OR: RaiRaijin's Kobolds

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#4 of RH's Beastiary (Fantasy Races)

Phew it took me a while to get these guys done but here is my version Kobolds that would see in a Gnolbold Settlement.

*Species Name: * Kobolds

Origins : Kobolds occur when a Watcherfly Dragon, a diminutively small species of dragon, manages to mate with Greater Dragon.

Average Height : 2'8 to 3'4

Average Lifespan :140 years, though some don't live that long due to accidents

Intelligence Level : slightly below average but make up for it with their comprehension

Civilization Level : Tribal stage, stone age.

Civilization Age : Unknown

Population : Lairs of kobolds can range from a handful to hundreds; 1 female to every 75 males

Culture : Kobolds historically have been an industrious race of creatures though somewhat clumsy in their ways. They have managed to survive some of the unlikeliest of places, from freezing tundra to scorching volcanos. Their isolative tendencies are also what peak adventurers to go searching for their lairs to plunder the untapped riches they have stowed away.

Kobolds are primarily found within the more remote regions of realms where they preferred to be undisturbed by outside influences, namely the progress of modern civilizations that threaten their native habitats. What cause this peculiar race to be the source of many a query is the fact they can adapt to the changes in their lands quickly, forming plans and strategies to overcome challenges and achieve their overall goals even to extent of building a solution. The Psychology of these creatures is unique in itself, seeing that Lairs will work in unison to make progress without internal conflict, indicating some sort of shared philosophy.

Education in Kobold society is basically Knowledge passed down from generation either through oral tradition or their hieroglyphic writing systems which vary from lair to lair, using things that they would commonly see in their surroundings to represent ideas. Most Hatchlings are taught how to draw, recognize certain dangers such as predators along with natural hazards and utilize tools properly to prevent accidents from occurring by their Nursery's hatcher. This greater enhances a Kobold's chance of survival through their first year but much of their learning process is through experience or set guidelines provided to them.

Factions : While there isn't much in the way of factions for Kobolds, they are several classes to be aware of in a Kobold lair.

  • The Foremen , this small denomination of the Kobold race is normally the ill-tempered aggressive draconic reptiles you hear about in fairy-tales and local legends. These guys are the oldest and most experienced amongst a lair while also being the most dangerous since they tend to put their kin into dangerous situations or bludgeon anyone to death that they think is slacking. Kobold Foremen are prone to hallucinations which they believe are divine prophecies that they must fulfill though are likely the result of brain trauma induced from the natural hazards of living in underground dwellings.

  • The Harvesters , these are the working class of the Kobolds and generally make up 80% of any lair's population and perform most of the basic resource gathering tasks around their dungeons. They also are responsible for digging the numerous tunnels throughout their abodes and chopping down trees to make their lairs. Harvesters also tend unionize under harsh and unfair conditions then tend to overthrow their foremen when they think they have gone too far off their rocker, or the unions start make demands for improved conditions which often go unheeded.

  • The Defenders , this branch of a Kobold lair is responsible for protecting their dungeons from invaders and adventurers, building traps and designing the layout of their home to confuse trespassers. They often are quick to react in turn to hostile forces, whether it be a lone wolf or a motley crew of marauders in search for treasure.

  • The Arcanists , this is a small class of the Kobold's hierarchy is the generally more well respected amongst a lair since these low-level magic practitioners do their best to keep their kin alive. These Kobolds dabble in spells and Alchemy to help their lair stay in functional condition, ranging from performing first-aid to preparing makeshift explosives. The Arcanists, when under the control of a Gnolbold Artificer, tend to advance their knowledge of magic by learning the importance altars and geometry in the creation of their spells, forming more stabilized incantations.

  • The Hatchers , this specialized class of Kobold is primarily responsible for the care of their Nurseries where they mind their lair's unborn eggs until they hatch where they teach them how to function in their society. They also prepare the nursery for when the females of their race make their temporary residence in their domains, accommodating the conditions necessary to facilitate reproduction since most Kobold broodmothers will only to stay a brief period of time before moving onto the next lair. The Hatchers then record what times of year they appear and how many eggs they yield for some reason.

  • The Broodmothers , Female Kobolds tend to band together and wander from lair to lair, leading a primarily nomadic lifestyle. A broodmother and her associates will arrive in a new lair every full moon then proceed to pick out potential suitors to father their offspring, ranging from the still slightly sane formen to even the Hatchers. The main reason they never stay too long is the fact that an entire lair might be wiped out within the next day, and prefer not to get caught in the slaughter. Not exactly the best mothers to say....

Technology : Kobolds are the equivalent of a Stone Age tribal society but are quick to embrace new ideas and technology that happens to come along their path, eager to figure out how to use it to their advantage. They do have basic knowledge of how to create improvised traps from putting a serpent in a pitfall to pungi sticks covered in fermenting bog water despite the fact that they don't have to chase down their food on a good day. Kobolds also are fond of using explosives, albeit with mixed results, using their potassium-rich guano to produce gunpowder by mixing it with charcoal and sulfur.

Allies : While believe it or not, Kobolds do actually have allies to some extant despite the apparent inequality in such relationships, they benefit from the symbiosis of them.

  • Gnolbolds , granted it may seem strange that a creature that could potentially rip a kobold to pieces would be allied with them but it does benefit when you have good upper management. Gnolbolds normally move into Kobold lairs to make their own and take the scaly beings as their workforce, though they don't have much say in the matter. Kobolds tend to live longer them around, along with greater chances of survivability accounting for the increased quality of life they enjoy when for example: their fuzzy overlords decide to put vending machines in their sleeping quarters filled with bunk beds Another reason why Gnolbolds like to seize control of them is the fact that their Guano can be used to make Gunpowder, which they utilize in making mid-grade steel for tools.

  • Keturaga , when these powerhouse maidens move into a Kobold's lair, there isn't anything that won't run in terror from their dungeons when these draconic hybrid beauties are around. Kobolds prosper under the guidance of the Keturaga's wisdom, teaching them innovative ways of mining such as hushing to reveal mineral deposits or crushing down stone then sifting it in a sieve to extract metal dusts. In return, they shower her with her gifts that their benefactor desires, items such as books, jewelry and various luxuries that they can acquire.

  • Dragons , Kobolds normally serve greater dragons without too much question since some dragons are capable of ending a these small short creatures in a heartbeat. They will care for a dragon's needs out of fear of being eaten alive, since they are one of the lowest denominations of the draconic tree. Kobolds will generally make frequent offerings to keep him or her happy for the time being.

  • Gnolls , Kobolds and Gnolls generally tend to get along since most gnolls that take refuge in a Kobold's lair are treated rather well. The Scaly workers will often "Pay" any gnoll that manages to repel invaders in gifts such as jewelry, coins and whatever loot they acquire from their victories. Occasionally, when their Hyenic defender has performed a remarkable service, a visiting Broodmother will copulate with said warrior or encourage a mating between her choice of male, if said individual is female. You might not wanna know what happens if a pregnancy occurs because it tends often to be very destructive and four feet tall with a sadistic giggle, along with ability to bend a certain aspect of the universe to their will...

Enemies : Kobolds are often consider low on an environment's food chain, being a common food source for large predators such as wolves, bears, and large felines. They are also technically considered pests by a number of humanoid races for their tendency to inhabit abandoned mining complexes

  • Humans , Kobolds and humans do not get along when their settlements are in close range of one another or when a lair has been establish in former human mine that is slated for reopening. Kobolds generally fear humans for their power lust and genocidal tendencies of exterminating their kind with extreme prejudice. Aside from the various skirmishes that occur within their subterranean homes, Kobolds won't attack human settlements unless coerced and or enticed to do so by another race. Humans are also the reason why these scaly critters let Gnolbolds take control of their dwelling is because you're average Gnolbold will effective scare away anything that doesn't like the idea of being raped and or enslaved.

  • Orcs , Kobolds will fight to the very last man to defend their homes from orcs or flee in terror when all hope has been lost of defeating these greenskinned brutes. This partially the reason why you don't find many kobold lairs in Orcish-controlled lands with exception being in the more remote regions of their territory. Kobolds won't actively pursue Orcs unless they have something stronger to back them up, and will try to evade them the best they can.

  • Goblins , Kobolds and these midget greenskins share a mutual hatred for one another, partially because Goblins single out the draconic lowlings for horrible mutative experiments that have a high chance of failure by leaving kobolds deformed. Kobolds also have a tendency to complete mine out vast regions of Goblin territory before they even have a chance to tap into the reserves deep within the earth.

  • Gnomes , generally Kobolds are very keen on clobbering gnomes since they tend to be irresponsible in handling certain materials, namely the mutagenic run-off from their cities spilling out into the environment. Gnomes don't generally treat kobolds with much regard but Kobolds won't hesitate to commits acts of sabotage, blowing up their factories and plants to cause the hazardous waste to flow into their streets. Heaven hath no fury like a Kobold with glowing green genitalia... you would be too if your advantage was being hard to see in the dark...

Hostility : Neutral as long as you don't provoke them

Physical Description : Kobolds are quite the interesting branch of the draconic tree because of their sleeker, smaller body frame, inheriting some of the morphophysiology of their Watcher drake ancestry. They possess a very short maw with a row of saw-like teeth designed for consuming both vegetables, namely legumes, and chunks of meat, such as cubes, along with eggs from local avians. Kobold eyes tend to be slanted, with a binocular focus yet possessing excellent Peripherial vision. They lack any sort of visible ear structure like most dragons do.

Kobold also have prominent nasal ridge, more apparent in males,situated between their eyes that attaches to their beak-like maw...

(work on later, I really need to draw my version of Kobolds out first before ever describing them)

Eyes : Varying eye colors.

Hair : On rare circumstances, as a Kobold ages, they will sprout hair on the top of their heads around their head, with females having more tendency to grow it faster. The reason why you don't often see kobolds with a full head of hair since it tends to be a fire hazard so they shave it off.

Scales/Skin : Kobolds have rather smooth scaly skin that helps preserve their body heat as well as lock in moisture to prevent dehydration, leaving a cool wet texture to it.

Sexual Dimorphism : It's quite easy to tell the difference between your average Kobold Male and your exceptional female is that Males tend to posseses more earthly color tones while females tend to have bright vivid skin colors. There is also a significant difference between their physiologies, Males tend to have boxy figure with an equal balance between the proportions of their upper and lower bodies, lacking the fat reserves that female Kobolds often store in various portions of their body. A kobold broodmother's body tends to be wider in their lower body, namely their hips that protrude outwardly.

Sexuality :"Oooo! Shiny!", Male kobolds will adorn themselves in Jewelry or flashy garments to influence a female's decision on who she will mate with while females normally choose mates based on physical traits. Kobold maidens tend to reside in a lair for a lunar cycle, ranging from one full moon to another, after they have laid their eggs.

Reproduction : Kobolds possess cloacal slit that protects their genitalia from external damage and infection. Female Kobolds when impregnated temporarily become incapacitated by the weight of the eggs, leaving the males to fend for her in her vulnerable state. Once she has laid her clutch, her next suitor will fertilize her once again, cycling through her potential suitors until her stay is up.

Fertilization : Oviparous

Gestation : approximately 1 week for the eggs to form, 2 months for the eggs to hatch; a month at least for any other draconic suitor's eggs, then determinant on parent's race.

Brooding (Average # of offspring): 3 to 5 eggs a clutch; a single egg for any other draconic beings, or beings of draconic descent.

Abilities/Traits: What makes Kobolds such useful laborers is the fact that they are incredibly resilient and durable in harsh, unforgiving conditions.

  • Hey a candle! Oh wait... , Kobolds are surprisingly fire and blast resistant due to the dense composition of their bones and muscle structure, enabling them to handle the blast of a small crate of dynamite forbidding if a boulder lands on them. Not to mention that it is somewhat difficult to break their draconic bones that can take quite the beating when it comes to getting shot halfway across an area from a giant slingshot. It takes a lot more than work hazards to kill them...except for impalement, decapitation, shrapnel in the brain, and some other gruesome methods of death

  • Pains, Pain, pain go away! Come again another Day! Kobolds have the natural ability to regenerate wounds rather quickly, as some Kobolds have adapted the ability to trigger their tail to pop off when it's grabbed by potential predators to confuse them, normally able to grow them back in a week. This same trait applies to whenever a kobold is injured on the job, anything short of impalement from an arrow to the kidney or losing a finger in a poker game. A Kobold can heal from it, and sometimes a Kobold can even grow a lost limb back over the course of the month if provided enough medicine and food.

  • Core of the Dragon , Kobolds have the natural ability to generate heat that originates within their bodies, namely from small gland that would be used in most dragons to breath fire but since they are so small in compared to the larger kin. It is used to keep themselves warm in the dark cold tunnels of their lairs to the frozen tundras of the deep north, this trait enables to go where no draconic being has gone before, pioneering some of the unlikeliest places. On a rare occasion, when a Kobold reaches its senior years, roughly around 70 years, it can spit wads of flaming napalm to ward off any rapscallion attackers.

  • Adaptable! Kobolds are quick to adapt to a variety of environments with specialized traits becoming apparent within the next generation, such as skin that can tolerate immense heat from lava or the freezing cold. Their Biological clocks are also quick to change in according to a climate's seasons, aestivating in the dry deserts to bruminating in the freezing winters of temperate forests. This is why kobolds are generally considered pests because of their ability to settle practically anywhere.

  • I can fly! Wait! I am falliiing! Kobolds are capable of growing wings, but not without some sort of arcane intervention, until they reach their older years where they sprout forth a set of wings that enable to glide for a sizeable distance. Females tend to grow their wings at an earlier age at their 40th year as where males get them at their 60th year. They consider it a very attractive feature amongst one another.

  • Knightvision , Kobolds are capable of seeing the dark like most subterranean races with their lowlight vision, making even the smallest light source a path to where they need to go. They are also capable of working in daylight conditions once their eyes adjust but it takes them a while to regain their ability to see in the dark.