"what are you?"

Story by Kitlian on SoFurry

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somewhat of a little introduction for a character I've been toying with in my mind.

The night was nothing exceptional. The moon was almost full, and the cloudless sky allowed its light to illuminate the landscape well. Cresting a hill, I looked down on the small town of Chesterville. It was indeed small town. Two main roads met in the center, and a few side roads had built up to accommodate the various businesses and utilities. I had come here, having overheard news of a strange series of events. The state government had been pushing the construction of a 4 lane highway through the town, which upset the locals badly enough, that there had been a few bloody clashes between the locals and the labor union surveyors laying out the markers. While unfortunate, this kind of thing happened all over, and would have never caught my attention. The bit that interested me, was the description of one of the protesters, and the subsequent flurry of supernatural and fringe experts, and investigators descending on the area. The tale I was told, was of a half lynx, half man creature that gunned up a number of union thugs, and then reportedly rocketed into the air, and away from the authorities. They described him, as having two auto pistols, and some form or propulsion devices on his arms. As I looked across town, I heard a distant series of gunshots in rapid succession. I couldn't track them at the low angle I had to the town. Not long after, an object shot up from the center of the town. It was small, and on either side of it, two blue flames visible. I tracked it with my eyes, as I prepared myself to deploy my weapon system. The object went down in a controlled fashion a ways behind me, close to the trail I had taken here. I tensed lowering my head, as I felt the heat building in my shoulders, and around my breast, followed by the searing pain, of the support structure materializing, and burning its way through flesh, and onto my skeleton. I suppressed a cry of pain, panting as the breastplate and turret formed, the guns laying folded over my back like wings. I stood shakily, for a moment, as everything cooled and set, opening my eyes to look back to where the object had landed. If I was lucky, I had just walked in on the character I was after. Still tense from the pain, I swung the guns out instinctually, and flipped the loading gates up, feeling the metallic clinking as the belted ammunition snaked its way up the guides to the guns, slapping the gates down, and folding the guns back again. Loaded and ready, I begin walking towards the landing site, transitioning to a canter, and then a gallop as the pain faded. I couldn't tell exactly where the thing had landed, so I stopped every now and then to listen, and smell the air for anything unusual. My course had taken me off the path, and into a stand of trees at the corners of a few crop fields. I proceeded cautiously into the trees, figuring that this would be a likely place to find something wanting to be hidden. As I reckoned that I must be nearing the center, the tree line gave way to a line of brush, and then opened into a clearing. As I stepped out, I heard a massive movement of foliage from my right. At about the same time my guns were swinging into position, a humanoid figure burst from a tree thirty feet above the ground, and flew forward dropping to the ground, ten yards ahead of me, blue flame fading from near his wrists as he straightened up, two Uzi SMGs coming to bear on me as the bolts slammed back and forward on my guns. The flurry of activity was preceded by a considerable pause, as both I and my query stood motionless, assessing the situation, and undoubtedly asking the same question: "What are you?