Joining The Pack

Story by DreamGod on SoFurry

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#3 of The Greatest Pack of All...

Whassup? That muhfucka Morpheus is back!!! Just in time for a new story(finally). With no further adieu, here's Part 2:

Joining The Pack

Darkness. Complete darkness surrounded Emanon. He was unconsious from the cold and pain. He heard a voice. It said, "A day's rations says I do this in one strike." Then there was swirling colors all around him. He felt like his entire body was flattened by a tree. Some of his ribs were broken from the fight earlier, but his whereabouts to Emanon were unknown. When his world came back together, Emanon woke up in a cave. Aside from these damaged ribs, he had an excrutiating pain in his right rear leg. Emanon leaned up slowly to look at his wound. Three scratch marks. They were humoungous; Emanon was very lucky. Bear claws can tear clean through cars. He tried to stand up, but his leg paralyzed him with pain. With a soft whine, he fell back to the ground. He felt like a complete wuss, on the ground bitching like this. Then he heard a noise. A twig snap. He was going to have to toughen up now. He started to get up, leg still hurting badly. To his surprise, he saw another wolf coming out from deeper in the cave. Somewhat small, fur whiter than the snow, whiter than clouds, whiter than the screen you are looking at right now. A female wolf; she was dragging in a huge block of meat. The wolf kept dragging until she finally stopped in front of him and nudged it his way. She was offering him food. Emanon was grateful, and displayed an unfathomable display of generosity by giving the wolf the slightest of nods, then started to eat. Continuing eating, he realized that this was the carcass of the bear that injured him earlier. They rescued him....He couldn't believe it. He continued eating with the female wolf. She, known as Saddiyah, was curious about this new presence. He looked strong. Maybe he could end this tyranny in the pack.... Speaking of them... She trotted back to the nethers of the cave. Inside, there were about five more wolves waiting. He was ready.

This pack walked out into this main region of the cave. Saddiyah followed, saddened by what she was going to have to see. The group approached Emanon, looking at him with strange eyes. The leader of the pack, a wolf with an abnormally brown color, started sniffing around Emanon's body. He felt tense as the cold, wet nose browsed through his fur. What were they doing? Rigent, the leader, continued inspecting this disputed "new member". Then, without warning, Rigent butted Emanon's side with his snout, forcing him to end up on his side. His injury pained him even further, but Emanon made no sounds. Invasively and roughly, Rigent started to paw around his captive's tailhole. Emanon couldn't move, but he growled with all of his vocal cords; that was one area that was not to be messed with. But Rigent didn't have time for this resistant shit. He leaped up and put a sharp claw to his neck. Then Emanon froze. He knew if he tried to fight back anymore, this leader guy would slit his throat open. Emanon decided to remain still. Rigent moved on and forced his tounge inside his anal ring! Emanon felt so humiliated, stuck with no way out. As the alpha pushed in deeper, forming an unnoticed erection, the grey wolf looked at the pack. Why weren't they helping him? Then he realized that the males were pantong in a voyeuristic(I don't even know if this is a real word, but if it isn't then the copyright goes to me.) manner, all with growing sheaths and cocks. Oh, God. He immediately found out he was going to get raped! Meanwhile, Rigent, still licking inside, battering his prostrate, was enjoying this more than ever. His swollen knot had become a noble pillar, twitching, waiting to get thrown into something. Sadly, its lust would soon be fed. Finished with his oral cleaning and lubrication, Rigent stood ready. Emanon was so horrified about this. Was joining the pack really worth it? But there was no turning back now, because without warning, Rigent mounted him sideways, thrusting as much of his 7 inch dick into Emanon's now violated tailhole. He couldn't help but whine as his new leader pushed deepr inside him. A few inches up, Rigent was starting to sweat, pushing in deeper, folding into more and more levels of pleasure. His knot started to get bigger, his dripping tip pounding into the caverns of what shouldn't have been. Like stuffing a sausage through the eye of a needle, he continued humping the wolf, testicles slapping the leg of Emanon.

Rigent kept going, pushing more in, then pulling less out. His paw moved towards Emanon's sheath and gripped it, attempting to make Emanon like it, but his stubby secret was shrunken in shame. His os bone(knot) had even diminished past the normal size. Nothing was coaxing this red monster out. Rigent was in as much estacy as his victim was in pain. Before long, Emanon went numb, losing all feeling, slowly starting to sink away from consiousness. He noticed the males, five of them, were desperatley trying to get some action as well. Penises dripping pre-seed without a hole to jam them in were in a different kind of agony. The females only looked with sadness, both genders knowing if they did anything to interfere, they would replace the fallen comrade. Saddiyah couldn't take anymore. She ran outside, regretting that she took him here. Regretting that she couldn't have mended his wounds. Regretted........saving his life.


Back inside the cave, Rigent was doing all he could to hold it in. His swelling knot finally invaded Emanon's personal space. His sweat was dripping all over his grey fur. Unconsious, Emanon was only pushed roughly by his heavy partner. Emanon was not even close to a virgin. Hell, his last patient is, as I type, pregnant with his babies!!! Oops....wasn't supposed to say that.....

Anyway, his only virgin body part was his asshole, and that was the only thing he wanted to stay virgin. But, now even that part was losing all clean credits. But he had to stop now. A female voice spoke in Emanon's head:

"Talk to me. Do I need to perform CPR?"

With a jolt, the grey loner's eyes split wide open, and squeezed his pink ring as hard as he could. That was it! Rigent yelped in a small burst of pain, but that was the trick. With one last thrust, he howled as he came hard in Emanon, covering the prostrate, intestines, and all guts within with potent, thick, stringy come. The knot was so excessivley big, they both had to wait for a painful two hours. At least. Our "hero" collapsed, tired from the horrible treatment. Rigent, however, was in Heaven. He had what must have been the best sex in his life, even though it was a rape. His balls, empty, were now contracting back towards the sheath, still engulfed in blood, sweat, and life. He panted, out of breath. Before he passed out from this hot, lusty romp, he licked the neck of his new confirmed bitch. Emanon resented this, and swore revenge, no matter what it took. Rigent finally fell asleep, landing on top of Emanon, gasping for breath. Oh, great. Now I got him on top of me all night. He looked to the right and caught the others in a pool of their own seed, mixed with fur and satisfied bodies, excited minds, and dreams of tomorrow...

Back outside, Saddiyah stood outside in the cold weather, and realized: I've got to help him. Bring him back to normal. Do all I can.No one else will help inside the pack, so I've got to do it myself. She looked back as a snowflake fell onto her back and immediately became invisible. She walked inside, saying goodbye to the cold embrace that she always loved in the winter. Back. To save Emanon.

Less than twenty-five miles later, a tiger woke up with a strange feeling in her belly..........

Allright, that's it for Part 2. God, I'm so tired. PEOPLE!!! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! Due to school and jobs I cannot continue until May 27. I am horribly sorry, but seniors, you know how it is... Once again, I apologize, but cum May, It'll be all done. I still owe you that driving story.......heh, heh, heh. Like always, any ideas, e-mail me at [email protected] Ok. Before you rate this a 3 or worse, check out my quote:


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I I This is the Church,

/\ This is the steeple,

Open it up, I LIKE black people!!!!

--George Bush