View at the Top

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Something I wrote for the pundamental contest, a short piece to help me get into the swing of things.

Alister walked nervously in the large skyscraper, the largest building in the city was home to one of the premier technological firms in the country and the young dragon had been lucky enough to score an interview for an internship position. He walked up to the marble receptionist desk and tried to stop his hand from shaking as he handed the slip of paper over to the shapely vixen that manned it. "I'm here for my interview with Mr. Shorewind." He said as the woman grabbed the piece of paper and looked it over. "My name is Alister Dunne."

"Ah yes, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Shorewind is expecting you." The receptionist replied as he handed him a badge and clipboard. "Fill this out, then take the elevator at the end of the hall, it's an express up to the top floor where your interview is being conducted."

The silver-scaled dragon nodded and was about to ask something when she saw that the fox had already fielded another call and subsequently ignored him. He filled out the required form and handed it back, then clipped on the badge to his lapel. Even though it was still early morning the lobby was packed with employees, all of them making their way to the golden-doored elevators that lined the impressive stone tiles of the hallway. One of them was larger than the others, and unfortunately for Alister's anxiety it was the one that he had been directed towards.

Once he waded through the men and women in well-dressed suits and got to the elevator he pressed the up button and waited, and as he did a larger, black-scaled dragon came up next to him. Alister glanced at the impressive figure, dressed head to toe in a suit that shined in the light and looked vaguely Italian. "First day?" The other dragon asked as he looked down at him.

"Kind of." Alister said as he fidgeted slightly. "I'm here for an interview with Mr. Shorewind about an internship."

"Ah, he's a good man to be under." The huge dragon said just as the doors opened. Alister tried to remained composed but the elevator was more elegant then most rooms he had been in. He couldn't help but rub a shoe against the plush carpeting as the metal doors closed behind the two, then noticed that there were only two buttons on the panel. The other male saw his perplexity and got the smallest hint of a grin on his face as he explained that it was an express elevator that only stopped at the top floor and lobby.

Alister nodded, then looked up as he watched the numbers go up... very slowly. "How... how long does it take to get to the top of the skyscraper?" He asked nervously.

"Normally it takes about a minute, but they're have a problem with one of the lift winches." The other dragon said as he loosened his tie. "So it's going to be about ten to twenty minutes."

Alister balked slightly and looked down at his watch, he only had fifteen minutes until his interview and if it did take up twenty minutes he was going to get there late which could blow the whole internship. As he began to pace slightly the other dragon watched him for a few seconds with bemused interest. "Son, perhaps you need to calm down." He said as he reached out his hand to the younger reptile. "My name is Malik, and you are?"

"Alister." Alister replied as he shook the other dragon in a strong grip. "I'm sorry, it's just that I really want this job and I don't want to be late. Ugh, I should have just gotten here earlier, but I didn't want to get here too early."

"Mr. Shorewind is a good wolf, he will understand, we all have ridden this elevator to work." Malik replied. "It's still a shorter ride then the standard elevators, especially at this time of morning."

There was another pause as the dragon's words did little to soften his anxiety, and as he continued to pace. "You know, if you're really tense perhaps I can do something to help relieve some of that stress." Malik continued, Alister realized that the other dragon was right behind him and had put his hands on his shoulders, which caused his eyes to widen. Even through both of their suits the smaller dragon could feel the other male's member throb against his thigh.

"How... how did..." Alister gasped slightly as he felt Malik's hot breath against his scaly neck.

"It's my job to sense these things about people." Malik replied as Alister felt a pair of hands against the front of his pants. "Their weaknesses, vulnerabilities, passions..." Alister let out a small moan as he felt his pants fall away followed by his boxer briefs. "I could tell the second you stepped onto the elevator that I was going to have you."

Alister couldn't believe what was happening as he heard Malik's pants hit the floor at the same time he was pressed against the elevator wall. There he was, on route to the biggest interview in his life, and he was about to screw around with some guy on what would be the slowest elevator ride he would ever have. Everything about the black-scaled male exuded power though, even the way he held him now beckoned him to do exactly what the other male said. It didn't hurt that he could feel the rock hard pecs and abs press against his back either, the handsome dragon's erection now completely nestled in his exposed cheeks with the head against his puckered tailhole.

"How about a little practice interview." Malik nearly growled. "Just relax and you'll be fine." Alister's hands clawed against the marble as he felt the fat head of the other dragon's length spread him open. His thighs and legs quivered as his breath caught in his throat. The two dragons began to huff and moan as Malik pushed deeper into him, and the elevator swayed slightly as they began to develop a rhythm. While Alister couldn't see it he knew that his spontaneous lover was as well-endowed as he was muscular as his own cock slid against the wall.

Alister grunted as his tailhole was stretched wider, and as he looked up he saw that there were only thirty floors left until they reached their destination. "Malik, we're... we're about..." was all Alister could say before he suddenly gasped as he felt the other dragon pound against his prostrate, his tail thrashing in the air.

"Yeah, almost there!" Malik grunted back as he gripped Alister by the throat and pulled the silver dragon against him while his other hand began to stroke up and down his pulsing member with the same fervor that he thrust into him. With only twenty floors to go the two rutting dragons let out a cry that no doubt could be heard on several floors as they came together, Alister could feel Malik point his dick up as he came while his own shot several loads into his eager tailhole. For about a minute both males panted in their coupled embrace, until finally Alister shivered when he felt the thick tool that had climaxed in him slowly slide out of his twitching tailhole.

"I can't believe I did that." Alister said finally as the black dragon opened his briefcase and pulled out a large handkerchief and wiped himself off before handing it to him. "I guess it's a good thing scales clean so easily, plus there isn't a drop on either of our suits."

"Indeed." Malik replied with a smile as he produced another one and cleaned Alister's seed off the marble before he tucked it in one of the case's compartments. "Also that you got the wall entirely, I'd hate to think what the cleaning bill would be like." The silver-scaled dragon looked up to see that he had gotten himself back into a presentable state just as they had finally arrived at their destination. Alister breathed a sigh of relief that the outrageous affair was at an end, though his only fear was that the dragon he had just been with was in the same department, though the other dragon definitely didn't seem like the type to blab about his conquests as they walked up to the lupine secretary behind the desk.

Before Alister had a chance to walk up to the desk the female wolf looked up and immediately snapped to attention when she saw the black dragon. "Tell Mr. Shorewind that I apologize, but I will be taking his morning interviewee, if he doesn't mind." Malik said with a small chuckle.

"Yes sir, Mr. Allenson." The secretary replied before she looked at Alister, who stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face as Malik started down the hallway. "You may want to follow him dear."

It took a second for Alister to comprehend her words before he quickly walked up until he was next to the big dragon's side. "Mr. Allenson, as in Mr. Allenson of Allenson industries?"

"You bet, and from what I read from your resume this morning before work you'll make a wonderful assistant, and after my personal 'interview' on the elevator I'm going to have to poach you for myself." Malik replied with a wink. "Now if you'll follow me to my office we're going to have a lot of things to... fill out before we start to work."

Alister continued to walk as his confusion slowly turned to a small smile despite himself, watching the perfect bubble butt of his new boss as he walked in front of him. Guess I just slept my way to the top. He said as he shook his head at the last twenty chaotic minutes of his life. God, that was wrong on so many levels...