Snow Bunny - Ch. 14

Story by Mokarran on SoFurry

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#14 of Snow Bunny

Carson and Jesse go to breakfast and make plans for their future.

Sorry it's been so long since I posted an update. I'm hoping to have a new chapter every two weeks. ^_^

Jesse finally comes out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his slender waist as he combs back his damp purple hair, which appears much darker when wet. His silky white fur has been fluffed dry and looks softer than cashmere.

"So, what's for breakfast?" he asks, leaning against the counter. His towel slips a little lower on his hips, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"Not much," I say. "We ate all the eggs and bread. I'm making coffee, and we can open up one of the mystery cans in the cupboard, or--if you feel up to it--there's a cafe a couple of blocks uptown. My treat."

"You want to buy me breakfast?" Jesse says, batting his eyelashes at me. "How sweet. You're still feeling guilty about what happened last night, aren't you?"

"Of course not," I say. I'm feeling guilty about agreeing to take another client without asking him.

"Hey, it's no fur off my hide if you are," Jesse says with a flirty smile. "Especially if it gets me free breakfast."

"So you don't mind the walk then?" I ask, trying to ignore the way my heart skips when he smiles at me. I turn off the coffee maker before it has a chance to ruin the grounds.

"Well, I am still a bit sore," he says, "but it's amazing what a hot shower can do. I tried to save you some water."

"Thanks," I say. I open my mouth to tell him about our next appointment, but close it again. I can tell him over breakfast. I take a quick shower and dry off. My reflection catches my attention and I stare back at it, trying to decide if I look like as big of an idiot as I am. What the hell am I doing? I'm falling for him, that's what I'm doing. I know I shouldn't, but there it is, the cold, ugly truth. I'm just too much of a romantic at heart. I sigh and turn out the light.

Dressed and hungry, Jesse and I head out into the thin winter sunshine, the cold wind ruffling our fur. The sky is pale blue and clear, but the news was predicting more snow in the next couple of days. Nothing like the big storm that still had mountains of slush piled all along every curb, but a few dry flurries. As long as the power didn't go out again, I didn't mind.

We slip into Roxie's Diner and take a booth near the window. The vinyl seats are well cushioned, but I still see Jesse wince as he sits down across from me. The waitress, a busty raccoon in a short blue uniform dress and a white apron, brings over two empty mugs and a pot of fresh, black coffee.

"You boys want some coffee this morning?" she asks with a smile, a hit of a southern drawl in her voice.

"Please," I say as Jesse nods.

She pours two full, steaming mugs and lays a pair of menus on the table beside them. "I'll be right back to take your order."

"Thanks..." I glance at her shiny faux-brass name tag. "Roxie? Like, on the sign out front?"

"That's right, honey. This is my place."

"Wow," Jesse says, glancing around him. "It's nice."

"Thanks, I think so too," she says with a wink. "Be right back." As she walks away, I pick up my menu. I want meat. Bacon or sausage? Maybe both. I find a carnivore omelet with sausage, ham, _and_crumbled bacon. I'm in heaven. I glance at the price and cringe, but then remember I have a wad of cash in my pocket. Suddenly, seven dollars for breakfast doesn't seem so bad.

"What are you having?" I ask as I lay the menu down. Jesse is staring out the window, using his menu to hide his face as he peeks around the edge of it. "What is it?"

"Mr. Erickson," he whispers, and I can hear the fear in his soft voice, like he's afraid he'll be heard. I glance out the window as the ponderous rhinoceros makes his way along the sidewalk on the other side of the street. The sight of him makes my ears flatten and my lips draw back in a snarl as I remember the way he backhanded Jesse, knocking him down the stairs and leaving him unconscious in the snow to die. Did he wonder what happened to Jesse? Did he even think about him once after that? I have half a mind to go out there and ask him, and then kick the shit out of him regardless of what he answer is, but before I can get up, Roxie returns, pulling her book of order slips out of her front apron pocket.

"Everything okay?" she asks, glancing from Jesse, hiding behind his menu, to me, snarling at the window. I force myself to relax. I never could have taken the rhino anyway.

"Yeah, we're fine," I say, glancing at my menu to refresh my memory. "I'll have the carnivore omelet, with hash browns and a biscuit."

"And for you?" she asks Jesse. His hands are trembling as he holds his menu, quickly looking for something to order. "Are you _sure_you're okay, honey?"

He nods, setting the menu down so it stops shaking. "Yeah, I just saw someone I wish I didn't know," he says. "I'll have the veggie plate with hash browns and rye toast."

She makes a note on her slip and picks up the menus. "I know it's none of my business," she says, "but if he comes in here and starts giving you trouble, I got no problem calling the cops. I can't stand abusive ex-boyfriends."

Jesse takes a breath like he's going to tell her that the rhino wasn't his boyfriend, but thinks better of it, thank God. What an explanation that would take. He smiles at her instead. "Thanks."

"Anytime, honey."

After she leaves, I lean over the table, my voice low. "Are you really okay? You were shaking like a leaf."

"I know," he says, frowning down at his hands as he rubs them together. "I guess I didn't realize how much he scared me. I mean, if he found me, he would _kill_me, and when I saw him, I- I thought he had to be out looking for me. I dunno. You must think I'm a big coward."

I reach across the table and take one of his hands. He's still trembling. "I don't think you're a coward. I watched him hit you, remember? You have good reason to be scared of him, but I won't ever let him find you, I promise."

"And how are you going to do that?" he asks, but I notice his gaze lingers on our clasped hands and he doesn't pull away.

"We'll move," I say, the words out of my mouth before I really have a chance to consider what I'm suggesting, but once I think about it, I don't take it back. I've spent most of my life in this city, but it's never really felt like home. I have no family here and few friends. Maybe a fresh start somewhere new would be a good thing. Jesse just stares at me and after a moment I raise my eyebrows. "Well? What do you say?"

"Move where?" he asks. "You mean, like, uptown?"

I chuckle. "No, more like out of state. We could go to California and get away from all this snow."

"I like the snow."

"Okay, Colorado, then. I think they have snow. And mountains. And why are you looking like me like that? Is it really such a bad idea?"

"Bad, no," he says. "Crazy, definitely. We can't just move."

"Why not? Give me one good reason."

He opens his mouth, but hesitates. "We don't have the money," he says finally.

"We have fifteen thousand," I remind him.

"But what about work? Do you really think we'll find clients in Colorado?"

"Denver is a big city," I say. "Or we could try Chicago. It's a little closer." He gnaws on his lower lip and with his big front teeth, he looks absolutely adorable. "C'mon, quit worrying. There are rich, horny men in every city in America. Just say yes."

He regards me for a moment, his green eyes guarded, then he glances down at my hand still holding his. I'd forgotten I was. Then he looks up and smiles. "Okay," he says. "Let's do it."