The story of Fang1000001212: Chapter 2

Story by Fang1000001212 on SoFurry

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Part 2 to my story. Hope you enjoy. If you do then Rate, Favorite and Comment on how much you like it. Also watch me and send a friend request if you want to. Thanks for reading my story.

The story continued with: "Me and Fang were like brothers because we hang out so much it's not even funny. Even though he never had a girlfriend before, he still has his best friend. We were also in the same classes in middle and high, but not all the same classes. In his 3rd period in high school, he had computer apps for business, while I had something different. One year in high school, Fang met this really cute girl. I don't remember her name, but Fang basically fell in love pretty quick. I would always try to get him to snap out of it, but it wouldn't work sometimes. When it does, he always says it like the best felling he's ever had like, ever. (I would say something sexual, but I'm trying to keep this kid friendly.) Anyway, the next year, the cute girl left school. She moved back home. Fang was really mad after that. For the next two weeks, Fang wouldn't talk to me. Not even to say hi. Then, he got over it and started talking to me again. Then, he started failing in his classes. I tried helping, but I didn't know what he does in some of the classes. So I decided the best way to help was to take the classes myself (although, I don't know if you can change classes in the middle of the year,but I did anyway and it somehow worked.) After taking the classes for the next few weeks, Fang was doing well thanks to me. I felt happy now that I helped Fang, so I stayed in the classes all year. In the next chapter, I'll explain why people started calling Fang gay." That was all he wrote for chapter 2.