Wait (Poetry)

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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#4 of Miscellaneous Works

It took me a while, but I'm finally about ready to post all the stuff I've worked on for the last few months. Sorry if poetry isn't your thing; I'll be posting some of my stories later as well.


What was I to do?

Wouldn't it all have been in vain?

So all I did was...Wait.

I was feeling blue.

It all was always the same.

Could I do anything but...Wait?

That's all I knew.

I knew I couldn't handle the pain.

Shouldn't I just...Wait?

Then I chose a different hue.

A set pattern accomplishes nothing.

What is life without spontaneity?

So what was the point?

Did it matter?

Did I matter?

"No." said I.

A tear escaped my eye.

As a figure passed me by,

I called out as I looked to the bright sky.

A silence fell.

A touch of darkness seeped into the light.

"Do I dare disturb the universe?"

Eliot once wrote.

"No." said I.

Or had I already offended?

The figure stopped.

My heart plummeted.

Was there yet time to descend the stair?

I did not know.

I did not need to know.

I had been here before.

On the other side of things.

At least, I remembered it that way.

A flash of darkness came over me.

A warmth followed.

Had my time ended?

For I felt at peace.

But the bustle of the streets continues.

My scars still there.

Was it all just a dream?

Or had I stopped wanting to...Wait?

The shadow lifted.

The daylight felt stronger.

It might have been worth the...Wait.

With a new-found resilience,

I stepped forth.

With a new-found courage,

I chase.

With a new-found voice, I yelled, "Wait!"