Survival of the Fittest: Tonza/Daereardul Vs. Kristen/Kaelin

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#14 of Survival of the Fittest

Tonza and Dae the dragons Vs. Kaelin the fox and Kristen the dracowolf

All characters copyright their respective owners.

It's guys vs. girls in this doubles challenge!

Tonza groaned loudly as he awoke, his hands clasped against his head as he rolled back and forth. He still felt groggy, but the more the dragon began to move around the faster the last of the drugs in his body seemed to leave his system. He heard the creak of leather as he tried to stand up and when he looked down he saw that his arms were restrained to his body and his legs were bound together in a similar fashion. Everything seemed to be wrapped up in some kind of binding, even his muzzle was bound shut by a tight hood that left only his eyes uncovered. When he looked around as best he could he saw Daerevardul a few feet away from him, the silver scaled dragon also had stirred and found himself in a similar predicament.

"Why hello there, my draconic duo." A silver dragon said as he appeared on the screen. "Welcome to Survival of the Fittest, my name is Argos and I'll be your host. This round has a number of interesting pairs, one of them being guys versus girls. Since we have such a unique dynamic I thought it only fitting that this round be themed to something that both genders enjoy equally. So are you ready for your challenge?"

Both dragons tried to let out sounds of protest, but with their mouths gagged by the tight hood all they could let out were muffled grunts and groans as they continued to struggle around. "I thought as much." Argos said with a smirk. "Luckily we have a very special challenge for you that doesn't involve much in the way of moving or really anything that involves such skill. Yours will be... resistance based instead, all you have to do is not climax for the next minute and you'll get quite the advantage. Of course this would be no fun if you just got to lie there and think unsexy things, so I've arranged some extra incentive."

Dae and Tonza looked at each other with wide eyes, then turned around as they heard something begin to rise up from the floor beneath them. Both of them tried to roll away, but all they managed to do was flop about slightly as two panels opened from the floor. They watched as two glass cages came up from them, another pair of dragons covered in what looked like full body rubber suit stood there with their eyes closed. As soon as they were in the room their eyes opened, both contestants let out a muffled cry as they saw nothing but solid, shiny orbs of latex as their tapered tongues began to slide out of their mouths.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that they have only the purest of intentions." Argos said with a chuckle. "Now since this is a resistance challenge you really don't need it, but I figured to keep with the theme I'll give you ten second to tighten your resolve or something, and then you'll one minute before the round is completed. Good luck!"

Both Dae and Tonza let out loud groans at Argos as the silver dragon disappeared from the screen, and when it was clear he wouldn't come back the two instead turned their attention to the monstrous creatures just a few feet away from them and to the binds around their bodies. As the ten seconds continued to count down from the clock Tonza flexed every muscle he had and was rewarded with a loud snap, one of the unseen seams on the tight leather growing loose as he continued to wiggle. With a bit of effort he was actually able to get one of his arms to get free of the restraints. He had just enough time to paw the clasp on the lower section of his hood and shout out Dae's name before the timer hit zero.

In the next second a new timer had begun to start from one minute and the glass that separated them from the rubber dragons disappeared. Tonza tried to use his newfound freedeom to get to Dae but with most of his body still restrained he couldn't get close enough as one of the dragons picked up the silver-scaled dragon and braced him against the wall. Dae tried to wiggle out of the rubber dragon's grasp but the creature proved to be as strong as it was muscular as it looked at him with black, pupil less eyes. Despite the terror of the situation the extremely well-toned male proved to be enticing as well, the bound dragon unable to keep his exposed cock from twitching as the latex-scaled dragon leaned in close.

Dae could only watch as the dragon's tongue slithered out of his mouth and stuck itself into the hole that was in the leather mask he wore, his maw suddenly filled with the rubbery appendage. The leather straps on his body creaked as he was pushed up against the smooth wall of the room. All Dae could do was take it as his throat bulged out from the latex tentacle pushed into his throat. As his eyes rolled back in blissful pleasure a voice began to ring in his head, a powerful monotone that told him that he could experience all the joys of his kind if he would just submit.

Meanwhile Tonza continued to struggle against his assailant, using his free arm in order to try and wrestle away the rubber dragon as the black tentacle tongue licked against his face. "Not even going to take me out to dinner first?" The leather-bound male said as he balled his hand up into a fist and hit the dragon square in the jaw. Though it didn't seem to harm the latex-clad creature at all it did cause him to stumble back a few feet. Tonza took the opportunity to roll back a bit, and though the creature quickly recovered it was precious seconds that helped keep them in the game, though the rubbing of the leather straps and rubber coating against his scales has caused his exposed cock to harden.

As Tonza backed away from his potential conqueror Dae's body had become completely consumed by the blissful pleasure that his own captor had given him. By now the thick rubber cock of the other dragon had pushed into his tailhole, Dae's exposed toes curled in bliss as his silver scales began to shine more and more unnaturally. Even if the restrained dragon was able to escape he wouldn't want to, and as his eyes opened they were solid silver, just like the pure black eyes of the dragon that plowed into him as Dae's cock began to throb and expand.

Inside the dragon's mind however a battle still raged despite the outward submission of his flesh to the rubber that was pumped inside his body. Dae could still feel everything, in fact it was sharper then before as his muscles began to expand. At first he thought that his new musculature would help him break the straps, but as he continued to grow the leather straps began to stretch as they turned to more flexible rubber ones. He could feel himself become more powerful every second the strange material was inside him, just like the monster male that pushed his latex member inside his mutating body. The rubberizing dragon felt his cock twitch from the sheer pleasure of his corrupting flesh, which throbbed and pulsed from the sheer bliss. It took every fiber of his being in order not to cum, his entire body twitched and shuddered.

Tonza meanwhile continued to wiggle out of the other dragon's gasp, and though he had managed to evade the rubber monster so far he was dismayed when he looked up and saw that there was still thirty seconds left on the clock. When he looked over at his partner the red-scaled dragon's maw was opened in shock as he saw the last of his scaly flesh get covered by the assimilating rubber. "Stay strong Dae!" He shouted before he felt something strong wrap around his wrist, and when he looked down he saw a black tentacle that had been the dragon's arm envelop his forearm.

"Get off!" Tonza shouted as he flexed his muscles and tried to tear himself away, though it was hard to get any footing with most of his body still bound in leather. He slipped and fell on his back as the rubber dragon straddle him. Though he hadn't been focused on it as soon as the latex scales rubbed on his draconic prick he realized that he was hard as a rock. His strapped legs twitched and shuddered as the latex-scaled dragon's pucker began to slide over his erection. He gasped openly as the slick walls of the other male squeezed on his shaft, his maw quickly covered by the creature and felt the corruptive latex fluids began to flow down his throat.

As Tonza began his sexual encounter Dae could feel the bigger male begin to buck even harder into his stretched, rubberized tailhole, which caused the dragon to let out a muffled cry of bliss. Dae's tongue, now the same silvery rubber as the rest of his body, began to slide out past his lips and began to curl around the thick appendage that filled his maw. The two rubber dragons continued to rut against each other in lust as Dae felt the muscles in his back twitch once more, the synthetic scales split open as two sets of tentacles burst out just underneath his restrained wings. The competition no longer mattered to him, only his impending release as the two rubber dragons continued to copulate.

Both Dae and his new lover's cock erupted as Dae's mind completely succumbed to the corruptive pleasures, the last of his normal cum jetting out before it was replaced with silvery latex cum. As soon as he finished the black-scaled dragon pulled his rubber cock out of the other male's body. The rubberized straps no longer restricted Dae's movement and only accented his new musculature, as he slid back down on his feet he was able to stand upright. When the two reptile's cocks stopped dripping their fluids they remained hard and they looked down at Tonza with their tentacle tongue's licking their lips.

Tonza could only watch as his partner succumbed to the lustful embrace, then looked up and saw that there was only fifteen seconds left on the clock as his partner and the other dragon began to walk his way. He could already feel his own conversion begin to take hold deep in the root of his psyche, and it looked like the problem was about to be compounded as his former teammate stopped a few inches away and looked down at him with silver eyes. Thankfully the two didn't do anything, just stopped there and watched as the dragon was pleasured by his rubbery captor. As the rubber flowed over his muzzle and across his groin it turned a bright red and sealed tight to his scales.

With only ten seconds left on the clock Tonza switched tactics and tried to resist the internal corruption instead of trying to resist the one corrupting him. Plus the pleasure was so exquisite that his entire body shuddered from it as the corrupted dragon slid up and down on his rubberized pole. There was only a few seconds left and Tonza began to mentally count them down as the rubber began to creep over his eyes and turned everything red. He could feel the urge to transform and corrupt others begin to bubble up inside his psyche just like the red rubber that began to spill out from the edge of his mouth as his tongue began to extend unnaturally.

Just a few more seconds... Tonza thought to himself, though he knew he was fighting a losing battle at this point. His pectorals began to twitch and swell as two tentacles pushed their way out and he could feel his back begin to writhe with more as the corruption took hold. His mind began to drift away from the competition though, his mind filled with images of what he could do with his new body to other males and the pleasure he could give them. As the rubber covered the last of his body he could feel his cock begin to grow even more inside the monstrous dragon, Tonza feeling himself building quickly to climax as their thrusts grew more in sync...

A sudden buzzer caused all four rubberized dragons to look up, seeing the numbers on the timer were all zeroes. "Well well, wasn't that a close call." Argos said as he reappeared on the screen while the rubber, leather, and tentacles sloughed off from the two dragon's bodies. As they watched themselves return to normal the two corrupted dragons stood up and silently walked back to the original area. "Congratulations are in order though after having squeaked by and we have a parting gift for the both of you."

The two looked at each other in confusion, then took a few seconds to examine each other. When their backs were turned he saw that their wings had turned to rubber, and as Tonza reached over to Dae's back it seemed to curl around his finger on its own accord. "Well, now that you've done that, why don't you move on out to your next challenge?" Argos instructed as a door opened while the cages popped up around the two rubber creatures, both dragons looking at them with a mixture of uncertainty and longing. "And don't worry, if you lose in the next round I'll be sure to reunite you two to them."


It was Kristen who awoken first, the vixen curled up on herself for a second before she realized that she was both in an unfamiliar place and completely naked. At first she thought that she might have been alone, but as she heard a loud groan her heart was lightened by the fact that there was a female dracowolf next to her. "Kaelin?" She said as she shook her, breathing a sigh of relief as she heard her moan and start to stir.

"Kristen, is that you?" Kaelin asked groggily as she got up. "What happened? Last thing I remember was getting those drinks... either that was one hell of a party or some foul play was involved."

"No foul play here my dears." A voice echoed throughout the empty room, both females turned to look behind them to see that the steel wall had turned into what looked like a window with a silver dragon that stood in front of it. "Hello Kaelin, Kristen, my name is Argos. Welcome to Survival of the Fittest, as our only pair of female contestants I'm very interested to see how well you'll perform against a male-dominated competition, especially since you're going up against a team of male dragons. But enough of my blathering, are you ready for your challenge?"

The two of them gave each other a look, then back at the dragon at the screen. "I will take that as a yes." Argos said before they could ask anything. "Alright, we have four very special helpers on this one, if you'll just take a look on the other side of the room..." Kristen and Kaelin both turned around, just in time to see two creatures come up from secret compartments on the floor, one of them a male fox while the other was a male dragon and both bound with leather straps. "There they are."

"Wait, I thought you said that there were four helpers?" Kristen asked as she looked at the two unremarkable males.

"Ah yes, the two males that are there." Argos said as he pointed at them. "And then there are the two incorporeal creatures that will come at the round's start. What you have to do is prevent yourselves from becoming completely corrupted and submit to the will of the creatures that are about to possess you. Of course considering the nature of the spirits we have provided you with some ways to vent some of that excess corruption, though whether that's a boon or a hindrance has yet to be seen. You have one minute to resist with ten seconds beforehand to plan, though as I told the other two it's not really that kind of challenge that needs planning. In any case, good luck!"

Kristen and Kaelin looked at each other as the silver dragon disappeared, then at the two males that accompanied them in the room as a ten second timer began to countdown. "Well now do we do?" Kristen asked no one in particular as she waved provocatively to the male fox, who grinned sheepishly and waved back at her as best he could. Kaelin saw her flirting and smacked her hand down, though she looked down at the dragon that was presumably for her and couldn't help but feel the flush of arousal as well. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves..."

Before the two females could take a step forward two glittering clouds of mist suddenly darted in front of them, the forms roiling like a shiny thunderhead cloud as the two saw their time run out on the viewscreens that surrounded them. In the next instant they gasped in surprise as the clouds formed a vaguely reptilian shape before they darted forward and engulfed the two contestants. Both Kaelin and Kristen managed to remain on their feet as they felt every orifice get filled with the shiny mist. Their eyes rolled back into their heads as the mist flowed into their mouths, ears, and nostils, as well as their tailholes and feminine slits.

The possession took less than a second and when the last of the black vapor entered their bodies, which shuddered in bliss. The areas where the gas entered had become shiny and black and the males began to back away in slight fear. Kaelin was the first to recover from the ordeal, her hands pressed against her fur as she could feel the strange entity inside her body since everywhere it seemed to move gave her a tingle of pleasure. When she looked down at her fingers and arms she saw her skin squirm, the muscle swelling out her fur before her gaze turned to the male that had managed to roll himself back towards the wall.

At the same time Kristen had already taken a few steps forward the fox, her white fur growing even moreso as the stands that had become corrupted by the creature inside her turned unnaturally shiny. It didn't take long for her to realize that the misty being wasn't going to cause her any pain, on the contrary it seemed that it only caused her pleasure. As she pushed a finger into her slit not only did it cause her knees to nearly buckle from the sheer lust but she also felt that her nether lips had become completely covered in a rubbery substance.

"You and I are going to have some fun." Kristen said with a grin as black latex began to drip from her muzzle. She could already hear the whisper of the creature that possessed her in her mind, but she decided to try and indulge the lustful aspects of the challenge to occupy herself and not become corrupted by the creature inside her. Before the restrained male could do anything she pulled off his mask and kissed him on the lips. She could see the male's eyes roll back into his head as his cock suddenly came to life, the vixen could feel it throb against her body as her tongue continued to slide into his maw to surprisingly inhuman lengths. When their embrace finally ended she pulled her head back and was surprised to see that the now shiny-black appendage had not only grown to nearly a foot in length and wiggled about on its own accord.

Kaelin sat down on the side of the room and watched Kristen seduce the fox male, feeling the pangs of lust spread up her body as the two foxes continued to lock lips. Her gaze moved over to the bound dragon instead, who looked up at her with a pleading look in his eyes. At first she was going to just ignore him, but after a few seconds she decided to go over and at the very least remove the straps from his face and arms to give him a little bit more mobility. "Here you go, a little more... uh..." as the dracowolf's hands went down to undo the arm straps they subconsciously drifted downwards, and before she knew it they had begun to free the member trapped inside the leather thong. The dragon male gulped as Kaelin's moves became more deliberate, and before he knew it Kaelin dived down on his half-erect member and coated it with her thick, black saliva.

Meanwhile Kristen had also undone the straps of the fox's groin, giving a small murr of approval as her finger ran across the throbbing length. The male fox let out a small gurgle as the latex that the possessed creature's tongue had pumped into him began to drip out of his mouth and nose. So far the fox's plan seemed to be working, even though her fur had become completely synthetic and her tongue was nearly a foot long she had remained remarkably clear headed throughout the ordeal. She decided to continue on her gameplan and grabbed the male's cock, rubbing it up between her breasts. As she did she realized with some amusement that she had gained a cup size since her transformation began, which she fully used to her advantage.

As Kristen looked over at Kaelin while she pleasured the male she looked over at his partner and saw that she had not only begun to engage in intercourse with the restrained dragon male but had eagerly gripped the straps on his chest and sunk his draconic prick deeply into her inner folds. At first she was about to call out that she was looking good, but she noticed that there was an almost predatory look in the dracowolf's eyes as she impaled herself on his shaft. The dragon beneath her was not faring any better, the leather straps that he was bound in creaked and groaned as both their bodies began to expand with muscle. "You won't turn on me like that, would you?" Kristen asked the fox, who promptly shook his head as she undid the straps on his body. "Good, then instead of me corrupting you with our fun lets have you take me instead."

The fox's eyes seemed to widen at the proposition in disbelief, but when Kristen turned around and got on all fours his disbelief turned to joy. As she turned back to see him she could see that the black ooze had begun to leak out his ears as well, which meant that the corruption had probably already set in. With only thirty seconds left in the round though she figured it was still the best route, especially when she could feel the creature inside her writhe in protest. Not only did the tentacle in her mouth slide out but she could also feel her nipples begin to expand out unnaturally.

Kaelin panted heavily as she continued to ride the dragon's cock, the male twitching on the ground as his scales bulged out from the tentacles that formed underneath. Part of her mind was telling her that she needed to get off of him, that despite the intense pleasure that the large member was causing her pussy they would lose if she succumbed to the creature inside her. She could feel not only more and more of her body succumb physically and become rubber, but her soul as well. The voice of the creature was as smooth and sweet as honey, and its words made more and more sense to her. She could become a creature of corruption and covert others, coating them and making them into rubber creatures just like she was becoming. Her panting muzzle began to curl up into a grin as she and the dragon beneath her both arched forward and kissed each other deeply with entwined tentacle tongues.

"Well that's not good." Kristen said as she stood there on all fours, black latex dripping copiously from her own rubbery mouth, nose, and vagina as the male fox straddled her hips. "Looks like it's all up to me now!"

The corruption had worked wonders on the male fox, the rubbery rod nearly twice the length as what she remembered. As she looked up at the clock she saw that there was only about fifteen seconds left on the clock, but with Kaelin apparently down for the count she had to hold out for that entire time. Her latex-covered tongue lolled out as her snatch was filled to its stretch point and beyond, though all she could feel was her walls gripping the tool tightly between her legs. She could still hear the creature whisper in her mind to take the male fox for all he's worth and then continue on its corruptive rampage on any others, but with the male taking the lead she could focus entirely on his blissful thrusts and distract herself from the voice in her mind.

"Oh GOD, can I take you home with me?" Kristen cried out, though her words were garbled as her tentacle tongue wrapped around her own breasts and teased her nipples. The loud sounds of squeaks and moans filled the air as they fucked, and once Kristen saw their timer tick down to zero she flipped herself over and straddled her legs around the corrupted male and urged him deeper into her feminine depths.

Suddenly both males stopped, and as Kaelin felt the impossibly long tongue and cock withdraw from her body she suddenly became far more clear-headed. A small measure of embarrassment came over her as the rubber sloughed off her body, but before she had too much of a chance to ruminate over it she felt the entity that had corrupted her leave her body. "Ah, I see our guests are vacating." Argos said as he appeared on the screen while the two females had the shadowy figures leave out their mouths and nethers. "Though not completely, as part of your gift is from them as a reward from good job."

When they finally completely regained control of their bodies they looked down to see that there was one last tentacle that stuck around, their feminine lips parting as a thin rubber tentacle parted them for a second. "Whoa." Kaelin remarked, still feeling a little bit of the corruptive nature of the creature that had been inside her. "That's amazing..."

"I would say so." Argos replied as the rubber males went to certain spots on the floor and became encased in glass. "I would like to thank our males, though I'm sure they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. If you two will head on through the door I'm sure we can find another set of males for you to beat next."


"Well this competition certainly had an interesting start." Daerevardul said as he looked back at his shiny wings, the silver rubber faded into the red just like his old ones as they walked down the dimly-lit corridor. "I suppose I should have expected such a thing when we answered an invitation to be dimension hopped into a party by a mysterious benefactor that drugged and kidnapped all of us."

"That's certainly one way to put it Dae." Tonza replied, his hand against the wall to aid him as the two dragons walked side by side. "Hey, I think I see a light, looks like the hallway opened up."

The two darted forward and found themselves in a bar, a juke box playing in the corner and several dart and pool tables set up. As they continued to walk in they immediately saw two naked females over near the bar itself, all four of them looking away from each other as soon as they realized they were nude. "Oh come now, no need to be shy, we're all friends here." Argos said as he appeared on all the TV screens that were situated throughout the bar. "Why don't you all have a seat at the bar and we can begin our head to head challenge."

"Hey, why don't you tell us what's going on?" Kristen asked. "Considering the intimate nature of these challenges."

"You're in a competition and that's all I can say." Argos replied innocently. "Now you four have been through a lot, how about a drink or two?"

"I certainly could use a drink." Tonza exclaimed.

"Good, because we're going to have a drinking contest." Argos explained as four shots suddenly appeared in front of them. "A bit of "Hair of the Dog' so to say, and the rules of the game are simple. Keep drinking until one team drops, although along with the typical fun that comes with alcohol we've naturally added a little something extra. When everyone's taken their drink a new one will appear and if someone hasn't taken a drink within a minute of the first person then they're out. That's about it, so you may take your first drink whenever you wish to start."

As Argos once more vanished into the screen the four once more looked at each other, then back down to the drinks that sat in front of them. "Well, naked and drinking with a guy and two girls, some would consider that a good night." Dae said jokingly as he picked up the shot. "What do you guys think?"

"I think we might be in trouble." Kristen whispered to her partner. "I mean we like our drinks, but I know I'm not good with a large amount of the stuff."

"Just do what you can, we can beat these boys." Kaelin whispered back before she grabbed the shot and gestured to the boys before downing it. The other three did the same, all of them shuddering slightly as the strong liquor went down their throats. For a few seconds they all looked at each other, and when nothing seemed to happen they looked down and saw their glasses had been refilled. "Huh, I thought there'd be more of kick to it."

"Maybe that comes later." Dae replied as he picked up the second round, though when he looked at his hand he was surprised to see that his scales had been replaced with a layer of silver fur. "Or not." Tonza looked over himself but didn't see anything, and then looked to the two girls. Kristen was staring at her feet as she watched them expand and Kaelin's scales had started to disappear and her wings shrunk slightly.

After their self-examination Dae was the first to take his second shot. The rest quickly followed suit, knowing that they only had a limited time. After they had finished they could already feel the alcohol kicking in as Kristen began to giggle despite herself, even as her claws began to thicken and her teeth sharpen. As her stance shifted as well it was clear what they were becoming, Kaelin letting out a howl herself as her muzzle became even more canine.

Once again Tonza looked to himself after the second shot and found nothing wrong with himself, unable to notice the thick pelt of soft fur that had begun to grow across his back. Dae on the other hand could watch as the silver fur continued to spread up his arms and over his biceps, which thickened considerably. "Werewolves, huh." Tonza said as he watched his friend flex his new canine handpaws. "Cool."

For the third shot it was Kristen who downed it first, the quick-acting transformative alcohol causing her to act a little loopy. Three more glasses slammed down behind it, and they all waited for it to affect their bodies. "You know, I could say it's not fair that girls are going up against guys in a -hic- drinking challenge." Kaelin said as she stood up, her tail fluffing out as her legs cracked into a more feral stance. "Though I think this is a completely different kind of drinking, which I thoroughly enjoy."

"You said it!" Kristen said happily as her vulpine head turned completely canine, her teeth formed into wicked fangs as her body shuddered.

"Girls are already drunk." Tonza remarked with a slurr, a grin forming on his face as his wings completely melted away from his back and became covered in a layer of red fur. Dae laughed, then shuddered as the fur flowed over his shoulders and onto his chest that began to swell with muscle. He seemed more affected then his partner, letting out an uncharacteristic growl as the fourth round appeared in front of them.

"Bottom's up!" Kaelin said and downed the drink, the other three taking a breath before they downed theirs as well.

"Whoo, that one I felt." Dae said as he put his canine paws on the bar and breathed heavily. The thick fur crept up his neck and swept down his chest as it became far more defined, while at the same time Tonza's back muscles cracked and shifted as his fur completely covered his back and down his tail. Both dragons could feel their bodies beginning to severely alter, more fur then scales now as they started to struggle to stay on their chairs.

Kristen set her head on her hand as the fur spread up past her groin which caused her to shudder from pleasure. "This is getting too intense." She said as her muscles bulked up. As a fox her body changed the least of the four, but it was still almost overwhelming as her claws gripped the wood of the bar. "You doing alright Kaelin? Kaelin?"

The transforming vixen looked to her side in time to see her partner's eyes turn a bright amber yellow, her draconic features completely disappearing as she slammed the glass on the polished surface. "Moarrrrrr!" She half-shouted half-roared before her eyes rolled back into her head and the naked werewolf fell back onto the floor. "Unnnngg...."

"Kaelin has been eliminated." A computerized voice announced. "Remaining contestants, please take your next shots."

The remaining three looked at each other, then at the amber liquid in the glasses that appeared before them. Tonza smirked and took up the shot, swaying slightly before he brought the shot to his still-scaly lips and downed it. Dae did the same, and finally Kristen before they all put their glasses down onto the bar. Dae was the first to start transforming, the fur that had stopped at his neck continued its advance and covered his muzzle that became more lupine in nature. It also spread down past his groin, his cock hardening as it altered into a more bestial form. "I'm in troubbbbble." Dae slurred with his transforming muzzle.

"Dae... Dae..." Tonza tried to reply, though his breath caught in his throat several times as his chest expanded and his tail turned completely into a werewolf's just over his hard cheeks. "Dae... you need... need to..."

Tonza was suddenly interrupted by a computerized voice. "Kristen has been eliminated." Both dragon's looked in surprise as the former fox had her fingers buried in her sex while her back arched from the conversion. Her breasts expanded and her face shifted, and as the white werewolf fell to the floor and on top of Kaelin. The two males couldn't help but watch as they began to kiss each other with a fierce passion.

"Congratulations Dae, Tonza." Argos said suddenly, the two looking up to see him on the screen once more. "You are the winner in this battle of the sexes round. How do you feel?"

"Er... good?" Dae said as the drunkenness that they had just been under lifted as quickly as they had been put under. Their draconic features quickly reinstated themselves on their bodies as the door opened on their side of the bar, the two dragons giving each other a reassured smile before they were prompted to walk towards the door. As they did so the lights in the room began to shut down, with only one over the two humping werewolf females.

"Oh, before you go..." Argos said suddenly just before they left. "You have one more choice left to make, now you can either choose to spare the two horny werewolves and let them continue in the competition, or do you wish to give them last call now and eliminate them?"

Dae and Tonza looked at each other and huddled in to discuss, and then after a lengthy debate Tonza was the one who looked back up at the silver dragon on the screen. "Well my partner wanted to give them another chance to stomp us." The red-scaled dragon said. "But in the end we're going to go for the win."

"Very good, continue onto the next room while I deal with our rather rowdy bar patrons." Argos said as he dismissed them. The two dragons nodded and left, and Argos looked back down at the two werewolves that continued to make out. "A shame that our only female duo got axed, but unfortunately for you two it's closing time." With that the last light went out, though the sounds of passion continued on in the darkness.