The Family He Never Had Part 2

Story by Human Kid Jet on SoFurry

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Everyone finds out the young boy's condition and even though a bit worried, it seems Terk grows curious of the boy.

The young boy was sleeping in a man made bed at Tarzan's tree house home and it had been at least two days since he was sleeping in the bed. Professor Archimedes Q. Porter managed to determine his condition as a case of exhaustion. Terk, Flynt, Mungo and the others already explained what happened, although, Tarzan understood the misunderstanding but knew that the young boy being knocked down by a coconut being thrown at his head was wrong but he knew they mistaken him for a predator by accident and knew it was all an accident.

It had been two days and the young boy was still asleep. There were short periods of time when he was awake and they used that period of time to make sure he ate a banana or had some water so he wouldn't be dehydrated or starve since they had no idea if he had gone without food or water before they found him. His condition improved faster and he looked better than ever. Terk, Flynt and Mungo went up the tree house to see if the boy was okay but there wasn't anyone in the tree house but the boy at the time being.

"Are you sure this is such a good idea, Terk?" asked Mungo curiously.

"I'm just checking to see if the kiddo is alright, besides, maybe he's awake." said Terk hopefully.

They made it inside the tree house and they saw the boy, laying in the bed in the first room they entered. The three gorillas walked over to him and once they were next to him, they stopped. Terk was looking at him as the boy had a peaceful look on his face.

"I can fly with the eagles." said the boy in his sleep.

The boy's voice seemed to sound normal now and less dry, he had a young yet slightly deep voice. Terk leaned in and her face was close to his, she was taking a good look at him while she placed her ear on his chest to listen to his heart beat. The boy's heart was beating at the right beat. Terk started to stroke one big finger on his belly and it made the boy giggle, she now learned he was ticklish once he raised his head up.

"I dare Terk to kiss him." said Mungo giggling.

Terk turned to her friends and had a disgusted look on her face once she heard Mungo say such a dare.

"Your sick Mungo." said Terk at first.

But than Terk giggled and smiled to their surprise which they were wondering if she was joking or if she was going to agree with such a dare.

"You dare me to kiss him?" said Terk with a giggle.

"On the lips." said Mungo and Flynt in unison.

Now the look on Terk's face went from a giggle and smile to shock as she was wondering why she wasn't throwing up right now, she wasn't the kind of female gorilla for hooking up and having kids since she liked to have fun and party from time to time.

"I'll bet Terk won't do it." said Mungo trying not to laugh.

"If you guys came up with the dare, you should kiss him than." said Terk sarcastically.

"We'll do it by rock, paper, scissors. At least that's what Jane says it is. The loser kisses him." said Flynt with the suggestion.

"This I got to see, I'll see who smooches him." said Terk as she looked thrilled, she was hoping to get a laugh out of this.

Terk, Flynt and Mungo gathered around and placed one hand in a fist in front of them.

"Once, twice, shoot." they said in unison.

Flynt held out his hand in a fist in the form of a rock, Terk had two fingers out to form scissors and Mungo had two fingers out in the form of scissors as well. Flynt won round one.

"It's down to you two." said Flynt with a smug grin.

Terk and Mungo turned to each other and got ready for round two, they knew who ever loses in this has to submit to the dare.

"Once, twice, shoot." said Terk and Mungo in unison.

Mungo had his hand flat like it was a piece of paper while Terk had her hand in a fist in the form of a rock. Terk blushed as she felt her heart sink a bit and Mungo was giggling to the point where he almost burst out laughing.

"Looks like Terkina has to pucker up." joked Mungo.

"What have I said about using my real name?" said Terk as she knew that since she lost, she knew what she was going to do for the dare.

"Think of it this way Terk, only the three of us will know and no one else." said Flynt as he was trying not to laugh.

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better." said Terk annoyed.

Terk turned to the young boy and knew she lost to the game and had to kiss him, she went over to him and got close up to his face. Flynt and Mungo were trying not to laugh but the temptation to laugh was mounting.

"Can't believe I accepted the challenge, well, maybe the kid won't find out." thought Terk to herself.

Terk took in a deep breath and let it out as she suddenly leaned in and planted her soft, big, full, thick and wide lips to the young human child's lips in a full on, passionate kiss. Flynt and Mungo watched this in utter surprise with a bit of shock.

"I didn't think she'd do it." said Flynt in disbelief.

"Well, maybe the kid won't wake up to this." said Mungo hopefully.

As Terk was planting her lips to kiss the boy, she oddly started to like it and to her surprise, it wasn't bad but she wasn't going to tell Flynt and Mungo that. She pulled her lips off in a loud and wet pop while the young human child was smiling as if he was dreaming. Terk was feeling a bit nervous but she was thinking the kid would think it was all a dream but her hope on that didn't last long when she saw the boy's eyes slowly opening till they were fully opened. Terk froze where she stood and saw the boy was awake as she had a nervous grin and waved at him nervously.

"Uhhhhh, hey there kiddo." said Terk feeling her heart race from shock.

To their surprise, the young boy jumped out of bed and stood in front of them, looking startled as if he was standing in front of people who were going to kill him.

"Where am I and who the hell are you?" said the young human as he was keeping his distance.

"Now kiddo, just calm down. We're not going to hurt you, just don't freak out." said Terk trying to talk him down.

"I think it's too late for that, he's freaking out." said Flynt as he was looking worried about the alarmed child.

The young boy was looking alarmed, startled and surprised as the bewildering look on his face meant his mind was telling him otherwise. Terk slowly walked toward him but the next thing the human did surprised them as he ran and jumped clean over them. He started to jump out the doorway of the tree house while they ran after him.

"Don't jump out there." called Terk.

They saw the young boy jumping from tree to tree by foot which they never seen any human do, not even a gorilla did that before. Terk, Flynt and Mungo followed him to make sure he didn't hurt himself.

"Hey kiddo, come back, we mean no harm." called out Terk.

As they chased after him, he was jumping from tree to tree and he was pretty fast for a skinny and small boy. He passed by many gorillas and many of them saw him. As the young boy saw them as well, he suspected they would surround him if he went on the ground so he stopped and actually sat on the side of a tall tree like he was sitting on the ground. Kala could see him up there from the ground.

"Come down from there, you'll hurt yourself." called out Kala.

The boy shook his head and Kala immediately knew the kid was afraid and had to try a different approach. Tantor could even see him from the ground as well and wondered how he even got up there and is able to stay up there like that.

"Kiddo, we mean you know harm. No one will hurt you now come down before you fall on your head." said Tantor quickly.

"You promise me you won't try anything funny?" said the young boy.

"You have my word." said Kala proudly.

"Alright." called out the boy.

The boy got up and jumped, he was headed down to the ground while they all looked terrified but to their surprise, once he landed on the ground, he landed on his feet like he felt no pain from the landing, it was like he jumping from three feet high when he jumped from a higher height than that. He got up on his feet and stood in front of Kala.

"How did you?" said Kala at first.

"Long story." said the boy.

Kala wrapped her arms and hands gently around the boy in a hug, she was hugging him closely to her body a bit firmly which the boy started to feel safe and comfort, knowing they meant the truth.

"Ma'am, your crushing me." said the boy weakly.

"Sorry." said Kala feeling a bit embarrassed.

Kala hugged him a bit gentler and he was feeling like he could breathe perfectly now. The group of gorillas found this to be a bit cute from the looks of it.

"The kid's awake?" came another male voice.

Kala and the other gorillas turned to see Tarzan, Jane and Professor Archimedes, Jane's father. Terk, Flynt and Mungo finally arrived as well.

"Is the kid okay, he took off." said Terk worried.

"He's alright." said Kala reassuring everyone.

Terk, Flynt and Mungo's worry disappeared and felt relieved when they heard the news. The boy turned to see Tarzan, Jane and Professor Archimedes. Kala removed her hands and arms from the young boy's body.

"Tarzan, try and be gentle with the boy, he's a little nervous." said Kala informing Tarzan.

The boy took a look at Tarzan while Professor Archimedes came over to him to check for any injuries or wounds.

"Young man, do you feel any sickness or injuries, any broken bones?" asked Professor Archimedes.

"None of the above." said the young boy. "And where am I?"

"Your in Africa, little man." answered Terk.

Terk, Flynt and Mungo came over to him and they had reassuring looks on their faces.

"I'm sorry we startled you." said Terk apologizing to the kid.

"It's alright, I was unsure if you were one of the guys." said the young boy.

"We didn't catch your name." said Jane.

"I'm Kenji and don't bother telling me who you are, I already know. Terk, Flynt, Mungo, Tantor, Kala, Tarzan, Jane Porter and her father, Professor Archimedes Q. Porter." said Kenji while leaving everyone surprised.

They all looked amazed yet shocked that he knew their names without telling him yet, it left them curious to know.

"How did you?" said Jane at first.

"I heard people talking and mentioning others names while I was asleep, speaking of which, how long was I out?" asked Kenji.

"Two days, but just how did you get here?" asked Professor Archimedes curiously.

Kenji went silent, the look on his face went grim as if he was feeling like it was not an easy thing to tell anyone.

"I rather not talk about it, at least not now. Everything in my head is still racing and I'm waiting for everything in my head to slow down. I was out there alone, very little food and water, no rest for two days. But I'm looking for a place to stay, it's better being with people than to be alone out there." explained Kenji with a look of fear in his eyes.

Kala was starting to feel concerned about Kenji as she knew he must have been through an ordeal. Terk was starting to feel sorry for him till Kala had a suggestion in mind.

"Tarzan, would you think it's best if Kenji stayed with us?" asked Kala curiously.

Tarzan walked over Kenji and he could tell how the boy felt since he knew the feeling from before and he knew what it was like.

"Okay, but he stays with me and Jane in the tree house. But if he stays with us, I'm making it clear for everyone, do not cause him any trouble, if we treat Kenji like our own, than he'll do the same for us. Does everyone understand?" said Tarzan to everyone in a loud and clear voice.

"Understood." said everyone in unison.

Tarzan and Kenji hugged and Jane joined in with the hugging. Kenji felt so relieved to have found a home and people to stay with but some of them were curious to where he came from or how he got there but they figured if he wants to tell them anything, he'll tell them when he feels ready. Kala felt happy that Tarzan was doing a kind thing in letting a lost boy live with them and as for Terk, she too felt happy about this as she started to take an interest in him since the kiss made her take an interest in him but Terk wanted to keep that to herself.

To Be Continued