A True Leader

Story by Runningking95 on SoFurry

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ok everyone this is my first submission. I could not really find a fitting title so i just through something up there. Well,Please tell me what you think! id like to know. enjoy!

Maybe it was the way he thought; yeah that had to be it. He always though is scenarios or in the what if type of thought. He made rational judgment and decisions based off of all different variables in an event. Or maybe the way he acted; maybe that was it. All the kids at school always thought of him as a leader well whatever that was about because he didn't know how to be a "leader". Well what about his calm demeanor? How he remained calm no matter what? He always kept a cool head no matter what happened, from him being called out to a fight, all the way to being at gun point in a store being robbed, and everything else in between. He knew he was very calm but he never admitted it to himself and certainty was not one to boast about it. Although, he knew that being calm would help him out of intense situations, it was hard to not waver between the feeling of calm and being over whelmed depending on the situation of course. He was not fat, but big boned as they say he was very muscular but not cut. He looked as if he could hold his own in a fight ( which he certainly could) or needed to step in but never used his strength to bully anyone or for his own gain. He was more seen as a "protector", or at least that's what a lot of the kids said about him at school. Once again being the modest one, he never really thought of himself as the protector nor did he deny or accept the title. Honestly it didn't matter to him. All he thought about was what is happening like someone getting bullied or some type of problem when someone needed help is what really mattered to him. He was known as more of a peacekeeper along with the supposed tile of protector. As well as that, he did neither accepted or deny what it was.

` All these characteristics were of someone that just seemed to be right out of a superhero movie, or just too perfect. Almost like unreal. No one knew how someone could be so selfless and for the sake of others? Let me give you an idea of how his thought patterns worked. So if a store was getting robbed his first thought was him getting to that person to save them rather than the norm of people thinking "I got to get the hell out of here!" He always put others first no matter what, and even if he did get those cowards thoughts, he would rush in and help and then curse himself for his cowardice later. Of course no one is just born this way THAT; is downright impossible. Some like this is weathered into this way of thinking is forged from pain and suffering. He was not shy to pain and suffering. In fact this was the sole reason he was so against seeing people suffer. He empathized with the pain and suffering of others. He loathed seeing others in pain; at least those he thought did not deserve it. His painful past was an inch shy of torture. His father a heartless man toward him is the one to blame. As a child all the meaningless drunken rage beating he took from his bastard of a father. He was only called a failure and for what? Why would you tell an eight year old child he was a failure? Why? The child had barely experience life yet and already, a failure? The beatings intensified from using a belt with clothes on, to bending over a chair butt ass naked with a two by four. If the ridiculous proportioned beatings were not enough, just the fact that the father was a drunken lying cheating conniving brigand which left the most disgusted hatred feeling toward the father. And THIS was his role model? This is how he was supposed to model his life after, character? THIS disgusting parasite of a man? HARDLY. And if that was not enough, he had lost all any sliver of a molecule of respect after he saw his so called father strike a woman. At That point the boy just tolerated his existence is the best way to put it. The fact that the boy came from that thing's gene pool just utterly disgusted him. So after all of this he still for some reason had this feeling of love toward this ...this thing he was supposed to call father. For the life of him he could not figure out why? What was it that made him feel this way? At this point he may have realized in what little of an eight year olds rational mind that HE must be OBLIGATED to love his "father". The mother figured out what all was happening to the child. His mother bless her heart was THE sole reason why he continued to tolerate such a parasite as his "father". All he could do was confide in her all his soul because that was his TRUE role model. The most earnest, hardworking, sweetest, most truthful person he had ever known. It was like having Satan as a father and having an Angel as your mother at least that maybe the best comparison in a child's mind. The boy lived with this horrid person for about three more years. Keep in mind during all this time the child did end up having heart felt moments with this man from time to time but they were so few and far between that it was no comparison to all the havoc wreaked in this boy's life. From this; this is where he decided that he could not be like his father. NEVER will he be as sad and sadistic as that thing or organism he was supposed to call a father.

Well everything was going well; little did he know that there were things in play he had no clue of. Little did he know that the next month would change his life forever...