Darkness Ensues

Story by Nexus the Wanderer on SoFurry

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Just a short story I came up with a few days ago, finally getting to now.

I wake up to darkness sourrounding me.

I'm in a room, which seems to be extremely large, but that's probably just the darkness. My ears twitch as a scuttling sound echoes througout the room. A metal blade begins to sharpen against one of the walls, but creates no sparks for lighting. This frightening sound compels me to search for some kind of escape of any sorts, a door, a weapon to defend myself from this horrid beast. What urges me to search harder is the breathing that seems to run down my neck, as if something is there. I turn and swipe a paw out to see if it was my imagination or not, but nothing is there. The schttling becomes louder, and I begin running my paws along the walls ins search of a handle of sorts, running into other walls as that edge of the room ends. I continue my search for an escape. My paw finally grazes something metal, the shape of a handle and I grasp it, but a feeling washes over me, an indescribable feeling, as something cold enters my body,. Reaching my other paw down to my stomach, it hits a metal object, covered in something sticky. Realization dawns on me as I realize it's my blood, and a blade has run me through. Drawin my final breath, I feel my eyes begin to haze over, my eyes close for the last time, and I topple over.

That's when I shock myself awake, wake up to darkness surrounding me, in hat seems to be an extremely large room.