1.02.1: Old Friends

Story by ThatOneFurry770 on SoFurry

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#3 of Stay for the Party

Stay for the Party (1.02: Old Friends / The Move Part 1)

"Nick notices it's been about nine years since he's spoke to George and his childhood friends. He decided to throw a party, and starts to invite his childhood friends."

-This episode introduces a few new characters, which will be important to the show, and will have their own side of it from time to time, such as Connor and Lucas.

Stay for the Party

Written by. ThatOneFurry770


Episode 02 - The Move Part 1 - Season 1

*ri-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ng*... ... *ri-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ng*... ... *ri-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ng*... ... *ri-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ng*... ... *ri-*!*

"Hello?" George answered the phone, groaning as he had just crawled out of bed, rubbing his growling stomach and scratching an itching spot around the bottom of his gut, which was currently poking out from underneath a tank top.

"Hey there, buddy." a voice said from the other side.

George felt like he knew this voice, it sounded so familiar to him, "...Wait, who is this?"

"It's me, Nick. Remember? The german shepard?" the voice said to him, and this helpfully refreshed George's memory.

"Oh my gosh, Nick! It's me, George! It's been forever!" he laughed, sounding excited.

"It really has been forever," Nick said, almost shamefully, "nine years to be exact. I've been counting."

George sounded shocked, "Have you really been counting?"

"Not necessarily," Nick sighed, "I just know how many years it's been. How's life, anyway?"

"Oh, uhmm... Fine, I suppose." George said cautiously, reviewing his current selection of clothes, "I'm not in anything too nice right now since you managed to awake men from my slumber." he admitted.

"Heh, sleeping in-" Nick laughed, George seemed confused and looked over at his clock which hung over the hallway entrance to the other bedrooms, 11:13 am, "-like you always used to." Nick teased.

"Hey!" George barked, blushing, "Well, sorry. It's a bad habit, even today. I'm sorry."

Nick sighed, "You don't need to apologize. You know what it really is? It's adorable, that's what it is."

George laughed, "Oh, shut up!" he walked over to his room, feeling wide awake, hearing laughter on the other side of his mobile managed to get him running for the day, especially hearing his crushes voice again, even after all these years of no interaction at all.

George began to put on some clothes, yet to notice that they all fit rather tightly on him,

"George? What's going on?" Nick giggled to himself, "You sound like your struggling to put pants on or something."

"*rrf!* Well, that might *bhee!* because *aheem!* putting on pa*hannntz* ri*eet* now! *hrrf!* *rffh!* *sigh-*KHOK!!FTINGK-k-k* Oh, no! No! Are you- jeez, really? No- *k-k-krr-rr-rrr-hh-h* Ah! They're ripping already- no! No!"

Nick laughed, "Uhmm, do the pants not fit you?"

"...I'm gonna have to call you back..." he heard on the other end, only hearing an immediate hang up.

Nick sighed, "You better call back soon, because when you do," he looked in the mirror, reviewing his new outfit, "I'm going to finally make the move."


*Connor *

Connor Merchant was a white wolf, with crystal blue eyes, a sweet yet bold voice, always wearing a red leather jacket, underneath that a black long sleeve t-shirt, and black jeans. He loved being a good friend yet would be the worst of enemies if you made him one.

He was also friends with Nick and George, but the three never really talked much. This is Connor's story right now.

It's a bit more different than their story.


*ri-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ng*... ... *ri-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-*!!* "Hello?" the wolf answered the phone after pulling it from his pocket and pausing his current conversation with Lucas.

"Hey, Connor." the voice on the other end greeting the wolf.

"Wait, how do you know my name...?" Connor asked, suddenly having second thoughts, "...Is this Nick?!"

"Hey, you got me right!" Nick laughed, "Nobody else remembers who I am by hearing me because my voice got so damn deep."

and indeed it did. It was much more deeper than Connor could ever expect. Just like Nick and George, they didn't talk for years, "Gosh, mate! It's been forever! How have you been?"

"I've been good, I'm an author now." he said, pausing for a moment, humming, "...perfect...perfect- Hey, so I'm throwing a party. I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

"Wait, wait! Author?" Connor chuckled, "You mean you finally got a book published?"

"Yep!" Nick smiled, "I finally got a book published and soon it's 'destined' to become a best seller, from my reviews." he said, greatly.

Connor got excited, "I loved your writing when we were still thirteen! Your pieces were incredible! No wonder the language arts teacher liked you the most! Tell me about the book!"

"Not right now," Nick sighed, "I'm still preparing the party. I managed to get George to come over, and soon I'll invite Lisa and Jack, as soon as I get you to come over."

"Oh, definitely!" he nodded his head excitedly, "Just give me the information I need and I'll be there!"

"It starts at 7:30 tonight, me, George, you, hopefully Lisa and Jack, at my place. I actually need some concentration right now so I'll email you the rest of the details, like my address."

"Alright, sure." Connor nodded his head, "I'll see you at 7:30!"

"Alright, see you soon." and they said their goodbyes, hanging up.

As Connor hung up, Lucas, a fox with emerald green eyes, spoke up, "Who was that?"

Connor sighed, "An old childhood friend. He was such a nice person. I haven't heard from him in about... nine years."

"What? Really?" Lucas was shocked to hear this, "Why? What happened?"

Connor tapped his fingers onto the arm rest of the couch, "We all left each other. We all lived so close to each other, and then we moved away. I do recall that George's parents had a divorce so he moved with his mother to a new location."

"...and what about you?" Lucas asked, "or did Nick move away?"

"My family moved away because we were only staying momentarily, or something. Just that they didn't want to stay forever." Connor said, having distant memories, "It's weird. I'm starting to remember so many things now."

Lucas walked over to the wolf and smiled, "Well how about you have fun at this party. Be sure to bring me back some cake, if there is any."

Connor smiled, kissing Lucas, "Sure thing, hun." and Lucas happily kissed back, walking over to the bedroom to slip on a jacket, "Hey, I gotta go. I gotta go help out at the library, and you know I like to get there a bit early."

"I know. See ya later, hun." he stood up to kiss Lucas one last time, before he left to go out the door.

To Be Continued...