
Story by rockythewolf on SoFurry

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#5 of fur paridise

Chapter four


For the better part of the third day everyone who could pick up, or at least help enough to not be in the way, the couches, televisions, and other assorted house hold goods were moving them about to arrange the house. Meanwhile the smaller ones were painting the rooms according to the agreed upon charts Todd drew up. Sarah on the other hand had a better idea on how the living room should be and changed out Todd original drawing for her own. The head strong feline didn't like the fox's idea for a movie theater style arrangement and how everyone will be able to

see it better or won't hurt their necks trying to see to their side.

Sarah had every one arranging the living room in more of a square around the back wall and the TV across from the overly long couch. Several recliners were spaces around it then two love seats to complete the square shape.

Lucky for Sarah, Todd was painting his room while she had it done. She quickly slipped away into her room and started to paint the walls a lavender color with the help of her roomy Julie. She and Julie kept dabbing bits of paint on each other's clothes and nose's.

Todd had finished painting and came out to check on every one and their progress. When he saw the living room he crossed his rams and flopped in a chair waiting for someone, anyone, to walk by. He glared strait at the hall way entrance. His eyes locked never moving and very rarely blinking, so zoned in on his anger that he never noticed the ferret slip out of her hiding space in the attic .she landed without a sound by his side and looked where he was looking.

"What cha looking at foxy?" asked the ferret.

Todd almost jumped out of his fur when he looked over at her. "H-how the??!! How did you get behind me?? "

She smiled at him and ignored the question. "You wouldn't be mad the living room isn't the way you wanted it to be now would ya?"

He snaps out of his confusion and back into the anger from before. "Yes I would be. I had it set up perfectly. Every one could see the TV if the talk people sat in back. It's big enough..." he said with a bit of irritation

She smiled at him and sat on the arm of the couch. "What's wrong with this? Everyone can see no matter where they sit."

He sighed then looked down uttering a soft reply. "But I told them to do it the other way... They just ignored me... They never even brought this way up... Just totally cut me off and did whatever they wanted."

The ferret pets his head d softly and smiled at him. "Don't fret little one everything will be ok in the end. It's not that bad if it wasn't how you wanted it." Todd nodded and stood up heading back to his room to lie down.

P.O.V. Rocky

The large wolf took off his shirt while the otter was getting in bed. He noticed the otter sneaking peaks at his muscular chest and abs through the corner of his eye. He smiled at the otter and asked." See something you like?"

The otter blushed a deep dread under his fur and turned away facing the wall. "I umm.. I'm sorry I was just curious..." he covered his head with the blanket Rocky had found for him and tried to hide. The wolf just laughed and laid down on top of the comforter.

"Just let me know if you want to touch. " He yawned. "I won't mind."

The otter blushed even worse and stuttered. "y-your... g-gay?"

Rocky chuckled and answered. "No I'm not gay. I never really knew what gay was until I was almost twenty. I was kind of sheltered from the outside world. When I saw some one that looked cute or sexy it didn't register that it was bad to like the same sex so I fell in the middle line thinking that if it looked good it must be good and you my friend look good." The wolf grinned and closed his eyes slowly falling asleep.

The wolf slowly opened his eyes to see a warped reality tented green. Several IV's in his arms and legs, Monitors attached to his chest to keep track of his heart beat as well. A long tube fed into his throat and down into his stomach while a smaller tube supplied oxygen through his nose. He started to move and look around to gather a better feel for where he was. His body was suspended in a weird lime colored liquid held in by a glass cylinder. Scientists wandered around looking at clip boards and working on computers. He started to panic and as his heartbeat rose the beep tracking it started to speed up with it. One scientist pressed a button and another fluid headed down an IV towards his wrist. He quickly pulled the needle out then the other ones in him so they couldn't drug him any further.

The wolf began pulling the tube from his throat and took in a deep breath before taking the other from his nose. As the plastic was pulled out the soft tissue in his throat and nostrils were hurt but it was nothing too much. He started pounding on the glass trying to break free of his prison. The first few hits were slow and seemed hopeless bat the fourth punch caused a small crack to form in the glass. He kept punching away at his cell wall making the crack bigger until the pressure of the liquid was too much and the glass started to spider web along the fracture line. With one last hit the side of the cylinder blew out and the water rushed along the floor. He panted for air and looked up to see the people start to scurry away. He stood up and growled. Now that he was free it was time to exact some revenge.

He climbed out of the shattered tomb and walked forward carefully so he didn't step in the rather thick shards of glass. Most of the scientists made it out and locked down the doors. Only one was locked out but he was trying his best to stay calm enough to use a retinal scanner. The wolf grinned and picked up a letter opener on his way towards the poor fellow who was shaking too much for the scanner to get a good read on him. The wolf grabbed the squirming scientist by the back of the neck and slammed him into the unyielding steel door.

Rocky opened his mouth to ask him where he was but nothing came out. It was if he forgot how to talk. Everything he knew was just not there all he had was the deep growl and the urge to rip the unlucky guy in half. He held him up by the neck and placed the letter opener to the bottom of his left eye he pushed it in very slowly and being careful not to damage the eye. The scientist wiggled yelled and tried to break free from the iron grip of the wolf. The sadistic grin of the animal was probably the scariest part about him while he surgically removed the man's eye with the blunt blade. Once her had it out he squeezed tight until he couldn't feel a heart beat in his grip then dropped the lifeless body.

Rocky placed the eye in the scanner and the door let out a positive sounding ding then slid open for the wolf. He held onto the eye just in case there were more pesky doors in his way. He left and when he was a few feet down the hall the door closed behind him. He spun quickly in surprise but saw only the name on the door. Project R-0(zero)-C. He growled and slashed out at the name with his claws leaving a deep cut into the steel then left down the hall in a blind rage.

He came across a guard kicked back in his chair feet up on the desk and rocking out to some song in his head phones. The wolf looked at his claws the guard and decided to test out how well it worked on something softer. He reached out and tapped on the man's shoulder and when her turned and saw the wolf he reached down for something but before he could draw the weapon he had five claws buried into his chest, through a layer of bullet proof material the wolf didn't expect but the attack was deep enough to puncture his heart. He withdrew his clawed paw and looked over the thick crimson blood dripping down his paw and the man's chest.

The wolf looked over his chest then the man's and felt his skin compared to the material on the other mans chest then tore off the guards shirt to get a look at the vest he was wearing. If it stopped his claws that much it must provide some protection he thought but in a much simpler wordless way. Rocky took off the vest and slid it on. Heavy he thought but it may turn out to be useful against the week attempts of retaliation these people might try. After he reached down to see what the guard was grabbing for and found the grip of some L shaped weapon attached to a belt. With a quick flick of the wrist he severed the belt and raised it to his view. On it was a pistol; a few clips of ammo, a knife and baton that looked like a black bird perch or severely messed up T. the wolf looked at his waist and determined that a belt was a better holding space for these tools than only holding two things at once. Then he noticed he had nothing to protect his legs. The pants seemed better than nothing so he stripped them off the guard and put them on. They were tight and the fur at his ankles and waist puffed up slightly but it wasn't that bad. After the pants were on he put the belt on but had to tie it off since he broke the buckle.

Once the wolf was dressed in a bloody pair of pants and a bullet proof vest with five holes in it, the blood on that blended into the dark Kevlar, he looked at the screen on the desk. It had the view of one of the cameras on it and a left and right arrow at the bottom. A quick analysis let him know that by using the keys that matched the arrows on the key board he could look through several different sections of the facility. He looked through and mapped out the sounding area in his head then noted parts of the path that were easy ways out of a tight situation. Most of the doors didn't have the eye scanner so he figured he would need what looked like some kind of card. Rocky though back in his short span of memory knowing he saw it somewhere then looked at the guards body and what was around his neck. The card was white with a black strip and the letters written on it, R-0-C access card level 4. Rocky took it off being careful not to break this one he knew it was going to be needed to get out.

The large grey hound started down the hall by memory and with a purpose. He was looking for every one that had held him captive and he could smell their trail. He passed down a hall and the reflection of a window caught his eye. Looking outside he guessed it was only the third floor that meant he could go down if a problem were to arise.

Like a predator stalking his prey the soft pads of his feet let him move silently through the hall ways until he came upon the door where the scent of fear was strongest. A voice inside sounded frantic and angry as it yelled." What do you mean we can't have back up? Then unlock the doors! We can get out he's not even out of the room. We only lost one... it's not my fault.. It's his own. He wasn't fast enough.. I know the subject is deadly but there is no way he could ever figure out how to get out of that room... well if he did bust the door down we would have heard it.. were in the room just to the left of the elevator... its close just turn on the elevator and we'll... fine send a team up to escort us... I'm not lying that stupid wolf can't even talk yet, and the guard is by the door. He would have yelled or something maybe fired a few shots. Ok.. Ok.. Thank you." A faint click was followed by a sigh behind the door. "Ok people we have five minutes they are going to send a tactical team up the elevator and take us down we just have to survive until they get here.

The furred paw gripped the handle of the knife, drawing it and holding it facing the floor in his paw. The word tactical team triggered something and he knew that it was ten well armed special trained members designed for tactical operations like retrieval and hostage situations. He knew there wouldn't be much to retrieve and no one here was a hostage so he had the upper hand. He knew they would come right into the room he was about to enter expecting to find a bunch of alive scientists to take out it wouldn't be long and with what gear he had on it wasn't going to be easy to make it out with them here.

Rocky opened the door to the room. Beyond its door were thirty seven overjoyed faces until their eyes met with the blood soaked wolf before them. He took a step in and closed the door behind him and locked it, twisting the lock so far it broke in the locked position. The wolf looked around at the rows of lockers and cowering white coats, only a few were human many were different animals but he couldn't tell what kinds any were. To his luck there were no cameras for the privacy of people changing. That meant when the team arrived they would have no idea where he was when they entered the door.

He took a few steps forward and every one jumped up except one poor male that was knocked back on the floor. A deep growl uttered from the wolf's throat and he pounced forward crushing the soft neck of his victim with his foot. So far he knew only two placed to hit that would cause a kill and over the next three minutes he moved from body to running body trying new spots. His knife sunk into the tender meat of a bovine's lover back, passing through the kidney the drug outwards through the side. He favored this one because it was the messiest and the prey stayed alive and in pain for a few seconds before the bleed out killed them. Towards the end a few gave up running and just shuddered in the corner, huddled together watching the others run and be cut down time after time. The floor was covered in blood and only the few trying to out run each other until they were saved or killed as well and the handful in the corner who knew that running would draw attention were left. One worker hid in a locker during the beginning and refused to make any noise, breathing very very slowly to keep silent.

When the runners were finished and Rocky was stained red with blood he looked at the crowded bunch and grinned. He drew his pistol and when the metal made contact with his hand he remembered everything about the gun like a computer opening a file. He remembered that it would be a loud sound if he pulled the trigger and that would bring more unwanted guests to his party. He put it away and drew the baton but remembered nothing. Instead he would just have to use it and find out its effectiveness. The cluster was weeping and a few were praying for forgiveness. Not to the wolf but to some god fellow. One by one he grabbed a crying female or male with no indiscretion and one by one he tested out the blunt steel against their frail bodies. With this tool it was easier to finish them with one or two blows to the soft spot on the side of their heads. Like with the knife anything to the arms and legs was hardly effective but cause a cracking sound that he enjoyed. The chest and stomach soak up most of the blows and some coughed blood on him but the droplets blended into the pre existing stains.

When he was done with his test he started to move quickly counting the bodies. He didn't have much time but he had to get them all he looked at the floor and growled. Thirty six he though. There wasn't time for a recount so he started opening lockers and looking in. there were too many foot prints in the blood to tell if any faced a particular one. He got through almost half of them when he heard the ding of the elevator and knew it time was up. He looked around for a way out besides the door and quickly found an air duct in the roof. One jump onto a locker and a quick push up and clime n hid him from sight. He replaced the grate and moved down the duct with silent motions.

Once he was over the hall way grate he saw the tactical team line up at the door and do what the captain called stacking up. Everyone was in a black full body suit with some kind of longer two handed gun. It looked like it was way more powerful than the 9MM he had scavenged. His only problem was getting it out of their paws and into his. With caution he picked up the grate over the team and watched carefully for his chance. The helmets limited their vision up and to the side so an attack from behind would be best.

Once they were packed tight and lined up the fur in the back reached forward and gripped the man before him thigh by the thigh. Soon after the next one did the same until they passed it down the column. The man in the front broke off from the pack and kicked open the door and the row ran in. first one moved out of the way and watched the door. This was it! Rocky hung upside down by his legs and grabbed the helmet on the fur and before he could react he twisted his head around so it was facing his back. Rocky pulled the man up by his shoulders into the air duct and changed into the man's gear. When rocky removed the helmet he found another wolf under it. It was whiter than him almost a pure white but with spots. He paid no attention to the animal inside instead stripped him down to the brass tacks and dawned his equipment. Below he could hear the people checking the lockers and speaking in disgust about the mess and how one person could do all of this in only a few minutes.

The wolf slid the grate back over and moved down the tunnel to the next one out of sight just around the corner. He dropped down with a rather loud thud and got the attention of the squad. After a few yells out to a Michal and no reply they had figured the worst. If the wolf just walked out and tried to play it off like he was Michal they would ask him questions he could not answer instead he broke the glass of a window to a laboratory with the butt of his rifle and leaned against the corner of the wall like the man had before he kicked in the door. They quickly filled down the hall and using the reflection off a metal slate he counted them as they moved around the corner. Once he had a sight of all nine lined up nicely down the hall he popped out aiming the gun down the hall.

With a squeeze of the trigger he unloaded round after round into the storming team. Their first reaction was ease to see who they thought was their comrade. Each one had lowered their weapon and slowed down until bullets flied down the hall into the bodies of their fellow soldiers. One after the other they fell to the ground in a screaming agony and confusion. Rocky mowed down almost all of them when each loud bang was replaced with a click. The wolf tossed down the gun and drew his side arm but the frantic spray of bullets flying down the hall from who rocky though was called Rook because of the markings on his back from earlier. He jumped to the side and tried to avoid them but a shot hit id leg and stomach, several others his but the armor stopped them. When the clip was empty Rook hastily but clumsily tried to reload but dropped the clip. Rocky took this advantage and emptied several rounds into the hurrying man, bringing him down for good.

Rocky stood up and leaned on the wall, walking down the hall and picking of the groaning wounded with a shot to the head. He continued to Rook's body and looked at the shivering form before him. It begged for mercy on ears that could not comprehend. Rocky bent over and picked up the magazine that was dropped then reloaded his gun with it as if to show him how it was done then fired a few shots into the suffering fool to end his pain.

Rocky slumped down the wall and took off his helmet to get some fresh air. After he winced in pain holding his stomach. He was bleeding. He was like the others. Was this his end? No he knew it wasn't he tested this before. He wasn't bleeding fast enough and if he stopped it he would be fine. The wolf took off the top half of his suit then the vest under it. He held his paw to the wound and the bleeding slowed when the blood had no place to go. He decided he needed something to replace his paw that was constant and simple. He reached forward took of Rooks helmet. It was a young tiger eyes closed and blood dripping from his mouth. For the first time he felt remorse for what had happened. This Rook fellow was the only one that put up a fight and he would never be around for a rematch... rocky stripped the armored suit off his rival and took the shirt off the tiger's body it had a few holes and in big bold letters said ROOK on it but it wasn't long enough to wrap around him. Rocky sighed and closed his eyes thinking back some. The long white jackets of the lab coats would work perfect. He held onto the shirt and stood, staggering back down the hall to the lab.

The door was open and the blood was out in the hall. He staggered in and grabbed a coat, shredding it into strips. He used the strips to wrap up his abdomen and stop the bleeding. When he was done with his stomach he removed the leggings of the suit and patched up his leg. The damage there was nothing more than a graze but it was hurting like hell. Once everything was wrapped up and the shirt that said ROOK on it was on, he was back to thinking about getting out. He sat on a bench and started to think, he had enough undamaged gear to leave without it looking too suspicious but then he would have to talk his way out. He could go down and try fight out bit that wasn't going to be easy. He had no idea how many more there were and without surprise on his side and the lack of information he was walking in blind. The air ducts would work but he didn't know where they lead. There was the window.. He could jump out. But that suit couldn't survive the fall. But then there was always.....

Behind him a girl in the dark of the locker was peeking out trying to keep quiet. She was on the edge of crying. What if he started to look again? He had just kook out 10 well trained solders how would he survive?

The wolf stood, mind on survival. He didn't want to kill any more. He just wanted out. The wolf staggered back down the hall to the chain of lifeless armored bodies. He leaned over and picked up the biggest one with a struggle and moved to the window. he stood a couple of steps away before dropping his foraged machine gun and gripping the body tight. He started to run at the window and tacked the glass using the body as a shield. There was little resistance from the thin glass as it shattered and he busted outside, the faint feeling of hanging in the air before falling.

The air outside was cold and wet and on the way down he saw drops of water falling with him. They looked immobile on the short ride down and on impact the body gave a sharp crunch as it took most of the impact. Rocky groaned in pain as he rolled off and stood in on a slippery green carpet. Every step he took was labored but needed in order to get away. He wasn't sure if anyone was following him, the air smelled of blood, water and mud. His hearing was deafened by the sound of a thousand raindrops hitting the ground together. With every drop that hit his body more and more blood was washed away but it never really left. He looked at his paws and the sharp tips on the end that he had use to kill those people. His rage was sated but the feeling of killing the innocents was starting to sink in. he looked at his shirt and read over the name ROOK... if he hadn't broken out the tiger would still be alive. Or at least just left without a fight..

His thoughts were cut short as his feet hit the pavement and he looked down the street. It was empty so he hiked down it with every painful and draining step. He reached the corner of an intersection and looked around. As he scanned the area his vision started to fade and turn black. All he could see now was a bright light that started small and got closer. He started to wobble a bit then fell to the ground. All he could feel was the twinge of pain on his side as he hit the floor.

The wolf awoke with a start and sat up quickly. He looked around and saw an otter on the bed across from him and sighed with relief. His paw ran across his stomach to the tiny missing patch of fur on the bottom left side of his stomach. His fingers traced over the round scar and his dream flashed through his mind. He always wished it really was a dream every time he woke up but like a routine he slid out of bed and down the hall. He moved through the living room and into the kitchen. He opened every cabinet and searched the contents until he found what he was looking for. He retrieved a bottle of vodka. With a frown he uncapped it and said aloud. "Women have the worst taste." he tipped it back drinking in the clear liquid and not minding the burn. When it was empty he tossed it in the trash just in time as the liquor entered his blood stream. He walked a few steps before the room started to spin and he collapsed to the floor.

P.O.V. Samantha

The mouse awoke early to the sound of the noisy folf's snoring. She mumbled under her breath and got up heading to the kitchen for coffee. She figure no one would do it for her so she was going to make just enough for her. The mouse wandered into the kitchen and tripped over the pile of fur blocking her way. He fell mainly onto of rocky then rolled off quick, Snapping up and looking down. She looked him over and caught the smell of alcohol. "Hey drunk ass get up I almost broke my neck on you." She yelled followed by a kick to his leg.

The wolf stirred and looked up at her. "K-Katie..? Oh no wait... It's just you..." he rolled back over and closed his eyes.

She kicked him again and yelled. "At least get off the floor you bum!"

The wolf groaned loudly and sat up. "Ok ok you don't have to yell... "He stood up and took a chair at the dinner table.

Sam started to make coffee but felt merciful and made enough for two then took a seat across from him. "So mutt why are you out here? Don't you have a bed?" she watched him with a blank stare.

He nodded and looked back in her eyes. "Ya I do just.." he yawned. "just I couldn't sleep.."

She glared at him then after a moment asked. "So you drank yourself asleep?"

The wolf nodded and she chuckled. They sat in silence until the coffee was done. She poured him a cup then herself and sat it before him. "Drink up pup you're going to need it. No one knows what this lady has in store for us today or how it's going to come."

The wolf smiled at the then thanked her. They sat there just chatting about nothing while the sun rose in the window above the sink.

End chapter 4