The Swarm War prologue

Story by Drake_The_Traveller on SoFurry

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A human is sent on a mission to assist the newly discovered cornerians against humanities greatest foe he is a diehard soldier with a tragic past. How will he cope in his new environment. Will he succeed on his quest or will Lylat be consumed by darkness. If anyone can help me find a better title it would be much appreciated. I might even toss in a a guest appearance for you.

The Swarm War

Year 2852

Date March "15"

In the pitch black depths of space a rupture in space and time emerged. It's iridescent and vibrant colors highlighted the massive ship that formed out of its core. The ship was utilitarian in appearance and was bristling with firepower. On the Side of the ship a symbol could be seen against the ships black hull, the symbol of his order. An emblem depicting two swords crossed with a shield in front emblazoned with a snarling wolfs head. The ship was a leviathan easily 20km from bow to stern. And could be classified as an uber dreadnought.

Yet only one life laid in its massive depths a single man no more then twenty years old. He was tall reaching a height of 6ft and 9in. He was a Carmel colored man with black buzz cut hair and piercing brown eyes. A certain warmth seemed to emanate from them yet also strangely they seemed to hold a depth of sadness almost as if he had suffered greatly in the past. He was bulky and muscular with many scars criss crossing all over his body like some sick game of tic tac toe. He was clearly a man accustomed to war and violence.

The man was currently resting in the captains cabin when he was awoken by a soft kind and feminine voice. "Varrus it's time to get up we've nearly arrived at our destination". The mans eyes shot open he groggily rubbed them and clambered out of his cot. He replied to the voice in a deep rough gravelly voice.

"what time is it?"

As he groaned the voice replied "3:45 am the ides of March" He replied in a even bigger groan.

"why so early?"

" you have to look presentable for our arrival" the voice stated. "You must not to forget to take care of your amour and weapons."

"When do we arrive?" asked Varrus as he stumbled tiredly to to the cabins bathroom.

"Once our slip space drive has recharged so approximately five hours" The voice said. He then proceeded to the bathroom to do as all people do In preparation for the day ahead. Then he returned from the bathroom and walked over to his closet and put on his pretor uniform.

The uniform consisted of deep black clothing with the pretor symbol on the shoulder and chest. The suit also had armor plates on the shoulders,chest,arms, and legs. All though nowhere near as comprehensive as his mark xi battle suit it still offered some protection from weapons fire. Then he put on his standard armored combat boots and exited the room. In the hallway he proceeded to the rail lift which took him to the armory.

Upon his arrival the pedestal next to the door flashed to life and there stood a anthromorphic wolfess. The wolf possessed black fur and long claws with red eyes that gave her a "feral" appearance. "Lupa" Varrus said as he strode into the armory what is the status of our contingent of battle droids?"

"All twenty thousand are in storage and ready for activation."

"excellent" Varrus replied. Then he walked over to his personal weapons racks where he retrieved his faithful mark xii MRAW (Multi Role Assault Weapon) his personal favorite nemesis force sword "Judgment" and his two blaster pistols "Faith" and "Fury". He took the stockpile of weapons to his workbench. Where he proceeded to tinker and fine tune them to perfection. "Lupa" he called out again "what's the status of my ship?"

She materialized next to him and replied "hull and shields at maximum lance batteries and rail guns operational and all Armageddon cannons at peak efficiency.

"Good how close are the drives to powering up?" Lupa took a moment then replied "they will be ready in 3 hours". "Damn"! Varrus growled "I'm running behind schedule".

He finished up at the workbench and the rushed over to his armor case. Where he plugged in his pass code at the keypad. Then he put in his thumbprint,eye scan,DNA test, and finally his life sign detector. The case popped open with a hiss spewing the heavily monitored air into the vast expanse of the armory. Varrus gazed up at the suit and could not help but smile as if reuniting with a long lost friend. The suit was easily 8ft tall with bulky shoulder pauldrons and a magnificently designed chest plate emblazoned with the emblem of the Pretoriate guard. The armor was painted in ebony with crimson trimming. The helmet was stylized as Corinthian with a visor as dark as blood. The majestic suit was adorned with a cape of the deepest black imaginable. Varrus then proceeded to intone the litanies of consecration as he prepared his armor for the trials ahead. Two hours later his armor serviced he proceeded to the lift and went towards the bridge.

When he arrived Lupa was waiting there to greet him. "Captain" she said "we will be ready in thirty minutes"

"All right" he replied. Then he stopped and thought for a second a frown forming on his chiseled face. "Why are we doing this again?"

Lupa looked at him condescendingly "maybe if you paid attention during the brief you would remember we are hear to establish diplomatic ties with and assist the newly discovered race dubbed cornerias which is why my appearance" she gestured towards her body "is that of a wolf. So that I might help you acclimatize to your new environment". Varrus seemed puzzled.

"Then why send me, a soldier and a huge warship?" She smiled "silly human we were the only available unit in the area to respond to this new race. All the others are occupied with the Great Enemy who is coming here."

Varrus proceeded to scowl "Don't remind me of those soulless abominations" he growled. Lupa frowned and turned her gaze to the floor her ears drooped and tail sagging.

"Sorry Varrus I didn't mean to dredge up old painful memories" she whined.

"Wow now" he exclaimed "don't get all sad on me I can't stand seeing you upset"

She eventually looked back up and smiled "sorry I'll refrain from that kind of stuff in the future". She pause for a moment "the slip space drives seem to be ready".

Varrus walked over and sat in the captains chair and said "alright then fire up the slip space drive". Then in the pitch black depths of space a portal opened up once more and the leviathan of a ship slid back into the portal. Disappearing as if it was never there.