Pmd-e-beyond with extra M1-2

Story by delete341 on SoFurry

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#7 of PMD-E-of-Beyond

A few more stories to go before I am caught up.

Drake was now at the siege of the sanctuary for four months and the smells of death were affecting the others more as Drake was in a tent with a lantern, a large tin can and, surgical tools. He was doing an autopsy on a plague victim and taking items of value from the dead. The can was full of PK now as this was his fifth autotypy this week that he pulled from the barriers. His note book was full of notes and Drake had eliminated bacterial, viral, and chemical causes. The high levels of dopamine and brain chemical imbalances led him to conclude that there were two possibilities. The first was stress and fatigue, were causing this with some trigger like brain washing. The other was coming to him as he was pacing as he said to himself, "What if this is intentional, how or, who is doing this? I need a drink or five." Drake was with Samuel as his grand mother was taken out of the embassy in trucks and protected by armored West Tao personal carriers out to the docks and sent away via undersea boats pulled from the ghost fleet. Everyone in the embassy was in a high level isolation. The boats' crew were in hazmat suits for the short trip under the water. Water types guarding the barriers under the waves were not piercing the haul as each vessel punched through the weakened barriers. A few older veterans were watching as the trenches were surrounding the sanctuary with barbed wire and look out nests. The ground was dry as Drake and his unit were sent to the shore for some other tasks. Drake found some scoundrels digging in a peat bog and joking at the grave they found. Drake got furious as he fell in and looked at a jolteon skull smashed. The few metal items that were left on the mummified were a medal, helmet, some dog tags that were barely readable. The bog had preserved them so Drake read the tags and looked at the medal. Drake was mortified and in shock as he said, "Leave those items. You did not earn the valor medal. She did earn the medal and I buried her here a very long time ago. I wonder how her body survived this long? Must be the bog and dirt, or the permafrost you hit a few feet ago." One digger said, "Fat chance, I bet this medal is worth a lot of PK and the helmet looks good on me." Drake replied, "That medal is worth a lot but not monetary, it gave acknowledgment for military action above and beyond your duty. Actually 30,000 years ago you could not even sell it and I am one of the few that know the value. On the side note, those are her brains in the side of the helmet." The digger refused to part with the items and Drake grabbed him like a pup and flung him out of the hole and held him down ready to kill. "She was my friend and I looked at her as a male or a meal. I will take her and her things with me or I will leave you at the bottom of the pit and burry you in it. Is that clear?" Drake said in a terrifying tone." Drake told him and took the things from the grave off him. He replied, "How it that different from you?! You rob the dead and cut them open!" Drake was angry and said in a murderous tone, "Robbing a grave and robbing from the dead are two different things. The dead do not need money and I get the information for the next of kin for after this plague, with a date. I have discovered that this plague has not pathogens but affects the brain chemistry." Drake threw him for a bit and pulled Amon's body out and dragged it into his ship where it was hidden. He stored the body and remembered how to revive the dead. He missed his friends and the curse of immortality did that to many. He took a sigh and came back to the trenches. The smell of death permeated the air as it was blowing to them. The others were planning a trip for food to bring into the quarantine city. The taboo of eating other pokémon was reported as a rumor. The siege was causing starvation and Drake watched helplessly as a child was mauled to death by their parents just to feed the other children. He was horrified at the prospect inside the city and left to search for a cure. He wanted to forget this event and other nations were less concerned as they had plans on solving the problem with carpet bombing then, fire bombing. These were rich and powerful empires that Drake hated. He was relieved as they went to war with their neighbors to the south.

Burning the bodies was a dull task as Drake felt that the pits were there to store the bodies and remains. Most of the deaths were the old and young, partially eaten. Drake used flame thrower to burn the bodies after looking inside to fine a cause.

The Mr. Mime's holding the barrier were tired and Drake looked that the situation. Berries were not the best for long term. They needed health food and water. Some were tired and wanted to leave the job. Others got the guild to build a small wooded wall about ten feet tall to get some defensive positions. Drake knew better and the food on the inside of the barrier was little or none. They were eating each other to survive. Four months was long for a siege and the embassies of other nations were left abandoned with document and computers destroyed. They had sent ship at night to rescue the workers and many were just out of food and died inside the building. What Drake could do was make hot meals out of almost anything now. He had found fish and cooked it with berries, spices, and assorted fats for the broth. There were some vegetable as he carted around the barrier giving soup and trying to encourage the others.

The attack of the infected were now few as others began leaving their post to loot the places. It was late summer now and he wanted to see his pups and took some leave. Three days off did help him but, bring food in the city was hard as it had to be lifted and dropped in small piles to allow food to given equally. He came back to his post to see fires inside the city and the small of napalm for what looked to be the West Tao embassy. A pichu and charmander merchants looked burned in the medical tent and they smelled of napalm. Drake ask them, "You were robbing the embassy for valuables I guess. Did you start those fires?" They kept silent as Drake figured it out fast. Drake said to them, "All those burned alive inside the city will on your heads and you might get charged for looting and war crimes now." The pichu asked, "What are war crimes?" Drake replied, "Crimes done in an act of war against others and acting like mercenaries than solders. That entails stealing precious metals, stones, money from houses during a battle." The barrier top had to fall to allow air in and save the infected as sanitary condition were now poor and diseases like cholera and dysentery were rampant as the filth and the dead were not removes fast enough. The fire lasted three days as the remaining pieces of the city were in ruin. The dead were piled like cords of wood now and the two that started the fires were in the shock of their lives as the cause of the fire were released. Half of the infected were dead from the plague and the fire. The rain helped on the last day to stop the fire as the fuel for the fire was almost out. Cars were burned out and it looked like a war zone inside as no green were left. Trees were burned down as the streets were still hot and the asphalt had melted and fueled the fire longer. Burned out building with melted glass and the smells of chard remains permeated the air as disease was stopped along with half the population. Garbage was incinerated, as was many of the houses. Drake joked a bit and said to the one's who started the fire by accident, "What will they call it? Is it an act of god or arisen. Ether way you two are screwed and in deep in trouble. Who wants barbeque?" Drake was having fun as the others thought it was a sick joke. The joke turned on Drake as he had to use the dental records to identify all the bodies as the heads of the guild ordered him to do. Drake was sick of this and wanted to run. Some witnesses to the start of the fires behind the barrier told a story and Drake had to process the new scenario now. A pidgey started, "I was flying over the barrier to stop other flying types and I looked and there was smoke from a barricaded building. Two pokémon I could not identify ran out and then a hug explosion and soon I heard popping and there were strange fireworks. In only a few minutes the fire was everywhere and it was sticking to everything and everyone I could see. Then, then I witnessed a cloud close to the ground and plague victims just falling and acting like they were in shock." Drake said, "So, the West Tao bobby trapped with the ammunition. All the records there are burned up and I have seen pokémon act like that but, from where and when. (He gave it a thought.) That is just great now, poison gas. This is not a siege anymore, this is a war zone. Pidgey, I want you to tell the heads of the guilds that gas masks and protective gear has to be worn and no matter what, they need the looting to be controlled." The pidgey was sent away as Drake looked at a project. The task board was destroyed again and there was a task to build a better one. Drake was hiding from his new job to name the bodies and ran into a old scrap yard and found a large piece of iron from a steam engine boiler. It was huge and Drake found the owner of the scrap yard dead, they took their own life or it was set up like that. Ether way, it was free and Drake used his ship to move it into place with cables and hooks. The rivet holes fit well as the new task board was large and had a top for observation. This piece of iron was six feet tall and weighed several hundred pounds. Drake made it heavier by throwing in scrap iron and lead in it. With flamethrower he focused the heat and melted the lead in one solid lump with dirt and iron on top. This task board was sinking a few inches into the ground now. Food in the city was scarce now and there was tons of it in the deep woods. This was a dangerous job to do. Drake was pulling a cart to fill full of food and the others were looking ahead as the small group was in a caravan for food collection. The smell of the dead and charred, or the lack of the smells were refreshing to the group. Most knew that the food situation improve after the firestorm, but at the costs of 8,000 to 10,000 souls rough estimate. The number was inaccurate as the fire had begun to cremate the bodies. Drake had the previous task of retrieving dental records and looking at tattoos for body identification. Drake was sick of looking at the dead and his pups were mid aged now and he wanted to spend time with them. He stopped caring if everyone died in the besieged city. He could rebuild his life and feel normals. Drake commented, "This so called plague is not natural at all. Four months and yet the missing and unknown keep raising. How do you handle that and the main point, what advantage would you have if you created the problem just to sell the cure. The other angle is military weapon development. They needed a test site and they picked a large population center. The last is religious, they wipe out the 'deemed' impure and use this as a political tool.

On the way to retrieve food for the besieged city a merchant was pondering and asked some odd questions. The merchant was a meowth and was back from a supply run to support the barrier.

The merchant asked, "So, you are the expert on this apparently Drake. How did the infected survive for sixteen weeks

Drake replied after a pause, "Every few nights you heard planes overhead. I looked one night as it was the full moon and found out. The foreign countries had the embassies with some food delivery and evacuations. The space craft landed at the airport at night and picked up the workers in isolation suits. To continue, the food was dropped off by air and the parachutes landed and are inaccurate so, the locals would take the food from the landed pallets or kill the others to eat the food and the bodies. After three weeks they had problems and tried to raid the places that had food. Then, later it was the weak, sick, old, young; eggs were next. The eggs were first to be eaten, fallowed by the sick and weak. Finally the old and young that were unable to get away were prey to the rest." The others were shocked as they looked at Drake with his lack of regret. Drake continued, "I have suffered starvation before and I nearly had to kill my older sister but, I had to eat my dead parents. That is the basic story of my life before I made a deal." The merchant said, "So we have to double time getting the food then?" Drake twisted his head in confusion and replied, "Then who will pull the carts and protect the food? I have been guarding for the whole time and I want to be at my lovers villa and with my pups. At this point I really don't care if the city is wiped out by a nuke. The radiation will kill everyone left alive and kill the plague at the cost of the living. My stuff is replaceable or I had it packed to move out of the sanctuary and in my ship. The items I did not save were to be sent in the mail to be delivered." The merchant asked, "How are you not in the guild housing or paying for storage?" Drake smirked and replied, "I'm rich enough to buy a building in the city center but, I paid a lease because it was cheaper. In foreign banks, I have bonds and I cashed them to save up for a home outside the walls. I hate walled cities and I love the fields of produce." The group started to enter the woods as the spirit of Amon was trailing behind in full battle uniform that she died in. The hole in her skull was gone as she just watched. The campfire that night was quiet as Drake began to cough blood and running a fever. He felt like he was coughing up a lung as he blacked out. He woke up and the others were freaking out as he was showing signs of a new decease. Internally, his body was reacting to the drugs used to make him somewhat mortal as it was later discovered to be a bad batch and was recalled during the plague. Drake was feeling ill and like he was dying again. His heart slowed down significantly as he was having a hard time breathing. The next morning he stumbled up and looked in a lake with a irritated shock. He had no reflection again. His urges for blood were almost out of control and he was hunting his caravan of guild members. He was thinking of food, about eight blood rich meals just waiting for him. The others thought he was a bit crazy as Amon stood in front of him. He looked like he was having a conversation with himself. Amon said to Drake, "You need to stop and calm down! I awoke after those others robbed my grave. I am happy you took my remains but you are acting strange." Drake was sounding quiet and a bit arrogant as he replied, "It is just a bit of blood lust and I called for a new shot of me. It will be here in a week." The others looked bewildered as Drake pulled a box out of his bag and it was cigarets and lit one up as he took a deep breath. He had rolled on his back and lit the end and caught the other end in the air. He rolled back on his legs as some of the more health conscious were a bit angry. A raichu said, "Those will kill you and they smell horrible." Drake replied, "Right now I am undead and I really do not care. I could drink as much as I want, smoke as much as I want and not die. One smoke will not kill me but ease the stress I am in because of this drug reaction." He spoke as the cigaret was still in his mouth. He incinerated the whole thing with a giant puff of smoke. His bloodlust was over for now but it was in the back of his brain. He was an apex predator with unsuspecting prey all around him. This lasted the till the night as he was acting like a drug addict going through withdrawal. He needed to hunt and drink blood, his cravings were of a new vampire and his eye's shifted black as he found some real prey. His brain was sending signals to his whole body as his body tensed up and his three inch fangs came out. His mind was focused on liquid lunch and he found a feral meowth as his fangs were ready to bite. The scent was of Denari and Drake knew that this was a bad choice for a kill. Drake used body language and with those fangs the kitten was scared as Drake retracted his fangs and hauled the kitten back to the camp and continued going for the hunt. He came back in the morning covered in blood as he washed up and Amon was watching him. He had come to his senses and wanted his friend alive again. With this power he could bring her back as an eevee with her past life intact. Drake was a vampire and could be revived from the dead as a whole , but mortals were a bit trickier. Drake needed to think this through as the cart was now full of food and Drake was the only one who could pull the cart as the others pushed. The baskets on their backs were full of berries. Drake was craving his meat as his primitive part of his mind was acting up. He was craving protein from flesh. The food was air dropped in the park that was burned to a crisp. All the untended grass and trees were burned to ash. Drake was a care free vampire as he strolled through the city and came to his burned out home. It was totaled as the building was almost gone. All that remained was the concrete walls and the bent metal. His mind was of an apex predator as he walked across a burn skull of a pikachu. The skull was cut like a blade was in the back of the head. The leg bones had butcher cuts as Drake knew that it was too late for many souls. He looked down as he knew it was the city was like the bloody battle field of his past.

Side story:

Deep in the burned out city Drake came to a shrine as Amon was asked to come. She did and there was scrolls Drake picked up before returning to his post some others were in the back and watching from the shadows as Drake slit his wrist as a vampire and had six bodies in a pool of blood. He was chanting mystic and forbidden words that very few knew to speak.

Amon was confused as she could not speak and was pulled in a jewel. She was screaming to get out as Drake picked it up and dropped it in the pool of blood and her old body. Drake was chanting as black flames erupted from the pool of blood and an eevee female came out. She was soaked with blood and Drake pulled a bit of fur off and washed it. He grinned as he said, "So Amon, how do you like your new body? I made some modifications to your old body and those bodies were your clones I made a few weeks ago. Anyway, they were soulless bodies that were made to bring you back from the dead as an eevee. Right now I am a vampire and I waited for the drug to given so I could add you to my team." Amon spoke for the first time, "So I am alive again? I feel sick and why am I burning up?" Drake replied, "I altered your genetics to have the rare recessive traits I want. Evolving will be harder to do but, I was born live and I thought I came from an egg but this body was made to have the recessive trait instead. This is a fad for the rich I guess. You smell and need a bath so just be quiet and let me wash you." She was nervous as Drake licked all the blood off her body and rinsed her new body with soap and water. She was like a wet fox and could barely walk as she was learning all over again in the trenches. Amon replied, "I was happy dead, and why me and how cruel are you?!" Drake replied, "I was lonely and every new era make me feel further apart from this world. I crave meat and blood and berries give me gas. All these concepts make me feel alone and I am lonely. Even with two mates and pups of my own blood, I still feel lonely. This siege brought back memories I wish I could forget. The worst was your death, I fallowed the rule of never getting too close to your comrades in war and if I was mortal, I would want pups with you. Those memories have been keeping me awake at night for three months. I need some sedatives just to sleep now." Amon was still wet and the size a month old pup. She looked irritated as she found a replica uniform of her old one. She knew the look Drake was giving and helped him have a smoke outside. She was tired of the scenery and wanted to see some of the others.

Copyrights -pokémon belong to Nintendo, Game Freak -Most of the character and ideas are mine Delete341 -BBC(, Toby Whithouse, Rob Pursey, Touchpaper Television, and Eleanor Moran, for BBC Cymru Wales) -Anyone I do not know that created the NPC's -PMD-E-of-Beyond is on DA