Wolf and Deer - Part Ten - Mercy - Illustration by Arikla

Story by Amber Eyes on SoFurry

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#11 of Wolf and Deer

This installment of the story about the deerwolfs parents was the first one with a proper illustration, done by the amazing Arikla. Alrrright, enjoy! ^^

Life - so very beautiful

Could never be valued highly enough

Yet when all hope is lost

You will know when it's time to say


Heart beating rapidly. Still not believing what she had just done, knowing she would do it again for him, as often as it would take. Turning around to see the effects of her kick, looking at the other Fang with a cool regard, heart filled with new-found courage and purpose. Daring him to make another threatening move - her next kick would see his skull shattered.

Beta blinked. One impossibility after another - he wondered if his senses had left him for good, or if all this was but a dream; maybe he was still lying in his den, crazed with hunger. But no... his injuries felt real enough, as did the scent of blood and... his eyes swivelling towards her, lighting up as he saw her beauty... and his love... if this was a dream, he'd never want to wake up again.

A gurgling sound made him look down. Delta looked back up at him, eyes glazed over with pain, crippled beyond any hope of recovery. Doomed to starve in slow agony. An unspoken plea in his gaze, then gratitude as Beta lowered his head, knowing the only right thing to do... fangs closing on backbone, snuffing out Delta's light... ending his suffering in a final act of brotherly love.