A Pirate's Life

Story by Jade Wulf-Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#3 of Fair Winds

and finally(or is it) part three

All characters as Copyright player/owner

A Pirate's Life

Not expecting such a response Moon's bushy tail became a giant cotton ball. Shayde was the first of several people point and laugh at the scene before them. Fortunately for him Rye decided to end this mess before things went too far. Next the young dragoness grabbed his elbow and brought him below deck. Where she could help the fox wrap his mind around everything he's learned today.

"Thanks Rye I've been so caught up with my thoughts I didn't notice the obvious. Granted it's not the greatest of excuses but, you can't over look it's the truth." He said. She didn't say anything allowing him to continue speaking until he was content. Though what the dragoness wasn't prepared to be asked was how she joined the crew. "I admire your curiosity but, that's one thing I don't intend to share." She replied.

The flat tone in her voice told him that he was touching on a raw subject. Not wanting to makes things worse he wisely left Rye alone and went topside. As I walked towards the center mast, The Phantom Reaper came to a stop. The vessel he sensed several minutes ago was pulling along side the captain's ship. "Ahoy, Captain Osprey our boss sent us to meet you and help you navigate the channel." A sailor stated.

"Before we do anything did you bring proof that our employer sent you?" She asked. The human gave a signal to the wolf on the wheel and moved their ship closer. Once both vessels were roughly a few yards from one another then he tossed something. "Compare that to the contract you received that should be all the proof you require." He replied. Doing as he said she pulled out the scroll then inspected both items.

Sure enough what he told them panned out but, she kept her wits about her. "Fair enough but, know this fuck me over and you'll be meeting Davy Jones." She said. With that all gun ports on the Reaper opened and her arsenal appeared seconds later. The human's face went from calm to nearly shitting his pants making Shayde smile. Swallowing hard he asked if she'd furl a couple sails so they could guide them.

Giving her fingers a snap the crew retracted the foreyard and all three top sails. Allowing the guide ship to pull ahead and once there she readied the bow guns. "Moon, please come here for a moment I need your input on this channel's current." Shayde stated. Doing as she asked he took his position then looked out at the water below. Sadly as he stared the gift within his veins never came to the surface upon request.

When his ears folded back Shayde knew his power failed to work for him. She walked over then placed a confident hand upon his shoulder making Moon jump. "Easy, Moon I'm sorry didn't mean to startle you judging from your body language. Your power decided that now isn't the best time and refused to do as you asked. It's alright we'll just have to play this by ear instead, come on let's talk in private." She replied.

Doing as she asked Moon followed her into her private quarters and sat down. "I'm sorry captain you asked something of me and I wasn't able to perform it." He said. Reaching up with one hand, hooking it behind his head then pulled him close. Before he could get another word out her lips pressed gently against his forehead. When she stepped back the fur under his eyes and along his nose turned bright red.

"Don't worry Moon once this job is done we're going to the island of your birth. Relax Scully beat you to it when we saw each other early this morning at the dock." She smiled. The look he expressed made Shayde laugh as she took a couple steps back. From there she pulled out a chair then sat down and motioned him to do the same. Following suit a moment later he wondered about what the captain really wanted.

"You never did answer my other question after you're rather silly outburst." She said. He had really hoped that topic wouldn't come back to bite him in the tail. Even the look that appeared on his face certainly told the captain more than words. "I wasn't aware that this ship was manned solely by women and I reacted as such." He replied. She giggled at his answer and with a smile told him this happens pretty often.

Most choose to be discrete about it and the rest decide to verbally share it. "I want you to keep what I'm going to say engraved in you heart understand, Moon. Betray me or this crew and you'll visit the hottest pit in the deepest part of hell." She stated. With that said the fox's eyes grew real big then gave her a timid bob of his head. Luckily for Moon, she changed topics that would spare the last of the fox's sanity.

"There's something else I would like to know if you're willing to share with me." She said. He waved his hand giving her the okay to continue with her current train of thought. "From what I've been able to learn about your gift it's a defense mechanism. When the conditions are ideal it kicks in allowing you to tap into the power. At least that's what I've been able to piece together since you joined us." She added.

"I understand where you stand captain with both your warning and insight. Though I still can't overlook the fact that not everyone onboard will trust me. Most feel that a cursed soul like me should be put out of my misery before it spreads. Granted what I've said are only whispers but, it doesn't make them any less insulting." He replied. The bitter tone in his voice didn't sit to well with Shayde as she rose to her feet.

"Don't bother captain all you're doing is showing that you're playing favorites. I can handle whatever whispers, rumors and everything else that come along. You focus on being our leader and let me fight my own battles should they arise." He stated. Shayde blinked a few times in response while her mind tried finding the right words. When she came up with a proper reply she interlaced fingers then leaned forward.

"Very well Moon I'll stay out of your business unless I'm involved in anyway. There's one more thing I'd like to discuss with you, unless you're needed elsewhere?" She asked. Searching his memory of duties he couldn't remember any orders from the others. This unusual smile appeared on the captain's face upon hearing his response. Shayde can't recall the last time she enjoyed some quality time with a real male.

Naturally the only thing going through her mind right now was release. It wasn't long before her arousal drifted its way into Moon's very acute nose. When his head turned back to look into her eyes he saw the need and lust burning. Luckily the table did a good job hiding the fact she opened the fly of her pants. Though before Shayde could make her move a heavy thud erupted from the wooden door.

"Captain our guide would like to have a word if you're done plundering." Helix said. Cursing under her breath Shayde quickly fixed her clothes then left the room. Leaving Moon behind wondering if he just dodged a bullet or something else. Not bothering to dwell on what it was or wasn't he got up and walked out on deck. Where he saw the escort ship besides the Reaper along with an envoy standing nearby.

It was the same human from the ship that's escorting them through the channel. As he scanned the deck until he saw Chains and Kendra standing a few feet away. Walking towards the pair he asked them about what was going between them. "It would appear our employer has decided to meet us at this location instead. Figuring it'd be easier for us to remain underway instead of us making port." Chains began.

"Though if you ask me something about this job was fishy right from the start. All I can do is watch Shayde's fluffy backside and see to it nobody betrays her. My mother Nokama raised most of the crew including Shayde as if they were her own. Leaving me to play the role of the protective older sister for this entire crew. This also means that you can count on me if you ever need someone to lean on." She stated.

With that said the lioness placed her left hand firmly upon his right shoulder. Giving it a squeeze before she motioned Moon to return his gaze to the captain. Doing as she suggested the captain's tail was moving side to side strangely behind her. "Chains, I think we might've stumbled into a trap or a possible double cross." Kendra said. The lioness whispered a set of instructions into Moon's ear then walked away.

He walked over to where the captain and their guest were presently standing. Shayde's ears flicked then swiveled back when she heard Moon's soft footsteps. "Forgive me captain but, Kendra would like a word in private with you, Ma'am." He said. Excusing herself for a moment she walked away to see what Kendra wanted. Leaving Moon and their guest alone at that very moment his unique gift kicked in.

The human froze when he saw the energy swirling within Moon's green eyes. "Listen well mortal harm this ship or the crew and I promise a plague shall follow. Death, misery and heartbreak will eat away at your very soul until you shatter." He started. Sadly Moon couldn't finish his little act since the human passed out and collapsed. Kneeling down Moon reached over and poked him if just to check he wasn't dead.

Once he groaned satisfied Moon as he stood back up and left him alone. When he turned Chains and the captain were walking towards him then stopped short. Next they turned to look at the human then returned their attention on Moon. "Before either of you ask he's still alive I merely scared a few years off his lifespan." He replied. Both women gave a laugh then Chains walked over and shackled the human.

After tying him to the mast, next the guns and mortars were loaded then armed. The crew aboard the other vessel didn't know what was going on and it showed. Next this immensely loud roar shattered the air causing everybody to jump. When Moon turned to face the source he saw Chains holding a very large gun. At first glance it looked more like a huge hand held cannon than custom blunderbuss.

In the lioness' hands it seemed to compliment her physical stature quite nicely. This was the kind of weapon anybody would be wise to avoid the receiving end. "Please stow your weapons we're making sure that this ship and crew were real. Since you personally confirmed it I can fill in the missing pieces of your employment." A voice stated. Everyone on board did a complete one eighty to face the source of the voice.

Apparently their employer had decided to meet them to fill in the blanks. Of course looks can be deceiving and Moon could sense something wasn't right. He waited for the captain's orders before doing anything in defense of the ship. Sadly his gift had other ideas in mind for this situation as this blanket of fog appeared. Even the water started to behave strangely as the fog continued to increase in thickness.

The ships on either side of the Reaper began to rock and roll as waves got bigger. Strangely the Reaper was undisturbed by the changes going on around them. From out of nowhere Moon's body became shrouded with this even stranger light. While boiling within his stomach was something nobody has seen in centuries. As the energy reached a breaking point with a loud howl his hands whipped apart.

Before either ship had time to brace the fog pushed them right towards shore. "EVERYONE HANG ONTO TO SOMETHING WE'RE GETTING OUT OF HERE." He shouted. They scrambled to do as Moon stated as he had the water turn the ship around. Once facing the opposite direction he gave a grunt then the Reaper accelerated. What took three hours to reach this location took minutes return to open water.

Once far enough away from the mainland Moon passed out where he stood. As he hit the deck with a thud Shayde and Rye were by his side seconds later. Carefully rolling the todd onto his back to check his vitals and tried waking him. Sadly Moon was someplace else at least spiritually anyway as he stood up. "Peace, young one we called you here because of the power you recently displayed." A voice replied.

He spun around to face a group of people all with glowing green or blue eyes. "Just who are all of you, where am I, what's going on I don't understand?" He asked. The tallest one of the large group stepped forward and gave Moon a soft smile. As the two stared into each other's eyes Moon felt a familiar vibe coming from her. Unfortunately he couldn't put his finger on just who she was or what she meant to him.

"Your questions are understandable Moon but, we're not here to answer them. As our last living heir you must go to the crescent island we once called home. Bring the Sage called Mishka with you she will be valuable during this venture. For now it's time for you to awake Moon and we'll meet again, farewell." She replied. Before Moon could protest he snapped awake and sat up with his hand stretched out.

While the todd regained his bearings he failed to notice what he had a hold of. Until he heard this serpent-like hiss and as he looked he saw hand upon Rye's breast. His face went from panic to dread in mere seconds as his hand wisely removed itself. Luckily before anything else could go wrong Shayde kept Rye from lashing out. "I don't think it was deliberate Rye so let it go, we've got other things to worry about." She replied.

The dragoness wasn't happy about it but, she respected her captain's decision. Since Moon was still in a major state of shock after what ever he just experienced. With a sour snort from her Rye got up out of her chair and quietly walked outside. For now she'll give Moon the benefit of the doubt considering he saved them. Though how he did that raised many questions with not only Shayde but, the crew.

"Moon, you're to stay here Kendra will be in shortly to examine you okay." She said. From there she left the room to get damage control and check on the others. With the help of Chains and Scully's they did their best to settle frazzled nerves. Once that was taken care of they began an in-depth inspection of ship for any damage. While the crew did that Kendra entered the cabin Moon was presently resting in.

She did a full body exam of the young male fox and found nothing wrong. At least physically but, as for his mental state that might take skills beyond her. "Kendra, could you please ask the captain if she'd mind sailing us back home. If we're going to sail to the island of my birth there's someone we need to retrieve." He said. The hyena eyed him for a moment, smiled then she got up and exited the room.

After delivering his message to the captain, she went below deck to relax. Normally Shayde wouldn't think much about it but, for some reason she did. Curious to know why he wanted to return home she returned to the room he was in. "Okay, Moon what's the real reason why you want to go back to our home island?" She asked. Instead of beating around the bush Moon told her everything behind his request.

"Look, I don't know if you realize this or not but, she isn't welcome onboard. I nearly lost my entire crew and my ship, I'm not going to let that happen again." She replied. The stern tone in her voice backed up her statement regarding the woman. "Sadly, my dear Shayde the choice isn't yours, besides I'm already here." Mishka stated. Both Moon and Shayde froze then turned around to face the mature canine.

"Why don't you sit before that mouth of yours gets you into major hot water. As for how I got here let just say I'm not without my wilds but, let's talk business. Tell me who and what you heard when you spent that brief time among them." She added. He did the best he could to recall everything he experienced while unconscious. Mishka and Shayde listened carefully for any clues behind the strange vision he had.

When he finished both women were stumped at least for the first few minutes. This strange silence filled the room and that didn't help Moon's shaky nerves. "Hmm, I'm going to need some time to process this info and do some research. In the meantime I do believe some stress relief will do you two plenty of good." She informed. With that the cold climate fur left Moon and Shayde alone in the small guest room.

Before anything could happen this explosive roar came from out of nowhere. Shayde wasted no time rushing out of the room and cut off an angry Chains. Moon wasn't far behind the captain figuring she'd needed help with the lioness. When he stepped out on deck Shayde was already trying to calm her down. Though what happened next was just hard to put into words let alone witness.

Mishka gently pushed Shayde aside then before the lioness could even blink. The Alaskan Malamute reeled back and slugged Chains so hard she hit the ground. "What was that phrase you called me the last time..., Oh, I recall I'm a overly inflated bimbo. Well, guess what this bimbo just knocked you flat onto your egotistical ass. Kendra don't even think about trying it or you'll be kissing the deck also." Mishka growled.

She flinched back upon hearing her warning and helped Chains up instead. Considering the display of strength Mishka just displayed before the entire crew. From there the two lovers went below decks, while Mishka went into the nav room. Leaving everybody else in a strange state of shock and awe after seeing that. Moon followed after Mishka while Shayde break the others out of their little trance.

As he closed the door behind him Mishka turned around to face the todd. "You're wondering where the hell that little display of strength came from, huh?" She asked. Before he could give her an answer either way she sense a change with Moon. Placing the bag slung across her chest onto the table then she calmly approached. "I see you've finally tapped into the true power lurking within your blood." She said.

The poor fox was thrown for a complete loop and didn't know how to respond. "Take a seat hun I've got some info about your people that might interest you." She stated. As the two furs sat down at the table Mishka pulled out three scrolls from her bag. Quickly reading the labels of each one then put two away and opened the third. Next she asked him to sit beside her while she showed him everything she learned.

"Umm, not to burst your bubble Mishka could you read this cause I can't." He informed. With a warm smile she read the information written upon the scroll aloud. According to the people she talked to what they knew about his people wasn't much. They pretty much directed her to the same place she told him when they met. Except for one person she talked to before coming aboard the Phantom Reaper.

From what he told her sounded more like a premonition than useful intel. "Moon the tall vixen that spoke to you was there anything she wore that stood out?" She asked. He leaned back in his chair while he tried his best to recall anything worth mentioning. Sadly Moon was lost within his own mind while something else made itself known. His deep green eyes shifted to this glowing golden color then someone spoke up.

"The mysteries of his past shall be revealed upon arriving at the land of his birth. You've been asked to come along, because you have extensive knowledge of ancient magic. Under no circumstance are you permitted to do anything until you reach the island." It warned. With that the strange presence vanished and Moon's eyes returned to normal. Mishka was a bit surprised that someone used his body for a temporary conduit.

It did confirm a few things however that Moon has magic flowing in his veins. That the future of his people, culture and heritage resides in his capable hands. Some part of her actually felt sorry for the burden the young todd had to face. While the rest of her felt confident that he could face any challenge thrown his way. As he came around Mishka wisely decided to keep what she learned to herself for now.

Two days and thirteen hours later the crescent just appeared on the horizon. It took the mighty vessel three more hours to reach the island and weigh anchor. Next thing to happen was a long boat was lowered into the slightly choppy water. Chains and Kendra were left in charge of the ship while they went ashore. Besides the captain, Moon and Mishka, Scully and Rye tagged along on this venture.

Once the long boat was secured and hidden Shayde pulled out her musket. Loaded it with gunpowder then a strange looking bullet before firing into the air. Back aboard the Reaper Chains saw the flare round then got the ship back underway. The signal told her to find a place to hide the ship until they see another flare. This would tell the crew aboard the Reaper that the landing party was ready for pick up.

For now they concerned themselves with finding a safe place to hide the ship. Meanwhile back on the beach Rye and Scully went on ahead to scout around. Moon had stayed with the long boat clearly nervous about exploring this place. He wanted answers about his past but, coming to this island felt wrong to him. It took a lot of coaxing from Mishka and Shayde to get him to traverse the dense forest.

The deeper they explored the stronger Moon's uneasiness grew inside his gut. Moon felt like he was treading upon sacred ground and he didn't belong here. Until they entered the remnants of what appeared to be some kind of village. While everyone searched the area, Moon couldn't take it anymore and ran away. Sadly the todd didn't get very far from the group as he tripped over a tree root.

Yowling in pain from hitting the ground and twisting his ankle in the process. His screams alerted Rye's ears as she went in search of their wayward fox. When she found him let's just he was worse off than when he collapsed days ago. Concerned for him the dragoness knelt down close to him and was slapped away. Shouting angrily at her to stay away from him then scrambled up a nearby tree.

Leaving her with more question than answers so she went to fetch the captain. Figuring she could make sense of this mess before he makes his injuries worse. When she found Shayde then told the feline about what was happening with Moon. Before they could go anywhere Mishka cut them off and told them to stay there. "I believe our todd is re-living events that were locked away due to some tragedy." She started.

"Sadly we need to stand aside and allow Moon's memories to heal themselves. Any attempt to help him will make this transition much harder for him to endure. I can tell from the looks on your faces this isn't something you want to standby on. If you truly care for that male than you'll wait and see if he comes back in one piece." Mishka finished. Granted what she said was the truth but, it was still hard for them to swallow.

"Do you really think letting him re-live what horrors he witnessed as child is smart?" Shayde asked. The mature canine looked at them drew a shaky breath before answering yes. "Rye take us to where you left him, at least we can be nearby should he need us." She replied. Not wasting any more time the dragoness brought them right to him. Where he was curled up into a ball and mumbling roughly thirty feet above them.

Over the next four hours Moon rambled on about all sorts of bizarre things. When the todd became quiet Shayde and Rye rose to their feet and moved closer. Being an expert climber Rye clawed her way up to where Moon was resting. Carefully moving towards his sleeping form then placed two fingers against his neck. His ordeal drained him of every little ounce of energy forcing him to pass out.

The dragoness debated with herself about whether or not to bring him down. Instead she checked with the captain to see what she should do about the todd. "Just leave him alone when this mess is finished I'm certain he'll come down himself." Shayde said. With a nod Rye climbed back down to the forest floor and joined the captain. It would be several hours before they heard any kind of sounds coming from Moon.

When he climbed down from the tree Mishka had returned holding a big book. Before doing anything Shayde offered the fox something to eat and drink first. Next Mishka had him recall everything he could while he acted rather strangely. Luckily he was able to remember everything he endured with surprising detail. With the memories of his past restored to some degree Moon didn't feel complete.

"Moon, while you were indisposed I found this book hidden inside a small hut. The last person really didn't want this thing found but, I could feel it calling out. Something tells me this book and what is contained within is meant for your eyes alone." Mishka stated. Placing the slightly weathered book onto his lap then carefully stepped back. When he placed his hands upon it the book began glowing with blinding force.

"Within these pages is the entire history of your people and power Moon. This will show you exactly how to control the magic coursing through your veins. Sadly I must warn you be careful mastering your gift it will be a difficult road. One more piece of advice be selective with whom you share your heart with. For every child you father more of your power will be passed along to your children." The voice stated.

Once the blinding light faded everything around him had remained the same. Feeling horribly confused he asked the others if they witnessed the bright light. When they countered asking what in the hell he was talking about it confirmed something. That what he experienced was meant for him alone and it was hard to swallow. "I think it is best you hold onto this Mishka until I'm ready to read what's inside." He replied.

"No can do hun if you give that to me the magic protecting it won't be so kind. That book only permitted me to handle it so long as I placed in your sole possession. In short if you give it to me for safe keeping I'll be shooting lightning out my orifices." Mishka informed. Now the expression on her face was placid but, her tone of voice wasn't bluffing. Taking that into account there was one other question that seemed to appear.

"Would any harm come to you if the words contained within need translating?" He asked. Mishka placed her arms across her large bare chest thinking his question over. Before the canine could give him a reply Shayde rose to her feet then replied. "We can worry about that later since we're probably still being hunted." She pointed out. Not needing another incentive they quickly packed up and returned to the ship.

Once back out in open water Moon and Shayde talked in her private quarters. Feeling a major case of déjà vu as the two furs sat close together on the her bed. Moon's tail flick side to side nervously until Shayde grabbed his hand and spoke. "I'm curious to know what you're planning on doing now that you have that book?" She wondered. To be perfectly honest the fox didn't have the vaguest idea on what to do now.

"I don't know captain a lot has happened to me in such a short space of time. What bothers me is the limited help I'd get if I were to ask those aboard the ship. Considering that I haven't earned the trust and respect of my crewmates, captain." He replied. She didn't argue with him there but, he needed to know it wouldn't hurt to try. Upon passing this information along to him earned the feline a confused look.

"Moon, what you've been through hasn't been easy I agree with you on that. The question I'm going to ask you will change everything you've come to know. What do you intend to do with yourself now that this has been revealed to you?" She asked. He wasn't totally prepared for that kind of question to come from the captain's mouth. Sadly the poor fox didn't know how to go about answering her until it hit him.

"If my memory serves me right I do believe there's a debt that needs to be paid." He replied. Upon hearing those very words Shayde smiled then climbed onto his thighs. "That's good to hear Moon and you can start by attending to my first desire." She purred. Not bothering waste anymore time with words she pressed her lips against his. It wasn't long before both people engaged in the strongest form of intimacy.

Early the next morning both furs were jarred awake by the sound of cannon fire. Not bothering to cover herself Shayde jumped to her feet then bolted outside. Jumped right into the fray of battle and somehow managed to defeat both vessels. Unlike her fellow pirates Shayde believes in given her enemy a second chance. Seeing as one of the ships ended up sinking during the fight, luckily the crew survived.

Allowing the other ship to leave if they handed over all supplies except food. Wisely agreeing to Shayde's terms they turned over everything they had aboard. Next the battered enemy vessel limped back home before she changed her mind. Once they were out of sight Shayde quickly switched gears and attended to her crew. Sadly three lives were lost and several were badly injured during the previous battle.

Those who were lucky to avoid harm treated the wounded and made repairs. Once everyone was patched up and repairs completed they resumed their journey. Poor Moon felt so lost while everything transpired and didn't know what to do. Unable to control the feeling building within his heard he fell to his knees and cried. At that same moment the sky above became cloudy and began to rain steadily.

Nobody found it strange that weather changed so suddenly but, it felt right. Shayde, Chains, Kendra, Scully, Helix, Rye and even Mishka rushed to his side. "Life whether out on the sea or not when your time is up you can't avoid death, Moon. Take heart those we've lost here today shall continue to live on with us in spirit. What do you intend to do now upon seeing the dark side of our profession?" Shayde stated.

Everyone stepped away from Moon allowing him a chance to get to his feet. It took him ten minutes to gather himself before the todd moved or said anything. When he finally stood on his feet, he looked around at the people around him. "With a life debt to re-pay and the loss of my fellow crew mates I need to step up. This may be cliché to you ladies but, it's a pirate's life for me." He said with a grin.

The End?