Mission 01

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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Black OpsMission

01 By

Assilsasta & Cormenthor  ??????????? September 7, 2013 ??????????? ??????????? O' dark 30 ??????????? Still groggy and damp from her bath, Daisy had managed to

get Cecily into their bed and under the covers without waking her. After

slipping on a pair of pants and a shirt, the moose ventured down the stairs

following the light from the great room. Her curiosity was peaked when she

walked into the room and the group was sitting around a pile of at least

fifteen old bell style alarm clocks. Lilliana looked up at her with serious expression her face.

"Okay, we're all here. Come on Mouse Bait pull up a chunk of floor." As Daisy sat down Susan rolled out what looked like a copy

of the blueprints for a house. "The plan is simple and we need to do it tonight

before the mut gets any additional security installed.  His system is top of the line with only one

major weak point we have already helped him find, no external cameras." The

chinchilla pointed at several locations on the diagram as she said, "There are

motion sensors here, here and here. Dead zones follow this path. Our key

distraction will be to maintain a constant alarm for the front of the house." "I think I can handle that," Hank offered quickly. "Good," Lilliana replied before looking over at Daisy. "Now

for your part. You and Alex will run the gauntlet up to the house from the

side." As the liger spoke Susan pointed to a spot near where she pointed out

the dead zone. "From there you will put an alarm clock in each window. Think

you can handle that?" "Shouldn't be too hard," the moose replied socking an

eyebrow at the liger. "So what we're gonna drive him nuts by keeping him awake

or is this just to keep him occupied?" "A little of both," Susan answered. "His windows have

vibration sensors, so it will set off his alarm in random zones and alert the

security company as well as wake him up. After checking a few times and letting

the company know that there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary,

they should suggest turning off the system until they can get someone out to

look at it in the morning. That is if he doesn't have it calling directly to

law enforcement." "Unless you really want to get your paws dirty, I think that

will be the end of the night for you," Lilliana said as she folded her paws

together and leaned forward, eyes locked on Daisy. Looking the liger in the eyes with a very serious expression

on her face Daisy said, "I'm not worried about getting my paws dirty, not over

that asshole. From what I've heard and read in the paper at work on my breaks

that prick has a serious hate on for herms anyway. That bullshit tonight with

calling the cops and fire department..." she paused, visibly shaking in anger

towards the Dalmatian man, "that fucker nearly sent Sisy into another panic

attack with that bullshit, and at her own birthday party to boot. What I want

to do is wrap my paws around his pencil neck and choke the life out of him for

it." "Okay," Lilliana said with a little smile. "From that point

you three go on the set up every stupid childish prank you can. Anything from

TP the house to a trashcan of water leaned against the door. The likelihood of

getting caught in phase two is a little higher, especially if the target

decides to just stay up and try and catch us in the act. Remember, if he is up,

keep him moving. Every door, window, whatever, don't let him slow down for a

second." "One more thing," Susan interrupted, "This room is off

limits." pointing to a corner of the house. "That is his daughter's room, and

she is not part of this. The alarm only sounds in the master bedroom, den,

kitchen and command console. So it should not wake her up." "Now we set the clocks to random times and wind the time

spring fully and the alarm spring only three full turns," Hank said as he

demonstrated with one. "This is so the clock will wind down before he has a

chance to get to the location. No sound no proof of what set off the alarm." "We set da 'larms and return to da checkpoint," Alex said

looking at the moose.  "Sounds good, not so different to the stuff a few of us used

to do a Halloween back home. Just wish I had known about this a bit sooner,

there's an easier way to do the alarm thing without leaving a trace that we

used all the time," Daisy said with a little bit of a chuckle in her voice. "Is that so?" Lilliana asked as everyone turned to look at

the moose. "Do tell." "Several ways actually, but in this case using mini cupcakes

to toss at the window would work fine, the stray ferals would gladly scarf them

up and leave nothing to be found before daylight," Daisy said looking the liger

in the eyes again. "We used that one fairly regularly with all the feral

squirrels and raccoons around Winter Creek, little garbage cans would scarf

them up like kids with candy." Tapping a finger to her lips for a second she

added, "now that I think about it, that's also how we usually got the scat for

the flaming surprises we left on the doorstep." As she leaned back and

supported herself on her arms she looked over at the eagle and said, "wouldn't

happen to still have a bag or three of those mini marshmallows around would

you? Those work about the same way, just have to have a decent throwing arm ."

Grinning slightly she added, "And even if they don't get carried off by the fur

bags, it looks like a bunch of kids did it." "Interestink," the old badger said from his slightly

concealed chai in the dark, "But can you pull it off vithout gettink caught?

Most ov zee property is open space. You vill not only need a goot srowink arm,

but swift hooves to get you out of sight as well." "True enough," the moose girl said looking over to where the

voice seemed to come from the dark. "In this case the clocks are probably

better, the other would work a lot better if I had one of my brother Ralph's

modified spud guns. He can be a major geek, but that boy can come up with some

awesome toys when he has an incentive." Cocking her head slightly Daisy added,

"hitting the windows isn't a problem. I can hit the same single window pane

twenty three out of twenty five from thirty feet with the ammo I said, but I

know that jerk watered his lawn later than usual tonight and with hooves

traction would be a bitch. Like you said too much open space and nothing to

duck behind." "Don't feel bad," the chinchilla said as she put a paw on

the moose's shoulder, "Lilly shot down my idea of posting a Craigslist ad for

free demolition of his house so he could get on with his remodeling. I'm sure

people would jump at the chance to destroy his house." Snickering hard enough to make her shoulders bounce Daisy

said, "now that would have been fun to watch." "Enough chatter," Lilliana broke in, "Let's get on with

this, we don't have all night." The liger put her fist forward. the rest

followed suit putting knuckles to knuckles. They sat for a moment before

Lilliana said, "You get up here too Mouse Bait, you're part of this." Daisy

hesitantly put her fist into the circle. as the group said, "Melior Diabolus

Quem Scies," in unison, then broke off to their tasks. Alex continued to wind

alarm clocks as the others left the room. Looking over to the eagle Daisy asked, "so how are gonna

carry these things without them making a bunch of racket?" ??????????? The Beginning ??????????? It was near dawn when the first cop car pulled up in front

of the Zaretsky house. The group had taken seats on the balcony over the main

door as they watched the lights flick on and off all night. The Dalmatian was

apparently more stubborn than they had anticipated, waiting for the law

enforcement  instead of shutting down his

security system.  Lilliana leaned back in her folding chair as the officers

turned and looked toward them from across the street.  Behind the cops, Roman Zaretsky was visible

pointing at them. "Well he knows it was us," She said to the group, "But he

still can't prove it." She stood up and motioned for the group to go back

inside. "The war has begun. I am sure he won't let it pass any longer. Mission

one was a bust. Time to start planning the next opp. What do you have Mouse

Bait?" "Hmmmph, so the wuss waits for the cops... give me a few

minutes on this one. Jerk reminds me of someone we had to deal with back home,"

Daisy said as the group turned and headed back into the house. "In fact, give

me a day or two, let me get ahold of some people back home, I think I just

might have an idea, but I need to see if they can send a few things out here to

me. Need to contact that crazy brother of mine too," the moose said with an odd

grin on her muzzle."You have two weeks," the liger said pulling the doubled

doors shut behind them. "I will not jeopardize the camping trip for that

shitbag. Now go get some sleep before you have to head into work." "Two weeks works for me, and I agree on taking any chances

on messing up this trip. But that asshole isn't getting off easy. Not after

that shit he pulled and nearly spooking Sisy like that." Looking around at the

group of adults she snickered a little, "and thanks for letting me be part of

getting even with his spotted ass. Anyway, I need to get to bed without waking

up a mouse, goodnight all." Daisy walked down the hallway to the bedroom she

shared with her mouse girlfriend and slipped silently inside. Lilliana turned to the remainder of the small group and

said, "She gets one week. That gives you the camping trip to do whatever you

want. She earned it this time." As she finished and started walking to her own

room Susan and Alex looked at each other with a smile and high-fived before

going to their own rooms.