to form, his chest was much bigger than his own, his arms were gaining definition, his fur was such a nice golden color...

It was strange, yet it felt good...the both stared at each other; even though this was something they had seen plenty of was actually making them hotter.

Cody had to act, he was going to do something he thought drastic, but he tried to play his cool. "Crap, I'm still hot! Well, since you said we are both guys here..."

He shuffled back a bit positioned himself so that he was sitting on his knees. He undid the button and zipper of his pants and wriggled out of the shorts, tossing them to the side so that he was just in his dark blue boxers. He let out a sigh of relief as he was now clad in nothing but his underwear.

Riley tried to keep is own cool, seeing his friend take his pants off in front of him was thrilling, even if the boxers covered about as much as the shorts did, though they really did not give off any hints...

He then felt a rush of panic come over him. He had always worn boxers too, and he knew that Cody had seen him in them before, but this time, he wore a tighter pair of boxer-briefs, a bit too revealing for comfort. However, this time, it still felt fine...even if Cody would find out what he has been trying to hide under his normally baggy pants.

He looked down as his baggy jean-shorts. "Well...I guess you are right...but...never mind."

His paws went for the button, downed the zipper, and he slowly slid out of the jeans, throwing them to the side as he lie nearly naked in front of his best friend. His green boxer-briefs fitting snugly around his crotch as he looked at the Dingo, he could see where his eyes were staring as his mouth slowly relaxed and slacked open.

Cody felt so many things as he looked over the Dalmatians half naked body, his heart race, his mouth dry up, his tail wag, his crotch ache, and it all felt good. There it was, only a few feet in front of him, Riley's bulge. It was...huge...Cody had seen him in his boxers before, the loose fitting undergarments easily concealed any outline or bulging, but these tighter underpants really showed off what Riley had.

The two got comfortable and just lounged on the cool floor of the tent for a good twenty minutes, not speaking a word. It was not until the final lights disappeared in the house that Cody realized that his parents were in bed, he decided to say something.

" feeling tired yet?" He scratched at his side.

Riley shook his head. " you feel a bit cooler?"

Cody smiled. "A little, it still is kind of hot; I don't think we will need to sleep in the sleeping bags."

Riley grinned. "Yeah, we will bake in those!"

Cody chuckled. "Heh, we will become a couple of hot dogs, get it?"

Oh, Riley got it, alright, he wanted to utter out, "The only thing hot around here is you." Maybe because he was shy, or maybe because he did not want Cody to get mad at him, but he held it back. The thing was, he had actually liked Cody for some time now, at first he did not understand the feeling, but he was slowly getting it. He wanted to tell Cody how he felt, but his shyness always got the best of him, maybe tonight would be different.

Cody was getting restless, there were so many things he wanted to ask his best friend, but he had to come up with a plan to make it not look too obvious. He hatched a brilliant plan! A good old fashioned game of truth or dare, it would be perfect. He gulped hard and asked the spotted dog what he thought about the idea.

"Hey Riley, I'm kinda bored now...want to play a game?" He asked with a little smirk on his face.

Riley's ears perked up. "What kind of game? Checkers again?"

Cody shook his head. "No, how about something interesting, how about truth or dare?"

Riley felt his heart jump when Cody said the name of the game, he knew that there was something behind it...yet he went along.

He giggled slightly. "That's what you want to play? Aren't we kind of old for that?" He tried to play coy, seeing how bad Cody wanted to play.

Cody sighed. "Dude, we are not that old, plenty of people still play it! Remember, no lying! And you have to do what is dared!"

Riley gave in. "Ok, lets play, then, who gets to start?"

Cody reached over and grabbed a loose checker piece; Riley got a good look at Cody's underarm fur, something he secretly liked. He smiled.

Cody held the piece in his paw. "Ok, one side is blank; the other has a crown, blank or crown?"

Cody tossed the piece into the air. "Blank," Riley called out as it bounced on the air mattress between them.

They both looked down at it; it was laying blank side up. Riley smiled as Cody's ears folded back.

"Looks like I get to go first. Cody, truth or dare?" The Dingo scratched the back of his head, ruffling his blonde head fur.

"Umm...dare!" Riley smiled, he knows what he wants to say, but he had to think of something dumb to do idea came to his head.

"Ok, I dare you to...go ring the neighbor's doorbell and come back!"

Cody frowned. "But it is like, midnight, and I am in my underwear!"

Riley giggled. "You chose dare, I gave you one, you have to do it, its dark, no one is going to see you if you run."

Cody gulped, the neighbors, a family of lions, were not really the nicest of neighbors, but he had to do it. He unzipped the tent door, crawled out, and disappeared into the night. Within a minute or so, his head popped back into the tent as he panted heavily, he ran the whole way. He quickly unzipped the tent and sat back in his spot, fanning himself with the checkerboard as he was out of breath.

"I didn't see any lights on, but I bet they are pissed now! The Williamsons are jerks..." He relaxed and realized it was his turn.

"Ok, truth or dare?" He asked the Dalmatian.

Riley pondered. "Truth." Cody was ok with either answer; maybe he could get some information out of him.

"Alright, have you ever kissed a girl before?" Riley smiled.

"Nope, never have. That was easy, my turn. Truth or dare?"

Cody's tail wagged as he pondered his answer, it was kind of what he wanted to hear. "Truth."

Riley was expecting a dare, but this was a pleasant surprise. He had to ask something neutral, it sounded dumb, but he went with it. "When was the last time you pawed off?"

Cody sighed; he actually wanted to answer a more personal question. "Uh, two nights ago, in the shower. Ha, there, my turn, truth or dare?"

Riley wanted to save the dares. "Truth."

Cody mumbled, but this was still alright. "Ok...If a chick with big boobs offered you to touch them, would you?"

Riley shook his head, honestly, Cody, cant you come up with anything better? Anyway, he had no desire for breasts; he might as well be honest. "Umm, no, I would not touch them. That was a stupid question, man. Truth or dare?"

Cody was shocked and interested all at once. Why would Riley not want to touch big boobies? Wait...would he himself to the same? He shook the thought out to answer his friend. "Truth."

Riley was hoping for a dare this time, but more answers were always good. "Do you have a crush on any of the girls at school?"

This was an easy answer, though he thought he did, lately his mind has been changing about that. "Hmm, nope, I don't. Truth or dare?"

Riley liked the answer, it was time to do something daring, and hopefully his friend would come up with something he hoped. "Dare."

Cody felt his heart jump, he finally said dare! Oh, what would he have him do, he wanted so many things, but he had to choose one, he came up with the perfect plan. "I dare you to kiss me."

Riley did not even hesitate, before the Dingo knew, it, his best friend was kneeling over the air mattress with his lips planted on his own. His eyes were wide open, he could see Riley was smiling, his heart jumped. Riley's lips felt so soft against his own, and when the Dalmatian pulled back, he wanted to kiss him again, let it last longer.

Riley sat back in his spot; he was smiling wide, just staring at his shocked friend that he just kissed. "My turn, truth or dare?"

The Dingo was still recovering, he did not know what to say, he just blurted something out. "Uhh...truth..."

Riley smirked at him. "Did you like it when I kissed you?"

Some of Cody's senses came back to him as he answered. "Uhh...yeah, I really did like or dare?"

Riley anticipated his next action. "Dare."

Here was Cody's moment, after the kiss, he wanted much more. He looked down at the Dalmatian's bulge in his tight underwear, something he had a hard time taking his eyes off of. "I dare you to get naked."

Riley stopped dead. He figured it would come down to this, he could tell Cody had been staring at his bulge the whole time; it was time for his curiosity to be satisfied. He set his eyes onto Cody's staring into them as his thumbs hooked into the elastic band of the boxer-briefs.

He slowly positioned himself on his back, his legs bent and in the air as his tail wagged happily. He slowly pulled the underpants off, Cody could not see anything yet from the positioning of his legs, but the fact that his friend was getting naked in front of him made him feel good, so good in fact, that he felt his cock tingle and start to stiffen as blood rushed to it. He breathed deep and licked his dry lips as he saw the underwear make it to the ankles and slip off as Riley tossed them to the side.

Here came the moment, Riley repositioned himself back to his seated state, letting himself flop out for Cody to get a good eyeful. Riley took care to measure himself, he knew exactly how big he was, his soft cock measuring at a whopping ten inches. It was completely white with foreskin covering the pink head which was barely peeking out; it also had a decent girth to it, Riley could just barley fit his paw around it. At the base of his dong was a tuft of black pubic fur, and dangling under was a nice set of spotted balls.

Cody could not believe how big his friends cock was, it made him embarrassed of his own, which he knew was smaller, this thing was a monster! Best of all, it could be all his, he wanted to just touch it, see how big it could get.

Riley was still smiling, watching his friend stare at his cock, he could see Cody's boxer's tent up and he clearly was enjoying it, not need to ask him to tell the truth.

Riley asked the next question. "Truth or dare?"

Cody did not want to play anymore; he was looking at what he wanted to play with. He just shook his head and spit out an answer. "Dare..."

The Dalmatian smirked, just what he wanted to hear. "I dare you to touch my cock."

Cody gasped, he wanted this, he knew it, but there was still something apprehensive about him. Was this right, should he really be doing this? Well, if it felt good, why not.

His shaky paw reached out slowly, and as he did, Riley repositioned himself so that he was seated on his knees, his soft cock hanging between his legs. Cody's paw was hovering above the member, he could feel the heat radiating off of it and warming his sweaty palm. Slowly, his paw wrapped around the massive cock, it felt so warm in his paw.

Riley reacted with a low murr, this was the first time anyone else had touched him there, it already felt good just to have someone else hold his cock. Cody's own cock quickly began to stiffen as he slowly stroked up the its length, pulling the loose foreskin forward as he reached the head, just to have his paw meet a glob of pre-cum that oozed out of the tip and onto his thumb. Along with the pre came the scent of Riley's musk, something Cody had never smelt before but his own, it definitely had a different smell, and it was amazing, he licked his lips as he took in the new scent.

Cody repositioned his paw so that his palm was on the underside of the Dalmatian's cock, and starting from the base, he stroked forward again, Riley letting out another gentle moan as he relished in the delight of his best friend stroking him gently. The Dingo began to breathe faster as he felt the cock harden and grow in his paw, the wrinkled skin pulling taught and the veins popping out as it grew.

Once more Cody's paw started at the base and moved forward; this time his thumb traced the thick vein that zigzagged its way down the top of the cock. His paw came to the swollen head again, another drop of pre oozing out and collecting in his paw. He brought his paw to his muzzle and inhaled the scent of the clear goop that had just escaped from his friends cock; it smelled so good, so it might taste good too. He slowly lapped his palm; the sticky fluid coated his taste buds and told him that it had a good taste too, indescribable, but satisfying.

Riley smiled as he saw Cody lick the fluid from his paw. He inhaled deep and looked at his friend with deep passion in his eyes. "So Cody, do you want to keep playing truth or dare, or do you want to play with me?"

Cody stared at his friend, what they were doing might have been wrong to most furs, but it felt so good. He wanted more, he wanted Riley, not any girl, he wanted his best friend. He did not speak a word as he quickly sprung on top of the mattress and grabbed the Dalmatian by the shoulders. He pulled Riley in and their lips met again, pushing hard into the other dog's maw. Riley's body tensed up, but quickly relaxed as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around the Dingo, enjoying the kiss.

Riley took the opportunity to explore Cody's body, his gentle fingertips traced and caressed the Dingo's forming muscles, gently scraping down his back and coming to the front as his paws came up to the chest and made their way down Cody's front, rubbing down his forming abdominals and coming to a rest on his waist. The Dalmatian went for it and grabbed for Cody's rock hard cock tenting in his boxers, making the Dingo yelp and pull back from the kiss from the contact.

"Oh God...Riley...that feels so" The Dingo sat back and pulled down his boxers, letting his stiff cock flop out into the open air. Cody had a pretty decent cock, no where as big as Riley's, standing at about seven inches with an average girth, pink in color with a tuft of golden brown pubic fur at the base. There was on thing Cody had on Riley, and that was balls. Cody's sac was larger than the Dalmatians, covered in short golden fur and hanging low below his member. The orbs were as plump as kiwifruits, and similar in color.

They kissed once more, but this time Cody tried something he had seen in a movie before. He opened his mouth wider and turned his head, his maw fitting onto Riley's like two pieces of a puzzle. He then let his tongue roll into Riley's mouth, licking all over the inside as his tongue wagged and wriggled about. Riley muffled something and murred lightly has he copied the action, his tongue sliding against the other as it scraped against the teeth in Cody's mouth.

As they kissed, Riley's paw reached up and grasped Cody's hard cock, making the Dingo shudder a bit from the contact. His paw gently stroked up and down the cut, pink member, a considerable larger amount of pre oozing out and sticking to his paw. Cody moaned into Riley's mouth as they continued kissing, the dull rumble echoing into the other maw.

Suddenly, Cody stopped and pushed away from Riley, panting hard as a strand of saliva dangled from his lips. Riley let go of Cody's cock and looked into his eyes.

"What's the matter? You ok?" He asked the Dingo.

Cody took a breath and nodded. "Yeah...I feel great...better that I have ever felt before...Riley, can I...lick you...down there?"

Riley let out a soft giggle, did he really even have to ask? "Yeah, man, go ahead...just...Ooooh!"

Before Riley could even finish, Cody had his head buried in the Dalmatian's crotch. He started by sniffing the now hard meat pole, inhaling the musk of the other dog, making him salivate. His moist nose poked into the sensitive flesh, making Riley squirm a bit.

He grasped the cock in the middle and just held it as he marveled at its size. " big is this thing?"

Riley could feel blood rush to his ears as they turned red. "Umm...when it is is about...thirteen, I think."

Cody was in awe. "Shit...I never knew you were so huge...and how long have we been friends?"

Riley giggled. "Well, it's a little embarrassing..."

Cody shook his head and smiled. "Don't be shy, dude, I really like it."

After saying this, he went in for the first taste; his wet tongue jumped from his mouth and roughly licked the pink head of the massive cock. Riley gasped and moaned from the sensation; it was such a great feeling, just from one lick.

Cody pulled his head back and let the flavor roll over his tongue. It was different than anything else had ever tried, and he liked it. He went in for another lick, his clumsy tongue pressing hard and lapping the pink head. As he licked, the huge pole flopped around, making him chase it as he pressed on it one way with his tongue. He grabbed the cock at the base to hold it in place, and when he heard Riley gasp from the contact, he slowly started to stroke the member, making the Dalmatian moan.

Cody had enough licking, he wanted more. He wrapped his lips around the head, still licking the tip as it was inside of his maw. His tongue poked into the foreskin and licked around the inside as the pre that discharged out was collected in his mouth, he swallowed a mixture of pre-cum and his own saliva, it tasted so good. He wanted more of the fluid, so he began to suck on the cock as he pulled more of it into his mouth, his paw still at the base stroking it.

Riley was in ecstasy, this was greater than any time he had pawed off, it had no comparison. The sensation of the stroking, the tongue licking, the gentle sucking, felt amazing. Cody kept gulping down the pre as he sucked harder on the cock; his lips crawled further down the pole as it sunk deeper into his maw. He felt his limit when he started to gag on the huge meat stick; he figured this was good enough for his first time. Just about half of Riley's cock was now in Cody's maw, the Dingo started to move his head back and forth to copy the stroking action of his paw, sucking hard as he did so.

Riley was in a state of bliss at the moment, his cock had never been touched, played with, or stimulated like this, he simply moaned deeply as his best friend did his work. He placed a paw on the back of Cody's head and ruffled his head fur, but he grasped the hair and pulled it gently as he felt something build up down there.

"Ohh...that feels so feels so warm...UGH...oh God...I think...I think im gonna...Ooooh!" Before he could finish the sentence his cock started to throb as his dangling balls pulled into his body to pump the seed through the long meat tube.

Cody was not expecting the huge gush of cum to discharge from the cock. The first spurt of salty seed shot down the back of his throat as he tried to swallow it. The second shot made him choke; he had to reluctantly pull Riley's cock out of his mouth only to have a third spurt hit him on the nose. The cock continued to empty as he was bathed in Riley's seed, trying to gulp and lick up as much as he could.

Riley was releasing a series of moans, one for each spurt to eject until his sac emptied and his cock stopped throbbing. His tongue hung limply from the side of his mouth as he panted heavily after his orgasm. Cody's face was coated in a layer of sticky semen as he licked his lips clean.

Riley looked down at his friend. "Wow...that was the most amazing thing I have ever felt...that was great..." He smiled as sweat started to drip from his forehead.

Cody smiled and poked the slowly shrinking spent cock. "I had no idea what cum tasted like, it is not that bad! That was" Cody was referring to his own cock that was still standing hard, demanding attention.

Riley had an idea, something he had wanted to do with Cody even more that what they had just done, he wanted to go all the way with him. "Cody...would you...mount me?"

Cody sat back a bit, astounded by what he heard his friend just say. He was hoping Riley would suck him off too, but this was unexpected. Did he really want to? Did he want his first time to be right now? It was a good moment, why not?

Cody smiled, but had a shy look upon his face. "Are you...sure...I mean, isn't it going to hurt your ass?"

Riley kneeled down so they were muzzle to muzzle. "It's ok, I really want you to, I want my first time to be with you." He moved his head forward and kissed the Dingo again, he could taste the remnants of his own cum on his lips.

Riley pulled from the kiss and smiled as he re-positioned himself on the air mattress. He got into an awkward position on his paws and knees, but quickly shifted to his elbows, his rump sticking high in the air as his soft cock dangled between his thighs, a loose strand of cum oozing down.

Cody gulped, his first time having sex would be this moment, and he could not have picked a better fur to do it with. He scooted behind Riley, the mattress squeaking as he did so, and he looked at the plump, spotted butt before him. Riley looked back at the Dingo, a smile on his maw and his tail wagging slightly.

Cody smirked and grabbed the thin tail and lifted it up, getting a good view of the tight, virgin, pink pucker. He was unsure what to do, should he just slam inside of it? He raised his right paw and stuck out his index finger and brought it close to the pucker. He slowly traced the hole in a circular motion, Riley's body quivered as he murred from the contact. Slowly, Cody pressed his finger into the tight rosebud; it felt so tight around his finger tip from the pressure it exerted. His finger disappeared into the hole; Riley was so warm on the inside.

Riley enjoyed it, moaning as the appendage sunk into his pucker. He had fingered himself in the shower a few times, but this just felt so much better having someone else do it. Cody began to wiggle his finger around in the inside; Riley gasped and clenched his pucker around the intruder, holding it tight in place. Cody giggled and retracted his finger, watching the pink hole tighten to its relaxed state.

The moment was near; Cody scooted closer to Riley's tight rump, his cock still rock hard and ready to go. "Riley...are you ready?"

Riley looked back again and nodded. "Yeah...just go slow at first...I don't know if it will hurt or not...but I want it!"

Cody smiled back at him. "Well then I am going to give it to we go!"

Slowly, he pressed his pelvis forward, his cock head pushed against Riley's tight pucker, his pre oozed onto the pink hole. Riley murred and gritted his teeth as he awaited the insertion, not certain of how it would feel. Cody added more force, and watched as his cock rammed the pucker, and with a wet pop, his cock head entered Riley.

Riley gasped and groaned, it felt so strange already, like it was going to rip him apart, he tried to relax himself. Cody raised his paws and placed them on Riley's waist for leverage as he slowly pushed further in. Riley grunted and groaned and grit his teeth as he could feel his anal cavity stretch, the pressure was such a new feeling.

Cody was about halfway in, and he pushed harder, sinking deeper in as his pre lubricated the path. Riley was breathing heavily, it hurt a lot, but the pressure felt good at the same time. Cody took a deep breath and pushed hard, his cock made it all the way inside of Riley, the Dalmatian let out a yip and a long moan after the complete insertion.

Cody started to pant, he was not sure what to do now, the warmth and pressure the tight ass was exerting on his cock was greater than anything he had ever felt. Riley was getting used to the feeling, the pain was slowly leaving as his cavity tried to get used to the intrusion.

After a minute or so, Cody slowly pulled back and out of the tight orifice. The pressure leaving Riley's ass felt really good, much better than when it built up. Cody prepared himself, and shoved it back in quickly this time, he gasped deep from the sensation and Riley yelped.

"Oh shit! Sorry! Did I hurt you!?" Cody said in concern.

Riley exhaled deep. "No, its ok, I just did not expect that, I'll be fine, it feels...really good now." It did start to feel good, his ass was already getting used to the invader.

However, the sensation of pulling in and out of Riley was amazing for Cody, nothing, not even his paw, felt so good around his cock. He pulled back and slammed it in once more, they both moaned together as Riley's body started to shiver.

Cody started to rock faster, his cock going in and out of the tight hole at a faster pace. The faster he went, the better it felt, and it felt better than anything he could ever imagine. Riley was feeling less pain and more pleasure the faster Cody moved, his groans and grunts turning into low moans and ‘Mmms'.

Sweat started to collect and drop from their foreheads, their underarms leaked again, and a trail of sweat started to run down the middle of their backs, wetting their fur.

"Oh God...this is feeling so good now, can go faster, come on!" Cody took the opportunity bucked his hips at a much faster rate, the sounds of sex getting louder as his heavy sac slapped against Riley's, the Dal's cock swaying back and forth like a huge, meaty pendulum.

The pain Riley was feeling was almost gone, replaced by pleasure. He could feel something happening in him, he did not understand why it felt so good, but Cody's cock was pressing against his prostate on the inside, and had he not had an orgasm already, he would be having it soon.

Since this was his first time, Cody was not going to last very long, before he knew it, he could feel his balls getting very warm and start to tingle. The tingling felt amazing, even better than when he had pawed off. His large balls contracted, he could feel something coming.

"Oh shit...Riley...I think I'm gonna...Ughhh...Ahhhh!!!" At that moment, his cock throbbed hard deep inside of the Dalmatian, and with a final thrust and an arch of his back, a great eruption of semen gushed out of his cock. He grunted for every shot he sent into his friend, he must have grunted at least a dozen times. Riley moaned loudly as he felt a great warmth spread inside of him, it was actually very comforting.

Cody gave his friend quite a load, filling him up so much that cum started to leak out of Riley's ass and make a white trail down his crack and drip down his ball sac. The smell of Cody's cum filled the tent as they both panted heavily; trying to catch their breath from the moment they just shared.

Cody could feel his body relax from the intense orgasm, and he slowly lowered himself on top of Riley, who was also slowly lying down under him. Cody could feel the sweat from Riley's back soaking into his chest as they both were now lying flat on top of each other on the mattress.

They just laid there for a few minutes, their heartbeats slowing to a normal pace and their breathing returning to a relaxed state. Riley said the first words.

"Cody...did you like that?" He turned his head to the side so he could see the Dingo out of the corner of his eye. He saw him smile.

"Yeah, I liked that a lot, that was the greatest feeling I have ever felt, I had always wondered what it would be like, but it was so much better than I imagined!" He licked Riley's cheek, making the Dalmatian smile back.

Riley wanted to see his face better. "Cody...could you...take your cock out of my ass so we can...get comfortable?"

Cody chuckled a bit and picked himself up off of Riley, his now limp cock popping out of the loosened tail hole as a strand of cum stuck to the head. He moved to the left, and Riley turned so that they were facing each other, smiling wide as they looked into each other's eyes.

"Cody, I am getting tired, lets turn out the light and get some sleep...I don't think we need the sheets since it is so hot." Riley put his arm around Cody, his paw caressing the Dingo's back.

Cody reached up and pressed the button on the battery powered lantern, the tent went dark, the only illumination coming from the moon and stars. Cody's paw came back down and caressed Riley's cheek. He leaned in for a kiss, both of them closing their eyes as their lips met.

Riley pulled back and giggled. "Next time, I get to mount you."

Cody smirked and licked Riley's nose. "Your cock is really big, it will hurt a lot, but we have all summer to practice." He could feel Riley's flaccid member brushing against his thigh, he was going to have a lot of fun with it.

Riley kept his grin, pleasurable thoughts entering his mind. "This is going to be a great summer...Cody...I...I love you."

Cody was not really expecting that, but he made up his mind that he was happy with what he had done, and wanted to be that way. "I love you too, Riley, let's get some sleep."

With that, they pulled each other close and started to doze off with pleasurable memories, a hopefully bright future, and their heart beats and gentle breathing to lull them to sleep.

One of the last things Cody remembered before sleep was how he decided it was now alright to sleep with another guy on the same mattress.

******* ******* *******


Well, I hope you enjoyed this little romp in the backyard!

Please tell me what you thought about it! I love feedback.

Also, I tried using different doggy parts, instead of a knot and sheath; I used normal style junk, hehe.

Thanks for reading!