Dangerous Lunatics: Turning Point "Book 2"

Story by TokenNerd on SoFurry

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Dangerous Lunatics:

Turning Point

by Token Nerd

"I should never be left alone with my mind for too long."

? Libba Bray

Book Two:


Kimyono -

Kimyono sits straight her eyes wide open as the message repeats in her head.

" Holy! hey Marie sue!" exclaimed Kimyono in a hushed voice but when she looked over Mary sue was also sitting straight up with the same wide eyed expression as she had.

"Mary sue? do you think we sho.."

" Hell.Yes."

With that Kimyono and Mary sue got dressed packed their possessions in a backpack Mary sue had brought when they dropped her off here and they sneaked to the bathroom near the far end of the building luckily for them the night guard were lazy and had fallen asleep on their post.

" So what now?" asked Kimyono but before Mary sue could answer the wall next to them in the bathroom shifted and melted like it was made of wet clay and where the wall once stood solid and hard now stood a rather haggard looking bear kid his eyes sagging with black lines like he hadn't slept in days but all that was counteracted by his rather large smile.

"Hello we're here to break or melt you out depending on how literal you want to be." said Construct.


" Oh for the love god!! Please shut up!!!" Exclaimed barry

" I've got a bunch of lovely coconuts sitting in a row~ big ones small ones some the size of your heeeaaddd!~"

Barry wished he could cover his ears but being strapped down to a metal bed had restricted him to just laying his large bunny ears against his head. Jacob had been singing that stupid song for at least 3 hours Barry sweard that getting the occasional beating from the guards was more bearable than listening to Jacob ramble on with his insanity.

" Oh don't be like that Barry!! where luckily the walls are thin here! we get talk all the time"

exclaimed Jacob

"I much rather rip my own ears off then beat you to death with them" sneered Barry

" aahh~ Barry you always say such romantic things!~"

" I hate you so much"

" oh chill out today is the day we get out anyway!"

" The fuck you talking you insane bastard?"

" Oh you mean you can't feel it in the air!!?"

"...I wonder if i could choke on my own tongue."

" hahaha your a funny one Barry! this is why we're best friends~"

Barry groaned he sat there before getting the most excruciating headache which came with its very own signature by hers truly Connect which had barry jump up in his restraints and look around in a frantic state


" I know Barry looks like its our time to go~"

With a smile of his face Jacob went over to his little mattress and with a bit of a struggle managed to get out a sharp piece of metal with his mouth.

" I may not be Houdini but at least i know how to hide a knife~"

Barry laid in his his table getting a bit worried Jacobs silent struggles had ended about 5 minutes ago.

* I bet he gave up not even that loon could get out of a straight jacket.*

Barry was about to go on about Jacobs futile attempts in his head before he heard a click and a rather ragged wolf boy stood there as the door open his smile wide and his eyes wide and wild like that of a madman.

" Well then Berry dear you ready to have a night out in the town?~"

Barry just smiled it was probably the first time he was happy to hear the annoying wolf boys voice.


Construct smiled at the two awestruck faces of the girls his smile not wavering as he shuts off the tool he had used to melt the wall.

" I'm pretty sure you have questions and well i'm only going to answer one mostly for the fact we still have to get some of you out of here. So yea my names Construct like the name ensues i build things rather unique things really for example my little tool here." Construct holds out the tool which looked like some butchered defibrillator with wires and extra stuff grafted onto it." This baby more or less makes molecules not stick together anymore which is pretty nifty sad thing though it takes like 1.21 gigawatts to power this thing" Connection nudged him a serious look on her face as he chuckled at his own joke." Oh yes any way we better go get the others."

" U-uhm are you guys here to rescue us or something?" said a voice in a stall next to the the door.

"The hell is that you Donny!?" exclaimed Mary sue finally speaking up shaking out of her daze.

Donny came out of the stall steal in his pajamas holding a stuffed animal backpack a bit shaken up his fluffy hair poofing up.

" Uh uh i heard the thing so i came but you i heard you guys coming so so i hid in here" spluttered Donny.

Connection flew up[ her hands in exasperation" Come on guys we don't have time for this we gotta go before!-" Connection was getting a bit heated by was quickly silenced by the small explosion and then by the very annoying ring of the fire alarms.


" oh fuck yes!do another one Jacob!" laughed Barry as Jacob short circuited another computer making it shake a bit smoke coming out as it made popping sounds the screen itself melting a bit.

Jacob bows." now i do believe its your turn Barry !! come on don't be shy use it on that microwave over there!."

Barry hesitated as he looked back at the microwave." I-i don't know Jacob mine are different than yours there kind of....unpredictable."

Jacob laughs." its fine its fine go on now hurry!"

Barry walks over over to the microwave before taking in a deep breath and letting loose a sigh as he placed his hands on the sides of the microwave and tensed up his eyes shutting as he greeted his teeth. the microwave started to smoke where Barry hands where the metal turned red pieces started to melt the glass cracked right before the whole damn thing just exploded into flames.

" THAT WAS AMAZING!!!" Exclaimed Jacob as he hopped up and down excitedly as the the fire alarm sounded and water started pouring down.

" Oh shit Jacob the sirens!"

Jacob only laughs as he grabs Barry s hand and pulls him down the corridor straight towards the other kids on their way to escape.

"Shit Jacob will ya stop laughing and tell me where you're taking me!!?"

"To the bathroom of course!!" yelled Jacob as he bust through the womens bathroom and into the view of Kimyono,Mary sue , and the other kids.

"Well Hi there Mary Sue!!! you got the message too!!" exclaimed Jacob as he ran over still dragging jacob with him. " ooh i knew you were special too just like me and Barry here!!"

Mary sue smiled as she blushed a little, " Aw shucks Jacob you always know what ta say to make me smile!"

Construct looked at all the kids now in the bathroom as the alarm blazed and water dripping on them. " Well as much as i would love to be socked down to my boxers i think it would be best if we ran the fuck away, any complaints?"

With that all the children chuckled to themselves as they made their way through the opening in the wall all of them with a glint of hope in their eyes that things will start to get better.

Mary Sue-

" So Construct right? The hell we gonna do now?" Questioned Mary sue as she sat upon a crate, The group had finally made it out from Golden Garden and after running and dodging a couple of police cars and fire trucks the group found refuge at the edge of town in Storage enclosure , Constructs tools making it easy to break into one of the storage units.

" Well we originally planned to get you out of here after we got some stuff but SOMEONE set off the alarm and if they haven't noticed that five kids are missing by then they sure do now." Construct looked a bit irritated as he answered the question.

" Oh calm down you big worry wart everything is still kind of going by plan." mentioned Connection. " Well to answer your question Mary we kinda got ourselves a ride or get away vehicle if ya want to be all super spy about it."

At this Subsonic and Donny chuckled the two boys sitting right next to each other as the others talked. Subsonic raised his hand and waved it at Connection a silly smile on the bat boys face.

" Oh? Ah yea that's right , well I'm sure he'll be here soon Subs....No i don't think we'll go for ice cream after this." Said Connection as she looked in Subsonics direction this getting a bit of a strange face from some of the others.

" Excuse me but who are you talking to" Asked Kimyono

Connection looked confused a bit before sighing. " Yea that's right you don't know, Well to answer the question our little pal Subsonic over there is pretty much deaf so i pretty much talk to him with my mind."

"Oh" Said Kimyono. " Well I-I'm sorry i pried i didn't know.." Kimyono started to look down in embarrassment before Connection started giggling." Ey Don't look so down about it Subs can still hear but only stuff that's like below or higher than us talking? I don't really know the specifics i didn't pay much attention in school."

This brightened Kimyono up a bit as she didn't feel as bad bringing up the topic. " O-oh Well that's pretty neat i think."

" WELL then, now that everyone's happy with their hellos and questions I have to know what you guys can do but i think its best we get to somewhere safe before we go about that" explained Construct." Our ride should be here soon so that's good at least the sooner we leave the better."


"Hey wait just a minute who ever said we were going with you!" Growled Barry as he stepped forward from the corner of the room he was lurking in." I for one definitely am not going anywhere with you guys, for one we don't even know your real names! I say I'm better off on my own!"

" Heeyy Barry old pal! Don't be like that , we know so little plus the people in charge of the Golden Gardens might come for us! Plus if you left i wouldn't be able to hear your wonderful voice~." Blathered Jacob as he cozies up to Barry.

Construct sighed as he looked at the rabbit boy try and push the wolf boy away." Look I'm sure you have your plans and what nots but trust me it's best if you come with us , Powers or no powers i don't think any of us would make it alone." Explained Construct Which lead to the rabbit boy grumbling to himself as he finally shoved the wolf boy off.

"Yea come on Barry l-lets at least learn a bit more about what's going on , I mean what's the worst that could happen right?" Said Donny who till now was silently listening next to Subsonic.

" We could end up in the exact same position we came from how about that!?" Exclaimed Barry ." I don't know any of these guys and neither do you so what makes them so trusting!".

Mary Sue sighed." Look ya little psycho I know we just came back from a rather terrible situation and you don't want to go back to another one, but i think its best if you shut up and just stick it out for a bit alright?".

Barry fumed a bit from Mary Sues words but he stopped talking and just grumbled to himself in the corner he was in. " Ok good now that that's all settled when did you say this ride was coming Construct?". Asked Mary sue just as a the sound of a engine started to roar outside of their hiding place. Construct smirked as he went to the gate and lifted it up revealing a old beat green Volkswagen van , a older Bat boy sitting in the drivers seat with dark sunglasses stuck his head out and smiled at the group as he spoke up" All aboard the Amazovan kids and make it snappy i just passed some suspicious looking cars on my way here if you get my drift~"

End Book 2
