Droplets Of Desire

Story by Drakue on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

?(Originally posted on Inkbunny)

?Yes! Some nice, light smut for my return to Sofurry. It's good to be back! n-n

Droplets of Desire


Alex jogged past the overflowing gutters and soaked-through benches of his empty high street, the moonlight setting ablaze to a strand of perfect blond hair that had escaped his upturned hood. It didn't matter if he didn't look good, he reasoned - the point of being so far away from his home was that nobody would see him.

He kept pumping his legs until they reached a dirt road. There, he paused and leaned against the provided wooden fence, splitting the unkept pavement from the dying grass on the other side.

"Almost there." he whispered to himself, lifting his small frame easily over the barrier. Alex always found it easier to run over grass than pavement - that's partly why he hated wearing footwear. As practical as it may have been on the streets, there were no substitutes for claws out here. Only a few clouds were in the sky, but he knew the forecast like his own body - and he could feel what was coming. The only thing he needed to do was get into his favourite spot, and wait.

He'd missed the earlier heavy downpour of rain due to school, but now that school was over, he could finally have the release he'd been waiting for all week. Skipping over large, muddy puddles, the young fox bounded up to the dark tree line and slipped inside without so much as a broken twig narrating his entrance.

Dashing quickly from one dirt path to the next, dodging the clinging bushes and jumping straight over hazardous fallen branches, Alex finally arrived at his place of solace. It wouldn't look like much to anybody else; a bald spot with a slab of rock on top of a tree-lined hill overlooking the canopy and nearby town... but to him, it was his own personal scrap of heaven.

He caught his breath as he slouched down, feeling the still moist dirt under his paws. It was a bit tiring to get up there, which is why nobody else ever interrupted him - that, and his personal activities came with certain... conditions...

...which were beginning to be met. He felt a single, heavy droplet of rain plonk against his nose and knew that it was time. Grinning happily and already feeling his fur begin to stand on end, he swiftly stood up and began disrobing. His jacket was stuffed into a nearby waterproof duffel bag he'd prepared weeks earlier for these hikes out, as was his warm shirt, his fashionable jeans, and last but not least his restricting boxers before it was zipped up and securely tucked behind the standing rock.

With all of the preparation done, Alex stood admiring the view. It was a small town, and as far as he knew, nobody could see this far up. He felt another droplet brush against his ear and wet his shoulder. With the slow, graceful joy of a swan in heat, he stretched out his arms on either side and closed his eyes.

As he tilted his head backward and flattened his ears to his head, the young fox felt the air begin to cool. The rush of falling water gradually begun; his fur soaking up every droplet that hit him until it began rolling down his naked body, sparking flecks of arousal over his warm skin.

He breathed out and enjoyed the rain for a few more moments. It was like a gift from the heavens, he thought to himself, and it would last all night long. He sighed, resting his arms and looking over across the now blurred landscape. His entire body was already soaking wet, and his footfalls sounded heavy as he padded back to the up-standing stone.

He sat down, comfortable in his sodden glory, and slowly began to push his paws down the front of his body. Water was squeezed out of his chest hair, swelling the other micro-rivers already pouring downward. This time, though, one paw was below to catch them - he cupped his balls gently and shivered as the water collected around them in his palm.

Like that first droplet that hit his nose, another hit the sensitive tip of his newly awakened member. Alex looked down and smiled as if in a daze, and gently began massaging his sheath and growing erection with one paw, his squirming sack with the other. It was heaven incarnate for the fox, his pointed cock swelling under the feeling of the hot summer rain.


Alex froze, ears pointing forward. He scanned the nearby landscape, which was mostly surrounded by trees and obscured by water, but he could have sworn that above the roar of rain there was a snap of a--


There it was again!

Acting quickly and surprised that anybody else would be this far out in the rain, he dove behind the rock and slid less-than-gracefully down to a nearby bush, hoping for some cover lest some passer-by see him in all his glory. He knew that once it had started raining, there was no way he could hide his hardon - which still bounced happily to attention as he scuttled behind the leafy bush.

Out of the cascading sheets, his wet ears picked up the sounds of tracks being made. Focusing in on the hilltop, he managed to see a large figure reach the standing stone when he realised he'd left his waterproof duffel bag up there!

Knowing fine well he couldn't leave his clothes with some stranger, he carefully began to creep (or as creeping as you can be in torrential downpour) up the muddy hill. The figure sat on the stone, and appeared to be relaxing there for a while.

Well, we'll see about that, Alex thought with a grin. In one practiced jump, he reached the pinnacle of the hill and took a fighting stance. "H-hey! You!"

It's normal to meet strangers when crossing country roads, or when visiting small landmarks in rural areas. Sometimes it's even normal to see strangers outside in heavy rain, often bustling about to get to one place or another... what's not normal, Marxis thoughts prompted as he took a much-needed rest on a nearby stone, was a naked, horny young fox bouncing out at you and screaming. He did what any normal crocodile would do in this situation.

He immediately fell backwards.

"uh... well, that's not meant to happen." Alex said as he watched the groaning mound of scales get up, his beloved bag being lifted up by one arm. As he stared, he saw that the large hulking figure was just that - the body of a bodybuilder, with glistening, pale scales, beautifully arranged to form this tall, strong-looking man in front of him... blushing thoroughly and holding the new-found bag to his crotch.

"Wait, why are you naked?" Alex asked, standing up straight.

"W-what?! Who the hell are you? What's going on?!" The lizard yelled through his increasingly red cheeks, still holding the duffel bag tightly against his crotch. After taking a second to stare at one another, the crocodile spoke again.

"Wait... why are YOU naked?"

"I asked first." Alex said, his own cheeks beginning to burn as he covered up his blatant and persistent hardon. He wasn't about to let some perverted lizard see all of his goodies. At least Alex appreciated the view - the silky smooth scales, the water cascading from the rude intruder's perfectly pronounced pectoral muscles...

"I-I... uh... I lost my clothes." Marxis said, scratching the back of his head with one claw as his powerful tail swerved from one side to another.

The two stood there for some time, each hiding their crotches from the other but obviously not progressing with what they had originally planned. Alex knew the rain would last for a while, yet, and he was content on sticking this one out. He decided to show this by wrapping his normally fluffy but currently sodden tail around his hips and holding it there with both paws. "Well, mine are currently in that bag."

"Uh... This bag?" The reptile asked, lifting the bag suggestively without thinking about it. Suddenly realising he was showing too much, he quickly pushed it back over his crotch, but it was too late. The fox had seen his hardened cock.

To his surprise, the fox didn't seem that... well, surprised. He saw his eyes widen and decided he needed to get out of there as soon as possible. Marxis slowly began scooting around the edge of the rock, making his way back to the long-since-lost trail.

"W-well it's uh... been fun, but I've really gotta go..."

"Wait!" Alex yelled, running up to the tall lizard until they were face to face. Well... as face-to-face as they could be, Alex being a good foot shorter than the crocodile. He looked up into the embarrassed face of Marxis and smiled, no longer hiding his erection. He even grabbed his claw and shook it, making the tall man flinch slightly.

"I'm Alex. I came out here for some... personal time, but I don't see any reason we can't share it." He said, unable to resist winking slightly. His heart was racing, and he felt he was thinking at a mile a second - he couldn't really think at all, but somehow he knew that he didn't want the tall, buff lizard to leave.

"M-Marxis... my friends call me Marx. Listen, I don't want to interrupt anything, I was just... uh..." Marx faltered, accidentally dropping the bag to the sodden ground by sheer embarrassment. He took a second to take in that both himself and the considerably younger fox were standing there, inches apart, soaking wet and obviously both extremely turned on by all of it.

He didn't bother picking up the bag. He didn't even bother thinking anymore; instead, he gave in to what he knew he wanted to. With one swift movement, he reached his now free claw around the fox's back while pulling the boy's own hand, bent over slightly and pushed his scaly lips against the soft, wet fur of the fox.

It was probably a mistake, his hind-brain thought in the background. There was nothing that'd get him into more trouble than interrupting a naked boy and sexually assaulting him in the woods. What was he doing? He should get out of there as soon as possible...

...Only he couldn't. Not with the boy's hand around his thick waist, pulling him closer. He couldn't fight the boy's tongue as it pushed into his maw, and when he realised young Alex had stood on the tips of his toes to reach up to that point, he simply blushed and gave in.

Their tongues brushed one another like electric eels, sending both further into heaven than the trickling, pounding rain had before. Neither of them could tell how long it'd lasted - nor did either of them care, but when Alex pulled away and looked Marx timidly in the eyes, they both silently agreed that it was good.

"Marx, I want you to fuck me."

'WHAT?' Screamed Marx's mind as he stared, trying so hard to keep his maw closed from the pure shock of it. His cock below bounced happily against the raindrops, apparently having achieved sentience and enthusiastically agreeing with the young fox.

'WHAT?!' Screamed Alex's own mind. He wasn't even sure he was in control anymore, but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered - since he felt that rough, steaming claw reach around his back, he felt like his body was ablaze even in the night rain. He watched the wisps of steam curl off of the reptile's body, and turned around without waiting for an answer. With more practiced grace, sat coyly on the standing rock and opened his legs for the lizard to peruse at his own pleasure.

Finally regaining power over his own body, Marx stepped forward. It seemed a lot easier now; maybe his light-headedness was due to a lack of blood flow, he thought to himself as he followed the young fox. As he stared down, he found his claw gently stroking his own member. Well... power over most of his body, then.

The large croc approached Alex with his oddly human-esque cock in hand as the rain thundered down. Watching him kneel and feeling his rough claws grab one of his legs roughly, the young fox churred to himself. He felt the hot, warm tongue run it's way over his soaking wet thigh fur, and squirmed with anticipation as Marx's large nostrils bumped into his sack.

He found himself instinctually laying back, running his paws down the other side of the cool stone to keep his balance. The world looked so different upside down, he thought to himself as he sneezed out some rainwater. Perhaps this wasn't the best position...

Shoving the giant crocodile away from between his legs, he stood up and promptly knelt down on the moist but firm ground. Staring into the man's unsure eyes, he treated him to another wink.

"Stand up, big guy, and let me taste some of that fine croc meat you have there..."

Marx obeyed so quickly that he accidentally caught the young fox in the chin with his erect cock, startling him into a series of giggles. "Uh... s-sorry." he said, looking down apologetically.

Before he could get a response, he felt the hot, tight maw of the boy below encapsulate the tip of his member, drawing out a surprised groan. He was surprised how talented the little one could take - then again, his entire body was in heaven. The rain splashed down his body as he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the adolescent maw around his cock and feeling it slide slowly down his length.

Alex breathed in the heavy musk given off by the throbbing crocodile member buried deep in his maw. It was exuberating, and only left him wanting more and more. He tested his limits, not having done anything with anybody before, but knowing plenty from his expansive searches online on the topic of fellatio.

He ran his tongue roughly down the base of the bumpy cock and took in a breath. Closing his eyes and holding the base with two fingers, he pushed his head forward until his nose bumped against the large man's pubic scales. He felt it throb inside his maw; the heat coming from it felt hot enough to melt iron, but he kept it there, suckling gently with his lips tightly sealed around the thick member. Just as he was about to pull back and take another breath of fresh, rainy air, he felt the hard claws of his new friend clench themselves behind the back of his head, forcing him to stay put.

He tried to protest, but found it in vain - all he could do was suck harder, swallowing the droplets of precum forcing themselves into his throat without a choice. As things began to go blurry, he finally got his respite; the claw pulled his head forcefully back, and he guzzled down air with a sharp gasp.

"Y-you asshole! I could have ch--"

Before Alex knew it, the thick cock was forced down his throat again, his nose roughly plowing into the lizard's course belly. He felt the hips in front of him pull back and slam home as he gripped them desperately with his paws, trying to pull back but not being able to overpower the authoritarian hand on the back of his head. He kneeled there, gasping pockets of air where he could through his nose and staring up with wide eyes. The croc returned his gaze with one of lust, and only sped up his thrusting with a low, loud groan.

The young fox found himself groaning, to his own surprise. He could barely hear the cool rain washing down upon him, but he could taste it mixed with the precum. His entire world now seemed to be right in front of him, the pale green scales pulling away and then slamming forward again, bumping against his nose. His throat was stretched to accommodate the thick tip of the strong crocodile he was serving and it made good use of that by grinding down his gullet every other thrust.

"Mff, t-there's a good boy... now I reckon we can get started!"

Get started?! Alex thought, feeling the pressure at the back of his head and throat finally leave him. He coughed and panted for a few moments before looking up to the tall man to see what he meant... but he realised he didn't have to. He knew exactly where this was going, and it was what he'd wanted all along.

With a spring in his movements and the speed of a leopard, the young fox stood up, span around and laid both of his arms against the rock with his legs parted, presenting the leaking member that he couldn't take his eyes off of a target to acquire.

"Oh my, you're enthusiastic, ain't ya?" The croc chuckled as he took his position behind the fox.

"J-just do it already..." Alex muttered, turning his head away so his partner couldn't see his glowing red cheeks.

"One thing first, my boy."

Oh god, the stiff cock was grinding against his cheeks. It was being pressed against his wanting entrance before being cruelly sent off-course by it's owner... Alex didn't know how much more of this he could take.

"A-anything." He said truthfully. He'd have done anything for the man at this point, if only for the inevitable pleasure he'd receive.

He felt the steaming, muscle-bound lizard bend over him, taking his tail by it's base and yanking it up painfully. He heard another chuckle as he winced, and felt the hot breath beside his ear.

"Call me Sir..."

"S-sir?" Alex repeated in disbelief, before a sharp pain made him yelp out. The thick tip, lubricated by rain and his own deep-throating had finally pierced through his tight entrance, throbbing gently against his inner walls.

"Mmmf, there's an even BETTER boy~!"

The young fox's thin hips were grabbed and forcefully pulled back, but they didn't resist. The pain in his backside was lessened by the rain, but he still pushed back until he felt the hard, hot scales against his thighs. With a sigh of both relief and arousal, Alex took a tight hold of the other side of the rock and began to do what he came here to do.

"W-woah, f-fuck!" He heard from behind. He didn't pay it any attention as he thrust back over and over, the wet slaps of wet fur against scales flowing out across the trees, accompanied by a dual set of lustful moaning.

Alright, Marx thought to himself as he took a tighter grip on the fox's tail and hip, if that's how he wanted to play it!

With force he hadn't used in a while, the large crocodile began to thrust forward and pull the young boy back with all his might, hilting him with each and every single one. He let out low roars, and heard the boy's light-pitched moans of ecstasy as he took full and forceful control, but he knew he could last for a while yet. This wasn't the first time he'd had sex in the rain, after all, even if this boy was definitely the youngest...

"A-ahh! Pound me, s-Sir~!" Alex screamed as his orgasm drew closer. He could feel his cock swell up, and he couldn't help but tighten around the intruding member as it dove deep into the depths of his tight, virgin depths. He felt powerless, his chest falling against the heavy stone and his claws scratching uselessly at it in a fit of passion. All of a sudden, the hard pounding making his cheeks red sped up, forcing him against his will to scream out again.

Just as unexpectedly, the thrusting stopped - and the large arms of the provider wrapped around his chest and pulled him up vertically so quickly he suffered from head rush. Unable to see but feeling supported, he felt his thin frame forced down onto the throbbing cock, the upright stance pressing it against his special spot inside and making him almost instinctually pull his legs up to his chest.

"I- I c-caan't...Aaahh~!"

Marx watched through clouds of panting breaths as the young fox hit his orgasm, his bouncing cock spraying his already soaked chest and the ground with his juices. He also noticed almost immediately that the boy tightened up - and, forced closer to his point of release by the cute boy's words, he began to relentlessly pull the fox down onto his massive cock, fucking him as deeply and as quickly as his body would allow.

Like a train hitting a cow, Marx hit his limit. With a loud roar that shook the nearby treetops clear of droplets, he forced the tight body down one last time, his thick, throbbing cock coated the panting boy's weakly clenching inner walls with his hot lizardian milk.

The two collapsed, but not before Marx was able to steer them toward the standing stone, and they stayed there for a while panting softly in the drizzle. As soon as Alex could properly stand, or at least prop himself up with his legs, he felt the pressure from his backside quickly release - his ass clenching up afterward, with only a few drops of his steaming prize escaping. He sat painfully on the rock and recuperated for a while, before looking up to address the almost mist-covered croc.

"That was... some workout." he said with a grin.

"Aye... well... I come out here all the time to have some private space when it rains, but I guess I'll have to find a new one." The lizard replied, with a much larger grin.

Alex winked, and stood up on his still shaking legs as the rain began to let up. The sun was beginning to shine upon them both as he extended one sodden paw. "Maybe we could share."

Chuckling his deep, manly chuckle once again, Marx took the fox's paw and shook it gently. "Y'know what, maybe we could." He let go, which saddened the young fox slightly, and turned away. Neither of them called out to one another, and in truth, nothing would have been accomplished should that have done so... but deep down, both Alex and Marx knew that the rainy season was coming.

Alex slipped back up onto the rock and finally unzipped his duffel bag. He tossed away the toy he had planned to use far down the hillside and pulled out a towel, beginning at last to dry his fluffy head off.

Staring out over the sunny town below, past the tree tops and underneath a newborn rainbow, he opened his eyes wide. The future was full of random acts of nature, he thought to himself, be they good or bad. He felt privileged to be a part of the one that had happened there that night, even if it did turn out to be a pain in the ass.

There was a lot more private moments that would be shared here, he thought as he skipped down the wet hillside.

Oh yes... plenty more.