Two's a company...

Story by NuclearYawns on SoFurry

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Well, this is my first story. I hope you enjoy, and constructive criticism is really needed, as this is my first short story.

I hope it's not too much to read.

May add a picture later.

Also, I'd like to thank my friend for allowing me to use his male dragon.

{As one may know me well, I'm not one that is fond of reading or writing. I will point out now, that my vocabulary may be off, as I don't read often. Please understand that this is my first story, and if it comes off too short, please tell me, and also, I'd appreciate if someone would help me on my words. Thanks much- Tigerlily}

She was a dragon. One with great might and wisdom. The fluffy dragoness is the best of her village. Very rarely was Astwa around any other form of life. She loved being alone. If asked, she would say it gave her time to think. Of course, being practically warrior of her village, children are always at her ankles. How she loathed children. It was inherited from her mother.

Her mother was ruthless, just as Astwa is. Anika had no care for anyone, including her husband and her brothers. Anika, alone, was able to slay a hundred snake headed monster, which lived deep in the depths of the swamp nearby. Doing this with only a sword of gold, with a diamond hilt.

Being a usual mother, when she gave birth to Astwa, she named her after a goddess, who was as strong as Anika was, that once roamed their village of, and was enclosed in a castle made in the mountains. That castle can still be seen, but no one knows of where the goddess disappeared to. Anika wanted Astwa to be strong, and once she was 6 of age, she was taught how to wield a sword and battle with it. By 9, Astwa was already battling great monsters, Cyclopes, and centaurs. But, after losing her once beautiful, large and fluffy wings in battle, her mother wanted nothing to do with her. According to Anika, Astwa was not the daughter she had raised. As this, Anika left Astwa alone, for the young dragoness had no father, as she was built out of the strength of her mother.

As of this, we will be taken aback to that day.

"Astwa, that Cyclopes is merely only larger than the rest, you can surely take it down!" Anika would exclaim on this day. She was not one to help Astwa. "Mother, I don't think this one is like the rest, he must be the alpha male!"

Astwa was always the clever one of the family, and her mother envied her because of this.

"Nonsense, Astwa! Continue battling! Fly and retreat if you cannot battle anymore! I better see battle scars when you get back!" She snapped. At this, Astwa's mother bolted, and left her alone to fend for herself. She did, but not for long.

Most of the Cyclopes in the area are roughly between 4 feet or 6 feet tall. This specific one was about 14 feet tall. It had 2 extra heads, and wielded a massive club, complete with goat and elephant horns on the club itself. Astwa only had a mere golden sword. Completely golden. What was she to do?

As she was taught, the young dragoness bolted up. She used her wings to guide herself around the Cyclopes, so she had ease to its weak points. Under, over, left, right, this little thing sored through the air, and each time she slashed at the Cyclopes lightning would strike. At one stage, she had the Cyclopes confused. This was her time. She bolted down to the ground, then flapped her wings fiercely, bolting up, she aimed for the Cyclopes at his eye. Erm... The one in the middle. She had planned to stab it in the eye, of which, the sword would penetrate its brain, essentially killing the entire body, as well as the two extra heads.

However, she spent too much time thinking, and not focusing on her aim. The Cyclopes grabbed her by her tail, and held her upside down.

"Such a mere weakling, and yet so much is expected of her." One head would say.

"Should we kill her, or rape her?" Another would say.

"You lot sicken me, and I wake up embarrassed to be a part of you." The last would say. That head looked closer at the dragoness, of whom was wriggling, repeatedly commanding she'd be put down. This head took an interest to her wings. The fur, the softness of it, it felt like silk. He wanted them as a prize. With this, he prided away the sword from her grip, and with his massive hands, he forced her onto the ground, his hand now around the young one, with her wings in between his fingers. He then lowered the tiny sword (Well, tiny to him) down towards the young one's precious wings. She kept struggling, her wings were flapping wildly.

"Continue struggling, I'll only tighten my grip." One head said, and at this, he surely tightened the grip on the young one. She grunted, then stopped struggling. The Cyclopes then put the blade against her wings, and started sawing at them. The sword cutting through her wings like a hot knife in butter. It easily sliced through her bone, but it was easier to slice through the skin. She screamed out in pain, only to have her face shoved into the ground to keep her quiet. Once her wings had been cut off, the Cyclopes got up, holding his prize in his one hand, looking down to the dragoness, once fur made of yellow, was now drowned in her own blood, causing her fur to turn orange. Though he has his prize, he did not want to leave the dragoness alone to bleed to death. He ripped a piece of cloth from his clothing, and wrapped it around her chest, covering her wounds. At this, he left her on the ground, in her own tears and blood.

She certainly had a battle scar to show her mother.

After a while of recovering, she hobbled on over towards her village. She was greeted by gasps of surprise that she has been defeated, but the most perfect greeting was daggers of hatred and disappointment in her mother's eyes. Astwa was ordered home, as soon as her mother caught sight of her. Anika's husband, nor brothers, weren't allowed in the cave.

"You complete disgrace!" Anika would scream. Her voice could be heard for a few miles. "How dare you make a total fool out of me, in front of our own village!"

Astwa couldn't argue. This was her mother. Who was Astwa to argue with her own mother?

"I'm sick of this. Astwa, you complete disgrace to your family. The family name. You're nothing but a waste of space."

Astwa was called that too many times.

"Says she of who had NO mother! Don't you think YOU and YOUR brothers were all a waste of space to YOUR MOTHER?!" Astwa exclaimed. This was much unlike her.

"I was at least much better than you in battling!"

"But no better than me in facts. At least I'm able to defeat Cyclopes', you fat cow!"

Anika had had enough.

"That's it." She said simply. "You will stay here. Alone. Forever." She said coldly to her daughter, then walked out the entrance to her cave, moving the rock out the way. As commanded, Astwa stayed in that spot, until Anika, her husband, and all her brothers left. For good.

We now get back to the current time.

Being alone since aged 9 and is now currently aged 29, she has become used to being ignored, and is also used to being alone. With this, she has grown to become very steel-hearted. She has no feelings for other, and will often state she hates everyone, including those she doesn't know. But one thing for certain, she has become ruthless like her mother. It's very difficult to know how she is feeling, because her facial expressions never change. A simple "Hello" from anyone, that person would have gotten a glare, no matter what tone it was spoken in.

Although, today seemed... Different. All dragon of every kind in her village would notice it. It's different, and it has never really come from Astwa. Or, at least no one has been around her while she's like this.

Astwa was in heat, put simply. But she has never felt this before. She maybe has, but she put her feelings and needs aside. But today, she couldn't hide it. She had errands to run, and they had to be done outside. With this, the smell of her musk would fill the noses of many dragons in her village, young and old. Youngsters' thinking it was cotton candy being made. Luckily there was cotton candy being made nearby...

Reason why she wanted to desperately hide it, is because it's forbidden for females to walk in the village while in heat. Although Astwa is treated as royalty, she wouldn't want to be pounded by a random male dragon, for male dragons are allowed to do that, if females were to ever break that rule. But, this dragoness had a lot on her mind, and needed to get her things finished. This would mean she'd possibly be raped right there and then. Women had no say in life in this village. But no one wanted to mess with Astwa. She had no choice, but she left her cosy little cave, and ventured out into her village.

Of course, she spoke to many dragons while she was out. She needed to.

She first needed to cut down trees nearby, and by trees, I mean that she needed to take down black dragons. A type that has been attacking her village since her great grandmother was around.

She took them down with ease.

Next, she was to cut down real trees.

She hated this, as she always got splinters in her fingers, and always came back home with wood debris in her tail. This time, she didn't return back to the village, after a looong time.


Whilst Astwa was throwing bits of wood, that she had cut up, on a cart pulled by horses, she felt like she was being stalked. She had the feeling that eyes were watching her every move. In fact, she could smell the new being. At this, she turned around, and to her surprise, she saw a feral dragon. A typical western dragon, to be exact, body of ruby red, crimson eyes and yet its body bared many, many scars, giving the impression it may be a warrior. Although it had this ruby red body, its chest scales were pigmented with a gold color. She wasn't very fond of people following her, for she is no leader. At sight of this feral dragon, she put her one arm out and fire formed. The fire swirled and danced, then formed a giant sledgehammer and she held it towards the feral dragon, growling lowly.

"What has made you come with way, western?" She asked sternly and loudly. Her voice was fairly loud anyway.

The dragon chuckled and shook its head gently; a tad surprised she knows the difference between a western body shape and a eastern body shape. "My, dearie, why so aggressive in your sweet voice?" The dragon asked, eyes staring back into her green eyes. By this, she could tell this dragon was male. At this, the male made his move closer towards Astwa on his all fours. The dragoness moved back, hissing and her ears lowered down, tightening her grip on the sledgehammer in her hand.

"Be gone from here, if you're seen, you'll surely be killed." Astwa warned, her tail swaying in an angered motion. The male knew this, but he continued to draw closer towards Astwa.

"Is it not against rules to be out whilst in heat?" He asked, with a large smirk across his face. "Surely, certain bad things would happen to a female like you, I'm surprised you have made it this far without drowning in ones spunk."

At this time, Astwa's back was pressed up against a wall of a mountain behind her. A steep one. But she stood her ground, aiming her sledgehammer at the feral dragon, growling. "Leave now!"

At this, the feral dragon would growl and started rushing towards the female, jumping onto the sledgehammer, and jumping up onto the female's head. He seemed to grow his tail longer so he could smack the sledgehammer out of Astwa's hand. He simply whipped at her hand, so the pain would be sudden and she'd let go, and sure enough, she did. The feral dragon then used his powerful strength, and pushed the female down onto her belly, and making sure she was on her knees, to make her rear go into the air.

"It's bad for a female to break the rules. You should be punished." He said, as he growled lowly and licked at her neck, his own tail coiling itself around Astwa's fluffy tail. Astwa was surprised at these sudden movements, but just as surprised as how he knew the rule, even though this dragon was never seen in her village. Maybe his village is the same. Who knows?

After licking the female's neck a few times, the male bit down onto her neck from behind, using the claws from his front feet to claw her clothing off. His tail would brush off any remains of clothing that was on her body. She would try to force herself onto her feet, but she was too scared she'd be skinned alive by this male. So, she kept still. She could smell something rather... sweet. It was certainly not her. So, it came from this male. Oh joy.

The male's long member slowly protruded from his crotch area, and because of the length, it gently poked at the female's velvety, virgin folds. Astwa struggled a bit, but the male put his front feet around her hips, and held her there tightly, his claws at her belly.

"Struggle again, I'll kill you. Relax. The more obedient you are, the more chance you'll escape alive." The male spoke as he kept his bite down on her neck scruff.

This scared Astwa, and she stood still and quiet... For now.

The male smirked while he had her neck in his mouth, and he moved himself so his long member poked at her folds. Growling lowly in an aggressive manner, and regardless of her virginity, he rammed his length into her depths. At this, it popped her cherry, and she screamed out in pain more than pleasure as her folds were quickly painted red with her blood. The male's tail, coiled around her tail, lifted up, and the male now started to rock his hips back and forth, but at a quick speed. Because of a line of bumps under his length, which was part of the member's texture, this quickly replaced the female's screams of pain to screams of pleaure. His front feet at her hips pulled the female towards him in rhythm with him thrusting forth.

"S-slower, please!" The female shrieked through her tears. The male simply growled, and was more aroused by her begs and pleads. He simply upped his pace, his hips slapping against her finely made rump. The bumps on the underside of his member rubbed along her clitoris as he rammed into her. Quickly, Astwa was overcome by pleasure instead of pain.

"M-more! F-faster!" The she'd scream out in pleasure, and he obliged. His hips continuing to slap against her rump, and his bit down harder on the female's neck, causing some blood to be drawn. The male grunted and panted through his nostrils, already feeling fairly close. But he wasn't the only one who was close.

"I can tell there will be many offspring..." He said through his panting and grunting, some trails of smoke coming from his nostrils. Until eventually, if happened.

Astwa gasped loudly, as her walls clamped tightly around his length, and she came. And did she cum a lot. She gripped onto the ground beneath her as she was overcome by pleasure. Her juices, as they dripped onto the ground beneath them, had a sweet and arousing smell. The male, at her orgasm, gripped onto her hips, let go of her neck and he roared loudly, his wings opening widely as he drew his hips back then saws his way forward and deep into her depths. The tip of his member would make its way into her womb, and he would unleash a torrent of his thick and creamy seed. His seed would fill her up, right from her vaginal lips, all the way to her ovaries. Any eggs released would almost be instantly fertilized, as he kept his member in her, until he emptied his last bit of his seed deep into her. Taking his gaze to look upon Astwa below him, he would see her; almost passed out from the extreme amount of pleasure she was given. He smirked, and once he had finished filling her with his spunk, he moved his member out of her, and slowly dismounted from her, then walked towards her head. Lowering his head to hers.

"So much for an aggressive little girl." He'd say, with a large smirk across his face, the cum dripping from his member and onto the floor he walked on to reach her head.

Astwa would simply growl at this.