A Tale of Two Artists, Friendship, and Loss

Story by ilbv on SoFurry

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#58 of Miscellaneous

Actually writing this choked me up.

I didn't realize how much this kind of thing hurts.

I know it looks like a complaint piece, but please try and realize that its also someone hurting, and not knowing how to ask for help, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to make the hurting stop.

Once there were two friends, they were artists together along with many others in a big office. A promotion was coming up and everyone was very excited, but only one person would get the position.

The two friends sat beside each other at their own desks, one sat at a desk labeled Desk A, and the other side at Desk B. We will refer to them as such for the duration of this story.

"Hey what you think of this picture?" Desk A asked. Desk B rolled over on his wheelie chair to take a look. "That looks really good, you are improving well. What do you think of mine?" Both rolled over to Desk B and Desk A observed the picture. "Oh my gosh that is incredible! I seriously love your work and this is amazing!" "Thank you" Desk B said. "You are a talented artist too you know." Desk A blushed, "really you think so?" Desk B nodded and smiled. "Absolutely there's no doubt in my mind that you'll get the promotion."

One day a customer entered the office. "I would like to pay for somebody to draw me a spectacular picture." The customer said.

The boss handed the customer two folders each containing work from artists at Desk A and B and a list of their credentials and information.

Desk A Employed for six years Hard worker Does very best No reviews Skill level: low In desperate financial need

Desk B Employed for two years Does the job Extremely talented Critically acclaimed reviews Skill level: very high Wealthy

The customer sniffed and hand folders back, "Well clearly I know who I want to hire."

The job went to Desk B and after the completed piece was submitted to the customer, Desk B was tipped generously. "Truly stunning work! I am absolutely pleased. I will certainly shop here again!" The customer said beaming with pleasure.

Several weeks later the big promotion was announced. Desk B won the honor. He turned to Desk A with an embarrassed look on his face. "I'm so sorry, I guess I was wrong."

Desk A shrugged and patted his friend on the back. "Don't be sorry, you are really talented and I am so proud of you, and you completely deserve it."

"Thanks. I'll get to move up!" Desk B said excitedly. Desk A smiled, he was genuinely happy for his friend, he loved seeing people happy and growing in their skill. He was so dedicated to the happiness of his friends, that he never really paid attention to himself, and no one else did either. No one tried to make Desk A feel special or important, because he really didn't deserve it, he wasn't like his friend Desk B. "Try not to forget about me", Desk A said, biting his lip.

In the following week Desk B moved out, he got his own bigger office, was given connections to other famous artists, and had a paycheck beyond his wildest dreams.

Desk A remained in his old office alone. He would sketch and draw and try his hardest and very best to please any potential customers who looked at his folder, He thought he was improving very well, but now that he was alone, he had no encouragement from his friend. He hoped that one day he would become great and be given the chance to draw something for someone important, but he never was hired, any job would go to someone else every time, someone who could better please the customer than himself.

Desk A would exhaust his resources in creating work for artists he liked, to surprise them and offer them gifts. He hoped he could network himself, get out there and make a name for himself. Receivers of his gifts were surprised and seemed genuinely pleased and touched by such a kind gesture, he would be thanked and if lucky was given a hug. No artist ever really made contact with him again after such an interaction.

As time went on no one new replaced Desk B in the old office, so the boss went to Desk A and said, "We're making some cutbacks." Blood left Desk A's face, "but then what happens to me?" Desk A was slowly rising in a panic. The boss tried to look sympathetic but was blunt, "You haven't made a sale in ages. Your skill level is not valued here anymore, there are others better suited for the job, you are dismissed."

"But where will I go?" The boss left the room, and as he shut the door he said, "Not here".

Meanwhile Desk B rose to fame. He was known everywhere by everyone and he made a killing with his skill. Everyone wanted to hire him. He was an inspiration to many, and helped launch dozens of careers. He never saw old friend again. He didn't even remember his name.