Story Commission: Foreign Policy, Chapter 4

Story by Sluimarath on SoFurry

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#4 of Story Commission: Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy, Chapter 4


(below you'll find 2 short chapters of scene continuity for the character Max; restart time back to the beginning of Khireseph and Ara's sex scene)


"Tonight I'll take a new direction," Max thought silently to himself as he slid through the dark waters of the bay, swimming toward the shore west of an inlet that opened to the sea. "And head them off halfway along... I'll wait for Ara's ship to pass by and make my move, and take Khireseph for my own."

The croc swam steadily toward the light that he saw shining in the distance, which he knew was the ship which Ara had arranged to take around the bay with Khireseph aboard and no one else.

The thought of that damned, deceitful Ara having her way with his lovely anthrodragoness so enraged the croc that he could think of nothing else except what he would do to Ara. Max quickly swam across the bay, and he arrived at a black rock that rose out of the sea near the western shore of the inlet. The rock was no larger than a pair of passenger vehicles parked next to one another and Max hauled himself ashore onto the rock and lay there basking on its smooth-eroded, wet black surface, with his arms resting by his sides and his dark green tail dangling in the water. A large seabird took off from the rock directly in front of where the crocodile had pulled himself ashore, and she landed on a high stone pinnacle well out of his reach.

His prick was still not feeling fully recovered since that fat bitch Ara had done her performance on him, Max thought. Thinking of the wolf made him snarl to no one that she was dead meat. Fortunately, after climbing out of the bay Max immediately spied the nest filled with eggs belonging to the mother albatross, which lay only a few inches away from his nose.

While the seabird sat on the pinnacle above, hid her bill underneath one wing, and shivered into her feathers on occasion, Max slithered forward and dipped his snout into her nest to feast on her young, to replenish himself for his coming date with Khireseph; he cracked open eggs, stuck his muzzle inside, drank the yolks and the clear, albuminous fluids, and then pulled out a muzzle all glistening and beslimed from eating.

A moment later Ara's ship hove into view from afar and floated right past him, and Max immediately pulled his snout out from the last of the empty eggshells to gaze lustfully at the ship. He greedily sucked the last albuminous fluid down his gullet and then wiped off his slimy snout on the back of a forepaw.

"There you are, my love!" he said, displaying all his fangs in a long grin. "It's time I introduced myself, Lady Khireseph!"

He flung the last empty shell at the mother albatross, who left her perch with a loud screech and flapped away. Cursing at the noise she made, Max dove back into the bay and swam briskly after Khireseph's ship, catching up to it within moments. He hauled himself aboard and climbed onto one of its metal pontoons, lying prone on his stomach as he had upon the rock, panting and listening to voices.

Lifting his head slightly, Max observed Ara sitting at the edge of the deck and dangling her tail off the side of the ship, and his ears detected snippets of speech:

"Ooh, Khireseph," he heard Ara moaning. "... can't lick out your pussy..."

Hearing this enraged Max so much that it immediately caused the croc to stand up on his hind legs. Using his tail to balance himself, he lifted his head and opened up his crocodilian jaws as wide as they would go, so wide that he couldn't see what was in front of him, and he prepared bite off a huge mouthful of Ara's tail.

Instead of biting Ara, however, he got a tremendous mouthful of Khireseph's excrement blasted down his throat, a torrent that struck the unsuspecting croc's open jaws with tremendous force and nearly knocked him backwards into the water. Max managed to hang on for several moments to what he thought was the roo's prehensile tail. In the midst of the blinding, foul-smelling shit-storm, he scrambled to grasp at it with both forepaws, but his short, scaly digits slipped on all the shit and he could not succeed in grasping it.

"Help! Agh!" he cried, as he tried to seize the tail in front of him.

All of the sudden the tail that he was trying to grasp lifted up with powerful force and struck the crocodile on the underside of his long muzzle, flinging him backwards into the bay. Max didn't land on water. Instead, he landed backside-first on a bed of sharp eggshells, and a pound of white fluffy albatross' down exploded up from the depths of the seabird's nest and covered him from the tip of his tail to the end of his snout with white feathers which stuck to him because of all the shit besmearing him, while tough eggshells crunched painfully underneath his rump.

All these things occurred at once and the croc's eyes opened wide. He let out a loud roar of pain a moment later from the center of the cloud of floating feathers.

While Max tried to pick sharp-edged, half-crushed eggshells out from underneath his backside, wincing and hissing in pain as he took each one out, he saw Khireseph's ship leaving and instantly panicked. The croc immediately scrambled to his feet and hastened to dive back into the bay but all of a sudden his eyesight was removed.

Seeing only black caused him to stumble and fall on the bed of eggshells a second time, falling on his stomach this time as the vengeance-minded giant albatross shat several pounds of white, sticky guano onto Max's already shit-and-feather-covered body. More eggshells crunched underneath the reptile's erect, salient cock as he fell forward onto his stomach into the nest, and moments later an enraged, panting Max dragged thick pawfuls of guano out of his eyes and glared angrily at the bird.

The mother albatross took off the moment she saw Max climbing to his feet, and he ignored her and concentrated on Khireseph instead for the moment.

"I'm coming, Khireseph, my love," he announced to no one.

After such a foul-smelling mistreatment and a humiliating fall Max's was feeling thoroughly stimulated; his long, tusk-shaped prick felt frustratingly and painfully erect, and bounced stiffly as he gathered his hind legs under him and prepared to leap back into the bay.

Max left the black rock for the second time, dove into the bay, and swam with all his might towards Khireseph's ship. After only a minute he realized that he would not be able to catch up to them swimming at his current pace, and he expended even more energy in order to swim even faster, putting his raging libido to work for him. The results were successful enough, but by the time the croc hauled himself aboard the pontoon's metal cylinder he was panting and quite exhausted.

Once more Max crawled on his belly along the huge pipe until he arrived at the spot where Ara that filthy kangaroo was sitting, dangling her tail off the edge again--

--directly over the spot where an immense brown stain was visible!

Max snarled in a fit of sudden fury. That wretched Ara had shit all over him!

Still recovering from his ordeal, Max heard Khireseph--HIS Khireseph--speaking to Ara, and to his horror she seemed to be begging the roo for mercy:

"Gods, Ara, I am so sorry for all this... Please please do not--"

That was all Max heard. Before he had finished listening he was already slithering across that shit-stained spot, heedless of what he was crawling through, until he lay where that bitch Ara was sitting directly above him.

He acted the same as before, standing tall on his hind legs and opening his jaws so wide that he wasn't able to see. Then he attempted to bite off the kangaroo's tail.

But his chance never arrived: before he was able to bite down the she-dragon had already switched places with the roo, so it was now Khireseph dangling her tail over the side. Her tail reflexively coiled around Max's head, instantly sealing the male reptile's jaws so that he could not scream, and draping a coil over his eyes. Moments later, seeming hundreds of pounds of foul excrement squirted forth from Khireseph's ass-hole, covering the struggling croc with sticky, slimy feces the consistency of paste. At the same time Khireseph's powerful, constricting tail swung Max into the side of ship repeatedly until the poor crocodile was so delirious and dizzy from all the collisions with the metal cylinder that he could hardly tell what was happening to him.

After being subjected to three minutes of this torment, Max felt the tail which he thought was Ara's (but which was actually Khireseph's) uncoil from around his head and fling him away from the ship with incredible power, so that he flew unerringly through the air, to land hard and jaws-first in the nest of the mother albatross.

Max crushed the remnants of the eggshells under his muzzle as he fell, sending up a second big explosion of seabird down that rapidly coated his filthy, brown-besmeared hide with another layer of soft, white feathers.

"Oh damn," Max swore, as he lay on his belly in the nest, rubbing the underside of his sore jaw. "Ooh, that wasn't good at all." His lower jaw ached terribly, and his prick felt ragingly hard underneath him. Every inch of his beautiful hide now felt filthy, and the smell was atrocious.

Then the mother albatross shit directly onto Max's head again while he was trying to rise dizzily from his prone position in her nest. Guano covered his eyes again and caused him to collapse on his belly in her filthy nest again, crunching eggshells painfully underneath his cock for the second time.

"Ooo, fuck you!" he growled. "Damn it, Ara, you bitch! You've had your last night of peaceful sleep. Now there'll be no more rest for you, and none for me" --the crocodile declared as he slid out of the nest and into the water again, and the bay began to cleanse the dragon dung and the feathers from his hide as he swam back towards the ship-- "until you're mine, my Khireseph, my lovely--ooh!" Max masturbated the filth off his erect prick while he thought of the she-dragon, and kept swimming. "Khireseph--hnnh--hnnh--my love--ooh--unnh--"

Max started to pant strenuously as he swam in the wake of the ship. The floating platform was moving farther away from him, forcing him to swim even faster. At last, one of his enfeebled green forepaws reached out of the water at the aft of the ship, then the other, and Max hauled himself aboard. He climbed onto the same enormous metal cylinder that bore the brown stains of what Max believed to be Ara's shit, but he was much too tired to feel anger at her now. Khireseph was all that mattered, but he must first remove Ara from the picture, first and foremost.

Slowly and with great pain the croc slithered along the large cylinder until he reached that spot directly beneath where the roo was still sitting with her tail dangling off the edge of the deck. She seemed as oblivious to Max's presence as he seemed oblivious to the feces through which he was crawling in order to reach her.

In his dazed state, Max heard Khireseph cry out as though she were in some mortal danger:

"Ooh! Ooh, stop it, please! Please please, why won't it stop? Oh no, noo, nonono..."

And afterwards he heard Ara telling her: "You're not exactly the dragoness I had envisioned. You're quite, er, inelegant."

Hearing this caused Max to shake his head in a sudden fit, one that instantly dispelled all the dizziness he had been feeling, and awoke a powerful rage within him. This insult to Khireseph had been too much; even half-dazed he was able to see that Ara must not escape punishment for her actions this time.

Once more, Max wearily climbed to his feet and slowly opened his jaws to finish the job. At that moment Ara farted loudly onto the croc's snout and then laughed about it. "Well," she said, after farting, "that was ill-timed."

Max stopped in mid-bite, blinking at the stench, and snarled. He then opened his jaws again as wide as they would open, and prepared to bite off Ara's tail as well as half the she-marsupial's rump. At that moment, however, the dragoness switched places with the kangaroo and Khireseph wrapped her tail around Max's head and covered his eyes as she had once before. An involuntarily motion from her coiling tail stuffed Max directly through the center of the life-preserver's ring which hung nearby, pinning his arms to his scaly sides and trapping him hopelessly. Immediately thereafter, Khireseph began the most violent beating of the croc's worn out, limp body against the side of the ship so that Max was soon dazed and stupefied beyond all measure.

Max never had a chance against her tail. He had no choice but to submit to being ceaselessly defecated upon, while his body was repeatedly swung into the side of the ship with the force of a battering ram. After being battered in this way for a terrifically long time, it seemed, Max felt the coils tighten around his throat. A weak cry escaped him, and then the end of his shit-smeared snout was thrust against the most flatulent of ass-holes for duration that lasted minutes. The shitting had ceased, but Max's captor farted on his snout continuously, blasting foul wind directly into the inert, helpless croc's nostrils.

"Oh... please... gods... rrrgh," Max moaned agonizingly through clenched jaws.

After a time the farting ceased, a moment after Max the crocodile felt the last of Khireseph's enormous farts blast against his snout, he felt the dragoness use her tail's full strength to cast his body across the bay, only it didn't work this time: Max was still stuck inside of the life-preserver, and the ropes retracted his body before he'd flown twelve feet and swung him back into the side of the ship.

The sound of the collision immediately brought Ara and Khireseph to the railing. As the two of them peered over the railing to look into the bay they discerned Max's shit-befouled, struggling shape stuck through the life-preserver's ring and tangled in the ropes securing the device to the side of the ship. They both saw Max's sharp-tipped prick distended from underneath his belly scales, oozing pre, and when he saw the both of them take notice of this he swallowed fearfully and ceased all attempts to escape from the trap. He displayed his fangs in a grin of helplessness. "Would it be all right," he asked them, "if I were to surrender now, right this moment?"

After the shock had left her, Ara started shouting: "Max, you filthy vermin! You loathsome perverted--ooh!" She gritted her teeth in a snarl. "How dare you come here and spy on the two of us! And look at you, wallowing in the stinking filth of other creatures, or is that your own shit, you wretched, vile--ugh! You loathsome, baseborn beast! I suppose that it wasn't only this she-dragon's foul farts I was smelling this whole time!"

Behind her, Khireseph cringed slightly.

"And to think you might've been watching us this entire time!" Ara continued.

"Yes, you ought to be ashamed!" Khireseph hastened to agree with her, although she spoke without much conviction. "Shame on you, Max. A handsome, sexy reptile such as you ought not to develop such proclivities. Ugh, it sickens me!"

Max's yellow eyes widened, and his prick grew an inch and a half. "Handsome? Sexy? Did you s--"

"You deserve far worse!" Ara proclaimed with grim finality. "Since you seem so captivated by this idea of having kinky sex with creatures larger than yourself, Max, and since I feel that no one ought to suffer the pain of loneliness--"

As she spoke, the kangaroo reached deep inside her pouch and withdrew from it a small bottle of clear glass, which bore a white label that read: "Bull Orca Pheromones, Formula XXX. Naturally Enhanced! Super Fast-Acting! Female-Attraction Agent!" Half a liter of clear liquid sloshed around inside the bottle, which Ara held up for Max to see.

"Ulp!" Max swallowed audibly. He trembled with fear and shook his head. "Oh no. Now, now, Ara... Ara, please let's not act rashly or out of spite or anything like that, uhmm... Please now, please don't do th--oh no," he whimpered, as she unscrewed the cap from the bottle, holding her nose away from its strong-smelling contents, and splashed a bit of the solution onto the end of Max's snout so that it landed directly on the croc's nostrils.

"Ooh, the stench is even worse!" Max cried out as the liquid landed on him, and he squirmed within the confining ring of the life-preserver, struggling to free his arms.

In the midst of his escape attempts, Max's scaly forepaws involuntarily wrapped around the shaft of his erect, straining cock, which his restrained arms did not prevent him from reaching. As he hung from the side of the ship, hopelessly entangled in ropes, the croc twisted in order to view Ara standing by the rail above him.

The roo grinned down at her shit-covered, humiliated foe and announced, "I suppose that stench thrills you as well, you foul thing! Yes, look at how huge your prick's become!"

"Oh no!" Max cried, glancing from her to his cock. "It won't go down!"

"And it looks like your loving companion is about to arrive," Ara declared, pointing away across the waves to where a large, glistening-black dorsal fin was cutting a path through the benighted waters, creating a visible wake of foam as it came toward the ship. "Farewell, Max, my love! Enjoy your newfound companionship!"

Max felt a tremendous weight crash down on top of him, plunging him tens of feet down into the cool waters of the bay, to where he could see nothing at all except the darkness and could hear nothing except the distant roar of the outboard motor above his head, as Ara's floating platform sped away across the waves with Khireseph aboard--his Khireseph. His consciousness dissipated as the huge she-orca swam towards the bottom of the bay, pumping her huge, powerful tail harder and faster in her hurry to reach some unknown destination, and then blackness engulfed Max and he lost consciousness.


Rapha the she-wolf walked alone along the seashore at night. She carried a pair of binoculars, and stopped frequently to put the seeing-lenses to her eyes and stare out across the waves at dark, navicular shapes near the horizon, shapes upon which usually only one or two lights shone. Rapha was not looking for a ship with lights, however; the one she sought would be dark, because Ara would be trying to hide.

As she strolled along the seaside sandbar the wolf spied a lagoon ahead in which something large, dark, and apparently quite alive wallowed lustfully in the shallows and made sexual noises, or so it seemed to her. Perhaps it was only an overactive imagination combined with her desire for Khireseph, but Rapha thought she heard a voice moaning which sounded all too familiar to her, providing her with further evidence that lust was indeed a factor.

Upon approaching the place where the huge shape was wallowing in the lagoon, Rapha observed from the shallows that it was the shape of a female orca that had partially beached herself in a shallow pool during low tide, and was clearly awaiting the arrival of high tide before she could swim back out to sea.

In the meantime, however, it appeared that she had found something to occupy herself. The orca was lifting and setting down her great, black tail as she raised and lowered her hindquarters, riding something that was clearly stimulating her vagina as she made high-pitched noises of pleasure.

Rapha could not see what was under the she-orca's tail and wished to do so, so she approached the creature's tail and lifted it to see what the whale had hidden under her that was stimulating her so much--

--and she saw Max the crocodile lying on his stomach underneath her, with half his muzzle shoved inside the she-orca's enormous, juicing cunt and the rest of his struggling body trapped under the whale's heavy middle. The half of Max's expression that Rapha was able to see appeared as one of bloodshot-eyed delirium and total exhaustion.

"Oooh," Max moaned in pain as Rapha lifted up the tail and peered underneath, and upon recognizing the croc she grinned.

"Why, hello Max," she said. "Enjoying some free time? Gave up on the dragoness already, did you? It's just as well, you know, because once Ara's been removed from the picture, Khireseph will be mine, there's no question."

"Oooh," Max answered, as the heavy she-orca rode his muzzle with undulations that nearly caused her sex to swallow the croc's entire head whole. "Rapha... please... help..."

"Of course I'll help you, Max, my love," Rapha promised maliciously, "for I still recall how you helped me not so long ago. Tell me, what is the matter?"

"Sea cucumber," Max gasped weakly. "Landed on... a big, thick one... up my ass... gods... another one... slid right over... my cock... I've cum so many... many times... ooooh, Rapha, please... Hurry! It won't stop! Please help, please..."

"Oh, of course, my love," Rapha replied cheerfully, finding one of the sea cucumbers in the shallow lagoon and holding it out of the water for Max to see, wielding it close to his yellow eye. "Hmm," the she-wolf said, "I have never seen a ribbed sea cucumber before. Does it hurt, my love?"

"Ooooh, you have to stop it, Rapha," he begged. "You have to... help..."

"I will," she promised. "But before I'll do that, you must tell me precisely where I can find Khireseph... You must, Max. I know you've seen her."

"I haven't," Max whined.

"Oh yes, you have, my lovely," said Rapha, and having said so she turned her fat rump towards Max and shifted it to rest partway underneath the she-orca's tail, so that the she-wolf's ass was pressed directly against the croc's throat, tail lifted.

"Oh no," Max pleaded with her.

"Oh, yes," the wolf said, and she farted loudly onto Max, while the croc struggled in vain to pull his snout out from the whale's enormous sex organ. "Tell me," she said, where you saw her last, you loathsome worm!"

"I have no idea what you mean!" cried Max.

Moaning in agony, Max withstood having a sea-cucumber stuffed inside his anus, having one that slid over his cock, having his muzzle shoved inside the huge she-orca's cunt, and being farted repeatedly upon by Rapha for as long as he was able to bear the pure torment. It was not long before the croc succumbed to the most wretched, gasping, and humiliating of orgasms underneath the enormous whale.

"Ooooh... gods... Rapha," he begged as quarts of crocodile cum pumped out of his throbbing, extremely sore cock.

"Where is she?"

"R--Rapha... y--you'll help me, won't you?"

"Sure, I will. So tell me, where last... saw her did you?"

"Unnnnnh, ah--n--northwest... maybe twenty miles... Swim north by northwest for twelve, thirteen miles... it has a motor..."

Max was subjected to another trio of farts as Rapha shoved her hindquarters hard against his head. "And you're sure that there's nothing else I need to know?"

"Ara has... gas... really bad..."

"Oh-ho, does she? Well, we'll see what she's able to do with it. I can hardly wait to teach that little bitch a lesson... right before I devour her whole. Unless she's in your stomach already, Max, my precious..."

"Er, no... ahm, Rapha... don't just stand there--unnnnnh... don't..."

"Well, I suppose I ought to be leaving now," the she-wolf announced with false remorse, and she farted loudly on Max a final time as the croc struggled weakly and a groan of agony escaped him. "Oh, here, before I go, I said I'd help, so--"

And having said so, Rapha turned around and lifted the she-orca's tail enough so that she was able to grasp Max's muzzle and pull it out. But instead of leaving it out, the wolf found a large sea cucumber and jammed it over the crocodile's long snout, so that the tubular sea-creature's thick, elastic body sealed his jaws shut.

"Uh nnh (Oh no)," was all that he managed to say in his inarticulate, clenched-jaw speech.

A moment later Rapha let the she-orca's tail fall back down on top of Max's face, and the sea creature's well lubricated pussy plunged back over the end of his muzzle, which was now ribbed for her pleasure. The result was an instantaneous increase in the whale's ardor, such that she was soon pounding away at poor Max and coming all over him, crushing him belly-down in the lagoon so that the tormented creature lay helpless in the lagoon, with two sea cucumbers stimulating his genital and anal regions in dreadful and unspeakable ways that caused him to cum all over.

The more Max squirmed and moved around the more it stimulated him, and the huge she-orca showed him no mercy, sliding her giant, pre-oozing sex up and down, up and down his muzzle, riding him as hard as she possibly could. Max voiced a whimpering cry of horror as the torment continued, while Rapha leaned down to smile at him where he lay trapped.

"Farewell, Max," she said. "I hope everything goes well for you tonight. I'll see you in the morning, at orders. Hopefully you'll make it."

"Rrrrrgh--Rapha," Max stammered frantically as the she-orca bounced her rear parts heavily off his saurian snout and drenched his scaly head in her feminine juices until every visible part of his hide glistened from slime. "Ouch! Ooh! Ow! Agh! Help! No!" Max cried over and over with each thrust. "Rapha!"

Max called for Rapha once more, but the she-wolf was already gone, walking along the sandy seashore in the distance while he remained trapped underneath the giant mammal, unable to remove his now-ribbed snout from her sex.

"Oh--damn--rrrgh," Max gasped pathetically with his jaws tight. "No--unnh--oh..."

Underneath the whale's huge midsection his chest and stomach heaved from panting. While he struggled to breathe, suddenly his straining prick decided that it had been pushed to the limits of what a sex organ is able to endure, and the distinctive tingling, warm, bursting sensation of orgasm surged unrelentingly toward its tip. Max gasped again, giving nearly the same speech as he tried to halt the onset of his impending climax, but it came out of him in moments, and at the worst possible time: while the she-orca's huge, drenching pussy was unleashing a tremendous flood of cum onto his face.

"Oooh, g--g--g--gods, ooh--" he stammered in a hiss of pure agony.

The orgasm came pounding out of his cock for minutes, it seemed, and it was prolonged by the horrendous climax of the huge female creature riding his sea-cucumber-enhanced muzzle like it was a whale's huge cock. Max had only a few more moments of wakefulness in him, and then all the strength seemed to leave him through the hole in the tip of his cock, along with an immense load of crocodile spooge, which he shot painfully into the one ribbed sea-cucumber, while his anus contracted involuntarily (and painfully) around the body of the other one that had been shoved up his ass.

"Ooh--oh--oh--g--g--gods..." were the only sounds Max was able to make.

Gritting his sharp fangs in a grin of pure helplessness, Max felt his conscious thoughts, which were already quite close to going black, literally pounded senseless by the tremendous forces of the orgasm he was having. Within moments, everything inside his head had gone black, and afterwards Max knew nothing more of where he was and what was taking place around him.


Written by Sluimarath in 2005