Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 2)

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#3 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

This is my very first story series, and I would like it if you wouldn't mind giving me comments and constructive criticism at the bottom. All responses are welcome, fully appreciated, and will be taken into consideration for my next story. And you can reach me by email if you have any ideas or suggestions you would like to tell me, I'm at [email protected] And now that we have finished with the formalities, just enjoy the story that I have created for you, the loyal reader. I hope that the tale I have weaved will keep you on the edge of your seats be it for suspense, or for....other reasons. (hint hint....wink wink)

and all characters are copywrited to....well me, Cyan Spirt. so don't make me hunt you down with my group of grossly overpaid lawyers.

This story is dedicated to one of my best friends Soul Hunter. I wish you only the best and that Jason, who was tragically taken from us, will be missed terribly. I only hope that you will be able find a sense of peace at some point, for I'm sure that's what he would have wanted. Please always keep a smile and that sparkle that has touched so many. And to all my other friends who gave me the courage to do this...you know who you are.

Sincerely an enthusiastic writer,

Cyan Spirt

Maxi slowly turned on the faucet and pulled the small plunger up to allow the bowl to fill with water as he stretched out, letting a small purr escape his lips. He quickly shut off the stream of the water as he dipped his paws into the full bowl and marveled at how good the warm water felt on his aching paws. His gaze then returned to his reflect as he noticed just how small he was for his breed, being the runt of his family certainly came with its own set of consequences. But since he had no control over that aspect of his life, he had gotten over his small stature quite a while ago. His blazing auburn eyes glimmered in the mist from the steaming water as he had to wipe the mirror down with a nearby towel just so he could continue looking at himself.

As the glare evened itself out he started to notice his clothing and in what condition that they resided in. He moved his paws down to his neck as he gently adjusted the large black bowtie that was tied securely around his throat. But as he fiddled with it, it became ever harder to breath until he forced a couple of fingers inside the knot and slowly undid the bow before laying it on the counter. He took in deep breaths as the warm air filtered through his lungs and back out again. He saw, staring back at him, a very respectable male lion with his mane nicely tamed and dressed in a freshly wrinkled and somewhat stained white button down shirt with a small emblem, his family crest, on the pocket. He cringed as he saw the small design, remembering all the heartache that his family had caused him, in fact he realized, they are the reason he is here in the first place.

Quickly, Maxi set about undoing his shirt as his fingers nimbly undid each button, which in turn revealed more of his golden fur to the mirror. He continued downwards until he heard the last button snap and quickly slipped from the shirt as he folded it somewhat neatly and laid it too, on the counter. His eyes traveled back to the glass as he saw his upper torso completely bare, and he had to admit, he certainly wasn't that bad looking of a cat. His soft golden fur ran clear down his body as he saw the lighter shade on his belly and chest, but his was strait and clean unlike that of his companions. His arms were scar and mark free as they too were fluffs of golden fuzz. He could make out the small trail of darker fur that led below the rim of his pants as he studied himself in the mirror for a while longer.

After admiring himself for a few more minutes, he took a quick second to turn around and view the small bathroom that he now resided in. The black and white checkered tiles were mostly cracked and weather-worn, that is those that still remained on the wall and not in the pile of ceramic material in the garbage. Like any functional washroom, this one had a vanity, a simple toilet, and a shower with speckled plastic for doors. He gave a small purr as he saw the shower and couldn't help but feel he disserved a bit of a rest after all that happened today. His boots carried him thorough the matted and stained pink carpet as he reached into the shower and turned the nozzle, allowing the water to escape as he smiled to himself.

He closed the shower doors to allow the steam to build up as he returned back to the vanity and sighed as he could already begin to feel the heat against him. He gave a small hop and sat upon the edge of the sink as he rested his head against the mirror and stared out into the darkness of the next room where Jason slept soundly. His tail and left leg hung over the edge and dangled back and forth as he zoned out, just watching the sheet rise and fall with each breath the dog made. Maxi's face then scrunched up as he felt a warmness emanating from his crotch, to which he looked down and saw his soaking wet paw laying on his pants; for he had absentmindedly placed it there forgetting it was still wet. Sighing, Maxi spoke to himself, "oh well...can't go into the shower with clothes on anyways."

The feline snickered to himself as he slipped off the porcelain counter top with his cat grace and set about to finish undressing. First, he moved his paws into each pocket and removed their contents, piling it up on the counter as he looked it over. The old wallet and crumpled bills formed the base, to which a couple of breath mints and sucking candies laid on top, followed by a small ring. Slowly he picked up the piece of jewelry and stared at its gold metallic band, the rock that was set into it as he turned it this way and that, seeing the stone from all sides as it reflected the light. Sighing, he placed the ring back on the pile and reached down to undo the button, followed by the clasp of his belt. After pulling of the fine Italian leather belt that his father had given him this morning and resting it on the sink, he allowed his small feline stomach to expand again.

Now Maxi never thought he was fat, or even pudgy, he had always considered himself just healthy, and besides a little bit of a belly never hurt anyone. He grinned to the mirror as he ran a paw over the soft gold fur that covered his chest, letting a slow purr escape his lips. His paws then popped the button on his midnight black suit pants with the creases going down each side as he heard the zipper slowly descending on the fabric. Without any further help, his pants slipped down to rest atop his boots as they reveled his fit legs. And even though he had never exorcised more the twice in his life, but being born as a lion meant you didn't really have too anyways since you were already quite toned. He now stood in front of the glass clad only in his favorite boxers, as he could see the much lighter fur on his legs since he rarely wore shorts which would have darkened his complexion.

He backed up slowly, not wanting to trip over the pants still around his ankles as he closed the lid and took a seat on the toilet. The coldness of the material was felt instantly even though the thin layer of cloth that he kept on. He bent down and unlaced his right boot as he then tossed it to the side. He thought for a moment as to where his fine dress shoes had gone, the ones with the engraving and small deep blue tassels, before he remembered that he had tossed them in the back of their car when he had found these hiking boots. He repeated the motions on the second boot as he was finally able to slip his pants off as he placed them too on the counter. Maxi never wore socks as he felt the impeded his feline capabilities, though now he wish he head as he stood up and felt the frigid surface of the tiles against his bare pads.

His cat claws, though retracted, made a small clinking noise as he crossed the tile floor to once again stand in front of the mirror. His tail, now free to sway any way it chose, had wrapped around his waist and used the tuff of fur at the tip to gently tickle himself. He let out a couple happy squeals before slipping it off of him in order to view his body unobstructed. For now the lion was bare except for his boxers, their bright red flames the only vibrant color in the entire room next to the faded pink carpet. The fire was set against a black background as the tips of the flames slowly seemed to be licking at his thighs. Maxi had always modeled this particular pair when ever he could, often staying up at night in his room alone as he stood in front of a mirror and stuck a few poses he had seen on television.

The sound of the water hitting the side of the tub snapped him from his modeling daydream as he gracefully moved to the door. He opened up slightly, to which he was greeted with a huge gust of hot steam. He could feel his face moistened by the air as he let out a sigh of contentment before adjusting the small dial to lower the heat of the water now that the entire room was clouded in a steamy mist. Since no one was around, Maxi did not feel self-conscious at all about dropping his boxers and tossing them at the sink as he stood, stark naked, in the dingy hotel bathroom. He let out a small gleeful purr as he felt his sac finally be able to swing free after being kept tucked away for more hours then he'd like to count. His sheath, which held the pride of all male lions hidden inside, rested against his chest as he slid the door wide enough for him to slip inside.

Instantly he was greeted with droplets of warm water hitting his back and cascading down his golden fur. He moved to the back of the shower, away from the spraying water as he got himself used to the temperature of the water. Slowly, he edged forth letting the gentle droplets fall over his body starting at his legs and working up. Over his firm thighs, letting the water stay for a few seconds on his sheath as he let out another purr before moving again. His tail playfully weaved in-between the streams as he felt the hotness move up his chest to where it was only inches from his neck. He stood there in silence as he could feel all the dirt and grime simply melting off of him.

Maxi took in a deep breath as he shoved his face in to the rushing water as he could feel his fur become soaked through and through. The warmness heated his body as his muscles relaxed, and his mind was able to wander away. It flew far away, far from this hotel, far from this place, far even from time itself as memories rushed back to him. A memory that he hadn't had time to think about in a long time, one that was the simple reason for how all of this came about, the memory of how he first came in contact with the canine sleeping the next room. The place and time where he had first laid eyes on the brown, curly, god that would later become his savior.

As the feline's ears went under the shower, his mind brought him back a full three years into his past. A time where he could still see his life as one strait road, when he could never have seen himself staying in a dilapidated place as this, especially with another male in the adjacent room. As he opened his eyes into the shower, no longer did he see the cracked tile, the grimy walls, and the half used soap. But rather a pristine forest, large gray boulders arranged around the small pool of water to which he was standing in, and the large cascading waterfall above that dumped gallons of water on him by the second.

Once again Maxi felt the cool fresh air against his naked form, his paws gently running over his body as he lathered up his fur with shampoo he had brought from his house a far distance away. Now this waterfall was not in feline country, but rather where all the canines lived, and had been told not to go there, to avoid the savages at all cost. But his feline curiosity got the better of him, and him being a lion gave him a sense that he could take care of himself, not to mention the youngest son of one of the most wealthy lion families that had ever lived. Feeling completely self assured, he had allowed himself to venture deep into forbidden territory to reach the waterfall that he had played in when he was only a small cub.

Now he stood at the bottom of a remote waterfall as he lathered himself up with the suds. Slowly his paws moved from his legs, making sure to wash the bottom of his paws and get any twigs or leaves from his pelt. His next target was his rump as he paid special attention to his tail, sliding his fingers along the thin extremity to the small plump of fur at the tip. He then moved around to the front as he rubbed his sac, which contains his loin's seed, as he then scrubbed his sheath to which he let out a small purr. The sound was mostly drowned out by the raging falls above as he stayed a bit longer on the area, making the head of his member peak out a bit before moving higher and onto his chest.

Maxi's claws expertly worked over his fur as they pulled the small knots from the fluff before moving over his now smooth pelt. He could see his coat shine in the morning light as the sun reflected of the water and cast illumination on the rocks around him. Absentmindedly he tweaked his nipples, which awoke another moan from his throat the seemed to bypass the water and make it's way into the forest. He remembered how he had not thought of anything that could go wrong as his paws glided over his neck and onto his hair, now matted with sweat. His eyes had closed to prevent soap from irritating him as he leaned against the rocks behind him before stepping through the wall of water to clean the suds from his fur.

He felt the points of the rocks against his back as he leaned against them and just stared out into the green wildness beyond the falls. He could see the small shrub where he had hidden his clothes and equipment while we went for his shower. He could see the blue sky as the sun's rays reflected off of the pool and refracted into his eyes. He had to shield his eyes from the light as his other paw slowly traveled down his body to rub his male hood again. And being the horny lion that he was, still a cub at that point, he began to excite himself. Expertly his fingers moved around his furry sheath as he gave a purr of satisfaction. The head of his loin member poked out from the suds as the red tip was like a beacon against his gold fur.

He adjusted his position against the rocks as we finally able to see without the help of his other paw, which soon joined his first one down by his sheath. While one gently massaged his growing sheath, the other took his orbs between his fingers as he rolled them in his paw. He began to pant as his tongue slid out the side of his mouth and hung there. he could feel the soap in his hair begin to leak down the sides of his face as he began to move his paws further and faster. Erupting moans, purrs, and child-like growls from his throat as he felt close to letting himself shoot his pride into the water. His tail had wrapped around his chest as it slowly tickled his chest and nipples, sending another wave of pleasure through his body and down to his hard shaft.

Maxi was on the verge of letting himself succumb to the waves of pleasure, but his feline sense picked up on a disturbance in the distance. His ears twitched as he made out a rustling in the bushes beyond the pool of water. He could see the hedges begin to sway back and forth though he felt no wind and could hear soft, muffled whispering. Quickly he released his throbbing member and moved briskly through the water as he passed under the wall of water. Instantly he was drenched as the soap melted from his body, taking all the dirt and grime with it. He knew that something, or someone was watching him and he could vividly remember his heart racing and his pulse in his ears as he wadded into the middle of the pond and turned this way and that to try and determine where the source was coming from. Still naked, Maxi realized that someone was watching him as he had a sudden urge to cover himself up. Slowly and as quietly as he could, he shifted towards the beach where he had left his clothes hidden away in the underbrush.

As the lion neared the edge of the water, he heard a sound and realized that there was just not one other person two, but multiple people, and most likely they meant him harm. As he stealthily came upon the coarse sand of the beach and reached under the bush, his paw rubbed against a material they he didn't recognize as being his. He kneeled down to feel more as he tried to determine what it was until he felt the thing move. He let out a loud yelp as he sat back on his rump and looked up to see a large canine rise from the shrub. In one paw was the bundle of clothes that he had worn and in the other was a large knife. He felt as though his heart was in his throat as he found it difficult to swallow. Maxi just sat there looking up at the large wolf with fear in his eyes.

The large gray wolf towered above the sitting lion as he stared into his eyes with a feeling of intense anger. Every muscle in his well formed arms bulged as he gripped his equipment and gave an evil smirk. His torn and tattered light blue jeans were covered in grass stains and small tears, while his red and black button down hunter's shirt hung open for all to see. His chest was even more ripped then his arms as his abs reverberated every time he took a breath deep into his lungs. His face was a tad on the narrow side with his deep black eyes spaced close to the base of his long muzzle. His hair was long, black and held behind his head in a ponytail that gave his face an even slimmer look. "I see we have a trespasser here...what should we do boys?"

Hastily Maxi looked around the small clearing as two more forms rose from the bushes, each dressed in the same manner as the one that looked down on him. As they moved into the light he could make them out a bit more easily. The first one to arrive was a somewhat smaller dog, a golden retriever he figured, as it's bright golden fur resembled his in color and sheen. His face was a bit more plump as he too carried a knife, the edge seeming quite dull as the handle was fastened to it with duck-tape. He was wearing a pair of baggy gray sweatpants and a torn green polo shirt with the collar raised around his yellow neck. "I say we should show him what we think of being second rate to cats, boss." He said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a gleam in his eyes.

Maxi let out a small, and barely audible whimper as he saw the third male leave the darkness of the shadows and enter the realm of light. He backed away towards the water as now standing next him was a smaller canine in comparison to the others, a tad skinner as well. His black and white patched fur was his rapidly wagging tail behind gave him the look of being incredibly hyper. His was dressed in a pair of frayed shorts with no shirt on, as his well defined chest was noticeable under the thin layer of fur. He gave a couple hops in place as he looked over at the others, obviously more dominate ones and yelped in a happy voice. "Yeah Arnold!...you show him what for...I can't wait until I get to mount him!" as he then looked back down at Maxi and gave a sinister grin.

The lion, now out numbered three to one, had snapped his head forward to the yappy one and couldn't believe what his ears had picked up. He placed his paws in a defensive motion as he shook his head, "P-please....do-don't rape me...I....I....I didn't mean to. I'll leave right now....just let me get my stuff and..." as he started to stand and reach out to retrieve the bundle that Arnold held with in his right paw. He had forgotten that he was still naked as his deflated sheath and sac rested against his leg. He could see the bundle within his grasp as his mind was racing with what might happen.

Arnold gave the feline a small smirk as he looks right into his eyes. "No.." he said simply as he placed a paw on Maxi's chest and pushed him back on his ass as he grinned a wide toothy smile. "you violated our home....so we are going to violate you...I think it's a fair trade, right Theo?" as he turned to the golden retriever and nudged his shoulder a bit. He could already notice the bulge that was appearing in his companion's pants as he could feel his own member struggle in his confining jeans. He tossed the bundle of clothes behind him as they made a echo when they hit the forest floor somewhere in the brush. The wolf then took a step forward as he bent over to stare into the lion's face as he scoffs before pulling back and slowly slipping off his shirt, leaving him bare-chested.

Theo snickers as he nodded before looking down at their new play toy. His large busy tail moved slowly behind him as he used his free paw to rub his crotch right in front of the lion's face. "I know you want me...want all of us. And I can promise that, that's exactly what is going to happen. Besides, the jack rustle terrier over here can't want to sink himself into your tight rump, don't you Benny?" as he had to loosen the collar on his shirt so he could breath a bit better. The warm air had made all three canines glitter with beads of sweat as Maxi wondered how long they had been watching him. The feline's eyes traveled from one face to the next as he remembered wishing he could shrink up and vanish.

The smaller male vigorously shook his head as he spoke quickly and in a loud voice. "You bet! You bet! You bet! I can't wait to relive myself...it's been some time since we've had a kitten to play with....I wonder if he can handle those large balls of yarn you keep in your pants wolf?" as he giggled under his breath. His paws ran over his chest as he tweaked his own nipples before looking back down at the lion. Maxi could tell that he was staring at his exposed sheath, and could see his eyes traveling over his tail until he could barely make out his rump before it was hidden from view. The cat adjusted himself to hide as much of his nakedness as he could from the three horny on-lookers.

Maxi couldn't believe what was about to happen to him, a lion, king of all the jungle, about to be taken by three large canines. His muzzle parted as he let more whimpers escape into the air, his face showing signs of distress as his body shook. He gulped a bit though he still tried to have an authoritative voice. "Do you have any idea who my father is?...He's Nathaniel F. Weiss...and if he finds out you did this to me, you are going to get it....but if you let me go, I'll pretend this never happened..." as he gave a silent prayer that his tactic worked. Slowly he inched his body down to the waters edge as he felt the small waves break over his footpaws.

The wolf only grinned wider as he began to give a hearty, gruff laugh, which was soon joined in by the other two. Maxi suddenly had a very disheartened feel as he feared that his words had made his punishment many times worse. Finally stopping, Arnold caught his breath and began to adjust his pants as he spoke. "You....you're the son of Nathaniel? Well, it will be our honor for taking his youngest son's virginity. And after what he did to our homeland...maybe we'll take you back to the village and let everyone get shot at you...but I want first dibs on your sweet ass.." He gave a growl and popped the snap on his pants as his eyes never left Maxi's face, as though he were drinking in the fear.

Theo's sneer only made the feline sink father into his desperation as he stared back in horror. "My my boys, can you believe our luck? And since our prey here has already done the task of exposing himself for us...it makes things that much simpler. So...shall we draw straws to see who gets what part?" His left paw fumbling around in his pocket before pulling out the twigs and snapping them to different lengths. He then offered them to the other canines, though his glaring eyes never left Maxi's face.

Benny begins to hope up and down as he can't control his hyperactivity anymore, which results in a cloud of dust being kicked right into the lions face. "Me me me me me! I want to go first!...come on...please...I never get to do anything first..." Benny whines before he notices Maxi bending over as the cat tries to force the intrusions out of his system. "Look look...he's already trying to clean his throat so he can engulf us....aren't you such a caring kitty." The jack rustle coos before he leans down and rustles the lion's hair roughly, a smirk across his muzzle.

Maxi instantly shoots his eyes upwards as he stares back into the small males grinning face. He could vividly remember the small black patch around the dog's eyes that made him look like a small bandit, which brought back the thought that he was about to have his virginity stolen from him. The lion boy backed up farther into the surf so he was covered up to mid thigh, still hunched over, as he shook his head rapidly. "No...no...no...please, you can't...you wouldn't...not that." He said pleadingly as he managed to get the last of the dust from his mouth. His eyes traveled from the smirking faces of each canine before they looked down to see the bulging packages that each male was supporting, his mind still in shambles as it tried to piece together a way of getting out.

The gray wolf only snickered as he lifted his paws to up to the ponytail as he let his long thick black hair flow down past his shoulders and it reached to the middle of his back. Arnold rested his paws in the sides of his pants that were hanging on his hips by the sheer static cling. "I can! I will! And yes....that! So I hope you are ready to open up wide and accept your punishment. But should you not....you are going to anyways!" He then stuck one of his paws in Maxi's face and extended his sharpened claws for all to see. The feline gave a small yelp and shuddered as the wolf stood strait again and let his jeans fall to the ground, now clad in only a pair of hiking boots and a white Speedo, which was filled to bursting. Arnold then turned to the others as he spoke, "NO!....I'm going first guys, and that's that...end of discussion." The wolf then pushed Theo's paw away making him drop the twigs, "as I said, his sweet ass...you can pick through the remains after I'm done."

Theo could only gulp as he nodded, but not wanting to see intimidated as he gave a small sneer and began to lift his shredded jungle green polo shirt from his chest as he gave the lion a ring side seat to view his chest. Maxi could only secretly marvel at just how built the canine was, which you could never see from the outside. His light yellow chest fur could barely cover the sensational pecks and quarter sized nipples that rested under the pelt. His abs were easily distinguished as a full six-pack was clearly outlined, and became even more noticeable when he flexed his chest as a sigh of relief was lifted from his muzzle. "That's better..." he said before he pulled the drawstring on his sweats and let the cloth gently work its way down his stocky legs. The golden hairs could barely conceal the well muscled and firm limbs as his firm tail waved back and forth behind him. "And I bet he can't wait until he gets to see what I'm packing..." to which Maxi's gaze instantly went to the sky blue boxers which were stretching the elastic to the snapping point.

Now Benny, being the only canine who still had his pants above his waist, couldn't wait to join the fun. He gave a softy chuckle with a sinister undertone as he watched the others revel their choice of underwear, "oh...did I forget to mention....I go commando." The small dog then took two fingers and pulled the lip of his shorts down to prove his point. For seen by the small revel was that the faint muscles continued down to his crotch as Maxi could instantly tell that this canine was going to be big for his size. Then without even a second look back to the larger males, Benny undid his shorts and let them fall to the ground where he kicked them off into the bushes as he stood there, completely nude as the kitten in front of them. Already his large for his size sheath was standing at attention as a hint of the pink head could be seen against the white fur. His sac was held close to his legs as the small stub of a tail shook violently behind him, showing off his rump, as he gave a small murr at being exposed to the elements. "But...I'm nothing to the others in terms of size, only in endurance can I win..." with a small smirk on his muzzle.

The lion watched in disbelief as Benny dropped his shorts to reveal his more then substantial sheath. Maxi could only let out silent whimpers as he shifted even farther back into the surf of the pond, the water level now passed the base of his tail as it hid his rump and sheath from view. He can remember the desperation he felt as he had stared into the eyes and crotches of the canines with such fear, and such hatred, the he can recall shaking. He decided on one last plea as he made a small bow and kept his head low, "please....don't so this to me....take anything you want....just please...don't rape me." Maxi then remained silent as he looked down at his covered paws hoping to hear some sign of agreement from Arnold....but none ever came.

The wolf instead, let out a loud growl as he sloshed through the water until he was right against the lion, his cloth clad sheath pushing into Maxi's muzzle. "Take off my speedos!" he ordered as he watched the feline's eyes widen with surprise and then swell up with tears as his paws hesitantly reached out. Furious, the canine smacked the cats paws away as he shouted again, "with your mouth!...then give me some....shall we say oral enjoyment" he grinned with a sinister stare. Startled, Maxi could only whimper as he nodded and opened his muzzle a crack to bite down on the edge of the fabric. Slowly he began to lower it as his nose brushed up against the sheath and he was hit with the full force of Arnold's musk. Once the gray sheath a large orange sized orbs were free, he knelt closer as tears streamed down his face as he opened his muzzle to lick the wolf's manhood. "Ohhh..."

The golden canine began to rub his own maleness through the thin fabric of the boxers, his attention constantly on the scene in front of him. Though now realizing that he was the only one still left with his sheath hidden from the world, he quickly slipped a paw underneath the waistband and slid the boxers down over his legs and boots as he just let them drop to the side. Theo murred happily as he watched with peaked interest as without warning, he saw the wolf grip Maxi's head and thrust his entire member deep into the feline's throat. "Give it to him good Arnold!" he spoke with a ominous yet excited voice as he heard the cat gag and choke on the intrusion. He continued using his paw to run up and down his furry sheath as slowly his shaft emerged into the fresh air. His other paw reached down to gently roll his sac around in his palm which erected more moans from the dog's body, but not once did his eyes stray from the shaft slipping in and out of the kitten's mouth.

Benny too couldn't stop from staring at the assault on the intruder's mouth as he barely even blinked, fearing he would miss something. Slowly, his smaller form inched closer and closer to the event as he felt his footpaws slowly touch the edge of the water. Suddenly the small male had another fit of hyperactivity as Maxi could see him out of the corner of his squinted eyes bouncing all around, splashing him with waves of water. The feline however, couldn't see what the wolf above him was doing but he heard the little dog respond, "yes Arnold...I'll get him all ready for ya." Benny's paws then went to the cat's underwater rump is he lifted it from the pool of water and adjusted the angle at which the wolf was able to thrust into Maxi's muzzle. With lightning speed the jack russell swatted the lion's tail from his view as he extended his tongue and slid it against the puckered hole.

Maxi's entire body shuttered in response as he felt the constant laps of the canine's tongue against his tail hole. He remembered wanting to scream, wanting to throw up his guts, but being muffled by the wolf's member in his mouth. He recalled how he saw the tears flow down his cheeks as his rough feline tongue worked over the head of the member in his mouth. Again and again the gray male pushed hard into his now sore muzzle, as over and over the lion whimpered like a small cub. Arnold's musk filled his nostrils as it made him tear even more, and the licking at his rear end kept forcing him to shake as he felt the saliva drip down the back of his thighs. Yet his mind was constantly alert, as it tried to come up with anyway of getting out of this situation before the inevitable happened to him.

Arnold let out another long winded moan as he could feel his large balls start to pull themselves closer which could only mean one thing, he was close. Using his large paws, the wolf pushed Maxi's muzzle from his now stiff member as he leaned down and stared directly into the lion's face before blowing a large gust of air directly at him and chuckling. He then stood up and slowly sauntered around the feline's side as he spoke in a cocky voice. "Guess what kitty....you're about to have one big wolf cock shoved strait up your rump. Hope you don't want to sit down for the next couple of days!" finally reaching the lion's backside. Using even more of his strength, he easily shoved Benny out of the way, causing the small dog to land in the water with a splash, as the wolf held up the lion's tail in one paw and used the other to aim the head of his shaft against the now lubricated entrance.

Theo instantly saw an opportunity for him to get some instant gratification out of the feline as he raced his way into the water and right up to Maxi's face. "Suck it!" he commanded as his paws forced open Maxi's reluctant jaws and slid the slightly exposed tip inside. The warm enclosure of the muzzle against his sensitive flesh aloud him to give off a growl of pleasure as he too began to thrust forcibly into the cat's oral cavity. The yellow pelted dog also kept watch over the feline's back side as he could see the wolf press his slick member lightly against the rump. Too which he only gave a lewd snicker as he saw the kitty's eyes go wide and even more tears begin to spill forth from the cat's red and puffy eyes. "Hey Arnold...in a few moments this cat is about to be impaled from both ends....looks like we have got ourselves a lion roast!"

Slowly the terrier got to his feet and stumbled over to where the golden canine was having his way with Maxi's mouth. Benny then kneeled down as one paw was placed behind him to keep himself balanced, the other gently began to move up and down his sheath as he became mesmerized by the action taking place. His eyes were fixated on the thick rod of flesh going in and out of the lions muzzle as a small smirk crossed over his face. "Such a well behaved kitty...and so good at his job" he mocked as he kept right on pleasuring himself at eye level with Maxi. His small tail vibrated at an increased speed due to the event taking not more then five inches from his own muzzle.

Maxi felt a third push to his rump by the head of the golden retriever's large shaft which resulted in it still not gaining entrance, as his mind finally came up with the solution. He remembered the nervousness in the pit of he stomach wondering if this would work or not, and at the anticipation for actually going through with it. The lion kept his eyes open as he adjusted his stance so he could lift up his left front paw as he saw his own claws extend slowly. He looked up once more to see that Theo was too busy pounding his muzzle to notice as he took in a deep breath and swung his claws directly into the dog's left thigh. He heard Theo let out a scream and yelp of pain as his vice grip weakened on the feline's face, which allowed Maxi to make a quick head turn in order to see that the gray wolf was too stunned from shock to move. He then pulled his claws from the injured male's leg with a trail of blood following them as he took his chance and pushed past Benny with all his remaining strength. He stumbled to gain his footing before launching himself away from the abusers, towards the center of the pool of water, running at full speed.

Arnold realized his mistake seconds too late that he loosened his grip, as he watched Maxi sprint into the pool of water until it reached his waist before the feline started to swim as best he could manage. Quickly adapting to his new surroundings, and seeing his companion in pain, he came up with a solution on the spot as he hurried the few feet to the injured party. "It's not that bad..." he spoke even though he barely made a glance to Theo's leg before grabbing the terrier by the scruff of the neck and looking into his face. "Fix him up...then follow" he tossed Benny into the water next to the bleeding limb before setting off in the direction the lion took. Now only clad in his boots, he dived head first into the water in pursuit of his escaping prey.

Theo still had his muzzle agape as he chocked back small whimper and let loose only a gasp from his parted lips. Slowly his muzzle closed as he bared his fangs in the direction that Maxi had run off to, as he gave off a loud growl before looking down at the small male by his feet. "Get a move on!" as he bent down and gave Benny a hard smack on the side of his head. "Arnold is going to need our help if we want to get that bastard back...and he is going to pay for what he did to me." His gaze then traveled to the side of his leg where the red blood had already stained his gold fur.

The petite male winced as his the other's paw came in contact with his sensitive ears, which resulted in a loud ringing sound in his head. "I'll have you back to your normal self in no time at all" his paws gently wiping away the bits of debris that had already entered the wound. Benny then shuffled back to the beach an retrieved some bits of cloth from his pants' pocket, and returned over to Theo once more. He kneeled back down and began to lick the wound as he cleaned off the dried blood and then tied the bandages around the claw marks tightly. "There you are..." as he gave a light smack to the wounded leg with a light chuckle, to which in response he received a swift kick in the chest from the golden, and fell backwards into the water.

Maxi huffed as he dunked his head under the water and swam ahead before having to break the surface again for another breath of air. He barely got a good 6 feet head start towards his destination before he had heard the wolf following him into the water. "Go away!" he screamed behind him at the form hidden under the waves. He looked forward as he saw his goal getting closer into his reach.

Arnold had barely a moment to take in air before he plunged into the water in chase of his fleeing play toy. And even though his prey had a good couple of feet on him, being the better swimmer, he was catching up fast. "Never! I'm going to get inside your ass!" as his head went back under and his legs propelled himself forward a bit faster. His ears, even underwater, detected the other canines began to move deeper into the water as their ripple traveled along the waves.

Theo shook the last remnants of pain and stiffness from his leg as he grabbed Benny by the scruff of the neck and ran into the water. "Take a deep breath!" he shouted as he shoved the smaller dog into the water head first. He then quickly followed as they moved in unison after their comrade and kitten. His golden fur floating in the current as it looked as if that instead of under the waves, he was falling from a great height to an uncertain landing.

Maxi made another quick head turn as he heard two more splashes and was horrified at how quick all three canines were already in pursuit of him. He converted all his fear and doubt into energy as he propelled himself even harder through the water, determined to make it back to the waterfall in time to escape. The lion then felt a small tug on the tip of his tail as he gave a swift kick with his foot and felt resistance as he began to talk to himself, "come on...you're not going to let them rape you...now move it!...you're almost there."

Arnold bared his teeth under the waves as he nursed his bruised paw. His eyes could see quite well underwater as he noticed the rocky bottom getting closer and closer as they neared the structure ahead of them. He could make out the mossy boulders and splintered wood of ages past as his gray fur-clad body glided over the water. The wolf's head rose from the splashes to make sure that he was still on his prey's trial. Feeling the pressure on him, he also began to growl to himself, "you aren't going to let that little punk escape....you're a wolf...you are going to take him down and mount him like the bitch that he is!"

Benny and Theo barely had time to do anything but grunt and follow along as quick as their bodies could carry them. But with the golden retriever's bad leg and the terrier's small stature, they couldn't compare with the rates of speed the others were exhibiting. Slowly the distance between them and Arnold increased, their chests each taking in deep breaths as they struggle to keep up. As each face broke the surface of the waves, they gave each other small nods and then ducked back under, determined to retrieve the lion.

Maxi remembers grinning, showing off his premature fangs, as his paw first came in contact with the rock wall of the waterfall. Only inches away on his left, his ears could hear the rumbling as gallons of water poured over the edge of the falls. "Freedom...at last..." he mumbled under his breath, his paw griping a rocky outcropping as he hauled his body out of the water a bit. His soaking wet tail wrapping around his wais to keep it out of the paws of the wolf, who was rapidly closing in on his position.

Arnold made a quick head turn of his own too gauge the place of where his fellow canines was, as he saw they had just reached the middle of the lake at the same moment the feline had begun to scale the wall. "Hurry up you ingrates!" he shouted at them with a loud bark, "If he escapes because of you two....I'm going to have both your asses." He then focused back on getting to the rocks in the quickest time possible as he felt his feet claw over the pebbles beneath him. He looked up at the lion with a snarl as he finally placed his first paw on the falls.

Theo gave a small gasp as he heard Arnold's words from under the waves, knowing full well what happened if that wolf didn't get his way. Sneakily, he placed his paw on the top of Benny's head as he pushed himself forward at the expense of the jack rustle's speed. "You snooze, you loose pup...hope you like taking that wolf cock up your rump..." he laughed back at the small dog, as he dunked his muzzle back under and continued on his way, now with the added acceleration.

Benny struggled under the force of the larger male as he lifted his head up to see that now he was falling far behind the other canines. The small male grimaced as he put his hyperactivity to good use and began to kick his paws rapidly, trying to make up for lost time as he again got to the left side of Theo. "Not this time you hound!" he giggled with a sinister undertone. His right paw shot out and smacked against the tender leg area, as he sped along now only a few feet from the rocky outcropping as he could see both the wolf and the lion on their way up.

Maxi huffed as he exerted his body to the full extent as he could, now hanging over 15 feet above the water level, he continued to climb. He just kept thinking to himself, paw over paw....paw over paw, as he reached even greater heights. The cold from the rocks going right through his fur as he felt himself shiver. He was forced to pull his chest tight against the wall to reclaim his balance, as his chest felt the instant chill from having the wetness run against his sensitive pelt. "Only a few more feet to salvation..." he whispered to himself as he looked down to see the wolf hot on his trail.

The gray wolf gave a toothy grin as he finally got his entire body suspended vertically over the water and below in hot pursuit of the fleeing lion. Once again, being better suited to this type of physical exertion with his much longer legs and arms, he could take more into his stride. Arnold no longer cared that he was wet, that he was cold, where his fellow canines were, or even that this was dangerous, all he was focused on was that clenched rump hovering about 6 feet above him. "You are never going to escape me!" he shouted as he reached up with an out stretched paw.

As the other two dogs finally reached up to the base of the falls, they stared upwards with a sneer across each muzzle. Simultaneously they stared back at each other and nodded in silence with the waves crashing around them as they eased themselves tight against the wall. Their views now returned upwards as each gave a silent howl of victory when they saw their leaders paw grip the right footpaw of the feline. Their tails making small whirlpools in the choppy water all around them.

Maxi froze in sheer terror as he felt the tight grip of the male encase his footpaw. The fear welled up in his eyes as he looked back up to see that the rim of the rocks was less then a foot above him. Hastily he tried to shake the wolf's grasp loose, "no...no...let me go...get off of me!...please" he squealed in pure horror. His other three sets of claws dug into the rocks as they were determined to keep him secured against the wall, even as he began to feel Arnold give tugs on his trapped limb.

Arnold gave a snarl as he began to pull back on the feline's leg, in an attempt to reel him back in. "Your mine kitten!...I've got you now, and I'm not letting you out of my grip this time." He merely chuckled as he dodged the feeble kicks from the desperate lion above him as he began to yank even harder, using his other paw as he tried to apply even more leverage. "You are coming back with us to the village....that's final!" his grin went even wider as he could see the shimmer of the tears that was falling down Maxi's cheeks.

Both Benny and Theo watched with complete speechlessness, save for a couple muffled words. Their eyes always focusing skywards as each one marveled at the sound of the feline's claws slowly coming loose from the rocks, and grinned with the anticipation of having to pounce on the falling lion. Each one imagined jumping on the splashing feline as they then subdued him and dragged him back to shore where they had their way with him. Their acute canine ears easily picked up the sound of the feline screaming over the waterfall as they smiled in unison, "Oh god!...no...no...someone please...help me!" the shrill voice went.

Franticly, the head of the feline wavered back and forth from the toothy grin of the wolf, to the edge of the rocks so close by. Maxi struggled to keep himself attached to the rocks as he could easily feel himself slipping do to his exhaustion and the fact that the rocks were very slippery from all the water. Finally, the lion felt his grip give way as his front paws left the rocks while he shot his face skyward, "NOOOOOO!!!" he screamed. His vocals making birds in the surrounding trees flee in far as he felt gravity slowly take over his decent.

Maxi's eyes closed as he felt the wind rush past his face, before he was suddenly stopped, which resulted in a jolt that went strait through to Arnold. "What the..." he shouted before his body hit the water and the other canines below with a loud crash. Slowly the feline opened his eyes to peer upwards to the edge of the cliff to see what stopped him from being pulled into the grasp of the wolf. And there he only saw an outstretched brown paw that had griped his wrist, and then felt himself being pulled slowly upwards. He silently said a small prayer since he was speechless at what had just happened.

His feline ears picked up the sound of whines, barks, yips, and whimpers, along with, "get that cat!" shouted at the top of Arnold's lungs. Sensing that whoever's paw was hoisting him up was struggling with the task, he placed his remaining three paws back against the rocks as he slowly continued the remaining inches to the rim of the rocks. Hesitantly, he peaked his muzzle over as he saw him, the brown furred dog that had saved his life, the canine he would later know as Jason. He was speechless and terrified at seeing another dog as he sat cross-legged on the edge still in a state of shock before his paw was gripped once again and he was pulled to his feet.

"Quickly, no time to explain...we have to get out of here. Follow me..." the dog said as he took Maxi's paw firmly and led him away into the deep foliage. They moved over fallen logs and under overhanging vines as the feline had barely anytime to make since of his surroundings. "Oh, by the way...I'm Jason, and I heard your pleas....so I came...glad I did..." as he maneuvered their way through the dense forest. After stopping for a few seconds which allowed the tired feline to catch his breath, Jason's ears perked up as he spoke quickly, "they are coming...this way." As he pulled Maxi into a small cave hidden by branches.

Not having any strength or will left to fight the larger canine, Maxi woefully obeyed and followed the other as he ducked his head to enter the small hole. He can remember a mix of relief at escaping Arnold and his minions, along with a new fear at what this new canine was going to do with him. Quickly and silently, he moved into the far back of the cave where he cowered with his paws over his head as he curled up into a small defensive ball, pleading quietly, "please....don't rape me...just kill me...please."

The lion not even wanting to see the face of his new captor as he closed his eyes and felt the wet tears roll down his face once again.

Jason stayed alert at the entrance before seeing that the threat had past before moving father down towards the end of the cave before striking a fire. He let out a sigh of relief as he felt the heat of the fire run against his fur, "I don't plan on doing either of those things to you, kitty." He gave a small grin as he shifted himself closer to the lion that remained curled in the corner, his head tucked under his arms. "Now come on, I can't have you catching a cold...get closer to the fire."

Hesitantly, Maxi sat up, his naked form still dripping wet as he moved closer to the fire, and to the canine. He made a wet plop as he sat down an leaned against the rock wall, the waves of heat washing over him, made him mew with calmness. He didn't even realize that Jason had put his arm around his shoulders and pulled him next to the curly dog until he took in a whiff of the dog's scent. Instantly he could feel himself begin to get excited, as he realized he was still naked and blushed. "P-please excuse me..." as he shifted back a bit, "and by the way, I'm Maximillion....just Maxi for short."

Jason slowly nodded in the dim light of the fire as he sat back and stretched out. Maxi could see that the dog was quite well groomed, and dressed in clothes that sent a signal this wasn't his usual thing. He had a pair of black sneakers with red stripes across the laces as a pair of white socks could be seen peaking out from under his pants; which were a deep blue in color as they hugged his well formed legs very firmly. This forced his tail to poke out from a small hole in the back as it rested up against the rock wall. He could see a small brown belt hidden from view by the gray long-sleeved t-shirt with two blue stripes across the front. His hair was neatly coifed as his fur was slicked back into tight curls that ran all over his body. Suddenly Maxi got very self-conscious at how the dog was dressed, and how he was....well not.

Jason blushed a bit as he took notice of the other's absence of clothes as he rustled around in his backpack that he left by the front entrance until he pulled forth a small bundle. "Sorry I don't have any spare clothes, wasn't expecting company..." as he chuckled to himself before tossing the thick red blanket to the feline, "hope this will do Maxi." As he then calmly walked back to his seat with pack in paw as he sat down and stared deep into the flames. He watched the lion out of the corner of his eye drape the wool sheet over his shoulders and settle close to the fire as dusk was beginning to fall outside. "Looks like we are going to be cave-mates...hope you don't mind" he said sweetly.

Maxi shook his head as he shifted closer to the dog and rested his head once again on his shoulder as he smiled up at him. "Not at all...Jason, and...thank you for saving me" as his eyes stared deep into the brown orbs of the other. He could remember the feeling he had in the pit of his stomach, the turning at the emotions he was feeling. He remembered blushing a bright crimson against his golden cheeks as he snuggled up close to the canine. "Ummm....Jason?" he asked in an inquisitive tone as he admired the strong facial features of the male.

The umber colored male looked down at his guest with a grin, "yes Maxi...what is it?" as his eyes scanned the feline's face. He could feel his own excitement building as his pants became just a tad bit tighter, and the heat from the fire didn't make anything better. He leaned in closer so as to not force the already weak boy to speak any louder as something told him in the back of his mind that this was going to become a good friendship.

Maxi gulped as he looked back and noticed the movement, his brow already sweaty from all the excitement, was dripping even more beads of sweat down his face. He remembered the knot in his stomach swelling with emotion, but at the time he couldn't place it, though now it was painfully obvious, looking back that it was love. He leaned in closer, his eyes closing as he could feel the warmth from Jason's muzzle. The lion could feel his lips slowly rub up against the canine's as he could tell Jason had closed his eyes also.

The lion could sense the tension in the air as their faces came closer, their breaths mingling within the nature breeze. Maxi recalled moving closer, their lips touching, then...suddenly he was awoken from his memories as a loud thud was heard from the other room. Quickly he reset his mind back to the present, back to the dingy hotel, back to his current situation as he threw open the shower door still dripping wet. He took the towel from a near by rack and draped it around his waist as he rushed to open the door leading to where he had left the canine sleeping. All the while with only one thought on his mind, only one purpose that called him in to action, "Jason."

hoped you all liked it, and more chapters/parts will be comeing as soon as i write them.