The story of Fang1000001212: Chapter 1

Story by Fang1000001212 on SoFurry

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This is an idea that I had for awhile now and just wanted to type it. Hope you enjoy.

I would never expect anything about me, until my friend came to my house. He said he wrote a story about me. I was kind of surprised by this, so I took the stack of paper he had in his hand and read it. I was impressed. I didn't realize he posted this on the web, but by that point i didn't care. He said he wasn't finished yet. It looked done to me. But I saw what he meant. There were mistakes almost everywhere. He said he would finish later and let me read it first hand. I then said ok and he left. For the rest of the day I thought of the story and just left it be. It was not important right now. The following day my friend finished the story. He said he was up all night trying to finish the story. here's what he had: "Fang, a true best friend of mine. I've known him since we were babies. His life was pretty tough. He was struggling in school to get the grades up, he never had a girlfriend, and he was called gay throughout middle and high school. I stood up for him because he couldn't defend himself with the right words to say. He's good in a fist fight, but talking... don't get me started. He starts to say some thing but then freaks out, then stands there shaking. I always help out and win because I'm a good talker. He would fight, it's just that he's sometimes a goody two shoes. He just doesn't want to get in trouble. His dad left him with his mom and he hated his dad for that. When his was living with him, he would give fang advice about school and how to deal with bullies with out getting in trouble. But now his dad was gone and he shut out of life. He still has me at least. Sometimes someone would make fun of me too, but I didn't care, as long as I stayed calm and tried not to get angry, cause when I get angry I will try to kill someone. Totally not kidding. Let me just finish by saying that life was hard for me too. But am I talking about me or Fang here? Let's get to the story." That's all he had for now. I will tell you Chapter 2 later.