Against the Grain - Upcoming, Sidestepping Reality, and Rejecting a Premise

Story by x_panther on SoFurry

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#1 of Against the Grain

  I know what a lot of you are thinking. The premise of this sounds awfully familiar. Well, let me put it this way, this has been rolling around in my head for about four or five years now. I'm just now getting to the point where I have realized I can unplug long enough to write it, coupled with a bit of inspiration by a fellow writer. Note: I wrote this in a teenager's frame of mind telling a story, the style is purposeful. Believe me, writing this way is not my favorite, but it's good to break style once and a while.


  Warning: contains adult content and bodily fluids. If either of these bothers you, you are considered a minor in your local jurisdiction, or don't like one of the concepts in the tags, exit now and keep your muzzle shut. :) I won't hold it against you.

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  Against the Grain - Upcoming, Sidestepping Reality, and Rejecting a Premise


  What can I say? This was not my intentions. It's not even like me to do something like this or to say anything about anyone; but I guess it's my life to expose. My life to tell. My entire life I have been told two things: Do what makes you happy, and do what you think is best. I can't look back on my life and say I've done something wrong that will destroy someone nor can I can stay quiet any more. This is my life; this is what I have to say. Like it or not, it's who I am.

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  High school was the good years. Let's face it, when was the last time you where able to be yourself without being cursed or yelled at for not showing up on time or turning paperwork in on time. High school was all about getting that grade. Get the girl, pass the class; right? That's what I thought.


  I grew up in a household with the work ethic of a well oiled machine. I saw my dad for a grand total of five hours a week (including weekends) and my mother about that in a regular day. Not that he was a bad guy, it's just that his job as corporate insurance sales coordinator kept him on the road most of the time. My mother on the other hand wasn't always around either with the position of charter flight attendant.

  What does that mean? It means that I was well off. I sat in my room one summer, between seventh and eighth grade, bored out of my skull, partially yelling at the screen as my character exploded into a ball of flame. Grumbling I stood up and walked out of the room letting the little raccoon character on the screen burn to death. Cursing in my frustration I wandered from my bedroom, down the stairs, and almost jumped out of my pelt as I spotted my reflection in the mirror; black horse of Arabian breed wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Apparently I had forgotten I was growing up because I thought someone else was in the house. I shook my head and clopped down the rest of the stairs and passed the front door on the way to the kitchen to retrieve myself a soda to calm my gaming frustrations, the bubbly effervescence doing its job well.

  Leaning against the counter with a soda can against my lips, my tail still twitching in semi-frustration, I hear a clack of the mail slot on the door clunking shut. For some reason I heard "MAILCALL!" in the back of my head. out of curiosity I had to check it. My rubberized shoes nailed to my hooves clopped muffledly from kitchen to living room where I bent down to pick up the mail. Bill, bill, bill, It was a letter from the high school 'Is your summer boring?' bills and envelope pieces where the only things that hit the floor as I read the letter enclosed "Football. Get ready, training and tryouts start two weeks after 8th grade graduation."


  It was at that moment I realized that I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to play football. Whenever my father was home, that's what we did; played, watched, or went to football games. My pointed ears flicked a little as I knew that's what I would be working towards the next year.


  Sure enough a year later I was sweating with the best of them on the practice field a few miles up the road from my house. Being a freshman wasn't particularly hard. Over the previous year I had a serious growth spurt. Nearly 6'5 already and still getting taller, I was the tallest of all the Jr. Varsity team tryouts and was the third tallest (from my perspective) of those on the varsity team.

  Apparently I was doing something right on the field, they pinned me as backup quarterback and tried me out in that position. Apparently my accuracy was better than I had thought it was. One of the try out tests was to knock a soda can off a fence post at 20 yards. I was the only one to nail all four cans, varsity or otherwise. Next thing I know, I'm being offered jersey 2 and was insured I wouldn't be caught up in the cuts list.

  I was absolutely going bonkers by the time I got home that day, two weeks into summer training and they had given me starting Jr. Varsity quarterback! I was so psyched I forgot to change before basically running the entire way home wearing my tryout jersey and sweats. All my stuff was in the locker at the high school.


  That year went quickly; the Jr. Varsity team, my team, rocked that year, best year in several years. Apparently the little peanut of a brain I have didn't take easy to patterns, options, slants, and routs to get the offence running like nuts. Even my wide-receivers complained about not being able to keep up with my long arm, and they where cheetahs!


  Of course we won the division championship for Jr. Varsity, but let's face it. The audience was of 80 furs. High school was suppose to be hard, but with football keeping things rushing at me, I slid through classes. Not that I didn't do work. I always completed everything and passed classes with a minimum of a B.


  The next year wasn't so hot, I got tossed into the varsity team as backup quarterback. As they say online 'omg' I thought I was going to die. The team weighed at least 50 lbs more in every position accept for the receivers, reserves, and kicker. It was nuts! They where faster, harder to keep in line, harder to get a ball to when your pocket is collapsing on you at ten times the speed. I was reserve that year, but I did get in on a couple of the closing season games to 'save the starters arm for a real game'. Apparently I did turn some ears because I heard the whisperings of 'promise' and 'he's going to replace...' that's what I wanted to hear.


  After that season tumbled to a close in a loss in the second round of semifinals, I kept my work ethic up. How couldn't I? I was breed as a machine. gym four hours after school, home by six, homework until nine, bed by ten, out and running the next morning by six, and in school by a quarter 'til eight. My generous workout schedule and my daily runs had stretched my physical body to the epidemy of swooning females and jealous pudgy males; 6'7" and tight from shoulders to hooves. and I knew it, if I was a peacock I'd have been walking around all the time with my tail feathers spread, but I'm my case it was my lats and biceps.

  By the end of the school year, I had a girlfriend, Shelly, a bombshell beauty of a roo. Well I 'had' a girlfriend but really didn't need one. It was more of a social thing to do. I could have cared less if she was there or not. Sound cold right? I was more interested in football and my studies than some piece of eye candy on my elbow.


  The fling lasted through the summer, but I ended it abruptly at the start of my Jr. year her demands for attention where too much for me to concentrate on football and my schooling. I had enough, though I probably could have been a little gentler instead of reducing her to a crying little puddle of moppy-ness in the middle of the bench area of the cafeteria. Yeah I know, I was a total dick for dumping her like that. But, what was I suppose to do? This year I was starting as quarterback and I was buried in playbooks, school books, and pressures to get everything done on time. It was at that moment in time I realized, 'Guh! This is what real life must be like.'

  The season went quickly. Made it all the way to the finals with my arm firing cannonballs down field, though I really think we were cheated out of the win by a field goal (the ball bounced off the upright, down onto the crossbar and teetered back for the win). That year was true humility; the team was the laughing stock for months.


  By January I had another piece of eye candy hanging on my arm, but this time it was with my teenaged hormones that drove this relationship. I was your average stallion which meant at the prime of sexual requirement I needed to be balls deep in the curly-tailed husky. Guh, that changed rapidly once she ended up in a hospital for cervical bruising. Hey, I take the blame, she told me to push! That was the reason why she dumped me, I found out a few months later that she was in the hospital because of a botched abortion from another guy on the team. It was at that moment I felt rage. true rage. But I let it go. I realized that the rumors I had heard around campus were true. She was riding every guy that she could get to drop their pants. That June was when I decided to get my first (and my last might I add) full STI panel by the instruction of the coach.


  After a month off during the summer, I still kept up my rigorous workout schedule. Morning run two miles at six, gym by two, summer homework (to get ahead so I wouldn't be behind during the school year because of the football schedule), and then bed. The previous months seemed to fly by; I was home alone almost all the time. Business was picking up for the parents and I was left with a stipend to keep myself alive. It felt odd to be on my own but yet not be on my own. hell, I even learned how to cook that summer (what? those prepackaged frozen dinners get a little boring after... four weeks).

  Soon enough, I was sucking down four raw eggs for breakfast and heading out to the driveway. i, in all my brilliance, decided that summer to learn how to ride a motor cycle. Believe me when I say there is nothing more free than screaming down the street on nothing but a pair of wheels and an engine. I strapped on my riding helmet and hopped on the back of my little (well, little comparably) Honda 600zx, flicked the key and pressed the starter button. Next thing I knew I was standing in the school parking lot with the key in my hand. Yeah I know teenaged speeding, get over it.

  Summer practice was a little different this year, the new offensive coach was more driving, and more run plays, trick plays, new routes. It was a lot to suck in such a hurry. School was to start in a couple weeks and I was having a hard time, for the first time, trying to keep up with the movement on the field. The defensive line managed to break through and cream me a few times during practice. My own fault, my pep-talk and motto was 'play it all or pay it all.' trust me. I paid for it. Bruised ribs kept me on the bench for a week. Then I had to get ready for the first big game, the first real game of the season.


  We clobbered them. Oh did we ever clobber them. 98 - 6. To top it off, it was the team that stole our division title the previous year. It was a good start (and their kicker deserved it). I even managed my two first touchdowns in that game, hell I piratical sneezed the second one. That Friday, it was just me and the guys at the local Denny's for dinner and calibration.

  "I can't believe we creamed them so badly!" Gravel, a massive rhino, blurted out from the end of the three-quarter round booth. "I don't know why they were so hard to beat last year."


  "Give me a break, they beat us on a technicality," a fox we called Kid because he was a rookie off the Jr. Varsity team in his last year of high school.

  "That's a load of bull and you know it. The wind beat us last year," I knew I was right on that, the wind was the only reason why that ball made it over that cross bar.

  On my left a female practically squeaked in reply, "Besides, it's just a game" the little rat chided which was quickly silenced by her boyfriend on her left.

  "It's not just a game, it's our meal ticket into college, Jen," Jason, the red eyed white rat, squeaked in response. "They aren't the problem this year, "his eyes slid across to me crunching on an onion ring, "This year it's going to be South Cove that's got us in their sites."

  "They won't make it past me and my line," gravel said, puffing out his chest, his weight making the shirt he wore partially rip in half.

  "Yeah, tell that to our defense," I shot back at him. "My ribs still hurt from Barton turning me into a turf tortilla."

  "Yeah, yeah," he waved me off.

  "Alright, boys," my ears stood up as I spotted a skunk approaching the table in a pink dress, the server, "you guys want separate checks?"

  As if on cue all eyes shifted towards me. They knew I was loaded, I think something about me riding a bike like a nut job and having probably the most expensive clothing on campus had something to do with it. I snorted, "What's the damage?" before taking a swig from my soda glass. She handed me the bill book and I almost spit my soda all over the table and glared around at the others, "spit them up. Wallets out," as I leaned to the side and dug out my credit card and closed it in the playbook.

  Of course the others grumbled, "yeah... I figured our well would dry up sometime."

  Jen squeaked in reply, "Jay? you've been sponging off the quarterback?"

  I shook my head hard enough for me to feel my mane lashing at my cheek, "these losers have been doing it since midsummer."


  "What? He offered!" which started a little bickering match between the two squeakers.

  Gravel stood up and stretched, gods he was big. Of course he grumbled as he reached into his back pocket and tossed a ten on the table, "alright you two love birds keep up your squakin'. I'm out of here," he said as pulled his letterman's jacket on. "Squash ya on the field Monday."

  Soon enough there was a pile of tens on the table with an auspicious fifty sitting in the center. I couldn't imagine who was talked into leaving it. I gathered up the bills and left the fifty as a tip for the server, figured it would be a nice bonus for her having to put up with our demands of more sauce and her repeated trips to the soda jerk over the past several weeks.


  I dug into my picket and checked the time on my cell phone, "Crud, 3am." I stretched and headed for the door as I crammed the cell phone back in my pocket. On my way out I picked up my helmet from the end of the bar as I passed the register. "See you guy's next home game!" I shouted back to the cook pacing back and forth. All I got was a spatula wave in return, I expected as busier as he always was.


  As much as I thought about it on the drive home, I realized that I felt I was missing something without a squeaker, I mean, a girl on my arm. I really never had any one I could share silly little things with or bitch about practice too. Well, mother would have listened if I had of approached her, but it wasn't my place to burden her with my stresses. After I arrived home and slid my bike into the garage in its little clean space, I took my time peeling off my leather riding jacket (my favorite jacket cause it has the James Dean collar) and slug it over my shoulder as I jammed the garage closer button.


  Though I wasn't incredibly active on the field, my legs were sore. If it wasn't for the fact that we moved the ball over 1200 yards during the game I'm sure I wouldn't have even felt it. But alas, I needed a cold shower, something to get the twitch out of my pelt. my keys hit the counter as that sudden thought of having a relationship crept into my mind; trust me, having a brain sometimes can be a bit of a curse.

  I hung my jacket on the back of one of the barstool chairs and hiked up the stairs, peeling off my t-shirt as I went, just getting the extra material off my shoulders was enough to make me sigh in relief (not to mention stop irritating my mane on my neck).

  Traipsing up the stairs, I almost stumble as I hit my hoof on the top step. Cursing myself out as I find myself leaning against the wall, I look down the hallway into the master bedroom. Dark, just like normal, home alone again. I'd thought by now I had been use to living alone, well mostly alone. But for some reason, I was feeling it more. I brayed lightly as I clopped into my bedroom and tossed the t-shirt on my shoulder into the hamper.

  I was about to hike back out the door on my way to the shower when I saw the moodball on my desk next to the computer glowing green. Great, an email from the family account. I knew what it meant. I poked the computers mouse and flipped through a few emails quickly and found that my father and mother were going to be out of town for a few weeks and they were both happy to hear that we clobbered last year's pests.

  A few weeks, "Guh. I'm going to have to splurge to get some games or something. All work no play, makes for a pissed pony," I gabbed to myself. Stripping out of my jeans and boxers I headed back out the door and into the bathroom. Even after showering in the locker rooms I still stunk of overused male horse. Even I could smell it and it was me! it was bad, unusually bad.

  my chest heaved as I leaned forward with my hands on the edge of the pedestal sink and stared at my black reflection in the mirror, tilting my head from side to side and inspecting my features. I hadn't realized I had grown up so much, cheeks had flattened and my brow sharpened. if I might add I was a handsome horse; yeah I know vanity has its moments. after flecking a few blades of grass out of my shoulder I hopped in the shower and took care of a final scrubbing; oh god dI'd I need it. I didn't realize I should have scrubbed a little harder in the locker room. I had to clean the shower the next day any way.

  However, this night I was plagued with more interesting things. It's been a while since I've had erotic dreams, but this was wild. No... I correct myself, this was beyond that. I woke up with a grunt and my bedding soaked through. Apparently all I need is an imaginary lap dance from a scantily clad tawny and white mare to get my rocks off. I couldn't believe it. Still panting I threw the bedding back and stared down at my still cum-dripping erection. To my surprise it stared back at me... well kind of, and winked a white globule at me, "I thought I took care of you in the shower..." I snorted as I rolled out of bed.

  Apparently, it didn't think so. It was a mess; my thighs and ass were soaked in my own mixture of arousal and baby batter. to make more since of it, it looked like New York after the marshmallow man exploded. I blubbered a little as I slapped my cock and scolded it as I observed the wreckage, then went about cleaning up. Fresh mattress cover, sheets, and bedding were in order as was a trip down stares into the garage to start the wash, 'cause, trust me, once it dries it doesn't come back out.

  My trip down the stairs almost killed me again, that mirror at the bottom of the stares keeps freaking me out, dark shadows moving in front of me, but this one... it was the first time I had seen myself in a mirror with an erection. I cocked my head to the side and grunted a little as clopped out to the garage and tossed the 'dirties' into the washing machine and turned it on to 'double wash'. on my way back from the kitchen I picked up an apple and gnawed on it as I headed back to the stares, this time I stopped though.

  I stopped long enough to realize that, holy cow, I'm still hard as hell; and holy hell when dI'd it get that big? I guess from my distance from my own genitals I never took the time or the effort to notice that I truly was a big boy. it's kind of strange when you first meet yourself in a mirror with a boner. for me it was more like "umm. no wonder why she couldn't take it." I nickered a little and thought about that whole incident with the husky and it was more than enough to make my shaft wilt like a wax tulip somewhere in Arizona in August.


  The next morning, more like later that morning... after noon, I woke up at 2pm. my TV always has been programmed to come on at that time, and I wasn't gentle with the settings, 75% volume on the thrash-core digital radio station. it was pretty much guaranteed to throw me out of bed.


  Homework. Guh, homework. It sucked up the time over the next couple days and next thing I know I'm being clobbered on the practice field by the left side linebacker. After spitting out a muzzlefull of mud and grass out I looked up at him and grumbled. All I heard from the back of his helmet was, "play it all or pay it all!"

  It was a juvenile thing for me to do but I stood up and threw the ball still in my hand at the back of his helmet, or I attempted too. Instead a giant tigers paw shot out of nowhere. it was coach staring at me cold.

  "Tyler!" was all he had to say to make my ears move in my helmet. "Two superlaps." my gut hit the turf. A superlap was the track around the game field, out through the parking lot, into the tunnel under the freeway and around to the freeway onramp and back to the campus through the bus barn. two laps is the equivalent of four miles, give or take. "You've got eight minutes before I send you to the five-sled."

  "Yes, coach!" I said as I pushed my shoulder pads up and off letting they land where they were and started off in the direction. and then the bombshell, it wasn't punishment like I thought, or maybe it was.

  "Offence, entire squad! Follow him." followed by a collective groan and a football flying over my right shoulder, and the next thing I know I was the leader of a mad orange and gray pack traipsing the superlap. When we rounded the field on the second lap, his voice echoed in my ears, "Defensive line, follow them." everyone was pissed but they did what they were told. Apparently after we all panted on returning from the second lap, the entirety had just spent nearly ten minutes doing drop squats before running after me and the rest of my offence.


  It was getting dark by the time we got back from the second lap and my head was spinning. Honestly, that was the fastest I ever want to run four miles. Though no one arrived after the 10 minute mark, accept for the defensive line. After we got back we did more endurance work; killers, hill climb, stares, high steps, tires, and setups. By the time we got to the setups, I was lucky I could stand. My thighs where screaming in agony. Apparently this wasn't punishment but it freaking felt like it.

  "Alright boys, good work. Tomorrow we cut the grass; means we get a late start short practice," tiger in the baseball cap belted out. It would have been a joyous occasion if it wasn't for the fact that everyone, and I mean everyone, wasn't practically crawling in the direction of the water buckets. "we are going to start doing this workout once a week, so get use to it. You can thank the stats class for reminding me that it's about endurance not speed. Now hit the showers."

  I could barely stand; I was slumped back against the cyclone fence. The field was clearing quickly, quicker than I thought it should have considering the total body stress for that workout had to be into the metric tons. But something caught my ear. Sound. Voices. Female voices. My sweats were soaked through as I looked over my shoulder spotting the cheerleaders squad standing on the bottom set of bleachers on the varsity field. The sun was gone; I didn't know them to be out this late.

  After a few minutes of trying to get my ears to work again, they fixed on the bullhorn-wielding squad leader, a black jaguar with enough backstabbing attitude to slay the entire defense squad, "Alright ladies one more time and we can head home." apparently they were working on some new cheer, apparently they were working on something that required straight lines and balance. The one cheerleader on the near end of the bottom bench caught my attention. Something about the way she moved just totally captured my attention.

  A tumble to the side and a hop forward onto the next bleacher bench up and I couldn't look away. I'd swear this was the same mare from my dream the previous night, being too preoccupied with the display of lithe effortlessness of tumbles and clapping to notice the tent of my cock down my thigh. She was perfect, the one from my dreams, though she was more conservatively dressed.

  "TYLER!" a voice boomed, I practically jumped out of my skin as I looked up at the coach lording over me. "Don't tell me I have to lock you in a chastity belt when you're on the field." the coach grind a little as he looked at the cheerleading squad congratulating each other and hugging. "Though, I can't blame you. Get to the showers," he said with a paw down to assist me up. I did take the help to stand back up, my legs felt like rubber bands soaked in some sort of gelatin. "Oh, and Tyler. Don't let me catch you pegging a player in the back of the helmet," he smirked. "If you're going to pop 'em one, go for the numbers."

  I nickered lightly and nodded sharply, "Yes, sir." I don't know where my strength came from, maybe it was the arousal jetted down my sweats out like a broken bedpost, or it was the words of suggested revenge that helped me lug my helmet and pads up the ramp to the locker rooms. by the time I got there the room was already steamed over and only a few of the players were still there. I snorted at the smell of musk and manliness that nearly made my stomach turn over.


  That night after I made it home, I collapsed into the bed and grumbled at my sore muscles. Tylenol was my friend already, the soreness was leaving my muscles and a healthy dinner of steamed veggies helped a lot. I still had homework... I hate homework.

  Again that night, and four days that week the same dream rolled over in my head. That little filly running circles in my head, treating my balls like a bug she had to swash with her bubble butt, each time with the same result.


  By Thursday night I resulted in beating one out before going to bed. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind jerkin one out, but hell two in the same night? it was enough to keep me from soaking the sheets again but didn't prevent the 'big top' from visiting town.


  The game of the week was an away game, no big deal. The team would ditch class at noon to make it to the home team's school and field. My gear was crammed into the luggage space under the bus and I was zoned out on the ride, two hours. I licked my dry lips as that filly made it into my mind's eye again; fully awake dreaming about that sweet horse grinding herself against me. The music in my ears snapped me back out of my aroused haze as I used my geography book to cover the thigh of my jeans bulging lewdly.

  Apparently the fast movement caught the attention of the bear sharing the bench seat with me. "You okey there Ty?" apparently concerned about my heavy breathing and the book held to my lap.

  "Never better," my ear flicked and ejected the earplug. "Imagination is still cursing me."

  "Don't let it screw up the game, knock on wood," he saI'd thumping his knuckles on the book on my lap. Apparently he could smell it or knew I was hiding it. "Besides I'm sure he's just as pretty with your lips wrapped around his cock."

  I followed up with a sharp elbow to his ribs, "Can it, Deek."

  "heyhey, it's not my fault you seem to be having women problems, plus all the rumors that float around about quarterbacks."

  "Yeah, about those," I gruffed. "How the hell did those start?"

  He smirked, "all quarterbacks are reduced to the same ploy 'suckin a dick' or 'taken it up the ass' or some gay shit like that."

  My heckles are starting to fire up a little, but I don't take kindly to homophobic comments well. "Save it for the field, Deek," I mutter through my teeth. My uncle on my mother's side is gay, nicest guy you'll ever meet; and he makes one hell of a margarita (don't let my parents know that).


  The ride was silent, until we passed the Garden Bay City Limits sign, then the horrid chanting started.

  The first quarter went uneventful, evenly matched offence and defense made for a lot of drive but not enough score. Second quarter was much the same, but their defensive line was starting to make mistakes. One fumble and our center guard had the ball in the end zone for the simple fact that the entire offensive line wasn't able to drag him down. Yeah, gravel was hard to bring down even after a sixty yard sprint... more like lumbering. That was the only touchdown the tire first half. Score posted at 7-3 visitors.

  The standard pep-talk at half time barked at us by the tiger coach, but was mostly uneventful or not really encouraging. Not that I didn't listen, it just wasn't something I needed to hear considering that it's the receivers dropping the balls or not being where they should be. "We've got three minutes till the game starts back up. I want the second half at twice the intensity you showed in the first. Tyler, read the posts. Don't just lob the ball to where it should go." I knew he was right, my head was just still not screwed on straight, mostly because I'd rather be screwing someone at the moment. Yeah, that filly was dancing on my lap again.

  "Aye, sir!" I shouted but really didn't, I was too busy trying to control my athletic cup from ripping out of my jersy pants. on the trip back out to the field I relaxed and got all my junk, in my head and in my supporter, in order.

  Until I looked up as we passed set of visitor belchers. They weren't cheering they were greeting us and cheering us on. The squad was there, how I didn't notice or hear them before was a total mystery to me. They were standing on their cheer boxes, well most of them were. That filly in my dreams was on the ground. She didn't waste a minute, ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my torso. I thought my helmet was going to blast off my head like a bottle rocket when her lips hit be between the nostrils, "good luck, Tyler!"

  "Chase! Get on your box!" that bitch of a jag shouted. Half my fantasy screaming into my helmet as she turned around and hopped back up on her box.

  Frankly I was stunned. I didn't know how to move at that point until Deek shoved me. "Move your ass, cowboy. We've got a game to play." I on the other hand was still trying to force the arousal out of my mind. Playing half hard wasn't the way to play a game, regardless of location. The first few plays I chunked. I have to admit though; the first sack of the season didn't surprise me when I was being pulled out of the ground.

  After that hit the game different, I was more interested in plowing the field.

  And that we did, the game ended 23-14, late in the third quarter our defensive line forced a safety by fumble out of the back of the end zone.

  The game went well, it was more a defensive game than we had predicted on tape. But it was good for us to stretch our legs in a different field. Half the team was new to me this year, but we were getting into that motor feel again. Next week was to be another home game against Tidus; there were comments in the paper about Tidus being stocked with college drop outs or some crap. but trust me, on paper and on film it was like watching a pro game with their preciseness.


  I grumbled as I was the last one to exit the bus and stagger to the locker room to toss my pads and jersey into the wash bins. Half asleep I staggered into the bathroom and pissed like a racehorse. Yeah, just like that. Taking care of my hygiene, I scrubbed my hands with soap and splashed my face with cold water. That was enough to wake me up for the race home.


  The long bus ride wore me out. By the time I got home I showered and just went to bed, I didn't even bother checking the green flashing orb. Figured since my cell didn't ring, it wasn't important. I woke up the next morning with a headache in more ways than one. a waking dream had drivin' me into a state of arousal I hadn't experienced before.

  On my back in bed, flat and stretched out that filly ground herself on my shaft, every inch impossibly sunk into her. It was more like I was watching a movie than being in it. I could have sworn I was sitting off to the side somewhere watching myself thrust up into that female. I couldn't feel any muscles grasping my shaft; I couldn't even feel the moistness of fluids dribbling down over my crotch.

   When I opened my eyes I didn't care if I was going to have to change the bedding again, I kicked the bedding off and wrapped my fist around my shaft and just pumped it, stroked it, played with the bulging head. I was awake but yet I wasn't. My mind kept playing that little sex scene over and over again as I throttled my shaft, twisting my fingers around the medial ring until I groaned out a name... "Chase..." the instant the sound passed my lips I came. Streamers flew from my shaft like rolls of toilet paper being huddled into trees. it went everywhere, splattering my chest and stomach. I didn't care; my uptight cleanliness was gone for that moment. My balls drew tight as the last strand splashed on my face and landed between my agape lips. I sputtered and blinked as opened my eyes and saw my black shaft staring back at me and winked at me again. "Some times... I really hate you..." of course... it winked again.

  I flumped down on the bed and groaned. My nostrils flared a little and the sudden memory rushed back to me of my seed splattering on my face. It was enough to make me "Bleck!" and rush to the bathroom to get a cup of water to wash my muzzle out. Though... it was the thought that disgusted me. To my own benefit, it really wasn't that bad; well... that's not what I was telling myself when I looked at the horse in the mirror. i, a leading high school quarterback, looked like I had just been hit with a mayonnaise filled balloon. I had to shower... there was no question about it.


  That night I swore that I would talk to Chase. Chase? Yeah, that was her name. For some reason, in a school of two thousand students no one seemed to know her. it was strange. I'd describe her and my pants would get tight and everyone I asked shrugged. No one knew who she was, until I caught up with the squad leader.

  "Hiii, Tyler," she cooed as I approached her. Apparently she saw that I had a purpose in mind, or at least she saw one.

  "Hey, Chris."

  "Call me Christina," she smiled and pawed at my chest.

  "Oh, cool your jets, sister. You've already got yourself a boytoy," I grumbled.

  "So that's what you call your tight end," she snickered.

  I shook my head, "I need to find Chase. I haven't seen her around this week. I was hoping I could talk to her before tomorrow's game."

  She scrunched her brow a little as he tilted her head to the side, "Chase? oh, right the new girl." 'New girl' I thought, "she just transferred in last week from North Crest," she sucked on her lip in thought.

  "You guys practicing this afternoon?"

  "Girls," she saI'd crabbily, "and no. we have a dance planning party tonight." her muzzle curled at the corner, "anything you want me to tell her?"

  "Nah... just kind of curious," yeah right, I was lying out my ass. I've needed to talk to her since the week before.

  "Well I guess we'll see you tomorrow," she giggled and skittered off down the hallway.


  After practice I cruised home after taking a detour to the nearby Burger Barn to pick up some junk food. That did the trick; I was lying in bed dead to the world when my alarm clock went off the next morning. After my morning jog, I gathered my books and the assortment of abandoned wrappers scattering the floor then got dressed. Overtop of the tight fitting t-shirt I slacked on my 'for show' jersey and smiled at myself as I rampaged down the stairs.

  The entire day was bizarre, it flew by. I mean literally, I don't remember even getting to campus or going to my classes. But there I was sitting in my calc 2 class scribbling notes at my usual pace. the only thing that disturbed my concentration on the first homework problem was the bell ringing its 'game night bell'. The room was empty short of the instructor staring at me. "Yo, Tyler"

  My head jerked up as I scribbled down the answer to the integral, "yes, sir." I blurted out.

  "I appreciate your eagerness to earn the highest grade ever in my class by a jock, but you have a game to get ready for," the rather portly badger grinned at me.

  "Just thought I'd get a head start on my homework since I don't have to check in until three."

  he smirked, "you do math like you play football." the phrase startled me a little as I looked down at the paper and back up at him, realizing I had crossing patterns, circles, and giant X's pointing to the workflow. "Its either hit or miss with you. Pencils come with erasers for a reason."

  that moment was the first time I ever had a light-bulb go on in the back of my head with the echo of coaches voice bouncing off the cinderblock wall of my skull, 'read the post.' I looked back down at the paper again and back up, probably looking like a total moron. I stammered a bit, "I..."

  "Kid, it looks like you just had an epiphany. Don't waist it with words," the badger snickered as he held the door open. "Get your stuff and get out of my class room.


  I literally stuffed my pack with the notes and book on my desk, my rubberized hooves clopping as I jogged out the door and down the hallway. it kind of made my head hurt when I had that sudden jolt of thought slap into mind. I had to find coach, practically coming to a skidding stop at the door of the athletics office at the end of the hall. Coach was sitting behind the desk lounged back staring at a grainy TV screen playing a video. Apparently he wasn't distracted enough to not hear me coming, "Tyler, glad to see you make it."

  I cocked my head to the side and blinked, "uh...?" as my bag fell from my shoulder down onto the floor where I dropped it purposely.

  "I heard that you where looking for that cute little transfer student. You find her yet?" the tiger grinned, a predatory grin, as he turned to face me, it was an interesting look but it didn't faze me much.

  "Gonna catch up with her tonight, I think," I nickered lightly as he laughed. "Actually I came here to ask you a question."


  "Well... I think I got what you mean by 'read the post' I'm going to try to play different than I did last week." he nodded, "don't panic if I seem sloppy for the quarter."

  "Alright, then. What brought on this moment of brilliance?" the coach smirked as he balanced his chin on his extended thumbs propping his head up on his paws.

  I dug fistful of wadded paper out of my backpack and tossed it on his desk before slinging it up over my shoulder, "calculus."

  The tiger rolled back a couple inches as he spread the papers out on his desk and looked them over, "I hated calculus." but he did look them over, I blinked. "But I see what you mean. Instead of taking a step back to observe you scratch it out and try again."

  "Not anymore," I grinned as I retrieved the stack of papers now flattened from the tiger's desk. "It's going to be more read and react now."

  He clapped his paws together as he stood up, the broad chested tiger grinning from ear to ear, "if this works out, we'll be on top for sure."


  What I didn't expect was to have my hand get caught in the locker-room door on my way to dress out for the game. It was my stupidity trying to catch a door before it slammed shut, the beast must weigh eight-hundred pounds. It was sore all the way up until game time. Pregame warm-ups seemed to loosen it up quite a bit, but I taped it just for the added security. My thumb was still throwing a fit if I didn't cradle the ball correctly. Kickoff was quick once the game started our special teams runner, a cheetah that we called Blaze was called for leverage as he skied over a defender standing in his way. He would have cleared him on his own if he hadn't put the paw down but he was more interested in keeping his nuts from being bashed in by the oncoming kicking team's bull rusher.

  First throw of the game, wide slant to the right. I shouted out the count as I crouched down behind Deek, "Ready right! Ready right! Shift two!" my eyes looked up and spotted their linebacker shifting to the left, he was reading the wide out well. "Shift three!" the left end shifted unexpectedly, "snap!" the ball was smashed into my hands as the play barreled into action, the pocket was squeezing in quickly as I stepped backwards, the audible didn't work, the wide out was tied up and covered by the drop back linebacker, the safety had the center receiver blanketed, but there he was, the short cross barreling the line of scrimmage. It was a quick four step play to get the ball no were before having to unbury the little speed-daemon deer out from under the mangling of black and red jerseys.

  Apparently reading the posts was going to be a little more difficult to track down after all. next play was signaled in, single wing, short cut. The team lined up quickly as I tapped Deek on the tail as I backed up to take the shotgun, "Read Right! Ready, right!" I barked. I blinked up at the play clock, plenty of time, "Shift one! Snake-" a whistle cut me off as a corner defender blasted past me from between the center and the lineman. Apparently my unconventional snap count was making them jumpy. Five yard move up on a second play, not bad.

  Our push to the end zone through two first-downs was quashed by a botched handoff, my fault, and a butterfingers pass earning Jason his nickname. The kicking team made it out onto the field and fed the scoreboard its first points of the game. 3-0 Home.

  Before I could take another breath I was out on the field again, it was weird how fast these games where going. It was like a freight train started and didn't even stop. Two back to back touchdowns and a field goal bottled the first half for us at 20-14 home. It's much more comfortable to be yelled at by the coach while you're in your own locker room.

  "Their offence is reading you guys like a cheap love story..." was when I zoned out again. My nose was practically buried in the play book again, well... not really I was doing calculus in my head to quiet my game so I would relax. "Tyler!" I felt something hit my ear as my playbook dropped to my thighs. I had just been ear-bapped by the coach... really...? "Get your head on, games starting." the hell...? Fifteen minutes gone in a flash? I shook my head and bottled my head again and jogged after the team.

  The roar from the home bleachers was more than enough to pump me back up. And then... god... again I spot her. I hadn't been paying enough attention when we got on the field the first time. Chase was on the end box again shaking her pompoms at me to catch my attention. Her mane wasn't braded back this time; it was thick and flowing as she waved excitedly. "Go get 'em, Que Bee!" she hollered as she winked at me. That fantasy dream slammed into my crotch again, her voice was like silk rubbing against my ears.

  I blinked and Deek slammed into my back. "Move it, man," he shoved, pushing me away again before I could get a word into Chase.

  This time my head was quickly racked back into the game instead of me fighting with my jockstrap to restrain myself. a couple nights of not consciously conjuring up sex dreams seemed to have put a bit of a break on the boner. When I got to the bench I plopped down and turned to look back at the squad, which had already turned to begin amping up the 800plus attendees.

  Now... I'm not a skirt Chaser, but I have to admit, there is something about her. Something that just rolls those little dream dances into a little ball and tosses it into the hoop for three points. Even at twenty-five yards, I can see the perfection of her frame and her body. Curves in all the right places and hair that flowed like rivers of braided gold; her tail matched that flow. I could feel that little twinge go off, 'Game, Game, Game! You're in a game!' but I couldn't turn my head away until I felt a hand slap the top of my helmet. "Earth to boner boy," it was Deek again, "we're up again." followed by the sound of the thump of a ball being volleyed through the air.

  I don't know where the time keeps going. Every time I think of her or even the shape of her slim core or the curve of her neck it just makes time do strange things. I'm sure by now she would have spotted me starring at her. But she didn't turn around at all.

  I stood up and followed Deek out onto the field, the coach slapped my ass and blurted into my ear-hole, "Fake right sweep, two left out," I nodded as we took the field to the crowds' eruption. This was one of those trick plays that we practiced. Why we were trying it now, I had no idea, but my brain snapped into the time again. I slapped Deek on the ass as I stepped up behind him and squatted down, "Column two!" the defense blinked. Different words do that to linemen, "Column two!" I lift my calf to start the end round moving. I feel the breeze on my tail as the wide right brushes past to make the left side heavy. I could tell this was going to make them jump, I stood up slowly with my arms to the sides and dropped back into the shotgun as Kid, the rookie in the tailback slot, moved right a step. The linebackers didn't see him shift they concentrated on the heavy side. "Blank one! Blank One, hut!" the ball flung back and slapped me in the palms perfectly, it was a quick dump pass to the tailback streaking to the right. it was an easy short throw as the ball landed in the set of black gloved paws follows by a reddish brown streak skidding passed the free safety hanging left to absorb the heavy load on the left. I was a strange play to use there, but it got us forty yards up the field before the fox was dragged down by the ankles in a free run.

  That play put us in a quick game pace; the coach signaled three plays audible. My choice, two of which I called from the line to toss a wrench in the defense. This was the advantage of working with the offence for more than one summer; they knew what I was calling. One play died in a hurry as the pocket collapsed, I had to dump the ball. The next was called in the huddle, expected supposedly because the run only made it three yards; the gap just didn't open up. I heard the buzz in my ear as I turned to spot the coach calling the play, signaling for balance two, rush, push right. It didn't get us any were, the whole was opened in the line. Half a yard if we were lucky, the linebacker squashed the Kid again. I was a little annoyed that the final call of my series was overridden by the coach, but he saw something I didn't. I was going to call the same play opposite side, but the defense lined up heavy on that side with a blitz. With all that said I clopped off the field and plopped down on the bench after being swatted with coach's clipboard, "good try."

  'Good enough,' I thought to myself. Something happened during half time. It was like they had a whole new defense and their offence was shipped in from Microsoft. it was like a computer was controlling them, each play was almost perfect, practically destroying our defense, even going as far as a defensive end requiring an ankle brace and out for a play.

  Twelve seconds left and it's not looking good, first down and 10 with 90 yards to go at 31 - 28 visitors. First choice was to send the wide right out of bounds. It worked gained 10 yards and stopped the clock. The crowd was starting to get on my nerves a bit, the coach buzzing in my ear again signaling for me to pull the plays from the line. I gritted my teeth knowing what happened last time. Again same play, the defense didn't catch it. 'Good,' I thought as I lined up the same play again. Only this time the snap count hesitated, the defensive end jumped and got fingered for a five yard penalty. No time wasted there. Again a little trickery in my count chewed them up and caught them off guard. I approached the center from the previous spot quickly, calling out "Turkey!Turkey!Turkey!" its a changeup. the ball is snapped, instead of the left tight end falling back he drives towards the center, taking the rush with him which leaves me to break the pocket wide left, its empty field but I see the strong corner rushing in a hurry, four strides, three... two, I spot left wide making his hook and tripping up the defender and I launch the ball as I get clobbered. First real hit I've taken the entire season besides on the practice field.

  the dead silence made me panic as I realized I wasn't on the ground yet, my eyes flicked open and saw water droplets, not a mist, droplets, practically dancing like a little lake passing my eyes. I came to like some sort of freakish freeze-frame snapped back into motion as I slammed into the ground flat on my back with a bull driving his helmet up against my face guard. It was odd. I couldn't hear anything but I could see the home audience standing still and the sudden rush as fists pumped up skyward. sound snapped back as I heard the cheers and the bull pushing himself up on my chest plate as he looked to look his shoulder and then a loud, "Fuck!" escaping his lips. Probably harder than I should have, I shoved the bull off my chest as I propped myself up on my elbows as the Number 83 tumbled across the end zone line. Jason, that little rat... he got it, the butterfingers actually caught the ball on a long bomb, and I flopped back down on my back and took a deep breath, felt like I hadn't taken one since I threw the ball. I rolled over and jumped to my feet and attempted to scratch my ear through my helmet and wondered how the hell Jason managed to make it from his spot on left all the way to the right side of the end zone.

  I was the only one that wasn't up shoving the rat back and forth in celebration. But I looked at the clock, three seconds game time left. I knew the field goal would chew up a second as I jogged to the sideline, receiving a slap on the helmet from the coach, "now that's how we throw a ball!" and then the clack of the board smacking me on the tail. The world still seemed to swim in this strange haze but it all popped back into place as I looked up the offence rushing back to the sideline. Jason leading the pack and practically jumping on me as I grinned, "Call me Butterfingers, huh?" poking my chest with the nose of the football. I spotted the kicker strapping his helmet on to take the field, I waved him over.

  "You've got three seconds hang time," he nodded. "Blast it through the end zone on kick off. Game over." the lanky otter nodded and rushed out onto the field. Point after good, score 33-31 Home, and to make the score permanent the otter blasted the ball. How short little legs could kick a ball so hard and so high was beyond me. Time expired as the ball bounced freely into the end zone. Game over. Of course the crowd erupted in a blast of cheers as I ripped my helmet off and dropped it on the spot. It was a moment of bliss, I sucked in the atmosphere of being bombarded with high-fives and congratulatory slaps on my shoulder pads and ass. Though much of the crowd was around Jason. That little rat. He saved the game.

  We marched out onto the field to greet the losers (is it wrong of me to call them that? that's what they are) and shake hands and it was off to the lockers.

  After all that, my mind was blank, only the win was floating behind my eyes. It was a good win, what the coach called a nail biter. That was how the division championship was supposed to be, I was sure they would be our challenge again. We hiked up the hill to the locker room and filed in for the closing speech which went mostly ignored by me. I was doing calculus in my head again to get out of the game. but my ears caught the words, "and, I graciously give the game ball to Reece for making one fucking hell of a catch in double coverage." apparently the graying tiger was empresses, cursing in front of students was fairly regulated, and tossed Jason the ball. The ball bouncing off Jason's numbers as the locker room erupted in laughter followed by a folded eared rat looking at the ball wobbling at his feet. "Butterfingers..." the coach followed up. "Alright get washed and get out of here. See ya Monday." and with that the locker room exploded in celebratory testosterone, and musk as uniforms where shucked and lost in the soup.

  I myself took my time, chatting it up with Deek and Gravel as I wiggled out of my uniform and pads. I wasn't in a hurry because I knew I would be talking to them all night... or until they threw us out of the Denny's. I clopped into the showers with my trusty hoof pick and took the time to sit under the spray of a showerhead and picked the mud out of my hooves. Apparently my hygiene had left me alone in the showers. How time moved in this place is starting to creep me out.

  I stood up and showered meagerly and clopped out into the locker rows and toweled dry on the way. Something felt odd. We did win the game, but something was missing. I couldn't put my thumb on it as I got dressed back into my street clothes. Pulling my shirt back on over my head I heard Jason shout down the varsity locker hall, "See ya at Denny's!" which snapped my out of my odd haze as I yanked my bike helmet out of the narrow locker.

  I dug in my pocket for my keys and clopped out of the locker room only to hear a small voice as my keys jingled. My ear flicked as I looked up. I had to tilt my head as I heard the voice coming from the shape in a cheerleaders outfit against the wall. My eyes were still adjusting to the darkness before I realized it was Chase talking concernedly but quietly into her cell phone. 'bingo!' my brain screamed but stopped short as I saw her clap her phone closed and lean against the wall. her cheeks were wet. I decided it would be better if I didn't rush up to her.

  I approached slowly and called her name out quietly with a bit of an inflection, "Chase?"She looked up, bright blue eyes twinkling with tears. It was kind of an odd site, she seemed upset but calm. Very unusual for a female. "You okey, Chase?"

  She looked down at her cell phone and nodded weakly, "yeah I'm fine." blatant lie apparently.

  "You sure? You where all cheery 'n stuff during the game," my language, can't tell I'm a jock.

  She looked up and smiled a little, apparently finding some little giggle out of my lack of language skill, "it's alright." with that my heart skipped a beat as her eyes met mine again. The bright cheeriness rushing back into her attitude but still quite reserved. "It was a friend of mine from my other school. Got beat up pretty badly by some jock earlier today."

  I did the first thing a jock would say, "Sorry to hear that."

  Of course she chuckled a little, her long mane bouncing a little as she did so, her tail swishing as she stood up, "Well. It's not so bad. He got caught having sex with the centers girlfriend," she snorted. "I don't know what else he was expecting to happen." her movements were becoming more fluid again as she reached up and wiped her eyes with the back of her knuckles as if not to smudge eyeliner. "So what are you doing here, Que Bee. Thought you'd be out celebrating."

  My ears perked up and I saw my chance again, my heart fluttered as I probably smiled too hard for my own good, "I've been trying to get in touch with you all week," I blurted out... my composure taking a second to kick in when she chuckled again. "I... well..." I rubbed the side of my neck as I stammered, "You want to grab some coffee?"

  She stood up and grinned as if she had been grinning nonstop for hours again, her hooves clopped on the cement, apparently wearing metal by the sound of it, "I'm game," god her voice was already melting my core. It was bizarre how fast her mood switched. She stepped up against my side and wrapped her arm around my middle and prettily guided me into a walk, I could feel my heart skip a beat as he shuffled me forward. Her arm around my lower back, I started walking again after stumbling a few step. She's so soft, incredibly soft to the touch, not a physical push or shove as she just walked. Eventually after a few blank-minded steps I lifted my arm up and draped it around her shoulders as we moved. "Were we going?"

  'We'.. Hmm... Strange... 'we' normally meant the football team, but now... "How about that bookstore up at the north end of town. '24'?" I couldn't tell what it was about her voice that made me nervous, it was truly like a siren drawing me in to crash into a rocky coast. "They make one hell of a cappuccino."

  "I like the sound of that," she smiled and leaned her head against the side of my chest. I felt like I was going to burst into flames on the spot. "I've wanted to talk to you since I got here. You're quite the quarterback, Que Bee."

  The comment brought a smile to my lips again as my pace quickened a little up to a normal pace, "Thanks." I caught a whiff of her shampoo that made my nostrils flare, "Call my Tyler."

  By now the parking lot was empty, my bike stood alone standing under a cone of yellow light gentling from the streetlamp in the middle of the parking lot. "Your ride?" she chuckled lightly. she pulled away from me and clopped up ahead of me examining my Honda with a finger on her chin and bent forward, the curve of her body perfect under that short skirt and up along her sloped back. God, my brain started cranking out that little fantasy again, but I beat it back in my head quickly.

  My voice was coming back to its standard tone as I blinked, "You like?"

  "I love!" she shouted as she unbuckled the bucket helmet from the rear frame of the bike. "You ride tandem often?" she leaned her head to the side and pulled the brain bucket style helmet over her head.

  A condom joke ran through my head... both heads, but I veered off it in a hurry, "always bring the bucket incase I forget my primary," I said knocking my knuckles on the scraped red and blue helmet on my head, the straps hanging loose under my chin.

  She didn't seem to have any problem strapping hers into place. I approached her and she turned to me, not even hesitating to reach up to buckle my chinstrap. Her thin frame resting against my torso, she was flirting with me I could tell; even a dumb jock could tell. Her height was almost a foot shorter than me, and I swear she was the filly that fell out of my head in a wet dream. Every little detail about her perky cheeks and short snout, her perfect br... Hmmm... That's the one thing I hadn't noticed before about her... her chest was flat. Not that I required monstrous knockers but it was just a detail I hadn't noticed. She was taking her time as she buckled the strap on my helmet before pulling away, "There, all safe."

  I tilted my head forward as the jaw structure of the helmet slammed down over my face which muffled my reply, "Thanks." the helmet was defiantly hiding the dopiest smiling expression I have ever made I'm sure. "You ridden before?" I jingled the keys in my hand as I took the last couple strides over to the bike and lifted a leg to straddle it. Before I even got the key in the ignition she was against my back, hugging around my middle, her hands crossed over my lower abs, "I'll take that as a yes." I smirked and turned the key and pressed the start button at my thumb. It rumbled to life as I hunched forward to knock the center stand down. And in a flash, we were off.


  Traveling through town in the middle of the night was simple most of the time, but this time. I almost ran a red light because I was concentrating elsewhere; her arms around me made me melt. it was like having a pillow leaning against my back with arms of feathers curled around my abs. my tail twitched against her abdomen and she swatted my stomach for that. The light changed and off we bolted again, probably breaking a few more speed laws than I intended as we burned through the two miles of streetlights, strangely all green.

   My brain was starting to shut off again as her hand stroked my stomach again. but my brain took over again as I spotted the big neon "24" sign at street level, a coffee shop and bookstore that was open at all hours. The bike bounced a little as I hopped the curb, apparently cutting the corner a little too short and wobbled into the parking spot closest the door. There were only a couple vehicles in the lot, 'Good. Not overly busy.' I thought as I turned the key on the bike. My bike bounced as the weight jumped from my back, couldn't help but smile as I saw her standing next to me unbuckling her helmet as I rolled the bike forward onto its kickstand.

  "Your good on that," she chuckled as she tilted her head to the side pulling the helmet off her head; her long flowing blond mane flopping back down as if it had never been crammed into a helmet. She brushed her pleated skirt to straighten it back out.

  I dismounted the bike in a state of semi-quandary as I unbuckled my helmet. "You think so?" Her response was little more than giggle and a nod. "Who have you ridden with before?" my ears flinching as I lift the jaw of my helmet out of my face before tugging the helmet off my head. I tried to resist but I shook my head making my mane fluff out.

  "Daddy use to take me out all the time. I'm use to the back of a bike," she smiled as she held the black helmet behind her back as I stepped closer to her. I smiled and offered a hand to her which quickly received a helmet. It made me nicker lightly as she clopped off towards the door. I shook my head and watched her move, like poetry in motion. Unusual for me not to hold the door open for a fem...woman, instead she held it for me, "In ya go, champ."

  I bowed my head and smiled, "thank you" my tail twitched again, swishing the long strands to brush against her skirt as I stepped passed and into the lobby of the cafe style bookstore.


  a shrill voice and a shriek came from behind the counter, it made my eyes roll up into my skull... apparently Cheryl had been listening to the game on the radio, "Tyyyyyylerr!!!" and I was just about tackled by a heavy set middle-aged squirrel woman rounding the counter, "how are you! I heard the game!" I heard the cutest little snicker come from behind me. I'm sure Chase was having a blast watching a jock practically be hugged into putty by someone able to be my grandmother.

  I had to poke the secondary helmet against her side to be able to breathe again. Guh... "I didn't win the game," I smirked as I smiled at the gray-furred beast of a woman, "I aired it out and counted on Butterfingers to catch it."

  It was at that moment I realized I probably should have worn my shoulder pads and plates as I was piratical shoved out of the way as that shrill voice kicked into gear again, "Ohhhh! And who is this pretty little thing?!" I balanced myself against the barstool nearby as I looked at Cheryl holding to Chases hands. "My you're a pretty little one."

  Chase giggled and her cheeks flushed, again I shook my head, "this is Chase. She..."

  Again trying to get word in is like trying to split a hair... or hare, "oh Tyler, is this your new girlfriend?!" the squirrel belted out in glee as she bounced in place, Chase was blushing brighter.


  Chase squeezed in a word before I could, "just a friend." her giggles were starting to melt my consciousness, "I just transferred in a couple weeks ago." the hen-party continued as I watched those two yack at each other. I swear it was like listening to the "popular girls" in the lunch room.

  A rough gravelly voice came over my shoulder, "She's a cute one."

  My heart stopped, one of these days it's not going to restart, as I jerked my head to the side to spot the male squirrel behind the register, "I... thanks, Steve" I stammered.

  "You guys one tonight. Anything you want is on the house."

  My ears stood up again as I smiled, "alright. Two French vanilla cappuccinos and use the Sumatran beans this time."

  Chase chimed in, "Make mine a non fat with extra whip!" the gleeful voice panting my ears with comfort. Just something about it that makes me want to bury my head in it. Her voice...! ... My ears in her voice...!

  "Very well, miss," Steve said as the machines behind the counter whistled and hissed to life.

  Cheryl was crushing me in a hug again as I turned back to face Chase, "It's good to see you in a winning mood. You should be wearing your letterman's," my eyes caught Chase over her shoulder, giggling that cute little giggle making the curl of her mane bounce; her hand covering the end of her muzzle. Again, I wasn't sure what I was feeling but I was sure I wasn't breathing again. I poked the squirrel in the ribs again before she let go. "You two go have a seat, I'll get your steamers when their done."

  And with that the pudgy squirrel was out of arms reach, I leaned to the side balancing myself on a helmet in hand on the barstool gasping for air again. "I swear she's trying to kill me," I mutter.

  All Chase does is giggle. "Where should we sit?" she says stepping forward and stretching a hand out to grip my wrist, even her grip is soft. She tugged me along a row of books looking at the titles as I followed. I wasn't really reading the book titles as she stopped at the heath section. I was tugged again as I managed to read at least one of the spines on the books, though the words didn't stick in my head as I smiled down at Chase. "This way!" she giggled gleefully and pulled me around the end cap and over to a booth secluded in the back of the store, a three-quarter booth. She scooted into the booth and I dropped the two helmets on the table a little harder than I intended too.

  I recoiled a little at the sound of the sugar jar jingling on the table, "Oops." the little mare patted the seat pad next to her and I scooted up next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She leaned her head in against my chest and I let out a heavy sigh. For one moment everything that I had been thinking about the week before about being alone didn't seem to be so bothersome. It was a moment that felt comfortable... it felt right.

  I was about to open my mouth when she tilted her head up to look at me. "Thanks for stopping to see if I was alright, "she smiled."All those other dumb jocks just looked at me and kept walking."

  I smiled and lifted my hand from the back of the booth and stroked her mane gently, just like spun silver, soft and smooth. I myself couldn't believe I was touching it, "I've wanted to talk to you all week. You're a hard one to get a hold of."

  Her voice was soft and warm, like Florida sand, "being the new girl in town does that. I heard that you were looking for me. I don't know why Chris didn't give you my cell number."

  My ear flicked as I heard the name. 'That bitch,' blurted in my skull but I kept it to my thoughts. "Oh? she didn't say she had your number," I licked my lips and realized I was still stroking her hair as she shifted against my torso with an arm wrapped around my middle; quiet comforting if I might say.

  Her head shifted against my chest lightly as she chuckled, "she said 'I just want to look out for the new girl'," she said mocking Chris with the little valley girl lisp. If it wasn't for the moment, I would have laughed hysterically because it was that dead on.

  My nose twitched as I caught a whiff of heated cream which made me look up to spot pudgy female squirrel marching a tray down the isle of books. Chase apparently heard Cheryl coming because she sat up and smiled at the squirrel as the tray slid on the table, "two cappuccinos, and the last piece of our Raspberry chocolate cake." I felt my cheeks flush a little, it was the cake that my parents always ordered for their anniversary, and Cheryl knew it. Before I could look up the amazingly fast portly woman was gone, twitching tail and all.

  Sure enough, on the tray two foaming mugs one stacked higher than the other with whipped cream and a piece of cake decorated with a raspberry perched on top and red syrup dribbling down the side; next to the cake on the white plate... a single fork. "This must be yours," I reached forward and scooted the mug off the tray and gently nudged it close to Chase before reaching for the other mug. I lifted it up by the handle in time with the little mare next to me and clanked the mug against hers, "to a good game."

  "To present company," she smiled and lifted the mug up, her soft lips pressing to the edge of the mug and sipping. I did the same of course, but I didn't come away with whipped cream between my nostrils.

  The sight made me chuckle, 'how did this happen... how did she get in my dreams'. "you got a little something there;" I leaned my head down a little and licked the little puddle of cream away. Such a soft spot, the touch of my tongue made her scrunch her nose and giggle, "there we go."

  She promptly leaned in against my side again and licked the tower of cream. I swear she's trying to turn me on. Her little lips parting just enough to slide her tongue up that pillar of peaked cream. I had to squeeze my eyes shut before I took a sip from my mug. Great stuff, I could feel the caffeine hitting my system hard.

  But I heard her voice pick up, "Here." It was gentle, velvety as she held the fork up in front of my nose. "To the winner go the spoils."

  I sat up a little and scooted forward a bit on the bench seat. I have to admit my muzzle was practically watering; it might be my parent's anniversary cake, but that didn't mean I didn't know the decadence.

  I sighed softly and bowed my head a little as I plucked the fork from Chase's fingers and gently slid the blade of the fork through the edge of the cake, like cutting butter with a shard of the sun. the chocolate scent blasted my nose as I lifted the delicate little chip, but then my ear twitched. my arm on autopilot I turned the fork lightly and guided it towards the little dream tucked under my arm, "you first, Chase." what a gentleman I didn't know I was.

  Chase sat up and giggled lightly as she leaned forward and cupped her lips over the fork and nibbled the little flake of cake away. Her hand flew up to cover the end of her muzzle, "my god..." she looked up at me, her ears turning a little pink before she snatched the fork from my hand. "Give me that."

  I couldn't help but chuckle as she used the fork to drag the plate toward herself as I was left to my mug in hand, "good isn't it?" the second fork full wasn't as dainty as the first one. Before I knew it the berry rolled off the side and a fork was standing in front of my nose

  "Angels don't eat this stuff do they?" a teasing smirk on her lips.

  I almost choked, "it's great, isn't it?" the fork slide into my mugless hand as I took a fairly large chunk of the remaining cake and scooped it into my parted lips, crumbs speckling my white shirt which quickly flecked away by a dainty little finger. in standard jock style, the cake was reduced to a plate of crumbs in two or three forkfuls, but I was done with it; that's about as much of it as my teeth would let me have. The fork clacked on the edge of the plate and I sipped from my mug again. The caffeine had recharged me fully and I could tell the little filly was feeling the same. Her hand was resting on my thigh. Thank god I tucked myself down the other leg. For some strange reason I felt compelled. I lifted the berry from the plate and mashed it against a few of the crumbs then over in front of her white muzzle. "A berry for the cutie in the skirt?"

  she sniffed a little as she looked up at me as her mug clunked empty down on the table, she was one giant grin; it suited her well. "Awwww," she smiled and leaned her muzzle up a little and cupped her lips on the berry in my fingertips which I released and brushed my hand on my thigh, smacking the half hard flashtube in my pant leg. I had to grit my teeth.

  I felt her shift against me, her torso pushing against my lats a bit more, it made me turn my head a little more to look at her when my nose bumped into hers and a berry at my lips. For once in my life I blushed without the feeling of embarrassment, but it was just a berry... well half a berry, in my lips. She winked lightly at me as her lips drew back from mine, I swore I heard a gleeful squeal in the distance before I leaned my head back and pulled the berry in.

  Her weight shifted again, but this time it was a more deliberate weight shift. Her entire body lifted up and slid up onto my thigh. I was somewhere in between shock and amazement to feel her minute weight pressing back against my chest, her long mane filled to the opposite side and her hand falling down onto my thigh, well the lumpy thigh. I licked my lips as her head rested back against my shoulder and my eyes caught hers as she arched her slim core forward and pressed her thighs back. I could feel her tailbase pushing against my hipbone. It made the mass under her hand throb. My erection was getting out of control and my post football hormones where getting the best of me. My hand from the back of the booth slid down and slid across her soft exposed belly and down to her hip. My dream was rushing back at me once the tactile feel of her skirt under my fingers triggered me to draw a deep breath.

  Her hand squeezed again. It wasn't a gentle squeeze, it was a knowing squeeze. Her eyes caught mine again as my fingers brushed up her inner thigh causing her pelt to twitch. The unintentional tracing of my fingers drew her skirt up enough for me to see the white of her inner thigh. I couldn't help it, I leaned my head in against hers as her back pressed against my chest. I shivered lightly as her hand didn't stay still on the bulge in my thigh, it slide gently up and down from bulging extent to the extreme upper edge. A new scent hit my nostrils, something different, something new that I hadn't smelled before. It smelled like something I had smelled before but more floral... yet musky and sweet. She ground herself down against my thigh again and I knew exactly what it was, I was feeling it too. Our eyes met again and we both knew exactly what was coming next.


  I turned to the side as she slid off my lap and onto the bench when I quickly wiggled out from the booth and stood up grabbing at my helmet. She grabbed hers and her other hand slapped into mine. I practically dragged her down the isle of books, passing by the counter where both squirrels where pretending their hardest that they weren't staring at the black and white security cam monitor. "Thanks for the coffee," I blurted out before basically stumbling out through the door strapping my helmet in place. Chase was right behind me or... suddenly in front of me already astride my bike. I slapped my facemask jaw down over my head and dug into my pocket for the keys. It was a bit of struggle considering my pants where now almost a size and a half too tight now. I dropped myself on the back of the bike and scooted forward, her ass pressed down against my groin and I almost dropped the keys. Her arms reached back and pulled herself tighter to me, a glint of her tawny pelted ass split by a bright orange thong. I was going to pop if I didn't get my eyes back up. I slammed the key in the ignition. The bike rolled back and the Kickstand slammed up and I almost shredded the tire as I pealed out of the driveway before tarring down the street.

  I knew a short cut that didn't have stoplights and would be completely abandoned at this time of night. I've never heard my bike scream like that before. Her hands pulled on me again as I made a rather rolling stop through the last intersection before my house. My facemask was actually getting steamed up, so I flipped up the jaw of it. Her hand left my side and poked the button just behind the little windshield making the garage door slam and start opening. I leaned back and she was off the bike and heading for the door in the garage.

  It was nuts, time was distorting for me again. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and tossed them to her and she went through the door like she lived there while I practically threw my precious bike into its little clean spot before chasing her into the house, my rubberized shoes clacking on the teak flooring. Before I knew it, my lips were mashed into hers, standing in the kitchen her arms wrapped around my chest. I almost fell over at the sheer zap of elation making my tail batted back and forth. My helmet fell to the floor before I could really think straight; my fingers curled around her shoulders and pulled her tight against me.

  Our height difference made it quite easy to kiss her standing up. Her tongue brushed against the end of mine and I felt her fingers curling around my waistband, if there was ever a time I wanted clothes not to exist it was now. Her fingers popped the button loose from my jeans and my hands slid down to her bare sides, tugging upwards on the hem of her top. The rattle of the zipper pulling down made my head swim as she pulled back from me. For a moment I was confused not to have her soft lips against mine. She giggled coyly as I found myself holding just her top.

  She was gigging as she was backing into the front foyer and into the living room, curling a finger at me, "come get me, big boy." my heart skipped a beat and my jeans slid down around my hips a little more as I shuffled into the living room after her. Oh god, it's hard to walk with a tent stake jabbing you in the thigh. But there she was, standing in the center of the living room in just her skirt. the moonlight was just right to see the fine curve of her hips and thighs, the soft corners of her shoulders and muscular but femininely so chest, though the absents of breasts didn't jar me, her perky little pink points standing out of her white fur drew my attention. I had to get closer. My hands reached down and dragged outwards along her core; just as soft. Our muzzles met again, but this time it was an instant deep kiss and her paws where back on me pushing the jeans down over my thighs. My boxers were the only thing to survive the tug downwards. Once the tight denim hit my knees, the jeans puddle around my hooves and I had to get closer to her.

  My arms encircled her and pulled her tight to my body, the strain of my shaft pushing against her thigh as I picked her up a little, trapping her arms against my sides as my tongue brushed against hers again. I sat her back down before gripping her hand and tugging on it, "bedroom's up stairs."

  She grinned from ear to ear as I started up the stairs, her skirt flipping against her thighs as I tugged her. I turned as her lips tangled with mine again at the top of the stairs, both of my hands finding their way to squeeze at her round skirt covered rump, the supple curve right out of my dream. It was hot, it was sexy, and for the moment it was mine.

  She shifted again and pulled back from my chest and I tugged her hands stopping at my door. She stopped, her leaning back before I led her in, she blushed and smiled a little coy smile. 'Uh... do you have any lube... I'm feeling a little... you know." her voice had gone from smooth and silky to a heavy rush of hormonal drive.

  Stared blankly at her for a second, processing lube...lube...? "Oh... right... I ... I know where some is." and her hand let go of mine before I disappeared down the hallway into my parents bedroom. in my frantic mode I looked back and forth 'if I was lube where would I be...' was the first thing through my head, and I piratical dove at the first thought I'd had since the coffee shop. The nightstand drawer was dumped out quickly onto the empty bed. sure enough, a bottle rolled onto the floral bedding. it was dark but I picked up the little precious bottle and read it quietly, "AlwaysWet. Stays slick so you can too." for the first time in hours I nickered.

  I gripped the bottle and headed down the hallway, stopping short and not finding the girl of my dreams standing in the door way. I looked over the railing and her top and my keys was still setting on the floor. I headed for my bedroom door and there she was stretched out on her side on my bed. My real bed; not the bed in my dreams with all the fancy spotlighting and glitter-balls twinkling. She smiled at me, a smile that made stitches pop in my boxers, and swung her legs off the edge of the bed. I held the bottle out a puppy returning a stick. She chuckled lightly and stood up and kissed my chin gently as her hands rested on my honed abs. it was almost effortless for her to turn me to the side as I dropped down on the edge of the bed.

  Without missing a beat, she was kneeling in front of me holding the bottle back up to me as her nose bumped my flared tip jetting out the leg of my boxers. I was ecstatic, so was she apparently as her tongue brushed against my vented tip. The thought rolled through my mind, 'the guys on the team can't even talk their girlfriends into sucking their cock..." my mind shut off. It was like she was reading it. Her lips parted and dragged down over my exposed glands, undoubtedly having to strain her jaw to get her lips around my bloated tip. But all too sudden, the warmth was gone from my tip. My eyes snapped back open as I glanced down at her gripping the fly of my boxers. She smiled with a strand of my pre dripping from her chin, "are these special to you?"

  All I could get out was, "Game day shorts" between heavy breaths. I leaned back and arched my hips forward and shoved them down and off my legs. My shaft slapped up against my stomach now freed from its bindings. It was liberating.

  And the silent movement happened. That wet tight muzzle wrapped around my tip again but this time it moved, oh did it move. My fingers curled over the edge of the mattress as her muzzle pushed down, and down, and down. Sparks were making my mane stand on end as my medial ring slid past her velvet lips and bumped against her flat teeth. It made my mind bubble. Her weight shifted again and her head arched forward.

  I felt her swallow, and swallow she did, the rest of my shaft slid inward and her lips pressed tight against the base of my shaft. For the first time in my life I realized this is why our heads are so long. her nostrils flared as she dragged her muzzle back slowly, her eyes flicked up to meet mine, the curl of her mane blocking her view partially, as if to ask for permission to do it again. but she swallowed again anyway before I even thought to nod, the soft hand that had been on me earlier was now directed and deliberate, rolling one of my man-lobes in her palm, each easily enough to fill it.

  Her muzzle bumped against my crotch again before she drew back, my brain was gone just the echo of the cinderblock wall skull was left. All I could see was the filly of my dreams lapping at the tip of my male being. I would have done anything at that moment. That little plague that had been disrupting me for the past few weeks was all mine. Then she spoke, her voice a bit raspy, "I want it in me" she said as she slowly stood up and turned her back to me to drop her skirt. I swear smoke ejected from my nostrils as I stared at that orange split ass, it was perfect. The shape of every supermodel or movie star was gone. This was the perfect ass for me. I couldn't resist, in leaned forward and gripped it and squeezed, squeezed as if I was testing an apple for ripeness. She turned to the side and giggled again. "I want all of it in me."

  My ear flicked as I caught that scents again, the one from '24'. It was arousal, floral and sweet but much heavier, it made my muzzle whiskers twitch. She crawled up onto the edge of my bed as I slid my hand down along the middle of her back to her tail. She spoke again, "I want it all..." I looked at the bottle in my hand as I stood up and popped the cap of the little bottle in my fist and practically dumped it on my shaft as she tugged the back of her thong down just over the curve of her rump.Â

  I knew what she wanted, I don't know if it was the heat of the moment or if it was my libido egging me on when I stepped forward and pushed my nearly flat tip against the thong covering her sex. She spoke again, that voice making my junk flare. "Higher," it wasn't just a voice any more, it was a mesmerizing command; one that a magician would give. I knew what she wanted. A few hours ago I would have cringed but now... it didn't even phase me.

  My grip dropped to my shaft around my medial ring and aimed my shaft up, touching my mushroom top against the cleft under her tail, right against that little exposed rosebud. The vent of my shaft kissed her tight little puckered flesh and I pushed forward with my hips. It was a sound I never forget that emanated from her as I pushed my hips forward again as my fingers curled around her shapely hips; it was a squeal of ecstasy. Again I pushed my hips forward and it popped. My tip sucked into that tight little peddle cluster, she squealed a squeal of pure delight as I drove myself forward again. It was sinking in quick. Apparently she had done this before, but I didn't care. Before I knew it I felt my testicles thump up against her.

  I didn't waste any time, that squeal echoed in the chamber were thought should have been, the only thing still in working order was my hips and my cock. Gasps of glee and moans of bliss were the only things my ears heard as I thrust and drew back, my hips slapping up against her ass with each thrust. I could feel my balls swinging up and slapping against her damp thong. This was different. This is what I had been looking for, who knew getting balls deep would change a man.

  She clenched on me tightly and let out an orgasmic little screech as I slumped forward, teasing her with my medial ring before I drove myself all the way back in. She was breathing just as hard as I was but I had better stamina. I starting pounding again as my fingers traced the lines down her hip and down to her knees and that was it. I had to blow.

  My hips seized and I slammed forward hard enough to make the wooden feet of the bed skid, my shaft flared and erupted like a mad Tiki god. I whinnied like I hadn't in years. My shaft felt like it was about to be sucked off my body as her tight little ass slammed shut around it. I could almost hear the schluck,scluck,scluck of my fluid gushing into her and it was bliss. My nose twitched as I caught the scent I was familiar with again. Knowing my bedding was going to need to be changed, again. I flumped down against her back and groaned in her ear as my hand slid down along her belly, I could feel my shaft throbbing through her thin abdominal wall. And then... something bumped the back of my hand.

  That little itch of her flat chest fired off again, my hand traveled further south along her belly and my fingers hit something. Something solid. She nickered lightly as her head turned to the side and smiled with those sapphire eyes, "Oh... you did a good job." her pelt twitched under my fingers and the flash went off behind my eyes. I almost jumped across the room, or at least I felt like I did as I stood up behind her, my shaft buried balls deep and I realized that wasn't a labia against my balls... that... that was another set of balls against mine. My cock twitched as my head started to swim.

  I leaned down and grabbed around her hip and found a shaft standing right were one shouldn't have been. Something changed... Something switched. The most erotic dream, the hottest thought I had ever had was right in front of me overwriting all the dreams erotic dreams I had. At that moment it was my jock brain that fizzled out as I felt a rather forceful grab around my wrist and her...his... (His?) Eyes shot back at me, his voice didn't change but his tone did. "Before you say a word and before you move an inch. Think about it."

  He was right... I had to think about it, empty skulls don't make for good thinking. and suddenly it didn't matter to me my brain was scrambled I slumped off to the side on my back as my cock wetly slucked from her... his ass, he sighed a deep comfortable sigh as he stayed on all fours in position but chest down, I on the other hand had a brain that was running without motor oil. Before I could say another word he was astride my midsection and my fingers where on his hips. My body was on autopilot acting on the rewritten dreams that had plagued my vengeful teen sex drive. The hot flesh wrapped around my shaft made me thrust... no...made me want to thrust. I didn't want it to end as I buried my shaft into him again. My eyes opened and it didn't matter that I saw a painted pink and black cock staring back at me, winking wetly at me. It didn't matter that the female that I had met several hours before was not female. All that mattered is that I had the piece of eye candy with the personality I wanted wrapped all up in a male body.

  My fingers slide up along his chest and pinched at the pink little nubs, the sparklers went off in my head again as my hips moved and bounced the tight wet hole around my shaft. My fingers spread across that flat chest and squeezed at it, it was meant to be that way I knew it was and it was awesome. His voice cracked as his hole started to contract around my shaft again. I knew what it meant. my fingers slid down and gripped his hips tightly as I drove myself hard up into him, my dark eyes cracked open just enough to see the bulge in his belly as I planted myself deep in him. And boom, gone again lost in the haze of an orgasm. My shaft pumped and gushed and flooded the stallions plague into his tight depths. That was it, I slumped back on my bed and panted heavily as he ground himself on my crotch, trying to swash those bugs just as the dream conveyed. It was right, this was right.

  The velvety smooth texture of his voice returned again as his fingers gripped mine and laced with them. He leaned forward and kissed me and I kissed back willingly and it was great. It felt like the hair on my ears vibrated. My voice, raspy and dull was the next thing I heard, "I.... I didn't..."

  "... Know I was a boy," he...his innocent grin split across his moonlit face again. He leaned forward and rested his chest against my chiseled chest. My hand found that fluffy soft silky mane and I stroked it. Still the same, still the same silly turn on it was before. I didn't want him to move. I wanted him to stay, but he shifted his weight and slid off my lap. He lay next to me and kissed me again, my lips press to his. As my strength returned and my mind started to turn on again, rolled to my side and blinked at the male on his side facing me. I smiled back, I had too. Dare I say he was too cute not to, "So.... do... does the rest of the squad know?"

  His composure changed little as he leaned back against the pillows lining my headboard, his steel shoes pushing at my hips. I traced a finger along his knee as he spoke, his arms folded across his chest as he sat up. "No one knows." that liquid voice cold but still the same, "Its why I transferred here." that little flick turned on the jock in my head enough to make me realize why. "my parents moved here to get away from the threats I was receiving." a hand on his cheek tried to push tears back, "the only way I could make it work was with a fresh start and female clothes." the corners of his eyes watered.

  I could feel my eyes starting to water too as I scooted up on the bed next to him and wrapped an arm around behind his neck and hugged him against my chest. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his head into my chest and I sniffed gently at the long flowing locks. "It's alright, baby." my chest was damp from the silent sobs. He was right. I knew how high school was. Even here with the few openly gay couples on campus, it was still a hetro-minded dominated society. His look, his curve, his voice; I knew he was right.

  I stroked his back and he sniffled lightly, letting out a soft little moan as he looked up at me. "if you where worried, why did you take a chance with me?" I stroked his chin gently with a finger.

  he drew a finger up along the center of my abs, "You... you're different." the phrase made my eyebrow furloughed a little, as if on cue, "You have the reputation of being the only jock that won't call someone a faggot, fairy, or cocksucker. I knew I could at least trust you." He was right; I wouldn't have sunk so low. "And this," his velvety fingers traced along my limp shaft hanging over my thigh, "is just an added bonus."


  It felt comfortable, it felt right. I could see it in both of our eyes. I knew he was supposed to be here in my arms. He knew it too. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged his curvy frame to mine, his hand brushed against my limp shaft again. It woke from its near dead state and stood stiffly between us as did his. It was a different feel, but nothing ever felt better. His face was starting to sag, and I knew mine was too. It was late... early, something like that. I licked my lips as he rolled over and scooted his back to my chest, my shaft pressing against that luscious curve of his rump.

  He arched his back a little as my tip slid down and rubbed between his perky little bubbles to that wet spot under his tail. My fingers tickled along the edge of his hip as his voice stayed low. It wasn't permission escaping his lips, just a soft little whisper. I didn't hear it, but my body understood. With that, I rolled slowly onto my side and hunched my hips forward. I almost chuckled as his tailbase tickled my lower stomach.


  The feeling of warmth around my shaft was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep. it was right, that flutteryness in my chest told me it was right. I was asleep smiling from ear to ear in total and complete sleep with a little dream against my chest rather than behind my eyes.


  To be continued...


  Questions? Comments? General gushing?
